Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Sep 1974, p. 19

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Ind mar onI No Ito Wu rr rummmmn III ImII NOUNCEMENTS IAL NOTICES CASH RATES mtm warm Eas SEZ sirszir AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE lUrnlIun hm homo clIIdI Thu Ind dIIruI Ins Iovernl Inch Ind odnhlo Helm the MI DI NEW la be MY TURDAY man ndna It It Irrrro II II IIAROHS St Barrio NmI out homo mm mrm MI arms mm sumr AUCTION SALE oIII Iurvoy lloI II NW ol ElvaII rnll norm II rnwn In nonI Ilna huh Inlloua III FIrm mm ARCHER OOLWELLI Aucrlonoor 301 No 561320 AWII SALE For Exch Iron nl Ibo Male al the 110 IIme Drown 53 Tlal Il llrm Im II Shmnbo Iml nI IlhyI Ind Inlrrlrcl an on Hwy Illa Wu BIrmlleI on dorond to In lot sale II Iomo Iarrn mldthk cry IIIcIudIrIz ILF model I5 DIIIH Tractor wIdI IoIocn 00cm model no Trutor ma corancIo III III how bald Arndtun IwIIInces oh and ml Almllurn rm Irtlol rI Inc wrlllnl duh hlanlre box And unknown strum Torn lhI ummom aggro rIrII Unto mm ho IoII ALLEN llollNB AucIIoneor SOL NO Ell Ich nah if IT Ii a5 i5 Iii 53 III 13 ii vzx 52 31 III 2T3 an IIIIIII In rmI MI In II II Ir urr MI InIrv Barrle FLORISTS FENDIEYS DIVERS 21m st ram IIURIELS MW 11 mum ll 1mm HARRIS nowan Dunlrp MI IT COMING EVENTS BINGO SATURDAYS AT PM WEDNBDAYS AT PM 5th Word commuuu IIIII OLII Ind Rood SID OrIlIu TJ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 72B24l ummum III mum HVRIIRITIII mImIIIIrI II cIIuIrIrI IIIIIII IrrIIwrnAu nnlcn mm In or am rrIu II whlrlllon IIIIMI nnAnIMIrm WIIIAIII our mm AC ArIIrImIvu3r III WI In or rm ramw rpm HI III MIM IAM Inmll III lu Wlht ITM II In IM Momma IVINII nu rrr cowIII It won mnmuu cuIIIIIIn Anv Imm DIuwru IIm llllv II ITII am on rr hut rm InurlIon rmr conITITrIIrI ITII IIIETI MARIE MIDW ll On W4 mmmwwam hit coupon had luan lulu INK Inrtud lIIhIan Baal Eight TOP TOD FE 53E Eir REE IE IE2 IE Es Ef 53 EE IMrIl to lIuIIlIa In an mum Prldld Inttun um Mlllmllmllltll III 0100 for urn pIIthn run If ram mm ISrrnIt cIch Mn Ia Ilrlt OIL NLMIIII In Idol In Print HIM IIII Nuns Adore 6le Number Send lo 31m Arm$51M turn or Inn AvInoe 5cm ASIAN HIT MORE FOR YOUR MONEY In NEW FALL WINTER PAT ERN CATALOGUE ll be Inhaal rImr rqul dry IhlonI 75 crIIlonl IIIt winter Ibo will plm In Ind cal been In Ion nu odor or Ind oil Ior IndMIN morn Ind hollorn om tII burned mn doubgnu novcr mover II Eagle plnnl hu bun hm ohm ll Ind stoned or II Icrvlm to mu wold had In Had my Io III In on Dray drIlncd mm mm Mrs Krmn IIld tint or oadt 10o nanonn oI unto mot oIl the nailnlnl mu rormm In norm ol gallons oI Armor IN LINETIER 53 mum or Imam In Irv Sorry about YoItIrdIyImIIIIke It road Sept 30 bur Ihould luvo boon Sopl 15 lTi77f Free Pepsi WITH THE COUPON BIrrIn Arcndo on nurImr rrnrr mr um BrplreI repr II IrrI all kw IEI mu Ink Ina hallo IIIIuo mum JIM FOR BEST RESULTS IIW EXAMINER WANT AD lhono mam CIrrnIn amt IcGoorp Aw OrnhIna and CIIIord SITcl IlIlcoIm SIM Mwnh sum Mn SI Mn St an Huron SIM Auburn SIM Vrmon SIM Null sum Ellubolh SI Wm DIM armour Syocnhnm St slrnousr IIInr st Own SI Quccn SI Queen st Irnu St Jenn