cm pans out oi Wan mmozboah ha limp ammo over is buy will drum In ume viwrmideni Uniiod Stale Amid rcenrs oi rurmoil liar mm walled in the wing to ascend in be pmidency ho hn raid All him he does not corell Ford Republican umber oi Liho iiauio oi Representative 4mm Itichignna Air detain wu plucked imrn Convex lat mm In Ind faded whm Ford tool hi ontlr oi niii ntnriy ihroo rgooliu alter Agnew amped an IhA name yIIIIS time into Nixonretill Pm rinnnr IINADITIIY imam mm iioodad Wuhinrion out Nixon would quit And that Ford would alep imvnrd in hecoma thin counlrya 230i Aldenl Ono tram nd the cims in oi Ford inr vicepresident Ill hi oilcn Atod tlalrn tha ha hnd no itiqu to he norm minim This leit the nth or wldropcn race or Kilo Republican presidential nomination or the ma clot Liana Nixon hnvina hold lha Di ilco twice was imilrlbia to sue ceed himscii Again Ford wan knmln II our ienl Norman when he niade gain or Ihe University ii Miciurnn Irarn there he ani to Ynln law helm and directly irorn than inio iha US Navy When he returned in Grand Tlnpldr illicll altar illa Second World War ha barely gave him reli lime to rot on law practice lie ron ior nnrma at the ura Ing Di his rI other Republi can winiiy Airman with the hacking oi lire into Senator Ai ihur Vnnocnbcrg RETURNED EASILY Fan Won hin lira election In lain iic lal had no iroubla relt turnin lo Gunman every two yam In inc ilouse ho maria endur ing imdahlru one than Caillornln rcprmninilve nich ard Nixon In i963 Ford wnl circled dialrrmn oi the Noun itcntrnlican eonirrm Al mlnoriiy leaner Ford en oournaod tho iormnilno oi Ila licnn iaalr into on cpodilo mm and annomerd rn gram of divelopinz new on Alicmnlilel to woman mi VAnocd ivy iha Dmnnmile While Iiouso 5min oi hla ideas noizblv that on ravenun sharing iAiu allowed up ll part oi the Nixon program Ono oi Fords most Nn trovcraini Actions war in par tidpoto in an unmwlui move rocking ihn possible im peachment oi Suvremo Court Justice Wliinrn Douglas an limo hang all own In icuea n1anylhinl the liquor yrIn lnrpoachmcnl on rmpied nmmd Nixon over the Waiorgclo acanoni iord hunma nna oi iii denta moat vocal dcicndm IIDWEVEI Illa charm bav camn mm and mm on Ford becarrw ieu vocal FAMILY MAN Fomla regarded aA Aiauncir inmin man Ito and hi wiio Belly hnva limo noon and dnvrhier lie in regarded ll nerlonahiy IdalnzlhbrrectrnilA mm MN Pnilahwelhnlcieiilvnion mo Detroitrivet mar AP PM 10 diernoon lie nrd oiher mm her or Pom drum and wemnanimcan GERALD Among mllenguu Tia IA Iii mhodox limblican pmumd oi an unilnmnhla dimltionl Dormant wally have ahown they like him man Mid riler him as wulh but lair decent opponent While Allli inslIUnE ho bu no mcsldmllai nmhiiinnn Ford lay in ieeiad hnhigmhexlremol proorre pox ho ilinm on him Ila clier hi yran on various limo Dom miitees AM In briengs in AAA received irorn top cabinet mem hen during hlA elm montqu vicepmldeni neiore noeuriallod lair oprn Auppm oi Nixon on tho Wain TrmpAnAIlon vi Delano 45 named Heal Ior the Mam nlthi DUNLor St likaahie with clean rapuiaiion minor wafuwrt Varied Regction 31 111 MNADLAN in barn plenum dnion in hit lowmi has lamu United sum beer bu Wad 1AM amino both rides ci the harder EULA rumm are but do oiined no arm dihedrumhoeipricu April oun aioaed in UL heal Wt And eAtiiA impair ha im oi Uh $9JIW DE hatedvniaemriaumhb Nina 1mm uith whinglgo rdus to My 13an Lox brel mu ilod by Vermont Wu ox JOHNSON TRAVEL NASHVILLE MunieAiWukomI TourA AUG 30 10 EETI IAIIOTI DAY WEEKEND and OH II To OCT II THANKSGIVING WEEKEND Tour mums Ilaoinr Inhroonr Ind reclinlal inn mahlmd mini Nlthll Excelleni AecornmndAiinn TOTAL 0051 WM or marl ahArinr nnn room GreAi nuny our sullntion by JOHNSON TRAVEL TUE TRAVEL PROFESSIONALS NJuanJkn armorial lntlou manner lot Canada When in us Timmy Pam prodidod that own in rmliy had no man lei by The Damian government rill mm ahArp drop in pritu lulled hue quota Iyum In mind in slow imporul am 1111 190153 Unions The Awaiting Decision IDXDON OoL KP Con Ml trade Inlanl An Inth decision Tram Wuh lnxnn In dispels hclnrn lwo