Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Aug 1974, p. 19

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ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES amylwmmmiwm mmmnmrAmmnmt ulfills Wish He Selected gt MooreF ll It Exhibition l2 52 It EEEE El It EEEEEE BE El 52 gr El gin It E5 TJACKPOT $400 com Tm not err CHAMle TOURS BOOK now FOR CANADIAN NATIONAL loEXHIBITION My mom ololSrI AIM to HELP WINTIo IMPLOYMINT WANIID 315 E5 gr 23 ill as air HUI St 71867 Ill wrtLotvI or olelnlner In mowmmlm tothulI ltrltt The moor la twotold 1hr JIpeneu hated to Ixhlhlllon In 190 In In wlth Macro and tho Itlld Inttoln GIllrry hlooreo Ixrnt dtdded to Wale tts now new band IIth wltunl be ntollhouhlb SPllGHETtl Insult KIthy llecls ludor Illh lbhlGrovo Ichmt tutu the or Ina to Indthe um mu Funtllzr plores III III mnatten deplrlrnrn amatu lhIt ms Iho ht llme Photo theretho 1m ltectlnlnz lumm acltvtty promm at woman tho ms ltocllntn Flt Eighth Duke or Wellington Repays Debt Opening Home Gull mm mam mu ILIAII mm mum mo Illm IAIVIIHIII mum my OI HNm ILL IAIVm Elmon lmn it 3E IN MEMOle mu ouv Greeks retest mrlom col mhdeoIcM hill 91ml mm lrtl dun 55 my mum mootum 55 F3 l2 TENDERS Io Iomlsm to Illnol 7281414 rm mummums muc Ml3133 Rdhlll nl Ilrarrlm o1 clunluo oo II II In only THEIt it ATM Rorltu All we we not an ITPIIIIIRIrZIIIIwm Toe In HAWAII datum WITH mu mo xthwm Io ml Egglllo elem ufu rotvnvt my mum LAIIIAIo IotrIItIIlIIulrM II II mtnln II lu curly tn hwhtn toume mt It mnuruttya lnIvltenI oer InIIttlotl lotl ruloollllle Lu III Mel whod lhpd at II It Il ooonTIrtten III own II IIIaIAII cm Ian Alta mammal can VMIlervlnluutllnltm comment VI 31 Tar or my lot In mum In uluu at my natal um no thn um ot ldwllluMM III lll till lulch ml ll IIIMM WW lltl III my mm er mm um PUBLIC NOTICES ONTARIO MInlstrv of HOUSING ammo novsnm oonroRAlroN RECALL MODIFIED TENDERS ero lnvlted for tho CONSTRUCTION QF 10 FAMILY HOUSING UNITS In the TOWNSHIP OF GEORGINA SUTTON ONTARIO nTrIo truth In to ho ll loungmw owned by thouw PRELIMINARY DRAWINGS ARE SUPPle llollrrllnm dmrlnzo tender tom meclllootlom Ind 1m matloll they too obtalnod lrorll the Toronto ettlroo pl tho Ooh mutton submlollom tor thtI nrolea wlll be recIlved It the oltlcer ot the Outerta Ittnllnl Oorporetlon 13th Floor lot mow street WM lbronto not Ill tth 500 tlt EDdl em Toto Tm TENDERS WILL BE PUBLle OPENED ON THE DATE SPDCIFM ABOVE the lowest priced tender or my tender wlll not nocmertly he Iooeptod Allll VILLAGE OF MVALE Tendon wlll ho recclved bxthe undentsned llotll 400 pm Sept ml or an at two Gerbue Nehru tlnllrnItloIlIl hlodol Wt III workhu ooodl Ilon II II gt Flor hlrther lnlorm ALEX CUmllE Ohelmlsn Ptbllc Workr VILLAGE OF NEVA 7W1 Autml Itlorl contoct TOWNSHIP or SUNNIDALE NOTICE or PUBLIC MEETING on Alla to roll onnmwoon connulm ammo wlcolhotthe Plenum Bnald Muslllp ol Sumtdsla has red Immorme No to the oltlclal pm to Idd to an lend polllv Icttlolt rl tho olltcllt plan Nemely lor the puma nlsrgtn the hsmlct dulgndtlon ol llrentwood on Ichcthllo the olllclIl plln lhls ImeMmcnt IpptleI In this IMIMI to cm Ind dlmlhrd II pm or the south hItl ol tho row at lot to Wdlt Ind part It Swttlldelc Comty ot Slmooe tcd Iouth Ind tmrmdtetcly Idllront to tho hAIntIt Brent llAhNANHSorotIry loRMhln ot mmnldale Ptartrlttu homll Aut1 XAMINER WANT ADS DONT HEY ICOSTH PAY lllRATPllZ SAYE lane IIndI0ll vnAlmll Valerian Wolleolay eltlth Duko nl Wolttnxtnn londlod the em ot htI block lIhrIdor Brendy nod explIlned toot be we openllu hls tInIoIIs nnslore home to tho publto tor the um um to repay to oomo mm the