Ste 511 mire in other the tony sosrrd llelder lllIdy hrl Illr lean no were ll period lbe Ioalcd Olevetnnd lrullllru ll nlnlz knoeklxi Jim Iolmer Imm ATOMIC EDDIE IN ACTION Acliiigmwg plnnn AIM moralllmu Idryin Meme Timd Portion the Clanslllm Nailonll Enlibillon Tennis Title Chances 3Are Good For Becker olrlwl c9 Dam Horror oi encomlor By his oilsncon oi lming the nmr tBIndunder Junior ienulr end body WU to believe so gt The loywoolrl war on tho Wlmlll mi oi the tint mlor upset oi the Guardian dosed gallon terlrle so are letdrd lulu Mercury ills oi omto IIwIE lhouFli nu ohms oi ldlike wrm WW smd rho lorl rnnkod dryer in the menu 18 mildor enkins Chases ZOWin Plateau snr cAmnIAN plrrlu Jonline lryirll lo noun bionic winner hr the Iowoih limo In oimrrr eons wonrhlr loin Thursday night rll Texas llrnm lb iolitd Britimoro orioee In IAmcrioln lmuuo baseball no on In the only other major leruuo rme also in the Almiron rue Kansas City iloynll lio Toby llarrrhr threerun homer in Ilvomn loullh ln ihe came and rperkod the lumen Jenkins Cbnthnm Ont no llvr oilnwed rlr hits In the seven lrlrllnu be litrhed end tell his loll md to 1011 Now do the rtuhthrnder In his ills season in tho American league uovo rm lull lwm In Iho seventh on ringles Ilolllr Grirh and Doll Bay and lllooks nobimonr ivrorun double ThorlInnzm nlrkod Primer for run in tho rezonl on iillko llnrrmvor double and rinslo tho by Joe Ulrika In the iourih liorsrovo opened with llnrio Ind one out later Lenny Ilalldlo wnlked imm piper In Into lucid bll in one retells Worm bsll Us trick dldnl work life here riddle pV draining ode slow AM my charms ol within the lite or road continue to My well Bookie midi loll Ind loll low onyere when he played Mutant gume lo odour llclnuriliirl But he sold let oi ihunl work wmi into the win Dove wirebu nmrr won Mn cloud title moot jam on ny or men oi upholds marina learned lot he rsid rlme hlr improved espe zrlallr ln simirn 11y vi lley ll muzh simmer uni my lmri attitude is new and Jim sworel linlo have Neirorl IIlt mwllod or the mm run or the tnnlrlu Thou Joli Bureusbs singled bl reliovlr Doyle Alex nhdtl for Mr loud nlrl briied in or the xenon Tho gamers delayed or minutes bemuso oirolll IIII IIOAIEM Amt Oils and list Home hll homo runs to support Idlll Spilliorits olrhihlt Michlnl in Knnm Giyr vldoly Dill hit his will homer oi the own in the Itoynls ionrih oiior Vudn illnnnu led all with single to right Tbo lndLlsu hart two men on bur in tho iiith ml rownth ID rllnzs llui couldnt score Splltorii who held the In lliurll hillm Ior three innings moved to Int 0le Indlrm loser Jim Perry dro to 110 Teus in price all games oil iho oi Onlrinnri Air in lhs Ves Division ilnlll moron Ls seven snmer behind in us lirnlsr city moved to within or gamer oi Ouktond while the helium rcmolnld so some bo doublet Ill Lvlw IlMTIIIlI homol BASEBALL STANDING TIinCANADIAIV muss NIIlonIl hernia Elli In PCMIIIL BS 60 520 61 61 500 115 iii 01 000 Bil El ITiI 55 67 All WI 50 71 413 Wm TB 620 00 600 Ill Minnie 61 IBIS 1015 llousiou 60 $111415 Sou Francirrool l9 ll zlii San DHKo