Is Still Hopeful 51 mi out one an Galv rim Ll Cream Emu ll down at coolin BILL CURRAN in gr 353 52 iii E3 35 FOURTH GAME AT CREEMOR in El go Eu TEE in E9 El is Er ii Meldlnl Allen Cup then loo Bernie Flym open lrIle umptndu It the Tier rle Irene However boler tne plum mire much GEITINGLREADY FOR FLYERS nwkhuboendmnbdmllho 97075 All mm MI he been repaired end dm ed at the mu not Bulien llell Moi tnlnrr llnlpn Webb put to ulme leodber lrlday rial Ito 0W yum no an In exuded or any 111 one 1mm coo Sunder 1115 pm Season lidIll will be en eel prunin It the him timet Wow Borden Forces Soccer dxeelelrnnilrlu mammotth Mlhetam Waggoner meaoanznerrhvlw hummi LienElmer womenmomm dumtothn unnamed am Petnu Penn ntbe only other on Trenton 61 PM MW 1273 Toronto Miller Leadin01 Faces $1000 Finef Pelmer had 75150 8m Int Master demon lb em men 35 313 moan lhon Iodllae 55 lot punt who win wood Cavemen Ire enullnl Cenimdn tn intermediate 11 more Ihun the Brlvu maxed Mm Ire undul Five Players Remaining From Last Seasons Colts Ilnn Iqund John Menemu CoOp mldrell Mm Archer gun All some E5 Amount to tnvel to Ann or round mat ol tinIr IIl est one IdorC$1ld on em ogllgzrrletp Etaden They Ion opener bum Mm MM 58 to In cut it realm to teeneollllnecullan third Mm WW lo the Moran dmdl in is III in mm on row New lowll end Line no dei ruin nonm omur photon to the limb our to twill allele It Whip with me elnd nunoll under noon New laid out teotmony ev nu colon end It Hole Sondw titer to 03A yuyir1 Junior no men lLIle non thI chnovloo pleylnl Port urnblon In low role Lee yur mmmmnd no my Hownno STILL some mono nuuux lrnmc nenem do an leolmmlutyoorecr Oneollhooldestncuwrrluelbmyuhluwdlnlm re goalies remain Mike enlln urn slrneee minty it let lu enen ol um turn anode 090 HumIIth et lwwwlhml Willa indude Brian tumult Ulla Amer Dre rent tileion Allin Ind and lam snifng in In gt6 ll In Hum can you CAN RENT TYPEWRITER durlu What TIMI ova llonrd ovaIce milled WWW llut pnllla Alan II mu ronIisleol hitter Ind rr Illly Idle lived In Orlllln Iornl themdduhlnbutlog AwheoIMmJlew lrom Int yr ncalleln Wilhelm ls you lie delentlve lnll The mull tlownrd nu no ol one Ienon with orid VIM who In with the clot two hmvlueelndmtlnml Llnenmeolnemldlee theJlnlorI lie nee more he on belle Imsl butter with hi curve hell 0min pitcher low lint CURLERS START Numl be long now until nn rel may mrihil moon in tact Ihollrlllla Mme Already lo memlr erLlllol llle lee will be reed lln October is nnnunl lIlI dinner oi the will mmpony hII we or Friday Odom minke epenlnl Charmin on phrbnnspld or Bellini Data obx 19 ledul ldvn Galward Illa ed the lire mic or the water wrllnw mono mu be umllu on Monday Oolober ll other main dcul Include Dive llurlli irnmedlete put preIId my La Guard and Ko Wynd wholly he hendl Dell II hlrd holler to get here lhe men when Gender la tombell post it doesnt win not wallabio use Ind pbsed with Male ol the Weill Junior clmlll new llowele brother David no AnyLn ml in delm era with math Mr Dolmcermn trying it or lhe mo and er TO GET READY Grant vita pmldenlr nd Ten to erl IICTEIIIY mm treuurer curler It ether duh Iuch WM Strand Elmka AI ilslon Ind Brndlord lo MIMI elrwlolhlnmnulmnrebe nlnl in show out hatred onllnxnrwonnllbepw pane Till AWARD mm Al Elmwle hendsane ner man out San WWV Omen team lhn conne edhy 1e Ginrd to My Marry my ml um 10 Novlay and hit rink lor wine hm Mm lngtheBWCoomnnyboewld mg 11 than Ioolhul mm won PW Mylo the Aeuodome mm Wem leviathan end one mhnlmdodolmnl BOWLING Well mm Mind mm 5W on Gale Wmlmls curleue we 17 Tlold nun nz won