union dalmta jurisdiction our I111niiila proieol Ii the Unl Valli oi Weltm Ontario June llnrnmr bruise urnl ior LocAi 7m inler national Amriulm or Brldtt Wan and ornamqu Tron Workm Hid vigomy an niai Diwoirt oar Washinnerm hnl Men noiiiiod oi ib ronitlnt bciveen his union And Toronwa Local 508 WrerI International Union Noni AmericA the We Involves one week oi prumu cable wit AL lhn Gordon Thomwn Recreation Ind Athltllcl Tluiidinl Wold nboui iiva month irom com rim Earlier ier not other can FORD loin aliAir Ford went so inr lo Auucst thni lho Iiauro iudlrlnry connniilca war man in Ilia action it liar tAkm Ln vnbinl Uriel oi inr peAdzmeni Lnirr he laid Ii would be wrong under Any circum Aianeu ior Nixon lo rehizn REJECTS HEEIGNATION pcnon who would ruin could be accused oi ldXIliiiIn under their drenmsinncu his gulli Fun raid And lmponclrmmi and con vicilon would be vary very bod or lho U3 hoiir on do medlc and ioroim Imtl illoinr Coach will Air mili lirAnA Din Our Show 1160513 In $27Million Project Dispute auction union reiuud tn empickatlinu ntu will Ironwork who uid cabin writ rm their concern TM Aboma union All it contract with Canon IIN Lid oi Tomom AW Trader IVES II iuritdldian for PE in Too The dodalon in Irok Drille men throushvlho Wuhinglna board in rmtloe uhmevcr iuria Maori diswiu Irina amnnx Unlitd Silicabud tide Ilolt lam laid Ken hilnin buslnul mnnlnr oi lilo United Auoel Ation oi Plimben which my pomiha Inmrortm when Ibo Iromrkgeria hm Agreed to man can the WM lion bond Air India said the Aurora union In pruning liA can to the pninrin tAbor RolALlons Bani chainwide NOTHINO HELD BACKI tho Dunn Mindy hoeiquytizae Beaver Uiullnmfitilxd ruinmulditrllihintlzut SodaNor Anerimrnsut uthnum lLil gurines would hokl Dentam Iar Mom In am the WI Emuus lIeh lo Ihi wit to Canon Fm by reminan to ms was ad beLu Isadud both dreaded melt and liv um mm on inner to American and Canadinn oili rial Ii LII border Canadian producer say the not ii twin and rub Nation prices II by the led AI will MINI 111A died oi the immm in WW Drie Mandpnythodmum rmmumbglnuu cArrmxm IN rayon Air hilill Hid iii Amnl Ix Mo LL brrnkvon price hm Ibo grillerneal undaitnn la II it doesnt interim with Ina amid IJ iloor lee Ihld lends lo dioli lho mum became it Damian prica To each producer no mal whrwroodnrnmuerhoia or haw and hi produa II he Aaidl Houmr Waller Iiiilrr rice presldrnl oi lb NAllonIl Farm Union laid tint ihl AlAblil In bellow km per unran by III will IA lurch Iir Iliiier Aim AAIA Iha only way in emun DISIrealed meat don not cnicr 01th will tomato ban Mid tho iodaalzovern SAVEMORE Choice of Toial lnviiniorv 4500 BALES ON SALE Everv Brio Cloarlv TAGGED Wiih In Qualliv Color Film and the Low PRICEYou Pay NO MONEYrDOWN Na PAymAnir unill October on our Dciurmi Crcdli Plan MORE PEOPLE SAY OUR PRICES ARE LOWER WE GUARANTEE ITl WE GUARANTEETO SUPPLY WHAT VOLT BUY OR WELL GIVE YOUA HIGHER PRICED CARPET AT NO EXTRA COST mlmnmiuormm omen anrie whom mm EUGENE HELIX marlin me liiled ihehan because ni mung lnbblc lrorn may mm concerned with will than innnan hrAIliL an UP AUTHORITY Ilo uid rho ledrrl urem ment aharid utiziiah national lmporlA mm the us roul prion loner AK th bem nln oi he yrli mi mm mm ma mgr Maui when the ha in Inward Ilr Mada laid Wk utiic melon rose No53 au our ied maihi min aiihouehlii III urain nan he mo Am noggmrlgmegy Pom es Inn angina in tin Smilax comm tidy cum lurk oil The main oi pi Spain and France Ew CARS Dali Wu Monih SPECIAL if WEEKEND RATES BARRIETEBlini 72878333 mamamm ma urinal on our FAlr VIIUI prku or $490 in 995 par Iqum yard You ply low It hlli pri lnd lm owE CUSTOM cur FROM THE BALE YOU CHOOSE PROVIDE EXPERT iNSTAttATION AND UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEE THE QUALITY OF WORKMANSHIP FOR THE LIFETIME OFVTHE CARPET NA RICHMOND Hilt wiiii 10720 YONGESTREET 1M Elrln Mllil lid Phnnu IllI22 AN AMGA Digital Clock Radio lNI Tnrthm Nmanryl ACAIIIIOIIOUGIII KENNEDY TID Juli South Oi Iilirlnrcrri Phlh Mil DOWNSVIEW TOIT IINCII AVE rim Wan oi nuiirrII lhnnr Aroma while below Imp