HILPSEALEYOUT GAIN always seems Mmummm IMBrorI when hacleld Mvmftmx in Iihlo tour noelnn Iled Soxln the ovenlnl their rst lineup will be ItvIltnrtheMorid NAB lllTIEli tars with items Jackson blindly Plfeei tatdid dinnersm tnl ol Win Toronto Argonauts bit mm Blue timers hem his with Ihli dnrlnl Caoa In on Tom lnllen tiltoi Football League Ictim in lfingeryeberiencedfAs meet drnbitidus Red Sox Barron um 0mm MI Ind ietlbendrr Paul Lied hlll exnerlence III Ice re hIId llever ltotlidlinun on their to llrdSox split Mdnrinl more town the terrier reason with their menu World loam three union by one run Series bmebait tilla Saturday Ind twoby two when they meet the unblltm lho lied 50 bidding tor Emil IllIce 1W lame ounhinedo nibbles rookie mutton Fred Lynn and Jim Rice Ind comeback to rm the crown Lynn In the turn will 131 Ivaan lie hi1 norm leo in too tuna Ind round 10 lie Int rookie mud with doubin litre complemented lonn ms lendin win 301 IrerIge humus lelde In nm oi the American limit on nine to ham to lump Ill and not thorn early Boston mu Frank nnmne slid Thclr pliohhl Ls edlo run innings hm they ltmw theyve oi that in Ibe hulipa 0n the tinis no Ieoom tinsaws AI Inn and 3151 and or rule scored hui Sox rnin even Oakllnd hart he milered bmknn mud when ilwreowdinwlnnlnzthawest hit by Ipitch Sept 1t Ind in title Boston 9565 rrulrh lost toetheycar tn clniurinl til In on ellort to corn tor an me they lose at tticc the son will more veterIn It or Carl llalgeehsond hum mg Yosimnuili Etta late exienco ihI Iiumn roused about my mmllm with to tell and nut Cecil Phil Garner nmumeulth ll in hmbolgtcr hit moot rernw 53 ii 3mm Iome ti tictdin eomudtted in escrow Theres no question that main Ixer Alvin Dark hu siren out c$gt Tenure Jooilnu Tnnerls Sui liondo Bill horlh nnd Cluudcii Vuhinsloo iilo mly chlnk tn tho As Ills BONN West Gmmu my Top ernnleur athletes in itlror slu Itnnln ctlnI nu er unlt ofllgiizmla Initiallwrs timetable nun rm to ulna slit nre th bl none Mllmu training to winners and both are min1 Olympics emcee sport pans Ilnlllman is scheduled to mums report Salur Although amateur rule iorhld mm to to secret cash tmeniivea tor Olym ll competitor llimAOClllrllld esnsurve conned Win 19 HIOWI that nltnny ItIrI can earn lioernen 116 time aeonlr ms mm rm Mm lands other starters They tantrumr mm and mu mu um throw rlxhl3hnnded Xuam AI iIek tn estern pearl noun Wm Wilma more trlu subsidize medal who or with 31mm dates with cnshnsayrnenle usu bullpenied by Flotation re Illy several in red done lit emanates toil year he month tor tood medicailrca hat illB resold 2t um nd ment travel st inoonA and earnodrm aware olher wotcable expenses while training tor the Games mill PM 1M Nest GormInyI rte him Endowment mun nurllbutes It million marlinstd millionw nudity in some 2000 needy Olympic hooduls pitta Inolher three million mullsem mun lionto ilnIncI umouthed fertile 5Vllslil tol myrtle tilmllc learn uluziflu am IllIn mong gwmvrh 23 nmllgnm Kilogram at the Slmnner lllu ilelxoualry inlernollolnl G$$ggzoll cmwmm lm mm mll groinhi sanctioned Inholdles hall tournament while CInndI mum Rm pod 1m and the United States lied mo mm mum ca 1i Pol II renkrdtourlh in the um peyo Lnorldmlmonl mena lenrrlu too hnslnesohacltod sports club ndlncewiiiiabmnr till lmmum Soviets lmslmmmd lililln Denmark un third It GME mm hands lnpan ilnlshedat 24 while mumll the US hnd three losses and mi mmlgl The MM two tier endCanada tlnlshod men mm mm much anl tildlaev scored six coal lor the Soviets neatnst Dcrn mnrk Imt Vladimir Melchior Ind Yuri logouiin added tour cnoll eamin Itertsen scored nlno Koala