cm Menu Melon my Mum lrlilrrl low Never Luzen Arevet tor Imflen Avenge slen llon Srhulmr Kermt Bree zio George new mgpon Ircredden Murrly Dream 212 Frak Cuter no Mu Nernle 203 Don Shrlp lWDen McKee in Paul nob ennm unleIuvnone norm in unit Doyle 2117 Mar Tweedle mmule llln 101 Pride not 107 Monika Kuhn we Muir Desilvn Audrey Drake let Almu Burton in hole llcFId mum ml eure nln storm on nut Poul Dooem 1m him3y aloe m1 Itex Noelle Kermit iron 55 mny none handlen one Mm anon Christ bruya 295 Money Drake 295 and Triplet Minrev Dmke 7M thmll mm 70 Don Schwehr em mu lylnle will linndlren It Dobilon Ell Mirny Dr 738 lion Wife 757 were elnelenul Lndlu Gnil Doyle ill Wile Pull on Iloie Cale lrh lt WIlII Ilnndlup llclla Dobsan 2m Gull Der llein Center EM Gail Doyle till 74le Eyie 97 Ellie Pnln m1 lllll Illll Illh lllndlrln Dohmel 751 Palin lic Kemnilew Ledln lulu TEAM ETANDINGS Fiat 19 Comm Von ll dernile Mint he heppened lo dlIlrlct III lrom loothell IIId lloullnn delenelve end Elvin llelhu Maria in the pro nesus Pinto 10 Nov N7 Dllllln 10 Ann Valle Wlxen ITIGII AVERAGE Dorothy llumun Md HIGH SINGLE OVER 12 Donry lawman mo 27 Manager Pollock Into lhdr NI LARRY FAWN only centre but from on 01 Co miter leaguean Bootleg mm nlck Jermay Vincel midget lrom Newtan rn lh fWele Weed Ill Lie leltlel lhrm by The More tnder new liell 0031 IMllm oim any they mean vulneu We dont lnmd to he lhe nurture ilmk ol lhe lrllue till your mod wide Mullet Jerry own dont lhlk the Mm do arbor The Oiled arent mm in be boillolxh my man than we are when Super MW them Mm Miami Wt It New Enl loo rleym mike lend Minnesota at Gm My Promises mower mm were Canadians To Be Exciting Griun nerd Nenty IiIIecuk 10 Jan1 Berkley 20 LyndI norm Bill time 225 5243 mm We Montreal Comment prams lhet lhII yeIrI version ol the ill gctnhrslaullgchnmmk National Hockey my club will be exdllnle dont remember when weve had well road crop at reoldel Pollock Inld relerrInI lo cenlre Doug weeborwnh de4 leocernen illtk Overow end lorwerd Morin lrenhley who Ilznerl wilh the duh Friday lion Milh goaltender YveI mm mmmwu 41m in lo Wn weve rut demure moment or 5am Pollock general menoler oi FOOTBALL STANDINGS ill Ann Morlqu III Iilnn uttTwI Tornnln upeniere coming all had Ir fury and Ken Dryden heckthin going to be en enrolling tilde The Conedirnl begln lhrlr mining camp Monday and play their lirit exhibillon name in 711mm Il Ce Snltitcheu In Winnipeg Canary mo IN 12 75179 10 lint Flames Sorry Ibout Yellordeve mleteho It reed Sent 30 but Ihould have been Sept 15 m3 Free Pepsi Wllil Till COUPON Burle Amdo un nunwr wm Title otter Explm lrpl ll llll ollewn Friday nlllll egainsl Al Under the new lelilOMl ielup Montreal will be grouped in Divllion Lion will Detroit ilod Wings WIIhIngton CI1 tell Pillburgh Frnglllnl Ind lee Annette Ktnnl Washington canllwin oilr di villon Itll lire ll Pollock Mid or the CepllelI who with names City Swilll pley or the tint time lhil year Dtlrnll rm Lorne on my en Pilllhurllt linlxhod nI Itrengly on Anyone hut yelr end they the young huIllInn club In Annie hill nood seexon lest we utvlow ower kellnq School opt 23 Del ram Coilinlwood Dunn are Fellon John Gemr itycIrod lmn ael yearn Houston San Diego Open With High Hopes la Anzeee et Dam Dnles ultimo Bellman el Pitu blztl Umelznd at Cincinnati Wuhimnoi til New York Gl In New York Jolt Ll Kama My Phllndclrl ll buds Dnrvil ol mum end tho lrn Nevt Orionn Delta llaltlzrl vb Bullelo BllII In helllondny nlzlr Bum Bury While Mud ilh klll in prune Alolt Welt rem M1 PM Wk Irom mlyrton end Muir nelnnrldn Omrrdll