It 10 302 29th lieslriir lhnrsdry No some rehedllled Irobnblo Pitchers Todry New York ilnrker All slld llrllrck lllol nt Atllrlin need or Ind Leon ms lm Cincinnati llllillnllhnm 1M Louis Philadeiohle Pittsburgh llontresi New York Chicago or Anreles Cincinnati It Monier trim or an Phlllltleiphls Rulhven our ni Illusion interior 935 pm Illllllirh iltellll tdIi lli Ann Dirnd irtl Mil 1030 run In1llr thirloihrn Ill Al Muriel inlil 120 1010 pm hlrilrn sinno Hr at San Frnrlrttrn lClrldwril tibi t0lil llnl omrrliimily Clicnrh rt San Frnnrllro Philadelphia nt illusion rum niDrllnll hind Boston Red Sox in the East Division New York It IllIrnlr St nous tor Angelee Anlellern erzue But PctGilt 00 561 it 59 5006 0101 BN 02 01 000i 00 04 Jill Deiroll 11 It OIhlIlld II 560 Kanrnr City 05 lid lil Texas or 503 We Gllrsio 60 idl 1015 lilnnesotr 065 elo ll coiiiornln 5075 too It lirrullr Thorsdly Kansas city Cleveland Texas Baltimore Irohlhle IiichrrrTodry Krnlns city Bulb lBlo rrld iirltes at Illllwru eo Chem rlirn and Slrion Hi Boston Clorelrnd ilrltlrnore ow York Iilwrukell rltnnesoiGolr It llrlt more ilirNrtly ltui 130 pm Oakland iIiluo lltlt st lini lon lIlnnt lot mo hm Calitornln Lockwood 24 It New York llIy Hi plrl Texas llnrdrn Hi at Detroit Coleman 1011 In clorelrnll Peterson be at Chicano lKnel iClbl om Gamer iirlllrllr Kllnlrs fit IlUtwllukre iovolrnd hi Chirsio Celilolnln Ill Niw nrk Olkrrd hi llulton ri liarm been pinyin bllluds ior is you em since he no In livyerrold similar in til inlblt on poolbull In Mutual CF Mo rnmul altitude is hill ho mu um mm it sme orally as LORI beetroot to uni Minn the vinyl ni lire Ind dish on overpowering mndmce Despite wile delul slnrlxm oiiidrlr him will up in the Ilrlges elude oi the Ir day imam lnhooulcd to end slimline Qumonlimlr um lioyoi Thrndny rrtd miilrnll Imlulod for lode bing with doubler competition that brawl Wuilmdsy In olhor lemmin ploy wondered llobors ilequ oi Vnrroolner btol aller Sierl ilnrut oi Toronto lll thinlon John Helm than any BC doieoloti lilthmked DblIll Dllmlor oi Tommi nu witle Bill llennle cl Autumn 00L Rigid sixihranktd Tom Dirmilki 0i 1W1 30 Ind 74 the Is non soodlri Wot Wu damn topclrtod Maul Mn Also 01 mm SN Ind In the boyr anttun drr revenlhrrnkod Illlt llrddes oi Vrlleouver added IouIlued Nnkon oi liomnio in tho any loomnderl lid in the IlrIl INMWCI ooremhrnnkml he hlyerr oi Solutions on Ont doom lhlnlro rd Nicole Marion oi Quebec 6914 63 in wonmr IWART to slut Morlooio lllreklrood ol 0i anu ddonled lieirlu lrstllr oi Ilnllisrx Mhllernnno Net son any urxlloi Sandy lllooorlk Diorlord 010 socorulrcnkcd Patti Maren oi Vunoollm iremod am Itubin oi lionctol NIL 00 inrlons oi North Vuncwvrl do Mild ElliNeed Who Plon oi Montreal 01 In abhor boys localruler play topanknd llnl Lees oi Vnmlvu dolenicd DMlt Poi low cl Tono 07 on wr olxlmked Noll Moblolll oi Conroy boot oilihmnktd Siolo Vonlrhol Varlovel ol ocd lhlrdwlkell liaru hlutncn oi Tooonto anvilAl eighth rrulkod om Litiio Ilou oi To m0 643 Except or Gordon in the boy tonalunder At other allowed more in tran rn or em es that