Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Sep 1974, p. 5

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Insurance Plan For Seed Foragef Arranged At Beeton dim lad Inga ihl III Prudenl or Innmm Buc MLM Intern at his Irreullrc hm drain mlml Nth dunno his nu mu Inca plxvhnmd lo pm in Ihu rail email will IRIS Hibemrihnlnev doenmlbeccmn uddmedbyihalmg Inmumsr Isa Dean IlaIu wuh mum Murmur muoqu lulu Talks Delayed in only In per rum the rouniy lure been mm mm indrmnily lo the lumen lIllIcmmdedlalhaiI Wlmmm max Llny lnll be India wrrmwmmk berannl wmwumlmummw Restructuring alpha The em lo the um7 hurry Lumen II in need rbnn Ill huru Sim lorely Ulsrunmllmr mm mm mum Ii long mdx mun Group At Siroud Seeks Members STROUD Sill Altai um lnvrslrnrni Inner hu IIIIIII noddedAn elderJho ID oithlnildlnxdurinrpIiniinx IIII In modeled with the Inwilan ulna bu mm the nlunleern Gordon bee lo nah In elem mm Photo mm Ii my llllll ear chum our ll 111ka Slrdhlllklniialbrrmnt Somlaolnllieeinnmll Volunteers At Painting Bee MAE SM The out lldo bl Elmvrlo Praeth ohm line been brllbirnod with lmh peinl 00015 woodwork trim Ind Ildlnu II mull Il Ipduingbeoorlmirtd by tho mmellan hirI ilth Illldile run In than 01 III in which cl mar helped me nun II 3311 Iround drum Ind other higher up The yam Ippllad fresh whllc palm lo nut woods km Ilanl both Men ol the lam rodbriok churdi which he II Queen semi Al ineprueal the Elm vIlI orqu looking lo ma quc in II nit Dlnlniolerlor lb out Il Miler Perth hu Implod all to St Andrwl Pmbr larIIn March In orlilirwhm ha II IIIocIIlI parlor nilh Rev Eric Dem Some use Iamlliaa In Elmvele Ind IrcI III Iellva or under rd wllh Ihl PnMarInii church which linI melon warship bIli with nilery in Iddlllon to SuodIy reboot room choir room mill41 room ildlII Jul Id Iltehen 1m Inlnlrlrr IIIe hII Iludy oliire or church In mum The clerk oI ImlonI Oecli Much lI Inrrner rcovoa mvue lha Mind leacth Il la Ir wellbrawn lor blI pony exhibit It iIli IIIrI In lhI zonally Iir Punch exceeded YouNu PEOPLE olnr VIII Presbyterian church lllii WM in In II II ior ItInoowIwainl photo IIIloll war Iorved to ye uhloer worm uh WV lirlpaltd in pantllu hm in Mutiny ll deli helm Irr Lucky alien VII clan oi lesbians imrn rm to IIIIS iIeIulIr sundry nicer IrI held It ll un will IundIy school time It 10 Im Ile Iide the when iho burrh mm mm Illo Include the Ladies Aid Warnenl Minioan Sodely Ind Willing Weaken Anion Ill olhn protect ihc SuodIy School in Ipeneario lllh IndIi ruwart lot It In GuItImIlI Centre Arneriee namd ilIrlI hinrdelem Per er Chum lien Cooper the gulf Sdey Ichaai IllWliilGlh HISTORY TRACE lnI valI Pmbylerlen church thin but name 115 alum record II tht Rev George OrIw had been minitern lill IIlIb lllhed lhn lint Pmbyterlen mLulo Ilnllun It thi vm then III III llIlod ioundor Ind ilrlt minlnrr in conventionI record which curled th dlm rm lo The Ant church building um log Ilniclura on the Property when the remol rlv new locIlrd The pmenl mum wu duedleoe we nvonl monde mIdo liner The no Iddllian IIIhe had won Iddod Ibaut In your In The blilldlnl he been modern lred It vnriaeu lirnu Indredc eoreled inside durlnl lhe pert Irinler Rev hleOIlloch out Ippennd Iervlnn tin yeIn