LrItlludo we on lho Dalton thlrtd the duke lllnhluhl Ilene It ro out or no Wmcdmpuklgnd Ind the Inn htAlod down on the Iprl cotcolorod lIgedo ol strettlcld Seya llousc III III llthltenlury mInIlon ot lrecelul vaportlonI ItItely home so It modest lhe ducth wunt sure but thought It lud lower Run to room It we bought by the nut duke In low two ll llltt he thruhod Nepo Icon It WItcrloo out at tho WNW voted hlm ralrlul nItlon llo lntcn ed to Enlld morn rrIndloIe leIcI on tho 50m lcto IItntI but wandon the ple ltts contemporortcs thought It pretty mlldmbll houro tor malt ol hls IIlI ure ohucklod the Ilrhth duke who glutrent rIndson ol NepoleonI con quoor end Rhos daughter Lody lIno WelleIley he been llnkerl romenttcally Mth Prlnoo amt QUIZ2t unutrltmm TIII duchuo dIrlrhIlrcd Ind Iuntonnzd chtpped III thIt Queen Vtctorla hId tound the house rIthcr ImItl not My she Ilro dltnpprolod at tho crntrIl health which Greet Duke Is Irrndnnlx roll hlm was one el the IllIt hwsrholderl In Entlmo to lnItIll some or the Idehtlc hronro rIdlntorI Iro ltll ln wortlnz order The Hut tetllnrton Ilsa Wt lIVItrrlrI In All the roonu who runntrlrly Nn mlpd In mirrored corner mpboerdl The bottle bellrally of 1m darlro wlth lethcentury dddl tloluhId born closed and In poor reretr Ilm the month we all two you no axed At prrl ptlVlew ol tho hrlul More the puhllc open ln July to the duke Itld lhcro WI hIrdIy Ilnrlo blt el um no didnt hero nlere watt dry rot drntll watch hrrllo modworrn We had to have the root oll Ind rcnew the wlrlny Ind the plumblny UNDER TAX THREAT uttmetes ol the root In the duke renre between 2135000 lllrI 30000 10500 Ind 0575000 III II Iottllny the tune ol tome not other stately home when nndrr the mellow the labor gov ernmr tI llropoocd mollh III or ch may he levied It not mute and other IsIotI II well chpltel But Wollllnpton who own Apsley Home It llyde Perk Carnotloo known as Nllmbor one London tcclt thot lt one open oneI house to tho publlc nno ll rather more Ilkon to III handsome youhl do Ilth IIndy tutr and Iv alry1 olllcerl bcsrlnr the all th duke leld he ch ho hu lulunodal ohllzetlolu Thlo houoo Ind IotIlo prrsrnttd by Irntrlul nIllon to my encoder nd ll lo end my lIrrlIly to re oy tII lamb mumllho DI or OPENSPUDLIC PARK lclt also that wi had who has cured do me out at hL 1000 to make countrysldo park on the bar der er llIrnpshlre and Ear kthlre Here the publlc wlll be Ible lo tlsh temp tollow II taro lrIllI peddle Canadian Itle cInm on lIlte end III on Ill Irtlllclel lopo tvelllnxtonI chlet Inlrmt apart lrorlt belnr on tho hoer or tha ltlasseylcrrluson onsl ltth llrm ll tInd eon mutlon lle told the roun tryaldo tr hclny tell to can Itnlctloll at thI rItI ol 30000 me your thlA posttlro Ittcmpt to do Iontcthlnr About It SVLILK NAD SAZAVOU Omhnslowkln Iltcutcrt Bo hrmteo nyotel IlIsImIkorI IrothlnI to compete rlth modern Klimt prnchIlonI Inch II erare mechlntca to cerry on thctr lrIdlttonIl role 01 brlnrlnp olczlnco Ind Irltltry to the dlntny table An lncroutng preoccupatton Ilth wacl end IncrIl menv potter rhortIgI meIn lhIt CKECMIIOVIKIII Irld cullerl can no lontor count on My mum at mm It Iktlls Ire puocd down lrom lI thcr to too We are not exactly thort ol worker but we could IIIlly take more II we could tlrttt them told llttoltev llrlotctr dcpartmcnt hcud In one at the newest and most modern tecto rIrI hero The Ilctnry It miles dutltdo Prune cm In poltlt any holore lt Wt rcndy to bole produrllon three year no tho ltltDOll wrre Iwurrd tor Iplt prootlcu lhe Ilrrllto are at nearly employed 1only roguIIr use Ilter thm yours Ippronllcuhlp