lmll odlsmod in tho relrlitlllnis Playols Are ned $450 For Fighting REGINA iCl Two hockey plnyere were ordered Thursday in pay tolsl oi $150 in lines ior their part in somlnuio brawl hem last season David willlnml nnd Terry llurknwrki both players then with mviti Comm llrmoor Lradrd guilty Arm to to line or oi eorllmolltulauli will has rlllee signal with Toronto lisplo kills more my $300 and court ml or is days in jail while liuskovllki who hus nal with llomion Arros woe There other peels dmrird Iiibl IM and iotnihsmkod Mandy ehorier title in till lhrwput dry Ior my Brim Orton blLLthberl Wm oi WHII Ind DIII Nahum OI Vrnmrer Wllloall nyupold Sallie Unlvtniiy rtudersl Medea teller thou plrlle lo uni iurlruradm lot the ilnl round lead in the Cmdlrn rmrleur rbrnleionsbte honourul look lull edsrlrlrxe lolly Ipprosebes to lilcky greens or rounder 89 JIM Ill oi Deb City CI 11 Within Wetlrnnn oi 11le innon VI Bury McKenzie oi anlm Kn Dot ll Seniorib Duh Ind Bob Belu dbemlll oi Vkiltlr wen Ill 13 Ilroln oil 15 VIDI with Tbl course plued leisurely rssy Wrtroa ssld Idler Inkinx llr blrdlu bi LirII line coll pellru in lb nations champion lhlp Urusz lnl ruonml ro lny from tee to roen but Im Tuttruly blend with nay mil In m0 BETTER Its not lb best Ive shill om did Wm Whirl sy esry nln rod llxbtril slam Plry be set lhurrdry end the low in and lies loo dorIlievmod se Saturdry lhr ilorl dry 1an rain tell the come let boiler iodsy rrld nor dllilu the url Players Load Ainateurs nld the Iter Com Vrle Gull Urn molten lint the birdie on lbrl perlbm I5 lard my den Bumhurlln kid hls dd bit the in lol Add into lbI sirht uWIind lbrl Ibiilod oilell dry it tended less In 13 int irnnlvlbo pin Ior In my pull ll really nest course cspedslly rtIrr the nth It us my triberr irvorile root Russell ot Vrncouvesr Illeblel zldry sdnry 30 at IIIOlt rnn oi Sesrboroulil 0nl GrI bIln MI oi Dorioo Que Brill Brniord oi Srlkelooll bowl is wu rniuliy dry dub log ibe ono prsrire round shot eIrller In the week MasSey Women elrn rollllnpnl remnlned in control at the Camden Womenr Amateur Gall Cbrm pihnlhlo Thursdey holdinl iive ol the top right rpoil In IM NA mpotllion ileld Iiior but WI Ainsley oi Mmrhn llr Ibo wrecked hs par7 our layout iih oourw load loom he margin to Mr stroke with must rs on the second day wit loymid Itme bun 13 lot nu Initial AW behind ls any so mom wuulltnlbelw Indllor whorl mnxi to trill In min Tl hrrl loiz tote in role poure rion oi med moi Alncrltnrl Katie Fell oi Mll whisk Wto and British vim llor lilo Everard nen in the lotion llllsa ord lull gt Snell oi Tomato tor Irilh ptoee at 153 hire Folk was tied with Ils lioiimlln oi Toronto or 1w othm ball Amerloom mndo the ion 10 Carol 1e oiSovviekl lI had 71 or toll end to Die oI Dolley lieneh llI Md Tl lot 139 Somxie army out mercy HARRISON NY iAI Iwoioot put that wouldnt dmpIollowed by In lbineh that missedknell Arnold slmer irom porrelllen oi lint plreo ill the 30000 Wm meat soil mogul ho you Miler gs won only one Individual itilo since taking the Well ted tram two reel in Thurrdlyr Ilrll und out still not