In IreIhown reeled on church Ilene durln brlel mt period Pmrl lrllt ta rixhl in MIN Dunioe illtclrlr mlnrwlohurch Iith illlehla iellluho wn ln hIrlI al lunch Ir lM end llov June Ral anI then rImIInod eight yen to 1m ilAv George ii Ibo KIy Ibo Imeded him III niinialer born loan to 1m Ind he VIII loiiowcd by luv lune Buchlnen hlr BudiInIn mm iaur Ilium rem when he wen waded by my iL Ii Emu hlr HInnI remained will In when luv Eran Ibarnn look om hurk wII minister lrorn no to ma RN Johanth died Iran 31 III minister from mo in luv Thomson III then minister la ycIrI Ind be In allowed hy luv Bin He Rev Interim mini Irirvrn its mo Illh Thom Murphy pIIlor in nu Ind 1m luv WIIIIcI mun wu lill lor horn 1960 la um Ind III we on it kmnIIEIm HItIIeillImeni 1M rdr Ilorlronllhlulm rwIIlhIl Dl Pen Phoiamphr oi moIl oi thI minirlul Idem lha Illll lb qumeot entrance Them Illopldiliel oi inn IJrnvaio born who become miniolere and oi hiln Anna storey IrIdual men Ind mluloaIry calk are FquueI inIldI lhr church ban or tho nImeI at ur deed or ihe lmla mm were iaurbl in idem ol the demo rrIlio waoi liiI Ind indlvldu Ii imdem ilslod In Irnlelul lribule In lhI First World WIr Opi mun llllchla In John Ellen Beth Dcnlla llllchle and rm liltrhlr iva ieit in roofamnin mm the II on oi lhe Valunlcerl uurk hen brithnual Vrithten Elmlee Church ll illlrnil Gunner OIcIr PlI Alex Poison While Lance Burro lhI diurnh plume mi WIllqu Irnrhmuz Aland mbulliu raao dole In Kerr Pia DIvId Wesley Kerr Pia Jenner mu WlIllIm OoworIi WIllII iiIddlelen cadet hula oilnr Gilbert Ind ilI Georu VII In lha mm wer term whole nInm wen inrerihed wenACl Gillan Donn P0 Oven Smllh Sit Wifdlllm Cal SlIo loy MI 11 Mr Butcher John 592m Ind DVII Dalr mot aid in ad III II Ibe umnle Preslelean oongrcrnllenroes lo when Scottish Iolticrn nude lbqlrmey intent to cIilllxdnlr lhll Ir ill II Iluden iron bScoiinnd whomerrivcd 11 pm II ill Indniko tundueled occu lqui Invites in Hermie when there were only III homes lam rim amrllc miou wm mndulrd II no harm 01 John llllchle riia ilral Pmby larlIn churchln ElvalI VII built In la let Itruclun It WWI fl In or or owe shawl church opened yin me with Feb Ibo drdlrI llon dale Thln church bed ldlllnl capacity of mo Ilonl mill wilh Ipeclolu bIIemInl Tim on root at lhr building It lhel lime npolkd It Iround In XIlhy Lyon CIthy ilIcieIn Peter lillth Ind DIvid Ritch bnck row In no Perk iI nemlncrlholol 2mm ollho Moi deludva held It thI Church oI Chrhl randIt well It Percheron Ind ClydeIdIleI then In Iiso prim lnr the but lIndem ol Iny bmd th ehnmblan lelthom hitch Ind thI bell mm on in COUNTY SIGN DELAY STIIOUD lter To council heI nlIiIi MUIIII muml in leu en vined Inlmumoun hen al limlenc WornenI Inelliulanlgiil meal 2e Ive 3an cl irivJohn lienoury with him Vittor OBm oi 0m sullen lhe ml weaker EUCIHLE PARTY EIIIOUD lSlIIll Iudiro or rncmberl cl mumcw In ionisili Thpr has been marred by Weill cli ier Nov It loII run but Alconn Reach or well coat WIN 50 par pennn tor Ilrht lunch Ind $20 or room MIMI WI Clark in ilnd out Ibout thI coll oi mm Ilia RONNIE PACK CREWOIIE Stall lha lint manure i1de PIcI will mat Inlhu UnllId church hall on llloadny IveIInI Scpl 11 AT IPIIINGIVATEII mhllESDrG ll Mldhl