minute rrtsruouzs mum mm dissemination merit Allotbs neerenters 15m 110th hutchif m9 Fewd All Art emqu Belinda ool hlizb doll rude by tun Mob bribe one J33 deeorlttng mud Partition GENEVAMP Groove and mrloy have signed military disengagement mt tor mint providing to lndetinlto partition oi the blend thd in dettnlte preroeee ol the liirktob invasion towered Unlth Nt mm tlonr bidlcr zone around the ter iommnu mesdny no rltiiry occupied by the Turks big western diplomat lho ezmment lined by the in Nimarii esltmoied nu rin toreigu ministers ot Britain kish loroe attlmomen new Greece and Turkoy Tuesday um Ibo leg min troops or lupplle on warm mkesmnn for the United Nitlom meet og time said CAPSULENEWS Crusader Threatens To Blow Truck lip mus mmAn mtlpolhition omen blocked the lront entrance to the Elysee Palm today with truck he raid was full of gasoline and throaioned to blow it up But alter ea insemin inoi oi bargaining with soundly oltleen the man identied Demo Fuiezy we tailed loin driving bl truck away Ehrlltihlnall Gets 20 Months In Pridiin WASHEqu AN Former Dmldmlll assistant John Ehrttohmm wee eonlenmd today be rrrtnlnrtuo 20 months in prison onhl wnvlrrioui or oomplrecy and petitey in tho breakin It tho ellioe ot the blilorols psychiatrist treating ngon papenligi ure Daniel mom Search For Girl Tums To Saul trunnion or to to array wuili oi llarnlhou turned teddyto the 843 denite Ont will rglrl matoblnr lior descripth woe Minted owing on the front rat at oar early Tuesday Candian Bowing ContingentOptimislic MTZEBVEG West Geometry Katerina lertmeg Canadian contingent mode the moot at nal deymoi twining bolero the World Youth Rowling mammal bog bereflbursdsy Reg Smash ooxlru tours evade ironillt Catharina out paid the Dancdlons are optimistic that they oan improve on their best ie by suit in teat your5 Worship blouse modnl tn the wired pairs Deadline Set By Convict Passes 1W be lAPlAe em deadline tixrd try emi ijlet Fred Genie cerram tor dellvo or three bullzt vests passed lode Wltll no lulieetlon that am had in ad out ht throutloltl nhortalltliedermtdwunotmot Team Canada Includes Three Repeaters WHOM OHlitre Star lit Tum Collide 7i tho World llockoy Ambietlm that meets the Wild Union national team this tell throerrnemoers ot the 1m Nl tional ock League team Mild narrowly bolt the Sovlotx The three ere to iilttgeie Poul Henderson end hubnvilcb oi woexend acti aw Plxrtol llaeytorlaiotitlavocl WMVlll vilrba Provided Invaprus Plan diler at olnogotlatlou The three roveremerald er nebnireoe unwride to begin Axum rum in in more rolnlt ii 3335 lgiiiir 5i 95 einro omits arisen Wedmdoy July or rm Exorcer TO BECOME iiiw Toner ouroo gtMMW lecture Mane niiaunwupmuemimm Nadir GenetAnge to restore coir utltotlobll ovommoetto mints rbcy momento tiver at the Greekml Turka print oommuolttee will loin two deyr later and Greek For eign Minister George lllovroe raid the GreekCyprian will be represented by their current resident Glelkoe Cteridos eot gy ousted president Notaries Vlooilresldeet Reui Den ktaih the unchallenged leader of the TurkishCypriots will representtbem itlavrosglld memoir atrram Although Nloy gave up nothing Greek Premier Con retlsllcd with the agreement be clolo it puts an end to nostib liter and can mark the etart ln point oi Mr settlement at the cypm issue enrol ltlelarloo com plained at the provision eon ecmiog Moll withdrawal Li vrry vaguo Clerldaa was not available tor moment but int tlni motion among the Greek Cypolots tn Nieesla wea auspi clon The agreement that The opposing military lorecs will not extend their ter ritory boyoed the limits held lursdoy night when the ore meut we signed ioeurily woe manned by