II about mo month ll II ltnpluunt work wlth hoan Ipcnt rlther botldoI lumen contlgrade lnrnIcI or In ronm llllrd wlh the toelhgrttllng Icmeh at Inn on revolvln cultIrI Inrecn mechenle could rnrn Ilmoot the oemo It that alone Ind not be ttepcndcnt Inn personal Iklll to matte IV For II Iklll whlch hII placed ltohInItIn Iced cryItIl man the path llnett wllh probably no rlvalo tor It vlro lllotorlc houIrI tnIy Itllt be exempted tlom tho tn Iortnlcntol Ihnpcl Ind pIt term It to tIrse bIrdcurIency BY good opportunlty tor mo mtltudo we owe the nItlole Ioclel duty to pmvldo tend tor ne rocmtlon oddcd the glalshlaworl Stnlllcld sto Illlch wlll IIIntIIIlly hm mucourn lull ot the Great Mel ks down to hLI Ihootklx cloth Ind IIIpet llppen ls ol London Ind elth mllu Tooth ot Reading The duko rhoeo the Ipot say No descendant hemuso rvuld Ila Mndon In the hon lrvrn hero wlth good home ormu N0 HULL Nowaday tho trlp can be done conltortIhly In an hour by oxpmswuy Ind llrlltnrtnn wlll ho provldlul recn lulu tor norm Alx mllllon llth dIellrro llo doemt pIIn to Add llons or tun lI llhe orno other Irlstocrett WI halo become rItbor Mtlon ol tookrro Iod watchers tool lhcro LI no crselty tor thlllrl del people an do themsellu The Welllltxtotu Illll IIVO In the country house on the edre ol the auto uhtrh llocy hIII orcnplctt tor yrIrI But now they wlll mon to stratltcld SIyo Ior the wlntrrr alter the tourlrll halo lone Only nlne rooms on the mund oor wlll ho open to Her tor Czechorlovakle wllh per rrnt ol ltI output TN 21 plants not to noncommunlIl Nuntrtrl zdcnck Keslk heed ol the ltulrrun CorporItlen ol Elk homln GlIu Workm tIId lhry could Itcp up ceparlty threotold wtthonl lully mcclttll dcmend Ind Io much wnl exported thIt they could not copo wlth demor tlc domtnd Alrudy thry In roztslrrln In ellht pcrrcnt Illnltdl to lcttltso ln productlen And pcr ccnt lncrclm In exports Thts to largely throurh modernlutlon program whlch however docI not Include mu productlon The tectory hrs CRUBIIED RY JUMPER NIAGARA FALLS Ott lfdl Arthur Drown it ot NtIrIrI kqlll wax klllrd when he tell beneath In eIrth Mlllm Is the msrhlne toppled to lrct down In Irnblnkrnent Into quarry SUPPORT LEAVE TORONTO tCIt hlcmbcrr or the Fodrrltion 01 Women Tcacllcnt AllllIlUM ltl 0w tIrlo llWTIIOI votrd to euppolt the ptlnclple ol pntorw tty lcllve At llI doth Innutl mrotlnl thlt wrrk the More Itlon Idoplrd pollcy to Itlovl men well II women tom el Ihlenco It the ttmo It blrth or Idoptton Tho led rtlonI hoard ol dlrcctorA Ip mvrlt tho poler and wlll It or npproyIl lrom tho OntIrlo lucherl loderatlm lotu thla month Iltutcd ohout to mltro Iut llrIt Thurtdey thl pttNIc II to MN All heed from Enter to Sop bomber They Include tho llded gel to II III IrIllI covered all lawman mgrv lnxkthe tlrot duh developed puslon or ltlrklnx prlnto on the walk IlwaI IddIIK onInl hlrrurlt to my loom ho pemnally decorated Then to Ilsa ono ol NIpolIon rule Tether despomtentty em clltl The house hIs no rut Irt luelurr or llmous Ircht torturnl loIturrs thoudl ltI cclllnrs Ito Ipectemllr But It has ltvcdln Itmotphorl And lined wlth lamlly por lretts Thoutn the mom lens stretth ltollulry noteI rhnrnrtcrlrtlc not IhIrod IncldtltlIlly by the present duke tn the grannds II tomva tone to the treat DukeI hour Oopcnhmn Ihtrh cIrrlrd turn for to hour It lhI bottln at Waterloo and Iurvlved Inothrr It yean trlond ol the pNteltt duke Iummed up tho Itmosphero el tho place ll tool as It tho Grrnt Duke only Itll 2d ycsn ego 1N0 Steady Labor Source For Crystal Glasrsmakers lurnIce ot whtch there In only two other modrlI In tho