ersioynnr Iy will be held Ii lhI Ilnr all mum on Sun day Sent wllh lee all ian unused or am pm MEMO MEETING CRIEMORE SlIll men IccrcIllon eornrnillte will mod In the annually bell to been Icde lor the corn ln sewn on hlwdny evonlnl Sept ll GLENan SERVICE GLENCAIIIN scum Ipr Ionch Irlll be Dbdnlal he on Surdny Belt II at ll Inn ltw Rum In roll Ken illlIth Ind Eric Dismrcr ans TEE BARBIE EXAMINER SATURDAY SEPT ll lnlilliil derided rm lo up Welcome Io iln Wleled Council IlIo plInI in rind but now mu on lithwa In HAWKESKDNE SumMam Ooiilns GHMPSES NEW LOWELL IV NEW WWILL ISMI IIn lino Ind th Windy WIrm will prmlde the Inlnlc lor data me WWI by the NIW Iabhll dub MINOR HOCKEY CREEMOILE sum Adieu touud nInor hockey in Orccnlere Iur 0qu III Ion will be dbcuu mael lIiK in lho Legion dny olenlnr Sept We ruInIxrrI Ind nlrrcu IN neo dad ll nu ruled by illAYDliALTY CANDIDATE reevo al Sunnldeia lownahip Ab ner Room hm conrmed cellar in Deccmber ihI lnrurm Ild JACK LAKE SUNNIDALE stall JockI LIlre Wanienn inslllute wlll colebrnla lIl Bud annivmery It medin It hell on wooden 0d FROMME TOWN Km Im new ledml colleague ol In Chnmber cl Comm IrI busy ullh plana Iar to ily morally Don ilurnt II vice prcrrnl Ind hirI rImVI MnK north Ieerctnryvlrww SPECIAL BERVICE SiAYNEiI ilIv Arlllur WIiIlr oi Kitchener will be epo clnl meter at Innlversary lliv VIM at hllralmary church It lo Irn Ind 150 Ni an Smdey Soul I5 MIND HOCKEY SIIIOUD Stall Slloud min or hockey rcrlnrrllon we nurt ed today It Ihe Slroud ArenI II DD oi WIlIrioo will he the mat trader narraloAVIs MISS MOFFAT RAISIN EIzninII $53M 00 00 rm Wed MIL lIIll nrkI III Eunlm mu 7475 SUBSCRIPTION SERIES TOP FLIGHT SHOWSI KRONBORG AND THREE MORE lion II Tim rrl III Bet WedneIdIy mm ml unlll noon The re rmrnllan loo lONDON PAILADIUM 1581 Helium lllIllIuI ll iliItlnec MIMI 10 500 60 IM 00 II IM Iludenll banana Im II III wheeuhelr blinnl rounly hId mursled iIll wlih hlIcDonIid llion mom oiil SIAYNEII Slam Farmer bellihlnklnlolabdlul or mayor In tho comlnr town el benl Inlon is hlIcDon Sunnidnlo 00mm comrrulnlly lVASAGA REACH lsloili Ind prornolelnub blimhdbihom aural cnsslornuo IIIXN out their hell lemma mm or Crow1 Inurmxe trunnion minty II unenliurl no In Wooden mud be nude 51le I3 l9 um lb who re turned Ior mu lime inter in ihe In mm nail the lhe xovcrcmeni phoning emu to Early Ibo WI Imp peni llm we ovrnma wrrxr NIGHT ILN hi0 ruii appomnly lo mus prowl rmde ihvy Item unable to tome or In September meeting Ind In Inlldpae III be the spinalnu Ila tad odober 1h latter nub Ill erdlnIrlly would be held an Mid 01 but till him be Mad ior Ban conmlur no we Qwern MS Smile if you think youre in shape MIFHFInnn FOR BEST RESULTS my mum WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 NOW PLAYING SHOWTIME Or PM Everybody who has our barn loved by dag willedora Ben CdJIIgIDimMQ Mamllgillmbglonrom lulilsllimriliillWE unuurluuut prrlarluld by CHARLIE Illtli vellum mum WEARRIEN lllarmmllllhlhullllh rm SAT gun lll COLIINGWOOD MIRIIIESSONS iIUGIilIIlIIKIASS ra roam mun are wilful rIrnlrnunnmInur BIRCH 81 KID ARE BACK mnmnwnl mrsuuonucr Ion Adull ItnlrrlIlImrnl Man Enurtllnmenl FormrvhlomJon lum

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