UN toner will be restebllahed around the enclave oi approxi metcly zoo more miles raised the Turkishilnvulou lorca on tho north coast including the port el Kyrenla All Greek and Groekvcy prlot torus tn Turklrh enclaves wlilba evacuated lmmedlrltly and VN force will protect the enclaves UN tomowtll prolret all other nullsli enclave well as villages eontelnln both GreekInd Turkist ole The agreement also provides tor on release or exchan at toon as possible ot all in tary pueenee and civilian dotllnrd provided Woodman swee We Six Khied 22 Injured In Quebec Base Biast Iiinislll Could limitedngnuoiiure knoirabowmbtbe ttlnllue column raid he is oumac tori stxltoel out were killed nonhuman Veleertler The Ministry the Enka ment has IiioivI rooetved uncll by the end at the you Mr Dun too laid111 province would bear ltlper oere oi the coat but Mr Mn said it is not rowego plant hill on ltr an and lunislil own come ioasibtl ity Itudo ubhydwnsultlng comma Ame lg ea ie entitle examined the Late Sirocoo shoreline irom the muhipl First Line to point north oi the 11th lino and do WW KP The Cane dine at Public Employees raid eodey that more than 500 workers in it Ontario hospi tati will go on atrtke Scot um loss the howilal meet detained lor parity with weekly wage in Toronto gt or CATHAMNE out OPl Modem bum who no to telling olt oerclothes Mid hero Ma ll sold two pollooudtmi ovuurtissino into tho 1th the Landmark 1W tilt Toronto No and dolomemon Put Slome We Gorgon ii result attire recent hostll ltles heroin Ww Hospital Workers Will Strike ll Demands For Parity Not Met Mild nearby fdtninzdlmbe mibenendmuy MawWu and including leenclaudo Glroux an to dole where the exploslon took place ureuorlllanl Tenders oeonoz bunny not public $15 the sewage plant is leat Mr Burton laid the lounge pilot being msldcd will pro vide oomplcte tertiary treat merit That is removal oi oboe date and so per ml oi wutlt lie olted almost clear water would be crrtptlod irorn the eewogo plant moo Lake Simooo lnnlslll Touuehtp has pov IthJon at 13500 Mr Burton Hid tbia is strolled by 12000 rem oi residents and tom transients dining the enema Frank Kltebco the unions ao tlatant Ontario director uld ol ter by negotiators tor the ho pltels located in Northern0n lario the Hamilton are end Stratiord have iatlen rbort at parity or lmilar Jobs in Tm ronto bowltals Whl llmtll weroinhlrullntbe Vdsmi ltlooru Womthaleemdoolysmmts Linn Eyigggs E5 limit Examiner git SE hi weabtisnronecasr Madmnboummu underarmyer Mammal 15 cm cintor Home Delivery l0 Weekly so Paps omom ledalotloo mtg oer mm our ebmltn lwlh to nd oppoeruon odvrs Mill went Mutual WW3 Uli mlh lapotote ehlr will the proiimcla mounted to be applied Wild while The load vrere identied Bill in min 15 nd ht Wu duodenum dvlkk milseuzseid it was not anhttypootdeiieebnd the term elm lie oeld Which the lnddcnt oceuneil vrwutomtbecnde vibet typos oi device to ham alibi1 it they torrid them in Eel outloom All of the dead and tolmd calm 15 Moatml Brooks 14 mommy and Sebtvol liuliontrml Those inttrod rightly tn chldtd Date 15 Fm DWI 18 Montreal lllmt Greenfield Peri Milk WSH 16 Montreal Munl We 14 St Mound Wright 11 Verdth Maura it St Laurent ll moisten 15 St Elbert Von KWU 15 Montreal and Kotzhb 213mm 3011 Release Bid Failure onwruw KlPl The Al berta in copyright Ital oays the ledcrel external ultelrs department he returned 820000 to Calzary parent who hld hoped the money would will re lease lroma llcxlcen prison at their yeerold eon The nedbpaper quaint ruii named external attain depart ment oiliclel in Ottawa llld that the fund had been hold by the Canadian money in tnut as payment toward mourn the meet laid Mexican lth