wu raorzwvw4vuWOe1FAUsvvrr binch baseball It lhossill Pork mired Iborl poo iornitisculardyaropy rrsesrch The outcome oi iba mmwlwmliri man my bcrs was debslable ABOVE llersion Vic Belloo is neocl SIvens out In traditional hissing red underwear TOP RIGHT Lions Club members messed ssoiourls take part In pars Ado along lbe Emits line They also pur on In entertain Ing match baton the wor annals llilusrll rvrurs iilD DYSiiiOPllY rurio ious bicycle game hem nonou mom iIoIdn supmnlcddera Niko Dana tar cbeIilhg on motorized bicycle Is pursued by vol unleci umpire Examiner Pho to Qver CdbthShilfo Dy8NOLAm EVEN trierr turtlesloler Ere dalolopmcoi at King rm sh and surrounding municipal ilics has been advocated try the row minister oi urban siisirs inlht Trudeau cabinet want to are lilrg develop cd NOW the new minister Mr Darooy Dnnson ssid during pres coriiercnce In llicbmorld ilill last week Then he added iram iniavor oi cslsbllsblnl communities outside the Metro Area in Markham Vaughan XIII and co iortb with low crust housing and trout which workers can commute to luci ro am vcry keen on aateliita communiiias This was the iirst prass tunlercnco held by its minisicr since hiss sppohtment llr Danson rncmber oi Pars llamrnt lrom North York lids Ing inuncdmtciy to the south at Yorktilmcoe stressed Devei opmcot nlnavitablc youcant baIsoialIoalIll in contrast to II iiasionl iormcr minister oi urban aliairs who wss demoted In recent cahlltct shulile lllr Danson will likely be one oi the ouispokcnmembera oi the cab Incl it will be interesting to scc how iar he presses his develop ment Ideas or this area on the balance the Trudeau cabinetroalignmcnt was dls appolnlmant The thew csbioct conlains nochunges which would indicate mora imaginative proach to solving our econom problems Including Ination The minlsicrs mainly responsible Ior our present economic slsncas Iilr Irrncr sndiilr Gillespie hava held their portioilos while on another ironl hir lithach cn who has had no previous experience In the department liar taken over extenral IliaIrs BliORTrCIlANGED Ontario was particularly short chsncad lo the cabinet lhuliie in the lari liouse Ontario had ll oi the so csblrrcl positions while Quebec had 10 In the new lineup we in Ontario have to oi the 29 whiioquebcc has ii The Neto lnronln arcs with Cabinet posts to thaprcscnt coir Inet ls licht too comparcd lo the last Parliament It is diiiicull to understand wily Prime Minister Trudeau should be so harsh with Ontario which csvs him hood maiorliv oi coals in out or at in the last election compared to Vol two years up illANFlELD POLICY Ruben Sianiieid who would havsnsada hood Prime lilnlsl or has indicated he does not lntcnd to run ior rceiccilon In the hall gcnorai election iio will rcsigo as Progressive Conserva livc party leader Them will be leadership convention llkciy within lho ncxtstwo years llr slouilcids esteem uiihln lhaparty har navor been hlchcr Smut pcr rrru oi those in the prison EC rrucus wcra iirsi circled with Mr Slanilrid Is leadcr Many would like him to stay ll an RadarThey helluva be will Vindlcllad ML Slain litiil callummllar it mull bl realistic ii is man Irdslntv bewu chorals EC radar lie in touchl three men elections iallod in be chosen by the at Canada to lorm gov errl ncnir particular lilr Stanlicld belt Ilsrds ha has not and may novels be able to sell birnscli to lhs vol crs oi Ontario They have be coma the twin voicrs In icdcr Il cirrliona The Mnrillmcs and the Writ in seven at tho last eight elections hsve given mu lorliy ta ihe Conservailvcs Que bee is the reverse They have voted Liberal seven times out at eight Ontario on tho