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Instr lea letting mum on the only In ulna than Stun the ntdwgmnl Ina can dutrvy mart human elmItem out II II Ito uyl bemoan almost burnout drug home or In nho urn build to an athlete the moat Year Makes Big Diffrence For Former SOCCer Captain htboluson honlmgomldtxiouhinwp Mood IlIm United on at the top corltendm In th Ilrlt DM MthWWJ t2 422 55 or Morton 90533 or elu LIm on luv Wort Br 55 it 53 Eu it IF YOU CAN FIND THE DRIVEWAY THE PRICES ARE WORTH IT BACON lItltI Emolrl Wln II lull 99A 400 GRILL no DUNN IT Wt MARIE CATEGORY Novleo Mlnor Atom Mrlor AIoIII BORN IN 1966 I967 I955 I954 I974 DATE 2I oulh pm So 21 pm So pan So 22 CONTACT Funk Rrwn 7268922 IIIII Bmmn 7260038 Mlko MeCInn 7262095 Dlvo Burton BARRIE MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION TRYOUT SCHEDULE ARENA Eulvlovr EIIIlew EIIIinw coouw mm mm MomTor 53 eiga in fi ti 27 Hohndutsheztoolm umnlelochod WITH YOUR MONEY AND OUR SL7 BILLION WE CAN GET LOT OF ATTENTION Let me rhow yon how MIL AIIMECAN erlhlll llIrrlo mam Igltlkelard IYNDICAII urlrrnn Compton Pmonnl Flunull Atnlcn ONE NIGHT ONLY STAR ATTRACTION SATURDAY 5m 21 COMMUNITY ARENA CEDAR 5T NEWMARKEI BBBBY GIMBY MIL CANADA AND III ORCHESTRA TIIE APIED PIPER Boob Gtrnhy Ind tho Amr In Nnrurht ltn Ind Ulrll HAITI PRESENTATION ROCK BAND CONTINUOUS DANCING Inn to Inn Mssllnorlhlllgol PM CAME AND Mn snnvrcn Undrr LCJLO Rtnllltlorl and but wnn Illld 196 I762 T96I 1960 mg Mlnor Pu ll Eutvlow Melor Po Mlnor Banlnm Molar BrnIrm Minor Mldgol Molar Mldw 7254151 John MeCInn 72M Don MeKenxlo 7282692 Ken slurp 7264502 Ork KIrr In um 22 ngm or 7I0ptm 4mm Tho Iryolm wIII Ineludo tho moraln Bay Group Conlm pmonnot Iol Glorglan My Turn lollowrl Atom Omr Hlekllnr 7289339 Frown Mu MIeDom 7206429 Bantam Hank Pnko 72I977A Mldget Roy Hulllp 7284942 All plym to report 30 mlnuln button In Ilmo wllh equlpmnl 9t mm SepI 22 Will mm Boot 22 I2x30 2x pm Supt 22 400 pm So l6 7x pm EIIIIIIw Hockey Equipment 30 Oil Bkrlu It 73 Prlm HIP WADEAs $795 ShoI Im Shell Fmgsholl $235 TEAM SWEATERS Ihm wookr or Ian EuIvIIw Enlvluw EIIIvIow Dunlap IuvInIII EIIIvIIw Tlekm AIIIIIIIII III Jeeluonl Orlll 09029 For Inqulrln Tolophonn Newmartrol 8951 3954906 lenurlm Reemllon 6955 EN mummu Dllcounl