ltles were demanding or leuo oi their Ion The rmney relsod by the la thor was returned otter what drove in negotiation or release the trrallwned men lier nerrveviaaootmadowb washroom but was Mead the Boulderuniting by lbecom teeottnototlutuetiitwopollce mlneloner Norfolk County writer emrtripooambln 1an MeMnAPINMIhatd umbodbel1o ndahelv villan witnesses may elect to heed to remove boo clothing their ltltottitics oil 01 the and struggle followed to media ilcr homo is to Fort wldrbttmwitnerseuklehowa Erioaodatiolaintmlningata yingundttxoarrd Toronto Mitzi touch btrarllatleg log have other molonlti Maser ea naliyJinhstlaLtotuo polleovrom threatened to mtwgwiim mummm noddertadFINAILYWNW recounted nbeneneot thanwenttmrdthodoorte 9helaldottohedpngioagotlbnpoh oiourha the paan Hill was breek lntbo washroom bod lr oururc ASSEMBLY ADOPTS FRENCH uni tonnage darleran mated to W50 that mnuubxllngtouskm Moo ml liDOrlJ will tar We WI dmwmonwebsndtlnmt mimiyt kmdmotporeot WM norking were ebooeit Montidrum legislatloe my mum duration will mm be it Ibo up the motion ndeixtef mist wotow any linens or docrram tn the size at the English sdnol ryetem This in we to pmmt the system rm nortor to the riment ot the rum Itll it llAd provide tor lemma prondcocy test to determine whidl System new will will meal Those izmsures WU not be Iniledtuztlluextiurslmw nod et ell levele annelan WW bilt tum mTcrslal 1969 lcgmetloe our melon rolrneotr the mt tall me are mud attees Minimizes and an rifled no meat m7 also be eilttmg parents to dloose noel abo for mist persoqu BODY return an eclurled lldemed iiui north at the oily bod oi the Verena who died ol strangohllon II toned Tuesdzy It nominat eiy pm by Inmln pltl lll berries The body ll belle NEillt BARBIE red by polln to have been there for moo time Detective lupeetan Bill Belle and hotly Iith the criminal Internally Branch darling with the Barrie drtmbmeei en the to vrstlgltlon Ibdn with are doing grid remit of the urn in attempt In more lites Hughes Facing Three Charges From 1958 Takeover Cl Airline LAS VEGAS chr lAPl Billionaire Howard Hughes and mm wit lotion and trend by lrderol grand Jury that made In obout late in at hours The grand Jury around the raid laid llold lt eon reuted utter they said could on that was good no my nodenear thought at bargain The royal commission egg emu day oi the inquiry that youth who refined to ramve born well to wall eodtbeuto lloorM Angelo mime mu rho told earlier biech wu tom men Tuesday of trying In lorco down the value or Air West ock in older to motto it rial Nntrol ot tho regional air title New celled Hughes Alr ivcg it was taken over by lluzm Docll1963 The charges stream lined version ot an indictment returned test Dec 21 which was thrown out by iederal ludzoJ llo termed it the most case at cruriln el pleading ho had ever seen when the charges vim lbrwo out Jen so the Jury was ginn six months to return new indictment time limit villldi Hatred at mtdeigbt New Dlxllt The grand Jury the same on that handed down the original charges lied mtt Monday but mumod no indictments Indicted villi Hustle Tude were Robert Manon tamer tend ol lilug chNelvndaDrarn ornpro or am lot eoimsrl tor lliuticie Summo Cum and David Chan nay chairman oi Four Star ln telnetlonul on Angele movie pmluctlon firm Search By Merle Officers Threatened wall to wall and thm to the oor He said be heard police Waldo ray romebleg about threatening pooomun to poltrerrwn told in uiry to earlier testimony tliat tlio vath who wee not Hunts tied was not emitted sz tho with was bmebmtro and MM one at immune One cos ltth Mutable mm mm mien and trlond throwing the youth tron nun easin tor llugboe to gain their