world JullLMl monulluo dutmn Iol per cent lead ltle leotory lllrltll ltI younrsterI throurh otter ot houslnr The young workers produro the lnduttrtIl compared to Artlstlo Items Iuch Is Vllrl ulno lnsw Ind Ilhtrnll Only later they learn II Item and Iklll do they on to hlghly lntrtrIte cerrlnr ILKII II veso deplctlng the Flood Whllll took two yrore to make and lor whloh Crecha unlovettln hIs ONIIM In otter ot Imam WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF GET ALT 10 Tum HAMILTON ICP Ntnoly Iut lndlen otlldcnto IT to coup 5pm lrldey III tml program drstlnrd tot prcpIrI nIttro people In leech In On tIrleI ckmentnry ochoole the department at lndlIn and north crn ellIlrI he Innonncod Fob lewln uvrnturck mum It llInIltort leechrrr Coltuo Iurcrsllul rIndldItII III to To trllre tomporery teachers cor tllllvrlcs FHSTIVAL DATE llrT STTMTIORD Ont tl The 10th lntItnIIlonIl strIttord itltn lrstlvel wlll open Scptcnv Mr It the Avon Thutro wtlh Icrcenlni ol letlII htolteI IIIIll work LuclIn LIcotrlhe The testtval to run nlno dIyI wlll Include lnIcmntlonnl cn trlos rctrorpoclve at only llollylloorl IlI rloclod new llan end dIylenr encounter Ilttl cInIdtIn ttlrnrnekerl mlxturo ol slur end It By CAMPBELL MentholI ot $10le Presbytoh ten church pthered In the buo lnent IA noon on SundIy to lay lIrIIroll to would Bob ttttlcr end his wtlo Jenn Bob he been lIlthlul arm lrt and holr loader tor tour your Ind low ha been cbotr member loco IIrly youth John Owen rxpreued the column llon Ind rholrl toss Ind wlrh ed Ind Joel hopplnesl uld Imus II returns to the Unlveulry et Guelph Ind Jun lchchrr L1 thIt IrrI Rrrlnnld Rood presented mole and cull III to tho Inr prllod ceuptI hey Dr httler Rho hII been ptLIOf tor llx months out tak rn by Iurprlso uhrn Clcrtt cl Sllnll mnk town spoke tor Ill ln Illylnx thank tor the WWIRAIIIII mlrllrlry we to rltloyed Ilte lrlcodllllp Ind encounte mtot ht ptcndld Itncm wor Ihtp Icrvlcex Ind untItllny help yhrn neodrd hstIbcen II In IplrIllon to all Nelson VItIoo prrsonlrd Dr Fuller with trI wllan IlInn rtock ImIll romrmhranco ot ht le month IIIR tho stloud conmrellpo Dr Fuller rtmlled lhIt pre rlnno IrrInIomcot to take over dutIeI In Toronto pmcntrd hlm lronl cnl lontcr tn the Irra Dr Fuller the unrch tor am morosundlr Aur It hrtoro tho pretentotlons III IlId alloyed hounteolu pot luck dtnnsr Ittd leftoluhlp BASEBALL Conrrntulrtlons to Fred Flow IrI banteml In IllmlnIltnr We mm In Ontario BurbIIl Assoo lstlnn playollt Surner non ever the Stroud team In tlrrt ume llrd the INOOII tlmr SIDE GLANCES tumournun NEWS 01 STROUD Strand sled tie ItrI llt rrIdIy Ind mode nley no play unlnrt AI Ilon locum lIrn tournean Knock comuntty pIrk1hI hm tIrrl llm ttrld on SItuIdIy lltnnrr were woods ever lvy tn peowecs Milton over hedo linden Contra bentms Mort valuIble MNNKEIWH thrry Am Illusion most veluahlo plIyor ll ntImr Dont torut tho bIIl limo llmnto IIIlnst path It lnnlsltl PIrk on Aurutt at Proud to mwulu dystrophy would RRDII Grant Helps Fertilizer Plant hulk Nam MIL aloud Lo to maniacal the or open Rotten do islru Sudhury Tidy Ilh tho Id 5000 ARDA Int PlNTd um lho MW run development ImImInt lm Armrmmt cl morankl ll made out Stowert Jill mtnlltcr ol tintan end lmd Ind lI rrdeeotlledml mtriltrr II II rlonIl Iconomlc prIIlolon mum at the Intact whl Itll be located Vern In llte Olltllrt ol Nlploslnl Mr Stewart uld lbls llcttlty Ill prottdo Irrs Omen Itttl mdy IourIo rt lcrtllm nutcr llhth III Iupp Hate Tum Ihou ho FOR BEST RESULTS TRY EXAMINER WAN ADS lddn lidill by thl Felr lo

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