axswrlu memo mm mm MIMI 135 Mir Year No Fallen tall her bullns round an real nsians Wednesday at the annual meet IM the led board at 1103 la Aillrm rm pzr lwr prsporalr en nonunion unanmi steeped by the Iederalion alter Iin NES eonlribule to the lurid The handrd at gvr lLto gnve top nrity to achieving the can ng nmh maria In the terchcrs superso nustlon set and in solltdive bar gaining legislatinn at the establl at am annuwon negotiating rennin ah eh Is In include two members harmonicauan Barrie ado Canada today August 22 74 3qu drybldisswslondromaliolthetlveatllliateslnd er pasting up draw upon the expertise ei there aitlliates and are stall other ndrtlaas on supineIceman In dsctled to milrum lourth resolution was that Im odlseusr the baud approve In principle on loo one per ceo eec reenlrlbrimtorrunls the rut Iund The stored rc2roa begin Ilednrrdny nrsrn Ing and carried through until mldenernoan resolutions were art nude pthc however unul Isle Wednesisy evening pme reienta Wednesday evcnlns nude no mention at the resolution calling or trieremetic teacher contribtulms In telephone Interview lLlerl Wednesday evening wiIA kinson VIF prescient nid he souid maceouatior this not Fin Includelln the plus re its said however ii the re sdulion calling loe increased so fntrtbutiou towards the escala tion Iund no dependent on other actors such or Ihother them vlneirl government rrss rolling to lor eseekdioa tor present perle who are unable to an Increase In rather contribu trons tar rupersnnurtien propes es to support lntreued costs laminating Ml estanion and improvemmts in other phases the lund Thor plum in priority in clinic ueaistton reducing the best seven year In tern oi earning power to the best live years reduetion In number at en at work required tor max perrsion Increased depen darls allowance and stocking lith the Carnde Pension plan The proposed escalation would provide automatic increases equal to lacrosse In the coat oi living and would rpply to all protect and tutun pensions the lederation believes that the provincial government ban nmlhilily to protect penalize era unions the ravages ol Inna Lion the ht plan does not do uid UllaWI BILL DEVINS the mini Problem For UN Unit Arm pm merrier rba lop United Natlan Mu gee rellat nillnhl arrived here tod iocvordlnrteati or the mated moon norm drtveotromthelrhomenintbe recenttlghttng prus air ores hare here on the southern tip ol the the tire between GreekMaid and More going on to woods he said the UN is trying to the people who bore been levied by these tragic emu and get them to lead as normal his as possible his la Willi open ad political one he Contentious TIC Prince Sadrtrddin said he will Id In all parties concerned In order to nail mile up no so It Gonna Kurt Waidhelm Ila saldihe to he the Hand era In clays to or roe an appeal which VII Iolaunclruarcsnlt oi an there needs Cyprisa President Glaikos some or er ktash to discuss the hurnanihr Ian problems lacing both com munrtlel They my also touchon politi cal Issues and the prospects oi negotualme The talks between the two leaders friends since boyhood may he the tint step towards some term negotiations booked by Inlcnse llrlllsh diplo rnatle ctlvlty Strike Issues Not Discussed lintil Weekslin Nilon Nclntil tors lor Dlvirlon err Amalga rnalcd Thrall Union and the Throttle ltnnalt Conunhsion TN Med stipstate In mmagohtiednetomwlowemmmlnrho alder nevL Mord the WW nilomoorr at coding obs lldmwhi lixon trust Ill Speranzlni provtnrlrl mediator said whorlW it upon added that the more cogenllouls suesmng lmpro coSlt alumna wcmsed until lhye end oI the Wednesdays negotiating oer unsimslilrbiekioand Scottde soooilistlon and mcdinon hmehmetwithlur5ocran mommaywbobmm talks Mr Dickie also mot wllh un its sad my unta es the asked the labor rnlrr lstny Tuesday to bring in oddl tIotlal and more senior hob or Mr mm tho ministrys stistnnt branch director llr Dickie not Mr mn rird hare placed nous lackl out on the ocgotlzdions Meanwhile the lidayold rtrika continues to have its el 1974 19 Barrie air swung tnroopzntion with the North at hand this nibmin to Judge the trait and veget on dis into tionthlsuvtur Slum Junie Associ sheilufdbrlairnndhshexhibitmandtgmihduft We the me order or the the hrnior lair and In aenor dis visions began at mom and wnulpdrrcd until nan T3 lnlr grou ware open In pub lic at it and the halls warn opened at 130 pm Tho tunior lair Ia sponsored by the Bartie Agricultural Society Main Juhior Fair at Judging oi Ihehall exhibits ministered strainier irons the senior Iair it makes athlrdolthemtireltsnid Robert Ilumphrles nmdn