out wiib 08 icur under on the Mllonni course in one shot our ol the loop of tour tied or lhn load at 61 They were iomler Tbmrrly Aaron Miller Ilsrbor Delr Doutlrs and Larry Zleller war not hum slid Primer rIler hts threeoutt thrl roll him double boxey on his sixth hole lie rallied soon alter illsl lapse however birdied rix oI ht lasl 10 bolaIre llde only It puttr on the mull un mlllun rleenr on iholo lul 1H Nulled home with 06 Also It wore Jock Niel isus illb Murphy Tom Wriloll and eight others 1min II eloyorll locked within one shot oi errh other It lilo lop oi the rtsrlrllnss fbililen 50 line or 20 dry In For Iroplr on Thu More nihilism832 Cincinnati at Montreal hlinneeotr st Iiriiinluro NEIIIIAIIKEI llrndlnls moneywinner Johnny CLEAN NEW CARS Will Month SPECIAL WEEKENDi RATES Hippoloss ruonionmimdmiorn Ions and lens rouxrel rush the uni minimal ShortPutt Would Not Drop 30 Palmer Settleslor Second Willim Nncomb oi Ann Ar bot hitch Ind Jim aniord oi Bunny EC Heading Golfers whtohlmioil lhe ior mailed tho lersllilmle oi the mud slser wonrenr Illqu lul weekend Min Huey II who Hid she hit some poor iron rie end uncalled rho is so tired imn sown normative weelu oi it 1in mtwl hrve in wool ll irh UAW 11 Rd hills My tenths um Hm Mwwfnrmuvdmmm Im US lurlior withholdiner lobowollbnnnnbqurrVAl dmwt 51514 Pntsodes 0111 who NTI so upland rimobr Wkrnhuldidwm uman lbonwar or In to lalomold al learn all but ILC mill the tint Ivangale when Sue WNW Lin IloUlllIll oi Thomhlll oath took bow Ave lire unit nd are Hilton oi union lookmuilnl pm on lbrbole Miller Ind deiendins ebsmpion Bobby Nichols wrn lno rtrokrr Ii 110 Open obImMno llrle Irwin cominr oil sIlInMIeI bresk birdied bls lul lwo holes tor 70 I00 wsl lied with Tom Welrkopi Soulb Atriorn CIuy PlIyer bro ll PGA chindon he lrovlno is not mmpoiinl or Barber Ilium Ind Doll ril bad to iosdber mnilbe Ono rlroko over were John pinyin null tho mi oi the Idlnonion 0011 and Counlry Niv WI Srlk Edmonton 10 MI WOODWARD oi 0th N111 N4 lends 011 BE knebodoe Don Dem VANCOUVER CF Bill Bohr Mail and im arri Lb Calm Lion whos beta mined AIIOunIdnrl mm is Ind be was imotrrd lo one heck ol mlan Thus on Ill Trouble some inn who be our Motinn Foolbnll min Ob um Roost prob ly wont rm wlb hall 33 rom Idem until the hi ry wns my the met excl All the rmrld lo who with mm doitoen proving little man ulna than the Lions The two ohln drum met IN on ermine rmnam lol inst Mm erirne one bi plny oi the NW iiisud stoan rirlke lmm Olirwnn stariire qlraulxkk Hi Carlin to Jim Iultry mil way through Ill rxotd mm would hare milled mm pdn ior Oudwn to will Pro hertz rem Ibne boiler outliers oi dotsan inubnll Bake rad tho loll WP um or ill unriosltv codex FOOTBALL STANDINGS 1118 CANADIAN PRESS CPL Conlennre Am 00 33110 WW SK Conirrenro Intern Montreal on Toronto llemiiion lulrnl liirrlrle Cllgrry RPIIII Thursdny Oiirwr British Columbia Grrlle Sundry Toronto Ii Seskeiehewsh Hamilton It Monironl WFL Eastern Division le1 Pet 0131 051 10109111 710 Florida New Yolk lrehsollrlllo ilmlll lol Cellinl Dlrlxou Illrdminlhnml 020l12119 Chic 0111111 