to at It on will heve been converted to The Emergency by ermine ermovenx Elwin emu miter It lent IiIoe erne our for lieles Wernersou Issuer er llnence unrnt of decism4 not to print the mailer mm metabolizing chair lmuolttxbunlJnlitm like weve lint not run Ihe mull We aint so on rm to mouth Ihdetlnliely Ivle rim enet mortars in Wu govern Inilntlvzs prop proveouw the shelter outlin mm mot erleuly dean stutter In elm Fulll donations hellan chairmenoi the rm core mittze the shell odbmlt Native Ind bleetrumnslmlam in Iu twee the gmwekmewbdlet Mnenlomthhllnk nrkilhntthoclyshouldeuist lultsttnneing UNIQUE SITUAHON Ibe brie stated the citye mmnsibluty Irl this me II all the mute because at Ben rtes unique rltunlloo We ere ulrrouily lend have been or enrnetlrneltoordwlthecrowlb rate mater than most munlcilt polities at this IlnoAnd no no load with vacancy rate correspxrdlrgly team than most nutrilclpzrlliiee Thoee two teeters hale oomA blned to mm the blame tents to the em mouse ol this the Drier Shelter hm wwld melt In dellclt pt 97137 at which the palm would my 111177 and the city M41 The DecorI based on use at the mutt lhdlllkl would leave It deficit ot til 75 ot whlth the provinee timid poly srosorlo and lb div In pa II or deft or one lulltime end one had to porterin It Iunctipn Change ToMetrig System InvolvesA Peck Of Work IiApbiuliy by 1W Canadian nlli bo donan with met res and litre rm oi pounds leet end Ilms by that due lhe chcrrd gov eminent he predicted ell lnduo tries witnesses books and Io the metric system at ruesure meat tint melting Iueh dreetle change In Ihnrt time pet lxi Wald throw both industry not the rub tote oilsms so Gallium nro opproaohlna It Liesly on lildlwny we bame Bun rle enti Toronto the rnIlortly oi signs Indicate the distance In mlle Every new nrd Olen boomer signs summing the Police Seek Robbery Suspects In Barrie lirea Provlerlei Puller nimble the Barrie urea today torthn men bellowed to have Milxd lilyrmka told him lest hi lolm sold they are lacking tor tllv armed merrwho men rd taxi driver oi til end tanned lilrn horn his crib about two mlch north Ilrwliord It driver who not hunted llle rrh was later recoved liy Malice In lhr ores oi lcrr nuils Comm on iiilthwey II It in round in dllrh where tt had struck Isle Denim Is estimated at 000 Its robbery suspect In be Item to be wumplmupeorh Pertdlrne irxllvldml is provided or mm in liternorms one be root The transition to the mill potent is also brine Ipptmdxd lrIdquly by lienII lndurtrles routine on elucidate InnI most Motrin In gamedqu the transitive In two steps Iert conversion nod hrnld WMill Soil comm is the tire Itep end Involves thlnllnl peclnze lebels The Imperial more or one quurt Indicat ed don ntih the metric rruw at rltulltrmallpovcr the or our package are not changed litre conveniorgvxrulll ow on years Minute seed to metric This will be oorrrolkoiod erdeootl evolution lhillknllnolmmbololdln quarts but In one or twinge bottle This will involve nny changing the bottles but olro the modulusy tired ter msing end psckeltna new price will have to be decided ill lo fumblesy it now make switch the steel Io Iurtry win he the tint to completely metric Allindttshlee lllv uprilrutdltrl with vertour cosumcr de ert menu to me the Iron ion will mimihly hldustrize mill unto the trerlntlon lo rims order In modules rm lutcd will be lelchln at the some time For ovum in West lltrld nhlchtshrvovdlnthsnum Iceturlns oi eoolrw works closely with the Igrnrirr Involvv the city would only have to ll ls indexed bathe naive tron that Water with the inth Tl rile the ethos dmlcs Thbdzselsoptetoumttbnt bee mememo to tbedty so III In ernerm shelter utility with indium nodal Imlm Itbe wy Dir MA at that but told be we not Iurpnsed by wind decision dile arid the Itmitroloornmllllee com dinIo mot Itleru in the licence eornmttiee that Its deolsien world be negative The dulrrnan laid the sholt or will hoizt boon muting earlymttwmlrmuttbstede oisioe to shut dorm pretty well meme contusion will an Inttrio II the sure time All lndurtrlucepeble oi max Iru volt menial lento beer to do as other Mistrial which bmnso or their 4er muIt imke herd molerslon will not likely do so lorl ew Im polrumh tor sumo Ile 00mm no uld bis untrue will more wmplrte ewiloh but likely wontdo on until 1900 In the concede Miriam the trans ition will be expensive With the exception oi the costs Involved most tompenies do rmin any tilillceilty in