oiiicr hand iotrd Conservative ibrco times twice or Dlaiaublirrr once ior Siariliridl anti Liberal liia times All Stunticld will let strongcr psrty than ha ioundln spirtl in policies and In organ taalioh The new leader will be table to build upon iirm loun dsiiou OATli ALLEGIANCE Detore taking your real in the House oi Commons you are rc uulrcd by Section 125 oi the llrilt tlth North America Act in lake the iollowing oath do swear that will no lalthlul and bear true Iiierlanco in Iisr Majesty Queen Eilrabslli the second The swearlugrin ceremony it seli ls nulls brlpi and simple but it Is imprcsslvaln be able to am the rcgislcr which Includes the domes hi all the Prime Ministers oi Canada sod olhcr iamour parliamentarians in the United Kingdom there has bccn drama cnircd on si milnr oath in ll llsron dc Rothschild tho tirst Jew to bo Trace Oriia ToVillage Era illiDliUIiST Strait llrit 0cIila council meeting alter vll logo sillth was achieved was hold on Jan ll mi in bulid iri Irig known as the Tempcmnoe hull It was shown by old rclt cords at Simcoo Ononty mblvas hm Jumcs Quinn who later bo chins 61mm Cmmty million In 1532 rasidivi as tho ilrst rccve out ouuclliorr Included li ODrlrn Somucl Wainwright Soninrl and Jnscph Vick lrrdrrlrk ll Grant was pointed the ilrut rioril at an llslori It tliu per year The rlpsrl oi the minutes cx plalncrl the appointment was modo ill pursuance oi the mud section oi tha Municipal Institu ticn Act Two special niroltngl isms rlecirdlo the lirltlsb liouso oi commons was unable la tauan oath iclt ibaacasislsssl in words lbs Inta sub oi christian Althdub cloclad by lba votc it was sevenlyurs bolero he was Ibis to inks bis scat Atbcisls bsli rimils dliii eultics Canada walled unlli two In In Iipt In disagreemcniovri the Parliamentary Oal lollewiog the Qucbcc provlrlr II election In Juns oi lbst yesr sir elected mambcrs oi the Paul Quehccnia WN rcluscd admission in the ilrst acssion oi the national aa scmbly ior rciusiag to swear the Grill oi Allegiance to the Queen Dr Camli Laurirr Party leader In the Assembly attempted to Introduce new path swear lliat will be iiliiliili to the pcople ui Rubber and to its no mocrntle institutions Such Iri movatloo was unacceptable to the clerk and the six lclilcd to the vlsltnrs gallery where Ihey tarmed new upper chamber The exclusion oi the members or their boycott ialicd ten days During that times the PD argued that the ealti WI olicn slva to Quebec and well within the provincial governments pow or In chunks Premier Duurasra rgucd but Iheoath wsa snit uualul but aialcd that cblnilng it might Involve amendmcnt lo the llriixb North Amcrlca Act in that event all the work at the national assertsny could be sub omaticaily Invsildsiad II memb ers who had not taken tha oath wcra allowed to Iii Accordineg the llourusa Government in ilmobonarrd Canadian isshioh sppolntcd commission to Invcsa tlguie lira mailer ibe grcalesl romance oi ill Canadian rarernonyluvolvcd tba iiicill lebei Louis Rlei ranged to deal with penalticr tor lnirarilons oi the pound binrI Fence viewing to keep lot IIth vapor place also was lea lug discussion topic More attaining village status Onilill Wu Nil Oriiiia township Population oi the Iargciy lumbering community was lisird at 1000 It the time The communityqu oilioiaily ed town In Novem mt with Melville hiiliIr subsequnrdly bacoming the tint mayor tor the 1m terns City status was attained live cars ago with Burt lirissac tho irst city mayor Duvc Brown succeeded air llcisnac and iii cumhcnt Jack Andra isihe third couurr ounrsrs artxan uncnrrrou OUMJA iStIiil public opinion rump about who cus lamtrs think oi