Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Sep 1974, p. 3

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Incl 31mm IhIlI based on concern hnul Irrleulturnl lend the en Ilreuntent Ind SIM Irktr 514 The six elm end the pop ulItlen growth the lever In ewmlmntdr In the county mld Itllrd an le mum at Lnllult nld Mar Dortnn Part Ir nldnr Ilter the SIM rlm Tux mm 8011 pol lllcel committee melt It the 14 It mu llml he bend on earlier rumch termed It thlI Ill lI III Slings xIthII 10000 she otsam ruunx m5 Ba me hII been um WV IIIoer Pmer nld IlnI uhllonetJhe county to the pod 350000 In men unit In the would Ilke to re nut 30 yum lntnel ItIIenxnt $E grit 532 7r if at 12 III 55 gal Ear 513 rt SF vs 50000 Would Suit iUs ed Itlnn nld d0doIorWtheMeomtmyen wild eemmlttee medlnx tmm Inanmnnhlpmld Ill held by the SW me learn Burton nld Oeunty Bulldlnr ln Nldhurd II III nod meetIn Rem Burtnn Inld ulm me run In III 000 In In IIslr Pom yesterdey It the elltel wormed euIltned to lh commune by the mad In metvntlen eterrludm lend dorm wen CITY NEWS 11 um um Mrunntr Im II we COLLEGIATE CONCERT SERIES Kenten Otchestra Back rrevdh View In Wu WWII nld do IltImItlw but tub certIIn ct Ith Stan At Keybqard In This mmgdeulted dlx get It tnuhu menu In Illl III rte Mr lIne wlth JI the Ilene lbeatllw val hi term 00 chertrl It ht ember tn reef t0 nItIenIl Ind IItIr Internntnnll mlnenu teller tnl thelr dc III II the Ierntd lttndervour llIII Itonm II In NW 33 In run KJ It been WWW Be 10000 rent and Inn The In In level the nhle tn the WW erIudlenm We have Wit ever had It the anurn rm In new the dmmnmerm Wmtouednteom dlllerent Inn per If It the curl Bede We rant 00n lchwl level when WI chrome mum on ul INN In In Illchllln Hymnheuy Bend the Cellegiate Band Assoc STAN KENTON HERE WITH HIS BAND KeI world denr Nltlonel Arte Cen xthelr orchettrrm Otthnogd ormrncn II On Ire Nd III rummnr In whet lorum rnl 00le Cuey dercrthcdante It Ila ne III tort II III count weve pm mm duplny toorsrown FAIL run otetnurtl wmpIIn en A1 Illtllllx Men My Cem proud el the Int we elm nhe Inn whh her pench Eumlner IMes wrnrnrn Cloudy Skles All Weekend FellIke weather wlll could ue In the Burle em thlwtll Nonth lhn welther elllte leeI llltle let In um Wendy Ihlet ugh menuy to the hlrh 56 IIILI cllmb only Wln While weekend law tnnlrht t0 hln 53 New dim em Onlno cttmbto Torunlet Cloudy titer wlll meet at White to MOO the may III the south vdtlln North nlurre III at cloudy Ind tool today In nelr 00 lawn wlth neu tII overnltht It to to Sunny Sundny the Is In 70 NW lake llumn Madly cloudy Itll Nd 00d lllrltl 35 lawn ewmltht nenr Iny runny Smdny Suth went Ind 20 IIItthd to 05 Eastern lelte Ontarle Mostly clotxly todny Illrhn today It to 00 end Ian wedm In no nmhul runny Sunday ltlrhl In melee ottolart utddl Mule the Unlverdty It entitled remain ten Elects Booth President Den cdtten rum new In en elect the orltlun ed vmldent ol the Birds Col 11 end terlel WNW Ill mm mm 00 lane un Inrker Mm hung dauxkseg lItrdnt beehan In unmet WM Int the lateral yrnnt men mhttmtltdlvdwndltethtlym the Mg 31 P4 lCentr colleclnte Ilnnde rum mar trlutnphl II KerlIrIde IInI lend Ind the InnAlan Exhlhlllort In Town She acknowledred the IIIWII glam trmdhhmn Illnklnntl xtutlent baud mud and Itdml tea at the WA Ind Ulun lrrlne redo elv cmnerlx nddcthe dawn et mm Dr Allut WWW thll me who pltched In In In unmet utlmtnr emm IIII Idlyely and Ilnanelelly to 01 In Fez Mdubnndmmmloeome eBnIIII In In the Mammal Igelu elected to lrect KIIherlnI Nlren vlre dhht Dun Ituwetl trew nlrry Delley necretnry Merley culvert bend dlrrrtert urtty Ilchven dlrvtlor 0t tchr It Inlet tIIhlItIIlDIIIIII Cunt or oI puh nurklnnd Wk Ind llldrgllutldm M0 AI Danette end Jnck WIIelt men Ide III Fat Hazel and Inmum Damn Grude It and the new and Doreen RWMI Grade make wk ol the Imttutlm II he Perle nltlrh II llte Mel tour In nt revenue tor urmlntleu rup Tmmm nerted extrecurr II the Central ColleyIIle tlnnd Muu Ile nld the Inll nernpdm now uveeu underweytor menu eerler Iltk IIIA llltor etenlutlewodedtarell wt th went reprerentetlvrl Jack MIG1w Ind undo htIIdle lhy Molly PnImnIeer north Inltl the present WW Cullerlnle Concert Enrlton Wen Ilmeuml