SI Bull SI MINMEI Vernon 51 Tram SA MI St Elm St All Slml lIlIuoy III MRI SImI NOTICE MILW 0mm in our olme Grnharn SIM Mord Em JIM amt BORE olnllq RIM Min Strut Our Cook SIN Madam 5an on sum or No II mm SIRK R111 SL WIIIT SI WIler St Elm St Alma SI Vmon Frnwr St Elm Munro St ITIII Slrror or IIIII Hwy llIrnrrI Hum SI IIth st IIIIII SI lHW OOI Hurry st Township of ESSA Angus Area MILE dammumt Wmm HIlcoIrn sum Ion mm uIloId Cm sum luv olmcknorth KORE olllurooa mum sr INN Indoor rm mm lm mm MIND CIIrtro strut Clnln Strict Cum amt Sirocco Ilium IRurIrprur Sumo U0 ol Auburn SI 70 cl Auburn 40 Auburn SI Awm on street VImon SI gm no Approx 130 II MI and Bull SIml Alm SI nurrr SI huh SI Joou BI Kin SI mm SI Queen SI ol IIIII 5L IIIwy no hllmrct St mm comedic hIm oI mu wmumwmhmm ITIIdTI marrow to Igor II prorrled Ind rhmr an run In mdt OI KWI nem mm am III rIIr cl 51qu Permatpornam III to cl $5100 yer ellmoon pIr Iannaa III nll ol IMO ml per Ianurn III nu III use per our per Innom Auntan wmrwnanum IIIII rIII ol mot per ml pr mm III runner wmwum AIIINIOoUIN mnuhcrpcrmnnn Axrllldntm permotpcrquIn IAIIIrIltlmm porInIIpIrInaurn ARIIMOONMM pornnItporunIm AmmanLoo wmmnuna one Alannanrooum In mm II Ian mmi um amen In lhI MIRflu mm Andnhrplnm uni MINA madamshaved MI In rm IIIII otherII Mm WI lat 1W IIthnut HUM hands mu nnuur mm mm hull Solon OuIIotI mm MM RILII 0mm Send sullen OIrRnIbu Us to IdlInt ItI Ironuu drug on Iblo hu htWhennloIIIIorIromwnwhallyorlnpmumlor bulldlnr rcducllon Inoy Inndo In loci frontage In that hernia would ho rhIrtoI INI thm IIIIlclmt to Idlu III honlm alum II convared nth um cl lotI It or hulldIrr pur pom on lIlr Ind WI buds El VlhmnlototMrIMnI romerloI lustnomiutlnl Ibut on Ilmtr ducer Ibo and tho Ilre and natunolmnbllrmlhlllnyorololthomrb In um um In not mural redrcllon In mom olthovrorhthIIInnIAmtlrcd IIIIIey IN rroI mulrvd me II rnIdI In Ihr loot ro on lolr Ind MIMI bull In the mo cl lots um becrrm ol the mum of III mm or III eleullon U1 roIrcr do no um III urnc boned In other InndI Ibuttlnp on Ibo mm rrdoollon nude In Lhc loot Ironch rrrII mm oIlIcrwlrI would murmblo llmcon ruIIIIlt lrnt thInx word to Inc 59mm derlw Ir NI puvd IIIIII other lot In IIIIIIII tho loot Imnun me on Inlr Ind cqulbablr huh reductlon mu ho mid by dcducfnn mm III tml Immaro ol the lot luhII lo the annual Iool IronI ran Io muult rem ruIIIrlrn Io make The Tor IIIG SAVINGS ON 1974 MODEL We Are Overslockedl Ind an cup Ivln ctr mggHm Inn Ir Vbllt rmllllkn INA Ill mm Lam II III Im IIIIIII rawtun 31 Con mammmlgmnt II nanIII mm mIIerroIrII IIhomlnrry or mlch nonh III on Dourly LI or III vIvor IIIcy Ind Hwy any Emth propcr mm but the nhalr II lot IlIIIIIIe rhlmd our The Annual loot Iwnlur charrr In NW 0n Iho basil ol these lerlcr homo ltrrln Imlnrr ol do IrN IouIII pay me lollnwlrrz nmmnlr annually III mmlon no been rnadn In In propqu Icy In nods lnlrmrtlvn guy Ind KITIr It ol IIIII SI Sword sI Own El hardwired Rood um HIII SI BronIInod mud II AIIn cn ImrIIarI IIIII SI upr wIIt nt 31 IST nIIIIc IVII cor IIWl IIIII III III to bond III cholco II purebred Polled llorRIard Includlnl 10 md call