now bunk plan which places them In central enclosure brought mixed re sugccaltd camiorisblsmcarnes Ind pars boos am sisao would beaks ibe plantlm Impiabia Ah olbcr wasiburd to say as oo mm to the plan It on but unsuoow gelling more sued to it Aaoldllmer and he illcd the old idea oi Ilia customer Icllorl Doc cu ceding to the teller immed aiely EXTEND SEWERS DullALB tStIiil saniisry towers are being extended to the village with Installation dine on William Street and also in tindan Lorna Street ALTERNATE BRIDGE VASMsA BEACH lSiaiii new bridle over the Noltswa saga River to bci Illevlale hcs vy irslilc oonges on aloha Nos iey Strccl is again rcceiitng sl lcniinn here WINS GOLF AWARDS onILLIA slam Icrmcr Orlllis galicr Mike Iilnds rcg isilri an oven 90 score in tin Ish among the prize winncrs It the Pine Crcst goli club iniIIa lional tournament neIr Petrrs borourhllarnld Stewart was low net winner The awards were presented by lrcd Barl Icy president PREPARING BUDGET ANGUS Siliil iiiuuicipai illes have been advlroil by the Noliawasaga Vuiiey ConserVI tton Aulhority board ta list pro lects they would like to ace car rird outdurlnf ms slncc ihe board is beginn nc to prepare Ila ms budget estimates lONiNn ASEISTANCF ALLISNNISIIIII Allslon town council has sslcil lhe clerk Drish Gaulcy to apply to the plans administration divrr ion oi the Ontario Ministry at lioualng 58 irilesicy Strut West Toronto tor assistance to ward updating lho towns zoning bylaw LONG SERVICE STAYNER iSidiii Now servinghir iliih year as Elly nera county council reprcscnlas llveliceVs ilrtsl Ocsllrn was iarrncrly town councillor iar lovrri years and member at the public ulllllirs commis Priorities For Sidewalks fihsw pi ilincslngwon mi car draw slon tor le yssrs III II mem ber oi the country itnsnce ram mliiee ILAN BEAUTY CONTEST MIDLAND lSlalil bcauty contest to pick idiss nil ralr ms will be held by the Tim vandTsy Agricuiiursijocicly lbs annual exhibition here on maps and SaturdIyScigtt is MAKE GOOD scour SliANiY DAY Islam well knovrngoilhr It Shanty llay gall and country ciubEsrl Iiasirirn rims and as in the annual Mops tournnmml It Parry Sound to iiriisli our the club championspr in rm GOES AWAY BACK STAYNEii iSiIiiI Localrd in popular Georgian Bantam Isl area Siayncr boa back to iisl when lit Northern Railway Iinawas extended to tho srea It appcarod Ir Nalawa sags Station on early msps The adopted In 1052 in honor plonrcr hndownrr named Suth eriond Slyancr RECONSTNULT HIGHWAY cuuncluu sum no tonsiruction work is continuing on over six milcs oi Itlghuay Ii in this vlrlnlt Speed limits vary lbrourb reconstruction areas mostly ranging irorri so to miles per hour BRADFORD COUNCIL BRADFORD Siliii tirad iod council usually holds rolt guisr meetings on the second and louth Tuesday ailerooons starting II 130 pm can WINNER ELAIVALE Staiil Vic auiomobiierlh lhe Eimvule Indi Dlsiiicl Lions Club eliminalion ll UNITS EINVALE Siaiil senior clllrcria apartment project Nan pad in Eimvale will have It units MAP OF ALLISTON ALLISNN Stall Tho town council has asked the cirrll lirlan Gauley to seek permis sion ironl Ncibil to rr produce copies oi his man at the town oi Aliirton Members or council were imprrssed when copies oi tbarpap were shown to them Passed By lillislon Council ALUSTON Stall The town council has pluccii ltscli on re cord that prioritics should bo sstobiiabod ior the sidewalk cori Iiructiuo program oi the board oi works ior rm Tho acllnh ihiiowcd the read lrlg oi iclle Irorn residents oi the Oolbock subdivision and Tail Oaks iubdlvlsinu signed by John Dcrtram asking Ior con slruction oi sidewalk on the riiy mayor tor