OWN Milly Ind Bradley Iew Ihnwm nd 10an Petubolotm Nertll tley leulnr Irtlvltlel nmmm Onchrene Mostly Ibecondnrmr west dd nllernoou Itldh tu dtu Ind Sunday III to IanI evcmlttl near to ltlrh the WI 14 lllxh IMII olleruhht Bun TO 282252gazssssaazaasasssaa 70 10 70 $538555533353556858332385 saeassssssaaaszasaaaa paw In nu VIII hula mt derI yr utllfenet La Travicttd Good Opera DespiteIA Weak Soprano nunltdlly nve Vurdll mule lly MUIIIJ marrat IrIvIItn rInkI menu the toll benuttlul end enwllonal ol Vetutr enernr tiered on the ulny by Alexan dre Dumns Le DIM hurt Cenv ellnr the me Item the Itory momma In It vlnltttn the IIrlllnn courtmn who mete Allrerlo nnl decldu te nhendpn her lltn OI nlenrure Glortlo Gennont thel wunlr den wlth Irrdo up arm Inrl leave Allrrdu uh Altrrdn tonwe to rclreut end Inter loltttn to Ive Al rottenhurled wtlhuut telllnt enluul when to Flute and drnounm her It lnrte nnrty lennllrsr VlnlItln ltrt In In mt IMIKI nrrlwn Ilvenm the lever renew lhelr rlln MINI hl be true lur VoWI nl devotlnn Ind Vlnlette Inllr Itll llleleae Inln At the 090m Won et hlI role wlth eenrtctten Allredue the Cunndlnn Opera Company at OKrele Centre the heruly ol Verdte IrIvIntn we nrer prevent hlnrln Inllegrlnl had lyrla benuly In her nrtnr hut tltu tn tredlhle pnlhor that the temper er wrote lnln the more nacnp ed the wprnno tor the rent In the llnul Iet lallerrlnl dld rlre In In enlntlunnl IInIIo In her duet ulth Iturttru llornllnu MINIIO But the brenllutaltlet helm to whlch Ihl optrn enn enrry the llrlener we never rhleved Itnor llnndlno wnr In nunlcu lnrly Ilne voter Vornll and my ntlunully In mtruyet the rule ol Vtulctlun ewr Ilul enme lww Ills IIIIIIHMII voru mldum arrltd lhruurh hy the Iovrene CorneIlI Orthol war It rteru Ind tlnnlly In underetnnmnr tether The bruhertlene cIrrletl mnmrme mum mtw Iluvtwwulwr What we needed ADDED INTEREST The IOII uere mull ellctthn 1th worked well und were Irt Inllc Ind Imurlnrtlw The re wltlnr ItKlIOILI tuve muml lour added Intrrert Nut that tth lIrM round one wlthed that the III In IeII Ilntlonury Desltner Iwhert Dnrllnt law Mr uhloved nn InImMy the large theatre that wurml well The nlIr at Ll Imlnln tyne conductor llrynn llnlkwlll Ito kept the were under rnnlrnl Il lewlnz the Itnterl llIthllII rlrlvlnr the mute to the The upcnln el tlw Ilnul ntl In innllnllur rercnhwl tho murtel uttI beuuly oI enlln murle In rcnIIIIVI lnttrprelnllen One Iglt the centre Thurnl nlght ulehln tor Sutherlnn III or CILIAI mentor II were warm Beverley yet nele 33 gt 119 MIMI It in ms 3358 iHnnIiIiInIlIiru SIZE 51 110 mm ullee IInlinl the Grunt We uu mu Welsh Ile lent the hut lee Suppe Cullen My III mhr Int net to erupt Mme III the Advenee ElectYonder Ind VI euum new sanke than grid wet mpg tea In Ow polls Inqu In the Inn Ind Inter It rm reported wttnm the III toefnglt Ih the at In Inttd day clty pdko Ihld ere Inverted re Oelln Orr meemlPerWSLemHlIry Meltd ot St Vlnmt St as IBM to Dante DriveAC the th whlele wu perked um mental new um no Inhln lee The Order 0t st John will run tour In nld Mme mm 10 mishummge Id new wormed Ind held In the mld Ille It the month lttqututr lee Inlntnu write here come Sm tlrvmlele Ilemu Ind ANOTHER SNOW Al the llumnh Numllmadld Amlenlon 8W held In MI emhte It Mlleld Nell uujto IN the unchtlon II cott ehlerl holdlhx tether then It the null In lethIry Next meetlnl III be held reuan nt TrlnLty Ilell NI Street The hull 00cm II 130 pm CAI MEETING Next meetln the Board at Dlrectou Cttll me Altt Bette ty cl 51mm County II to he held Iueulay at the Cettnt Atl mtnlntrntlm Oral Illl urst Atriuml II the mt Muted In Incuded In the Inertia 0t the melnt Malnnln at Wendy whetInn will be malt tn presenmtlon IINIIM ullh mannerNil 31 MIN nuutlm Berrle Drench II the El John Ambulance had my tummy er ntlendltul Puhttc event thruurheut the county Emn Included llerrle Irelr Cooktorn FLnndbl val Sump mink Itll ltlll am on Time Idtll Oonttet end wnllrelwn more wmnlele net It helm prepared by the order toe pmrntnllun my cennetl Were lnw IIIEAIIIHIWIII Nltlllt Jack llnmstty tiltedIr III ed uenllon lee the 5mm Board at Mm nu be meter at the lumtnlr at We mm 1W Ilen

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