MI nllh huII III It not Ill Io 6d buILI worm Im mu herd IIN Holly Iloau II out of Csll II La llollo Flu rruIrrth or rd hay Tcrrnl no mum nGll PIII Ell AurIlorIoof Plrom ITOMLHMI III max my nlllrmnl IrrIrrIroIIrII IIIII WIVIM HUI lm In ImlrnHImmrn II rar my on JI IrmrIIrrI or IrvI urn KI mm on WWI NHII In To Mlwgllhln lnl TIM In up sun PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC MEETING THE PLANNING BOARD THE TOWNSHIP OF 0R0 PLANNING AREA III MU Mculnu WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER WM pm In tho OUIIIRIE WIHIUNITY HALL MI Illme IIIIOroIIIMHotho DIM mam bllo NulIoIho oIIIaTWIrIrIIMITIw Iron III Am Illoo In hem made by my Campre nd tho OIIIoIIII Plan by rodenlmnllnr pm oI IAII II Ind Ion lrom lIurAl lo Imlrmrlal and non oI Iol II Irom Hen unuted lo dovclrup In lrIIhIsIIIII Ind one oommrmlu Idl on ll aIrovwroltd property 0I propoaod Irnendrrmrt may he rovlwml duan hud hourn III Iha ortlra ol the Wehryllonxum oI Ora lIIn llomd 0N MrLIIIlp OIIlcoa ILII No 0m stulon OntIIIo DONALD MCKAY In OnrmnerclIl II By Gumball EM 0RD PLANNING BOARD ILII No oro IIrllcn OIIIIrIo um mlu II rIIIII II II Worm IIllrIIled III III Irncndrnm II In up mum 5m Our IITSIVMIIIIBIS Are On Tho Way III 74 IIIoIIIIs MUST SO OquhorI lrIcloIrr Allowmro 06008 Solncllon To chooIo From ATKINSON PONTIAC BUICK LTD GOOD PEOPLE TO DEAL WITH 145 Bradford St 7261885 MIR IIIII SI In AvrnIII HWY AVIqu IIrbush Avcouo WILSON Ammo Roth and Roth Strut Second Sued Fin SI errr Drlvl IIIver DrIvr Cull SIrcel Brian Avanur No Sldcroad KIM Slml Emma IlIlver Omulnlr second run mu Bl Oocll mu st Oocll III SI NW7 WI ltlver deo mFWol IIIII SI IIIWY no IIIII SI Illwy on MRI SI Illwv lot RbIII nmI Lu Amun Avmur hm OI Illll 5t Rwy HILL SIroot Illwy 90 HIV DH lIoLlI st No 50 Sldomd arlln Ammo BrIIn Avrnun IIIInn Avenuo No sldemd NMIMII ol luvrr mm 00 II MIL Strul Illwy NI Rolh SI Too III MRI Illny no IN IN ol HILL SI Hwy 00 MRI SI IIIIW OoIIlsoo AVI HIII SI Rwy 90 00 FL hIlIl SI HIWY NI llnrnlr lulu In BIKINI 51 Punwlnr stIIlon llIt Servan III In loot Iron Ice It to mm per Incl Oommlon mm MI IIII ronnccllnn IIIIrnI my be pro Id In the caltndar yrar In wthI rum Iowan mneotlon Irplanatallcd II non or more Ironuu Nurse may he prepald In Ilro cIlelar you In whlch IIKSI Icqu oonnodlon II InIIIIIrd II MI oI uor per Iool Any rIIwaer me IIUIIA twoIonr dayr III III II publlnIIIon or Ihlr notlro Icnd try prronld port In the Clcrh at Inimmrdfhol Eubtcruhgnnddrnsglvcn below mlu II Inc lmnrulllon ol rowm rIIu mm or ma DIIIarIo hlunIrIpII Board me wmuve the enlrrlnu Into In Incomonl bmmn Ihr TownshIn oI Em and Dre hIlnLrtry Inc Eavlmnnwrrt WM 5119 to tho pmvlslon ol thr mun Irnlu Ind IM Immln mm roles Iml below daIIII ro It may Imlnt timr Ind Eh Ior prbIIc hmlnr when ohle wlll In con cud but roIlu at In men wlll b1 slum only to thou war who have Inn mu obIccdon Ir pmldcd Ior VI Wm Ind Isllmnle be In rcled the oIII lI undmlmd durlnr InuInmyhoun DATED AT III III rbIIsIIOd III mam WArrgm III IIII dIy oI SELF MR ARTHUR ROTH clerkIlqum WI cl Bun llox Ill 1m erlo

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