the Lake Couchi rhing centre rail title at Kingslrcet from Albert Sirccl to thg Strch drain The letter was reicrrcd to tho police commilico and the board Iii works irsr recommendations The budrct Inr thislyears spcrid Ing has already been mode It was pointed out so It Wu de cided this should be given sally allchllon next year llsyor Oakls any presided II tho meeting and tho rrrpiion wss moved by Councillor Elmer llswklus arid scronried by liraia ialer Cameron will have roLlroi our the sa nrsrmcr mews Human ruusnsv Allover Ruby Slnllh Wins Shanty Bay Golf SilANllL BAY iStAiitl lIuby bit Mn MGM rrruisiinns irons collar themi ladias at the Shanty Ruby drierted Johnny Duallth to bani Might tinalvio tails the Moors The players were Iesd Earl ups the Parry Sound In twice which made tbird ilk Mn won lbn mnsolal on tournsrnenl Dill Duncan won tho mens iirsI limit championship takin iliii irclsrid In the llhoie iiria My iri Ibo iblii iinoi Duncan dc caled Milo Clark iiihiio iilnd cilmlnattd Charlie Aliiicr Ross hlchnlont rhpiured the 191i arabl thamilmship rung tho uomcna nrr asunrn PROVIDES HEAT Natural llot unlcr immNuL MW roruun FlSil canic sprint vbuildinzl ill Mli make up onethird homes and oiilce of con ricnds inc slainl champi coursr match nsccr ca conununity which dates name Slayner wus oiilclally Mu ONECROP COUNTRY Ihuu hull lilo hmbin land In Japan is lists to grow Inc rim TOMORROWI IMPOSSIBLE INCREDIBLE NOT FOR Iimil sustain ammonium lONcugn The True Story 0i The Two Cops Called Batman and Robin Feature ll Tilt and It Lari Compirid Show Corniortahiy Air Conditioned aimow WNW TONIGHT COILINGWOOD NOW PLAYING THUNDERBOLT liGHiFOOT both lirstrictrdl uallrsn Arr cg WWW COIIiDETF lllllJWd MAN 00 lNiSll ors lid FIEA MAiuirr gDeiay Decision oa Midland Mail ltUnlii Sept 12 MIDLAND Istaill pin sec up maniac to ma mm cbric in on in daunloto MAI load is as udy Tours id Bi lixk Sid hrs mm who or the sea In pmmmclblrdollblm buts in the duckth if lint no alirrIII arisen mil is taken until we the Annals tor obkdom lo the plus it Lin oi the in prelude ibrrd oi the us must in the area onus ohmic drstlorlnd M7 mu mod is wristband by law in unk up lbe Kaarrrrsutoe Ir and ii oi the mrrrbsnts my oral obicmm boonr Sept lie said many are still no in inimrutim the mat The dcsatrpmeet commune lax proposed In planning row sullalill raped which raid cbrie or null ma up an the hula sum om lbm rrmsc smatst my isrs The maslulsars study up prompted ska dosnim me rbsoLr brn worrying Iboui million mm lsrge gt shCWM realm which lists be re built you outside slidind is may Township parallels oi ibe null my punt out that tours council lirui budget proposal by dura iown licsclopmeni mmlirl opmnens oi the null tilLilo III the proposal milion dollar armature and im oi runs ior meteitd puking opxcs lilo irrorncnt Lorelle Youth Wills Scholarship The Simme Ooiziy noelll tron Oi Arrirulturcs mil Vadhianillp tor mi has rm awarded to John Den iiluia oi Lorclio no award oi no is oiieml to trident oi sinuoe Quirky ao tonog the list ycor oi dbloml coins at my sollcce oi Ixmda lunsl technology In Mario to scholarship swardedlb alimuiIIla inlch wing iarmers in practical lsrnllng 1L is glml on the basis oi mini lit Ibilily Wiltpallon in llt club work agricultural organs xiw and Mummy mitt Deli than fraud oi Banting Ilende School Alum its in so installs the slamslip at when Ind him to mum to the thumb turn on rompialioa at YBM diplom gt all Canadas lists landings New riavruo ff suowrrMI mo calnahd IIGHTFQQT ma Inu ODBYE mm NOW PLAYING aouu Enlerla nmei THREEC MDSKETEERS Adhil Entertainment Wm ibls Solid Harrie Drlvgn Thraira Ii amp