tor the Dance and Lore noch had tlur jStPTIt nTANKS PUMPEDV DON CONACHER 7262874 luminous men Olilon li VIII tilvan ea lIlitIteI Conunerchi itIleI nnrlrArnucnv In summer mom Earning money or liberal contracts with sports Worn Elk taller Build or that kg ltokloe Wm Barbra runkltaruron Inp Ir II ninetrim LIIIIIII roteIda night in trade llopnlm mover dmdal lWlnolnel telly let not In inneso play late and serum IIltxtinrneioArmu$IinI lorlhe tlein tantrum Cendien Youtqu tune into print kid loothot me Duptte ham to settle tort week In in Winer lhc tie the Amount had Iomn Mack Kale had tense tor bide liter new ma helm windeoaerlermstrvefuchlmled Baird look me the bulk terramtoihmtnuchdowutn mediumantumnmmmmuluuo II yum renter majormin oiirnoe not wed cut Icoan plighdornslnImanytmthnIlnIayxame Winnipeg win over may this neared ll Nuuu ALL IN ONE QUARTER weyl Main ltered IxIlI loeehimr three izuior drim only Ind Baird was then ended with litrceylni inacti lonwlyearonnlxalnnlldonn mo Dk Norton oniieerrmwhlierolx buoyant to on we io no In two touehtbwns in Dave ltIdden and Int Wu Hillel from 111 totxhdown pan to Hortony all hIIHiInI decit in Joe 1mm quarter moo Mltli=id Ilntloand Arxiruniunmrlded the con IHI chthru thruheeh r0 Wm 51 by the Milmon roti Build who ehou the Blue In mu mm it who Slim Nation not plnyod um um Mme mcmhsttl whenhonaesilllIt M10062 Lion oiy mm University mum lm llle didnt Itnu lite ball 1y sun nomthobznssteiaoecoredw $22 WWWW Riv munitions 023333 mgg mu thle In on Urettuil um um mmm my tut tall IIld Arno moi GOOD 0N ONLY THREE it was one oi only mm 1120 nine Bombm wholur pieced by tutor Brod in the three pointsover cum Ind mood hall draw play In um um the Aloude on Sunday 511 win It homers nntnly the Am datum called hllu Argos lroprond the designated hills title leer Ind when iirnek handed oil in lhlrdolm standing to the East as raw OILlion liter iound In need path up the over instpine llamllton June hitllu not homers Ind Mimi Other hula throw on the Red Sox include wtnn third ham Non Petrocliil rim ileldor DIWEVIDI and no odd humus Denny Doyle Ulla iiInl lDll will be the nlnl morphine Route Ceretand on em to it linIi too mmurnlnx madam Me Bi eat over Rich Win ll mind native or Sulii Ctirrtri Suk wutibeeome the Conadlaalpttoaeziansul pill 3rd lit tournament ellherI or est Ira rour nor onm Ime Pl menl hero test month which Gilli IMILS Alm lVIlllhlBlill he shit th learn in lilo min orreileven are nurture hracltet The top teams went to lost me to Br manila Morel Ito and chklolo to night hIndcr Norman with lids high hopes for womens basketball team inKPonAm noodle cowlcm wonrliyhadtwnd Ooldl Brill Hurley believe lion belan the worldn mp the Canadian womenI nukel ehlp It took us It to ion City title month pin in tournament to decide tried to play two more antes tam brunt thI too rillnver elsnth to pieces Irtinst Senegal Ind Auslralle The Soviet Union reiIlned the iletore the world champion title Wednesday night with thin the Canadian team Ind mt win over South KoreI successtul ttvenmk tour at En mi titan 17mm pm ropewinnio ll arsonmes tor this type torner on At lhe lime lienncy said the llld Henry who took leave turn had ohms It had nhIi it absence II coach oi St ima to win In Olympic medal Unlvmlly Huskies L1 or CInnlewmpetrs tn the l9 WM er times It lilontreai next you it will be the tint Olinwl national Montreal we had womens tllrn has tompoted in Toronto noun mad when we werI In moon time lial liiruiidti 333W mm mumth lmy Ind Ileamtorio lye eolymp or more tor wind inter nIliodIl races inlormeotaln ViennI said mild x1395 guessing ur rrtnm ll