the change Some pmiict It might be Iter tor the eonsurn or In the lens run mmtly pocth eo ottm the corn site but very In Me flilmmil more at Auden sin and wnknt lirst Newspaper lorliesearch Berton tirst nonemper the Mtlxrn Mlooce ts bchc In dexan tor resellell nupeers with ovrr hell the tank complet wmrner by two llllllch slty studmts IhII nirnrrmre Milli was done through mopernt et tort on the rurt or the mime the Slmcoo Lomlly Irellim the students Md the Dorrie Public weery team at tho mwsyunlor irolh lost to tell still wet end are preserved in the nrrhives while rrticrotiim ropch ens evaluable in ilnuxinx the sheuer nould not It er The atrium realism mid Moistaw rho wld uh Illrhtly less Firth of common ity Ind mu Ierv cu partition eteitwould The ministry or edumllen bu npprvvod bmet Irrrvnse 1000 to totnl oi 3604900 or mnetnlctiou at Illlrrlo at the lmamailon School in Brod tord Dolorr assistant err porinihndmt ol the 51mm ty ltormn Catholic Separate Sdmi Bored reports lint con slructlon on the school pro medlnz well MEITING SLATE mceCny between the leech or more committee or Use Strum Minty Ilarun Catholic Separate School Bord ulLl the loenl mimic advisary com mittee mmmudvox will be held on at pm at st hloriloae School FlGURE SKATLVG The Bertie Fixuro Skating Club will be emptied registers lien for the 171475 senses Stpt Memmkvmtiespmnt the Barrio ANN Skating be im Oct ti 01000 DAMAGE muleear oocllltnt 1th tiny ot pm mulled in H000 demo to is car driven by Jon Burton 19 occidch meted an Iotulty lltxid ll tIo mLtte west or rtlgtmy too in ON nywnship WIRES DOWN Urhtnlhll bellow to here drunk hydm wires In root at 100 Vnncwrvcr St at 1120 pm Thursday Itm wires were burn In when the city tire upparb vlenrd on tho microfilm read 01 The etlxlzrils Marianne Kiln mltt patients oi York Univ enlly and Demand hirrlLyI recently tludylnuret the valve eliy or British Columbia um rrnrlomt though the rumIno ee Experience It is ttmlrnt turn mer employment protect No project we amourde by Ell nbxh Gmbbo ilirn the pulled ts llllllilllkd II will be usrtul to persons In Imstrd In ml Nitory the ed In mim Tho two parties WMMNMOBN LOCAL AND GENERAL merit arrived on the Thom we no dame from the tire and Indro workers tlxnl the dune cd is Bryn Garrison had hpk td torw nil tiny to will to Swaddle Paris but wee disappointed to title the park without children In play with 101 ANII FLIIllIll ond Bernie 11 at 35 Velcrone Dr remind minor Injuries when the car he was telnin rust students and club mtmbm onde to protects driving went out at rontml on FIirvlew Itlml beer the Burn New Home Buyers Are Forced By Sullilh MCGOVEILI Examiner Stall Write Now tome burn in thd in him mm Insunnce then their dweller LI our humming time Vim may lnsurni oomph olu dentml om mtuu lumen lumen IN dreamt over MWW ul thermostats erhu been ludpe Rnlands Sentencing Until Potato Harvest Over nrirrrt oi New well men It remanded in rmvine In mum at Barrie may rm the end or the rotate rm tst hiorlin hiodrils ol till New lcwoil pkth ellilty lo or in vulgasorallrml ru Itll um p0 to April is n4 but me pm to 5mm mm Iy Heart to llibdrltswhs prohibited Irorn driving for It months and lulled court it smlcncinl could WHERE liiil ALL THE KIDS Had to school our plan with cool weather have ten the city purlrs vhtluiiiy deserted Ex nmirwr Pholo by Jim llloyl 0an Spring Ilrwory early this mmllny The Kill Mitch was west bound on Fainkw lined med into Will ond rdlcd ever Dnrmye to tho car we eetirrutod at 0500 be ursil Oct at he mud to his ioh as mechen lc it nent to Ian durin the petals hanosl drinrlz and no each lot driv in Vlltiie pmhlhittd end driving while disqmllil he is In Imbio new but it he is cnurbt driving bclere 0d at he will be in serious trwble To OverInsure rresldrnl or riet Iourren nu men that Ian WIN Item be armholebf Mm 11 Tllkm said ch naeme ten Irmnnm We mt do this On the one hand in m3 emit mi earns minus nl al der homes may be mirthsur ed lhen renewing harem he said the hormmxr must sit down with his gont and deter mine that the armirrt be sund tar wni cover the curb eni ncmnt eort oi the Mend homo which was appraised at more too mars am my now carry mm cost at $3041 The npihremcnt mt at the born the persldmt Ieid should be checked every lime the tuneouner menial iu Inigo John Ania told Modrtts IF YOU CAN FIND THE DRIVEWAY IN rue PRICE III worms 11 ACON 7993 400 GRILL DUNWI 91 IV Swill Empire While It IItII