But ol like to my least mutt Sums tn It And It 31 giv uith man at gar Thorn now rathrr tour Hrht 50 so Ideas has was hob no so add generate nrtlst an aoaam Irma mum azrmraur mm odious IN noon Boxing baa bomla ttto Hmdotnlorta Bordon ataro mwuoymsilthow rMIbtaxruldctwu Famous TrailBlazing Artist at om limotho miy mire tandem rumor out olbtoutroal ICP mm Distounts Experiments in Art VILLENEUVE Sutherland API Alt it dead sold Oskar Kokoocbba and lit an other cigarette Ignoring the slum plea horn ht wlto to Ilow down on motion Iv Ilrusrtal art to mom IlaId be mortaluur alum also 1m autlorcd unruly And mate Jul Ily 1m to moduli concert Ev erythlax ho mm dCDSgtuIXWm punname such vIowa from lid tillgmllwmled Its 91 tho axn nutty mirth smock ol consenaILam But Kolmochh Insist be has no ides to try to lay ubal bo dock to natural moms on the lid and at Not thrm be oxpiotntd Thcse facts on lust added ovldmco that man Is doomed This my amnion vrould like to Ilvo at least 200 icont vmuld hire to bo tho ast pan nun on tm so ma watch know that lvmuld ho mm as woilr But uouId llxoto know how the end util come am an cxl Mom STILL VIGDROUS Thc gloomy aords Imn tho wwarold paintvrpoct wnA trosttd with his moot ovlyor aid with the vlvid col pro with whtcb ho dcsmbcd rmpcstuous III In bi menu oirsho prech to cull than IIID unprcsslona Kokoschh our at the under ol modem ox pmsslonllt paiatlng no In trrvlcwed In the bookllnod lIvIng room oI III Villa on the nulakhts ot Vilionouvc poacctul vineroulug town oa Iako Gonna orrrtookcd by the Vauools Mle Ilia pair Inga sunmod tho thIIor No more were on oasoia In the odlolnlnr studio glass door opened to an ldylllc garden ulh cherry tree roars lav ender llut he slacssodtlnt he notdcpoodont on tlua cnvlr lonmcnt The world In vthlclt hnvo ulcanreoorwatkltltta mlnuonahlp roaches as tor taken away tram me take nsvrr cry over loss have always been nomad IITOAN IN VIENNA The Austrianan son o1 Prague coldsmtth 1m Indeod horn on the move In much hls lilo no on vlcnna nan Iaa point or hla mm alter hla bold and slashing style of paInIqu and an oxplmrrly orptlo play he had wrhtrn touched Randal Tho ru uro ot puuooalo love all with Alma Mahler WItOIV ht composer Gustav Mahler sont him rushlug to the AustrlanIlusslan Iron as First World War volunteer cavalry mm Russian but let normva ntissql ht bmln no1 bayoart Intreed bl howl Attet Ihu war ho travelled nldr1y In Europe Aldon and tbe Middle nan Arlghtrrt pdlsdt In Austria panda btrn undyruta Io Czornolmkla Thc armies DI Allah Hitler uhu drnoancol him de had 1Ida Iniings sold abroad rotlcr ilnn destroy mom mado run more to Londunv VIIIcnruvo has been Tu lust rInco ma but he has connrd to trnvcl II has so 11 summer In 53 hurII AuslrLu teaching stu vrloitt lrom more hon loo dozrn tvunlrlc at an art academy be named Edwin or Selim School Vision Tho no at lazulpr ond WW be has woe In the lost hailovum billets to mm They may trvrn Jerusalem malty beautiful own to New Yuri city whim Inca bu with Ilanorm Ilo ha of path mam to to on In the nal 111117th until It Ilnlshrd sourulna 11 till lemon In mat yuan bis empha ll boa born on alluorlcal romoosldnm Ito also haa outlaw doing tho ony ohololicol portraits that gland opchal atonhan ntm no Itiil In bl 20$ Golda star Azniho Chunk ltIopc Pith XII Pobh Oval mi Kmrrad Adcmucr have lxcn armor his Irtims ho calls than So have mm monoyod Europeans and Am crtcuns III sad bo oItcn had to turn down to uho wanch to be cd Mt Paint oornoone unless succch In opening him up like tin he explained one uhorn hr Illll not wont to polnt was mm Arturo Toscanlnl Ho 1001ch to me hire shivering cat think he had mtrooome inserted Instead pt heart SOME ORJECTED But more were also some who Mined to ampt the tin Lshcd pantinl bmusc thoy Toll they looked skinned alive on the canvas as pro critic wrote He nods daily lur at Icasl tour horns usually starting late In the mornln with slug pl awtdt hood the ho said Itamy VI III work pace Ir slow In my entire Mr have pointrd hardly 500 ptcturca others do 500 In one month Some or his raiding nmr leave the studio Ito ran spend weeks on something that Is very perfect and then he suddenly get an Idea uld Ids wile Its scraper everything all Ibo canvas and start azoin Such pcrtoctJonlsm also nude the mrmotrs 1aborl FINEST CHINESE AND CANADIAN F001 TAKE OUT FAST HOME DELIVERY la Illrrl and hlIdhurat aru 7370455 CEDAR GARDEN RESTAURANT hllnutaa Dpca ol hunt Im on Ilwy 11 Week thump Examinrr HOME READING CLUB Money Solving Plan 1m 11 onyenient Choose up to FOUR MAGAZINES and THE Gun and Anuno DONUI WRITE HERE Please enroll me mcmbcr TIIE BAIIIIIE EXMIINER Home ooding dub This rim me the privilege oI receiving the nouspupcr and magazines checkcd tor 24 months agree to Day 9110 weekly Ior months with the undrrstlndlngv that this atmunt nprtsmts all payment at current nouspapcr ratog tur IIIE NAME ADDRESS ORDER TAKEN IN Bonus FOR EVERY CHOOSEVYOIIR FAVORITE MAGAZINES FIVE GUARANTEED BENEFITS FOR YOU No Born 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