Production May Not Be There gt But Skate Quality Certainlyls llnsncorlo llllrlclrzi mp mm oglnaully ohoetolthemllior Ipinsl President Mm for Nl chairman too ousoma rrttclo ol Judiciary emulsied up Inmonhment loo louse oI wooL AP Photo nonnanlic Had Difculty Purchasing An Old House the Unliod Slain Tnolnojor WINNIPEG CF lot oi doors to closed In my no Ptopio turned me only saying us romantic But Laurence Adams who oil In low with on 1883 stone mnslon the first lino ha saw picture at it Is dettrlrlncd to overwrite the obstacIts to buy and rostm tho housa member nHIln Manitoba illioricni Society lit Moms hrs saw nlotunl at the house in memo obool so rnllos south oi Winnipeg nnar tho United stoic border allion iomily ploiuns may by knit dun core ahonl Iha money Unless bouphl ll Ii one In wnslc II In the tacd problem nherom Ir mde in attempts to ra toads had hold Irma gullin tha mancyuA lot oi dam on cloaod In my lace HUIVD HELP Now hollow he has storied sternum sunning nukcnds doing whaleror aort he can nllord nhiiehvn inc govcrnmcnl sill hire on in rest in the project Ind nty tor nancial assistance not friends to come to non met till them it they help mo till tho oor to out down tho old hardwood oor they can have it Or it they help takordonm the moot panel and cwboard otter lionslhoy ton hallo ills now nonolllng gt oilroping has plop resscd wcll nodMr Adams has hone lilo house will bo rvodytor viewing by toll Tho house nasbuili by George Pocovk tor his Eng llsll lotto llhn nnuldjnol coma tobannrlh unloss rho had proper homo it Is said In hays hcen built cording to the plan oi the Poooch Intros rsl homo In England and tour omnnts wore needed to cm in tho three llolrund base ment nunr noun tha home hadcentrsl Inst Inn running water Ind zas qulto something tor those days with oolld Tyndall otono pillars across the iron and Iteldslnna wolis Ide the nuslde Mr Adams pllrchnsrd the home in Jnnlmyand has plans to establish tho houss as the central pmleclin museum with old groin mills orld hotel in Ibo Iron It all right on the main route batman Manlloha Ind TEMPERATURE TEST To convert centlsmdo degrees to Fahonhcit degrees nsnllipiy by divide tho mull by and SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $25oo DON CONACHER 7162374 hixhwoys crow nu limo ond ptono stop tor customs only rnloutu N21 in home nulor tourist ot trnclloo in the ma Tho srmdson at George Po who hnd Viliked the houso to heck on restoration lr Adorn isthmus too will ho nodded to omhni tho house hlr Pooook mndolhlo torl Inn In Sashfdwwan aharo be discovered cool when no ooliltdinarumhobmuht lha ltudsono my flit mill there and later hull small CHICKEN lEGS progress nillcoctrlhulo on old doctordoom ot the odzinol tnmltue moot ol oblohwas bronth mm Iond rnill tarniiy lived raclnoaiy bankrupt STUDENT mliiml witch iht mills um scnln Centre do MaIndfoouvro du canaoio Manponor Ind ilnrrlxrotion Maindmm ct immigration 49 OWEN ST BARRIE PHONE 7264240 Illlll ESHDPIiiWAHUN Choioo BARBECUE BEEF noisrs lMINCED BEEF Maplo Lori or Burnl cooltln HAMS Morin 75c lb Ill lb Cut Wrapnul 85 lb ll FroorIr Snooial BEEF moms and hiltd Jd loom on E33 mil onion In the urinals think any my road but by lhe Um lb will cnkd LEW min ll 33 Izu Greta Slogtor Gmoo hushnd Joe us nil ohooIJanl on to mail In undies nth Dd BigValues in Spacemaker SteelnBuilding Towora open Mon Aug with Spectacular Holiday SALE gIfile PraoticaIIOT The Big Beautiful 109 No mil mow Iodd now at Manon away tlm In on Economically pncrd yIl Wllh plonty ol slough spazo to uk Wn may hm WM cm at All one bulk ouods your lawn mower mid Iurnilnrs wheel hollow blcyclu will oil In malty in the 3107 vnlh room to rpm gt0 Ono pim ridno boom tor moximum looI turmll Solid wolt blaclnn on 11 tour walls All pamls now In ovum ohonnlh All parts numbarodiot Iau oi idlnilicailll In Swido Ill duo on SW high Iloor notincludod an anal iiirum oplclouslllwl Junma on Ouokor Stato Motor oll wwm sum Ilorvt ummmu IiiNew STP Oil Trohtmont mu not Ill knownow ST Goo Trohtmoul ShorwlnWllllomn Houoo Paint 339 uuliliy om mom to urm nu IM Ivotlshls max moriov mL in will onto Minnow II no urn sitvow wounding patntbw auti win Two gahinet Spncosaver I839 Iomnlnmimladsnanlam Mth5 Ma plulil tlblll 7x mtanmnicmn In whit mm or gold talcum 128 oVarool id Emmi3nd 13 All nricos In Illcl until ciorinu mm on SnluvdnyWo rooorvo III rightlo Innn mum BARBIE nAlFilLD Ml HWYS No II Ind No 37 onn Mail MT UNI In mi ranxlno hamlmnmotpwmu SherwinWilliams Wood Stain units 44 la tuto colon hum an and mum wood mm IMO nding Ion Inllll mum in mm pawl mam Woirlttl mm ma cud 4Ibs Payfillo NI all wooI min Io mod WM vimh lll moron 119