no rucotative with the ministry or nod and agriculture The Mintsing 41 Call Club Achl cmcnt Day began the days outdoor events Iollowcd Racism Discrimination Reasons For Occupation 0i Park In Kenora Egan menus his mnohro CPI Itsclsm and discrimination are tho basic reasons lor the occupation ol Ahiclnabe Park In Kcnora Ont Inuis Cameron ol the olibwa Warriors Society said Wednesday Speaking to about 500 people at the University oITtrronto hlr Cameron who has led the Indians In their monthlong oclt eyatlcn oi the llncre pork drlbo bureaucracy bl tho ch Hal Indian nIInIrs dcpartment unjust lows and aggressive business practices have do strayed the trodillonalvay at tile to Indians In Northern 0m trrio lilr Cameron who Is rciumlt log to Kenora today to meet with pnmvlnelai negotiators said that any pitched battle the Indians might be able to last In hour will be laid out Nevertheless he said tits In rlon merited the entry or ll loci on this cliw where the discs mupylng the park are Dickie Lhaistant deputy minis tee ot labor Intortbevdis Mixed Reaction ForxHOCkey Violence transit system llv curries 600000 ere day WRONTO OP 1hr IV port on an Ontario Inquiry into violate In mutua hoclmy drew guarded conmrort Wabcsday from Promlcr itll reparcd in deiend lhcmselvcs attackcd witnesses hetoro pm the page report 155ml We tia As Ice player vho light being thrown out oi the Pee lot ol people on bolb sides At least 100 irullana die new year In the Kenorn area ol causes related to their living condition he said Earlier Mr Cameron told news conlerence he was here to meet with team at lawyers and explain the Indian point ol eh gutt entrants snr by the open swine Ellie Chomp ifxomino Timmtlinrrle rahi npenlia ates to the pm starredoenpwhcro they in at only sh their corn animals at him will the Mother teens Judge errtheir ability cusses to show their swine bung rnnrk ed on how veil the nnlnuis were trained and controlled Homemaking exhibits are being exhibited In noneotlve class all the results of thank err club projects There were olso compotr on In the making time due cookies and pies as well as clos scs Ior school children In Indus trlal ML and traits This afternoon the lair will have busy mm withrtwn show ringslorth amr heel rmrd aboup ablllt lties oi entrants tor the finals in swine sheep dairyand bent to he held In both rings pt about too Nu Alter the shown finds ebarnpl will be chosen In each eatcgory The winners will then compete In championship view In the occupation hi the raft hlr Cameron said police stn rounding the park are hnraasing the Indian oeeu ants by turning on sirens at nix and shouting abuse overhullhorns He also sold local rednecks have loined In the harassment and the police barn made no ellort to 1protest the Indians In the par Cameron raid the lndians wil not compromise In negotla lions orer the park lie said the situation is not bclng truly represented by the media who come in and realiyl put our people doen Although there is adequate water supplies In the park there Is shortngs oI lood Mr Cameron added hock to wide audience in nlted States who Inicr but stand hrckoy bran far now easily than lbs in caries and Home oi the route v5 43 the Middle lab snm tiltsrm men 31 and urns teur hoeke he said In em teuc hockey thores no reason tor violence In pmlmslonal Ia and room from ruler um told new center Camrth throw the run hoe ror uko certain ruin gmwarmwlrlmsldm oi we be docs not know it there doseribing the report cue the Nationsl Ilockcy MW l5 iNilLi he premier supported Iiti Itnmhlclilrntry Itsonto inw yo no mummied roan dotoro gamonduet paral tiesitrtgontholcern stewed oi plodru the him on tho mu was uktd Kmt i0last Arll Iolrr ate Ionce mnacor es in Onlorl alter males viihdnov mt an Dlio Hockey Association OllA Junior Iinsl plaonI series antral Hamilton because at lirhttlliedopenlog arm moan heard on am tcstirmry imn more than so any astion the garment might take to make that eug gtslion HOPE FOR RESPONSE lly hopo Isand Id like to think we wont be dis eppolnlotttut tho people who we are mpomibie lor amnion Irr lhlr prov will we the wisdom oi ih tho gm mitt sold ilollurtry also called gr ox pulsldn from game lor dellblt emie uso at 3151 stirk ivr spcrr nod butt l1hill sold In tho NIll there is to product bl atols within its Just not true at Ii Irnid Campbell Nnt fth that report is normal ammo tor which he has nob The inn Islwiden was eho resentful about the amount oi the report devoted to the NIiLe role I1 iirlmiiia all sruo lho Nllh Piaym Nation itlnhlurtry asked tor more poll ial old alrned partially at expanding the