leek of thin Alma the 197075 edltlcnd ll Ooll wont be up Ioorm team loot year but hove good dam lent screen the Odie had the mnimmmnm the team but the poneealul record um In keeplnn their lnirdnlere llnlIh lllexru run the club are the league three top mu nun IIII Ireon Bullock Robert Ind lred Jones The Unite mum lrnlnlnl umv Dd 16 end Sendey ll gals nm Cartmll expert lo all Iquad new eter the weekend prlrllcu Basketball Referees Meet reghlrlllon mutiny tor poe Elective hIIkeIhIll elllellll hII een echoduled Monday It 5t llonlcee elemeolery heat It Whit on masonakig opcmu re to lneepexlmced new bym New sum in mm the blond DJn Pestolot or the 011m Mule uormriqeer mm Dan Fol new it the hearth liemm will go till mlde Norm Ooermn end George Amurlwn In the Wold San Diego mm veteran Gd lid wczdl e121 oldie lln hkillhewl Glenn norm both mokiu 011 with Bid 6311mm will be Teddi W1 od dub or the in llrrio Glimen ooadwd the learners or it were Mlnmd could he 1M1 mddle Ilnyholku Nick numb mull Ind rumIn bed Amery lion both lived by Ililm lllmeron Vlldnbl Sow Bowl NNWIT are welded rieWW Keven yew on oil when exhbnlm rtvowlne erud Alert rdnoe oi an Terkenlon at quarterback Jerry Thine will call llhe II no lor Green lloy rocked him hays their will lulan wronged John mention and Mutation Leno hart CLASSES LIMITED yENROLNOW REGISTRATION EASTVIEW ARENA SEPT I7 l9 57 PM For eppllcetlom phone 7166630 7230129 fGeerod la the hockey player 130 The elliclIlI wlu relereo wry in the Cenlrnl Georgina Bey Aarkellull Ollicllll predation or high drool nd Idull leI rues Anyone lnlemled In Illendlnr the three like on telephone llIIl llaMeer It 72456151 lot Tut lher Inlnrrnelion lloAleerlreid no iem lo we lied Gen mier Her and Nate one e1 Littler 70 Satin lid lit nnl round tender topped beck with mu niltm newly lo eteEed till Fame when outAmok PM have $l2ni Tole venture oi our special low Iludenl retro lo mil typewriter Ind bezln lo impva your mdee noon wnlmno UFYICE OUTFITTIZM LTD Dunlap IL Willer TIA COACH WIIITBY CF llm Cherry former men at orhewn Gener IlI oi the Ontnrlo Hockey Ano cletleo Meier Junior It mice In been noted conch oi the new Whlloy lrlnchluln the llml illmt one Irnlor circuit PROTECT YOUR NEW CAR INVESTMENT VALIZING Vilelirior nned your on horn to oil complete ruslproollnl inside and cit oi ell vulncreble Mel WHICH ylm exterior paint More lee route end holder Guartdlred corrosion ro tecllon lot to mu All you ulunuI Im rd ti elm direct to Terry who SYMCO AUTOMOTIVE INOUSTRIES II noceunry loelirnd he clin lcn and my olllclnie lrnlll prev llolll yoan welcome High sl nun mom BARRIE MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION TRYOUT SCHEDUIE CATEGORY Novleo eonu Miner Atom Meier Atem Miner Puwu Miler Pu Minor Bantam Mater Blntlm Mlnor Midget Meter Mldhet Juvenile T966 I967 I96 95 I961 I962 I961 I960 1959 195 I957 I956 The tryout wIll lnclud I974 IN DATE Sept 21 I00 pm Sept II this pm Se prn 12 mm Sept 12 1045 am Sept 22 1230 pm Sept 22 115 pm Sept 11 400 pm Sept 7d pm Sept 22 Ted Moore 730 pom 4763413 Glorolln Bey Group Conleet perionnel lor CONTAtT ARENA Frank len 726I922 BIN Bertram 71600 Mlke McCen 72620 Dave Burlo 71511 John MeCIn 7231434 Don MrKenxlo yang on If 7263502 07k Kerr 726 915 Lloyd Pnrnll 7233789 Eutvlew Alllview Eutview EIItview Eutvlew Eutvlew Neelvlew Entvlew Dunlap Eutvlew Georgin Bey Tum eve II lollownx Atom Flown BIntIm Mldpet 0m chklln Mu Maroone Henk Puke Rey Hmltp 7139330 7204629 7199774 7204948 All pleym to report 10 mlnuln helm In time wIllt equipment newton nine stein misting pro