057 Memo ll 0120151 71 Detroit 011520 000 rriern Division so Cotiiornlri olsolst All Houston llrwolirne ll 0mm Iorilllnd K1101 000 Result Thurrdry Chlerro Deriloll mo latbole heroin to escape the huge group sl Willis 11 rm unu EDIl0 BROADLOOM cusrom orrrrrns or mm WALLPAPERS ACCESSORIES Ilirshmlls Buy Beltl rl lioolb llnll nrrnlm mum GQK Ormo mmdry lrekulnvilie rt llnwrillnr INTERIOR 0E001iAlliiii BOOTH Interiors on Is limes mo ethanol lull NEW the opmlru One eliow who dilli mioy Philldelllhll 01701 AZ lbrmrr Aourhlr In Tblndly nlnlls cm rl hmuler 012 the CM Ottawa sshlrd mere on the 1mm uh lm their test lull mo tailing ysrrlr rzrlrxl llih bullion runner Jurl linemen iomler Lm col the ynnln Munroe Floyr so yenlr on ll extol lb bulk or lint ratI Iwny on own dmr fly by liley Ind theres little Thing Iemll much betIer 1n lbe Itl Canal comw an ilw II It pow insulin the some oklorfhkmikrro lnr my lnz rm mixed 1551 the third mullet us out on ion olnrll nthhers tor mm rollerlrtod im at Illompu or unit while Kori Ducal Will moi on two or ill six new ital he Inol brie runmrgl income in in mm qulr ilhe gm mil us tsi nr mm Dick Lowsliven Worm mu to hilty IN subset oi his to cm Alumni to trim 511 11mm Amado the worst cell In the in dry ol mm by am calling 0le on our pl Md olian oomlul buck Bally Micro dont can what morn Zornrl roniimled Ill pay lm ll two to IRAN MOVES 0N TEIIIIAN illruleri Irsn look so Inning lead our Lebanon in Ulrls Cull liw ropclh soul lintround illlnili iuuich whorl It won the doubles Thurlill Ill Millllllll and UN bil Urruisbidrron brat Ahnlnl unmndsn and Italian Aluhal lrn 10d sl 62 Iron ilros arm Vie rough boo Sluice Siding Is madu from Uiil plqlinished steel its siding market Lovo beautiful house Hale painting Got free oatlmntoi Todoyl COIES corn beiirwhie mm mm at the never called rt Llom lemme nun Isms ma ior 10 imp lih mum but um um tell that lrmrl rd resutni um men who tllnnl single irom SI lsn Imbsil kme ddknsis Mlle lCP lbrtol Heck Of Gam Far Defensive Squads It Iu ro blrlrnl ll no in the trim us our Is he lblu the dtidnlrdd liler ellrt mm um lbroo II ilnli cost Ilium n451 Lmnetleemrltenmeiln uul pint Gerry 01 recounted 35 ill Rldm oilln Ike wllh IlrLi 5m in the tint auxin Ollnwn nu nbud riser the firsi orurler led II the Hi mi slur line burr aln Dm hlnrhrnd ion IATTE 1101 toy was la wsll the rutlenl oi pita the two chm Ill 14 rumor 01mm gtbu me MU will wins 11 llrllno mi lint lilo olbm The will min ililicnl min infTrim 19 the mom mm llrrlilul Aooouu Mm Mord lbm wile Ind three lolsr it were the urea with do rim to Cslgsry Ind brlnu llogb 011m or swim ivln drirril Lininro lama rsld Ito nrin two poets hound einmnl the Ottawa rvxmr Iatohnvm Humidor leader in tile worms ronlruoone SaI SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $2500 DON CONACHER 7261074 mun Ll oSiolcoiour the strongest moini aiding you can buy Raslrts illdlng ondwoathoring tikil no other metal siding Thats why Stotco can provido tho best most mernlnniul nurrunioo on tho SlElED only riding mldr ilom RACTING 00X 103 COOKSTOWN ONT PHONE 4504434