St Louis On TWoRunSingle By Tdnre lymmmmk MiltonMm unmhmvmmumdmmm munnumm MWMHBH DudeMIMI IHMIIIIQIGIJLL lznlm Jmtptzlnlnndnnthlh In to tree that other guy IDAzqulnInl Ht laid Torrevhooeinrlatoldtktpl thllllkmdIIH xansel EMIMPW PW Inuit um Katina In BISHBILLIlllllmnas mm In UNADH Pm n31 rerun gt um um Im that gt we Merl Walker WI El SE $3 58 ea ME 01 Eggs East hrlu umlem Aellcn occur zeu In wn lednn lCI m1 We DelendVI nut la the me man nllbtatmhr mm EVSebbndQclrler Is Enough As Riders DumpBombgrs TIEOINA tcmf Ellbabe plneo In lhl contention Ilo nlnx haek NI YIIInn mm the lame opened up Into In Mind Nansen Stu 1km Texas wants em White Sox Split5 Doubleheader an In IM IN 2=3a8 385$ nulu May Chlcaxo 6n Dleao PhDGIN Militia New Yerl Clndnnltt Pltlnblm at Nah Itwstan hlontnaI Texas Goldand Italian KInIu dty Calllwnla Miltulna 0M Er tarlo lunlor lurllnl mutton mlderl med anew In the recent quarter tor tetvry Ind vent nnto delut lennlpex Blue Bomber May hlghk In Western Foot MILDon Idlon helm IL lull at salhtdnwanl three loudldnwnl can In the mend ualtlrlndlnupttnralew ln WJTIMI Mullen ma en mud to we up In other qulrteu The wln put them In Ila Ilth Brltllh Cellumtlh Inr Itrlt nu Ihead DI mm Er or Wlnnlpen ullh thm deleltn lelhl In the teller ol the con Ieroncl Ember quarterback Don Juan Itartnd out well llklnx just 1th WI llllt lhI llcknll to ulde tum met for touchdown on tlylrtl pm In salt MD MING BUN But Wllt Melt valued the ecnvut Ind sullIchuln run lpnnded II locondl llter wlth damn THIN touchdown run whh Brim Bernalmnyvrt Su htchewal went lhead The manarter queb dam unto on plsau lrom non Inneuter to 110th Thom and Tum Campana Inr Inur III II yardt respec Ilvely Ber eontlrtod both IAIIIr ml the lune Ianted Inln routlnl exchanru ot puntl mm the lnurth quartr opened wlltl tdyard Ber held ml Wlth Ralph Brock rcllulnl Team Is In GreatShape general law Vnn Brocklln II lelvllu thl all come of III Imnl Nltlnnal Yoothall he uhlhltlun game wIlIl clnrlnnltl henxlln tnnlrht up to me man he calla Genaral Lee Wa an nlng Icrtnllnl In their own lead Van Broddln ha born with out dllly In Allnnll un Ontarlo Teanl lsConsislellt In Womens IuniorGoIl EDIIONNN CPI The mnllltmcy Stacey West at Inernhlll wu vltII Ontarlo upmredthn team tllta Frldny tn the Canadlan wolnenl Iunlor doll champlonlhlln She turned In In 30 one the top mull II the hey DrltartnummrQuoboc by line that In the tramlnm petltim IIIII Wul war the only On whole counted on both dayl ot the thrrImrnlhcr Interyrnvlnelll In whldl each turn totath Ill but two Irorea lllll welt total Ind It IM Ll nuttln of Unlonvlllo llmo In alumnctng that Lee ml the other retumoel would tholndlvldunl louder It It hale wllh 160 Ind 71 Id It Ills Itllttlnl Imra dld not wunt ol the tlnll torn tltlon by two Ihhtl Top Out mm lrldny Im 79 by Dlm Pllnto ol La Nqul Md It by Blane Dolan at GI tlnann the Thursday leader Loullo LAmmptlnn who manned 16 had an Iar 11 total prnvtnrlll partner West by one that whlla the tlny Alberta IncIII rhnmv chtde Dav Ilod wllh Dhbhy Stewart Ian Bench GAIL It In tor tnlrd plum dar the dlmthm ol tlenerll Ill Ind my hlvn announced than lelm tn roll lhlpe General Inl ll unrttnblel Bob lee whn Ind It veteran bark Into lamp alter lthmIlnroll plrlod wla In nouneed In the NFL Ptlyerl Ile bodUm strike ivnn Blocan wasted IIIIIl Quaboc had led Alter Hnldly Tremhlly ot IIuttrnl lendlnu Isa WM 85 Fallen Quqxterbak Says aly IIl CANADIAN rule be lllrtm dunlta only two Aunt ralroar reach Num due york In nldn helore Ihrlr Ilm octlon nl thl year Frldly nIlM Milo lllmld Inn and nalr at tmlch mm In Oakland Raldarl bur Ind Damn Hone do More mun am In DelmlL llINquhlII ne llnund In mom of the ptayerl wool atlnn Iald the rm hm ro Iuacd Io negotllll wry lmlh on lho Imdnm Issues the crux nI lht IIIpull TIItu nnllnued to In other IeIIon Salurdly New York Glantl lneet New York Jetr IIIIIImm Dill luv Cleveland them It rTAmW IIII lloulton puerl are at Ion Alrelei to meet the rum PttLvhurrh stoolerl