program ol relerces clinics Rene Brunelia Oomrrnnrlty Socill Services Minister announced lednssclw tho OliAi tsle reoclve mm tvd tor rviueclng and clinics will gt ho In creased hr $0010 he said Jack Dcvlne oi liellevllle Ont president oiiho Oanntitan Anrateur linden Amour raid an Inereaso gomrrrnerrt Iinanclol support to upgrade Melt the action will more to the gmditsnd show elh the Miss Barrie Fair compc be WRONTO CPI Its the lodornl governments suit can sumers are paying unIIISIL tuft littipdm til mun thoDIedernl cod price rmlevr board said The high prices are the result government lailure to straighten out egg marketing policy and to assou the ellcc tlveness oi the Canadian Egg Marketing Agency CEhIAl hlrs Plumptxe cold at iuneblt eonatthe Canadian Notional mbihlllonhere cm was set up last year to bring order to egg marketing The agency has been buying Emits eggs Irorn the pm 90 But CEMA disposal pro gram has mauled only In large egg Inventory and In reported financial dolicit at no million said Mrs Plurnptre Consumers were paying moro and more for eggs They now also will have to my lor ledceal bailing out of CEIILA said Mrs Piunrptro reierruzg to an announcement Monday by Agrl culture lIlinistcr magene ihe lam Ilr lihelsn said govern Report along with Campbell mid his stand on the recommendation that game nieconducu be given tor lighting has not changttl sin the hearing In mt at all eomincod that gamemisconduct the an sw lhm Isratwoys on loco ulty In such pen WllPII Endorses Sovret Series NlIONIO lCP Th Team Canada It hockey series with the Soviet Union has now been endorsed by the World Hockey Players Association tillIPA Iton Roberts executive direc tor or the VilIA said Wednes memo an Mining and law llrm partner ol mom and swim can only day the association now is In in ten oi violence as ller Instrument to at love victory and In attempt to sell IRWIN ad with Nhhrummdmem bemiznellcial 0m inquiry accord wlth club owners and jwe whl do or Ie Ionrake It stut wearer Fonecssr me and ranks mid We mm atxt Idtry in endannhtgh deans mu en Page chinsnn rs and brother Gre lam eoul ment In at large were readyrlor the agricultur dis lay arc the this no and mu Hut extent and early bum air lmamsner Photos gimswtngslntc Action sud 44 tanning at Sixteen Sirncoe contributed by local hiechants Lhuaty gIrLr areIn the years twinning rho crimpolim deo lientahd will be assessed by army Brodrers Canadian poorly threo Judgu country and western stamp or The winnnrs Will recelre cash entertain along with tho sen mac along elth gilt certlllcotcl member CKIJII Radio Illnng elIery clothes and cosmetics cent country viewiBodrd Chairman meet vpuld buy CELIA eggs 0n the dues and egg products to supply do In general Mrs Piumptr prlvod mtrles ax part or Cons she could not forecast any adas cornmltmcnt to the World cmtlon oi Increasing Iood prince Food Program tor the near Iuturc CAPSULE NEWS Information Picket Line Expected ostraw oi duogitifli iiiiiiiiiimftilf ionisation picket line at the ear and Rubi bcre Prldry union olliclais ray mm Troops Retum To Healhrow Airport wNDoN Router Troopr returned to llaihrow AI rt today tor the fourth time thisyeru aliera Washington r326 mater United States government agency has criticized smrlly UK Plans For Emergency Reported LONDON Reuteri Plans Ior an orgsnlzailon ct specialist volunteers to take over vital services Britain ls thre cd by cripplragstrikcs were reported In newspaperstoday Police Find Body or Strangled cm EINDIIOVE erlands iReutErl Pnliro Md the how earold daughter or Dutch cigar ma ale today and said wycarsnld man hsrooalcsscdtn stranghngmher Teachers MeetTo Revive Classics KINGSTON Ont CF horth teachers lrorrr arossl Ontario are meeting hero this week to work on tho rcv hi el classical learning In high schools across tho plm Hayward Named Tolirglrways Post KINGSTON Ont CPI Gravdon Hayward vlccpresldcot end scerctaryireasum oi st iavrrcnce Cohogo here has been appointed assistant deputy minister ol highxvars InAlheria It was ennuiace today The anuormccmcnl yin made by CN dcrr $anrencp Doilego president Irish Guerrillas liliaqirPolicenrcn DUBLIN neuter six ol it Irish republican gueru rlilas do blasted their way out topsewri all last 5mg attacked two policemen early todsfy and left lhgnltiod up Police Seek Men In Brinks Robbery VAL DOII Que CPI 1lenilyhnoti police are using roade bloc assl helicopters today to an itort to on are three mon who Irnohhed eardrum armoroi truck than in severely pound China Reveals Its Population Figure cogent For tholliilmlme since Wkltglllha bu told cl enrhycsanoltlmhywtsiders