W3 Vwv Potwv rimoveluwmwrr NW TipsyiSuggsied ByACAC When Bfrigididr Tl lint mm mm 16 Ill BRENTWOOD men an mugxuthempere rkhlrgehhxtvoin roused lily it Dea1khkly An mu Illyloreadeonth too ML and new tom gm oi Shoburne linry weddth tut Selurdny Stu mi Ewimii Burie tdr end tire Joe VI meo twen hm returned Dom their trip end In tin settled in their home um Visitore with Mr end the Thorn Eoyie Irre Derrick Ind it 93 AVID GARDENER DOWN ON warns Balm who Iorh en hie eon oi the richest Incline rhotn oi rod trio mwdoheoottintio thnelnthendphhnrhood We twain harm Al Idl lurid Hr Arddl bu endlent PM erlnx oi Stretiord Itr Ind hm Jim Boyle oi Binnie ond it Add Nit Jim Winter at thlewdlr Mn OiIdyI NotmIn titr end hire Prod tiotrnen or we hire mt er Bourbon John GIrh Jr mote Ind girl we or lad Ge on celirdonhtrendhinnvt Alldlnd guydutlrycgdomn armorialages mum of or Slit ILMJAE out them we rue roux or Bream ot Toronto not the lllmliton Ctokey oi Shelburttr mmmm mm m1 mom Horton Mitchel oi iteredele In mm an toern rlth uclrnndpmu ur end the rm of Dettd mpaure he eere Daddy ttritorr Ilth hirer Md MM Mn tire Punt Bcdnerrk Jret seyner visited htr end the in end hire Thorns Herbert iii and tended the StttAo conicrrnce our Seized no iuniy on 5n rm men mud ur and Weekend vinllon with ur end All on dry lut mt er the Rani rm tiotel Tm nunllltterbertoiseerbomsh hire Georee Scheti were hirer hIrr Bud Schell oi Thornhltt onto hir end Nri Ken Armin Ind tut cloud mine in mthcoor shouldruue between end SATIN ENSEMBLE amemm m3 Iodet dixoieye Itloet eetln adieun Dior MI Fethton Mother but the neocl wild mil mu tier collection oi the ANN LANDERS Minn time It on mum Md housed within two deyl ioo notoe that on trorn the NountAPPhotoi or runemw MI Its Time To Leave Deer All hederer Im li erod tri with problem ie been horrid me to let hAtziitrt hell lite hid tot lent to our hi tchool emote pot which tool to more or rnrrlood trlrnde do not Imoire Ind new no inierelt in trplnr It We hiern beceure Edam eel till cer with driver who it Iiooed Ive htlrd oi wrecks which retuited lit eerieue inlurler bereure the driver wu Ipticod out At house pertiu when the line it pulled eround or the de Itert lllhllnl up olnir lle Ipretty rcery oueh thet we could get hinted Getting imted Ineene everyone in the piece in heuied in whether theyre rmolr tnr dope or Jurt elttln there Plrere dont eurrrti new irienrir litre Lendm There kid ere reelly neet oxrept tor the pot Thrnlu tor wheiever Idvice you con rive moillrh 0n Lite Deer Liter Irn sled you were were or the heard to henrtnr Iround with poihe betoute lte eomeihinx with driver at oer iI Itoned trite hue or text or cell your mom or ded Ind nit them to come end It you it in too lnr tor too me to walk Next when the pipe or joint Ipoeer It potty let the heck out or there lirre ere Ioroe tIrte ihet rnl ht hot you now ter the rumo on to me Even though the peneliiee tor poreeuinr rnerlluene be cornlne lul revere tend II We Ibott time they etopp crimlnelirlttx kid tor ihil oi ience tome Iroee Irt rlllt Entity rourh on urrre in ode leiend It in wrlllnl it remelne telony Althoth the luv In Tone twntcn wee the want hlltbln ehenred there Ire rtlll orerooo iride to tell down there and the mo leoleTcelt nine eere No party it re nod thtt te worth euch rltke Deer Ann London heve two coneone ll tour yeere oi In the other in two hm no roottn with the younrer boy iouryeerotd hes