llllt Phllu delphla Elam lrld Cltlclrn Ilonrl play Green Ely Plcken On Sunday St boull Clll nall plly San Dlrgo Chariorl In Seattle Drnvcr 11mm vlait San ITlnetlen thers New 0on lanna Salntl are at New En Innd lltrlota Ind Itullnlnjllll play the IIedlkllu It Walhlnl ton llllllnerotankInn In It IIt Ind alalnet the Mphlnl Mon day nlrht an run without success 14 Emmy axomtlvn IerIeI n1 turtles Ind Inter reptlnru Ileld loll try by Bert from the wlnnlm 11 um blocked by Merv Waller WDO rnlnutrs later Interrepted has by Sla Iltcholvanl Itandy Illttlnrly In the whale end who and In II In yards lnr Inuohdovm and the tall Iron bl thongnrna exam or netted Mtt Ndm domlnllad Ihl Itllle 15 Int ITO yard net ollenol tn wtnnlml ITZ Ndcn Gear Itred or the llrlt tlma In hm nmea wal hell to under loo yudn rulhln pllln up In ylldn on In earrlel But Watson look In the that Ilth no ylrda on Ilrht rlrrlelel Bleolol Illud almoIt all It Wlnnlml nuhlnl totl lth so yarda on clnles Ind so caught le palm tor to ylrdr the hunt tnIIl moon the 82 All San Purim PNIIIMI New Id be Annie Memnmlth II It Ptltabtm Rm In nix gt San Dlero ISlelnrr 5a lt Chlcnxn Beam IOIsl Ill New Yvd Parker Im II CInrtnrlalt IBIIIInrhun 1H nm San lrlndsco lCIIdwrll 13 ll Stlnula llerlolhm pm Phllldelnhla labor IMII at Atlantl CamINI 135 pm ltwetnn tDIutvr NI at our IreI Imam were Ml Angela at Htllhuul San Dirgn It Chlclau Sln Fennelno at St ImlL Philatelphln It Atlanta New York It dndnnatl Halllion It mull llama Madly ll And It We nu Dtrxo aI llontnal st bnub at Aunt Phlladnpnll at dullnan New York It IIIAlston BONUS SAVINGS ACCOUNTS San Preach It Plttihtlrtll IMHO Helen TI Tenn llhu It am land Perry IN wn Nana Mm tIl It Null Yuri twoell pm Ittnneantn Itqu It on lllnru HI pm Delmlt than It OIL land IAWI HI hm hm Km my SWIM IND It BalIIrme tPllmer 1B hIlleuloa Colhorn Hut It Calllornla tlIllller 17 to pm Gull mildly Texan It Geulland Detrult lt Oaklerld KInau City at Bllthmn Chlelxn at New Yuri Mlnnmta at Bolton Dmlt It Dllllomll tmuaukeo It Cattlornll chklrn at Bantam an Mm IyIHEWnDPm hermnlanWIlmO elkm WNII sol mm douhlrheader huh New York Yule frtdly IllN In rather marth tbhlon In Amul IAIN Baseball hklgo inst thlllnt um when human Munm hIt howl tnorun homer In the last ol the lnnlu ltlen pltrher Stan Batman landed an In 1M reread In nlnx the opener run hall III we the memo with lnnlnzl of Iolld rnllel cul eaxo Illnea the InIlt mum Boston Red sax Idxad lawn In 54 Tom Itanun wed Gen land Imllnl Bum Illa Ihut uh Ranlnl CW It all to CIIIlnrnll Angel tnmmd Willie Emcee IM Mmlt IlgII NutBO Olkllnd Al Blhnaul uniend teeter matel teed it an Bahnxn lor lmn hltl and In runa In 14 ad Ml MI and been Ill helmet Terry lnntlr rc lindtholtntllovanhemln the bottom II the But the my Mum lln Ind Ind Hum Ith nlrht ml went all ILI nnu In fourth InnIn Illh Blll Ind Blll Sharp hlllln coo wall hon run When thI Ylnlren throaer tn the Itlthe whn lhould lmar out ol hullm but Bunsen 1h ume the veterln rlxlt hlnder tlrrttlrd New York to In hltl Ind alncd tha Witt Boston purhed nra he ntnlhlnnlu run an Juan Ban Iqurn banana ntnzlo to ahld llnmu RH Bun luonl MI IIXM lwnd It on Dan 011 mam Vatarln Juan HMO darted hr Sedan and Illnllod Mtnnllotl tn one run mull the tuning at the opener lhdllnx llveatn lnnlnr lha llryelrotd Hm out at tho lune But Wrap came back and dlxhlrhlndar Ilnned two llllhl NI IlrIkaouI lnlal to 2301 and hiphFmu In In the Illa for allure beeornlu only the nu cw STATEMENT ACCOUNTS Inland the amt of the arm BI allow to rude 30 YOUR SAVINGS WORK FOR YOU AT CHEQUE IsAve ACCOUNTS FREE CHEWING 12 WWW mm MUCH MINIMUM MONTHLY wnn mm PAID$FLIlIANNUALLY uomtsmnum THIS IS YOUR It CHINle nrsr RATE AROUND Mn Ikeeclleeumo mmrlmsmn ANNUAILYONMINIHW nvnlnnywhllm ultltnnmlaorolneelldw mm war Iva Burma nearer our SalInge loan gpppgpatlpn Women DUWMBHM mm mm BRANCHES mmln Immanuwlrmnmnmmw mmlnn aweva rumm mm Moll ImamMIDI nnrosrr wwwmromlou GEORGIAN mu nllulln mole qnwhnnluhg Mlle Ilsamdlerdsl Barrlo 7261885