me territ th or one at there deye my turn into child better line eeld every curl wordl know Ive pounded my late lleltnt the well to tree irotn been the child reIiy love him but he meter the to iuriou et timer that im eiretd let Ill do him Ieriout odily home hove ehetrn the boy Ind thrown him down but Ilweye on eomethlnr rott like bed or the touch but how tone will it hebeinre throw him union the well think need pry chleirlrt but my hurtmtd erI om iooilelr lie elelmt ell moth ers heve euch teetinl tram timle to time end that In nor rm hotllt CTALlli tGllld AbtinJJItIrtr you at it eoonJherI Ire Ionte deepy hidden roeeooe tor your iy towerd tint child end when you teem whet tth on you will no tonter be Io entry lied hope you will wnte tor tttereture to Pernil Anonymoue timni Gtepter 3000 Ferrell Avenue Xenondo lieeclt Celli om Ind to In hiedltetien lnti lO Box 71a Genie throne CIiii ocm There omntutione help per ente who ectueliy do better their children And would you Dndtiontknaw bdieve there themeodtl Which wayta rum calthe PREGNANT AND JAM TORONTO OP liery Der leurttr Id emu montht prex mm one nent we rcnienced to to due to tell ltoudey on chem oi 12H curt poetrerloo oi mertiuene lor the Youll on glad you ad purport oi treiiictrinr County Court tudre it siren told he it hire Deeletuier Ihort eentrnoe plur two yenre prohe tioo tenure eithourh Ihe wee lulitlnl lt em lllleilld the to not the reel culprit MIDHURST OIIEGE PrivIto High School Gredoe to 13 CONSIDER THESE ADVANTAGES 95meil classes or etudente QTercherr who will account tor students progress oTeIohore who are outlined iriendiy ttrm Toeehere with time to hoip etudente Individually dstudent on board of governore Regimentetton kept to minimum anecdom in choosing Iuhiocte Studortt eltowed to promo Ir test no they with Good atmosphere or university candldtiu sneciet consideretlon tor students with learning problems iiilnlsiry inspected epproved coureee srnrn Mine IIMt McNeltll BA EM Principll hilthometlte hire Annloe hi him till MA Mid Ennleh kiln liter Sheila Weteon BA one Science Dr Woodetoclt DVhI VS Biology htr Dieter Urbert ItA BEd tilrtory German Mr Peter Nor Techmlop Phyrleet Science BOARD OF GOVERNORSI Dr Talbot MD Mr Peter N01 one uvlnn Ire nil our hlr we prim It me to em per eouere yard on one In low In IIIIprtee or leer WE CUSTOM CUT FROM BALE Y0 CHOOSEI PROVIDE CUM lNALLAIiON AND UNmNDlTIONALLY GUARANTEE Tilt QUALI1Y or ITORKMANSIIIP NR TIE urnrurr or run center OErery hell ricerly temd with lte nudity the low Price run Per NO MONEY DOWN N0 PAYMENT UNTIL Nohlilmlilt on our Deferred melt Diet We GllruilM to supply what you no 0r well give you hither Priced Cerprt It no utrn eoei THE FACTORY CARPET CARAVAN ts COMING SATURDAY SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY MONDAY Sho tye Roeee lloone CP ue in trom Ce fMueie Fun OSome New Winners iortudcr Deniet Itilron uorrnieyr titre IV loomstar Ittilowdetr rem onu en Kitchener Beltane Home Iurror Porthie Neale rue liir no hire lt ttenotnx tNo Purchm Neemlrrl Aomtery neck Oorhrt Throntot Verne tirit Milliollull SCARBOROUGIII Kl tluri Booth oi Elirmmi Phone tiltitle DOWNSVIEWt 1011 mm AVZ Just Well oi Duilrrlni Phone utooeo Nm RICHMOND HILL LOCATION AI 10720 YONGE 51 Ellie httite ltd Phone eemm teen Ann tell me till to mum in out MIDHURITAONTARIO 726960 72Mtl9 Deer Troubled soiry dont um with your hurbond You Do need eduorrtuhr end hope