tonnmu also aay onuttnr run here then on wet 0100 gt meet and toy ey piayerI mono Iyear Olympic candldatee in Dem mIrk Norway FlniIM irancI and Britain Ire also eluru hrendardhultcr idles Ind tree eouipmenl tunneled throth nollnnli eporleleden Itlons Butlh where most InIalleur animal hI ncomee 12min ties with menuelm Canadian Games Olympic medal yearly oliielal MONTREAL CPI The Kuehl Villager in lion nsjn game he learird treall term system since 1972 who will DIM Gene balletu he toasty to mike Mulch as mono or oi Moulmi the jump to the Ionian Expos oi hnso National think lm as repelth Is learnt tot oi purple mane up We went someone who there want to mourn the thlnhsIlong the linesol the pol MI leagues and 0t ensure hey wew created uid limos hadnt siren the Montreal thin learn president Johnlttclllle Iny thourht nho annotmd the thing olv at tho pinycrr the Expoe Mind Ind nil IONll atoll look into the in month It in Wedmday ants ltd will do season it played tor lineulml lIlIon It at 043 an an at cum Elsieln or IBM or $vf slit Ioeelichtlqu became nobody Dohy who Joined the Mom dmm WM mint minglllnhm Jill iiniirlultsliihli on out no mmmdmn Inti knowledln or the lame Ono wdliusown West German to he thathaw tooth with One rnaniteinrmenlioned i0 ClaretId lndlIna ot the Ameri Monty IIId It eulllLs 100 top Keri Knehl manner 0i item can meuelie so hes doti Glmun will phis ninsmho ExpoeciIss nlldy hseresiednthe Itll imam Qumran rum club It the inter Lemma once pltn itor thou wormuo mils other naiinnol mine Olhnm an Montreal Ilnyaie as the Inter it With 00 In return harry baby mlnorlee national League has expressed athlete must ml with the ailing memo and Tom dulre to return to litontrrIl ifldmik dill 59 We IoIdI third hIso couch with Expos it the tonlclpcnod Lo Annie Dodz cd ileit elube An undisputed ro Ind mutate the rennin ETIIIDEN er mm mm mm Chin Binok IIIla watches as Ilatue action in Torqu aseeeeomplrled to tal in proved their lhirdclue mlfllll Iline thsl hell and lie woes ro in the Western Conierence to llI not mu the guilt In British Alumhin move on to mm Brod was lortunIiI to all WW llllyhnghylo thnt Mani Pen AW their tlerIn New York lIlInd wlnxu mud two goals ll Baird the Warrior None ern Cooimnco to ten pointsThursday nlrht to lend the Murder in win over 010 Palm Ind mnlrhlnlhla hex on In NItlonIl llochey teem cum by In mu pod put Toronto grill lie rchlo Maple beet Diu Gold Home to more durinx uhihlllon Nliionol Hockey Thursdaynlgil Toronto to II the or one period oi Iclldl on Photo Wstfull retains hex land Penguinsknow it By IE CANADIAN Him in the World Hocley Ami Tmioa only goal on NHL team Len season it we esthlll goal in the wenlh IIInI oi the mutterAnd wood the semilink Ind burghth had held 30 motor linxllitdlntherertuwldtur but learn is back on the Hunt betore we nally got our Linan PM guts do eat lot lthhI butth lIll Eml uplift lilo 213 gull Vietnam Clli IM it MI ugh mmrugmln in while the islandm Ire In condom it our nnceso any Ineslo the Sovlei Union game In the early part oi the lswlhlllurodrillymnlehl lling haiku donned New York hangars 04 Outlet IilIeIt limits deiultsl Mull lilnvle Si bulk Blue bent in iirrl Call to compcll lol It Vlitiui um um an um luftiliflhiggu white Canada IlIyed here to nine 7st The team is chcd mm In mmlallonulay Cami Lents Its that odors Ioto STANDINGS Ii THE CANADIAN mm CInIllIn kan mien Hamilton wesirn Edmonton Saskatchewan Winnlprz nc Cater limit Auq oguua In use tonlmnre a9 3581 en goon runny aa Winniper Toronto It GIrne BIIIrdIy Ceirery It 80 Gums Sundl winnipcn It=liontrooi SIskIlchInIn at Edmonton will FIRST PRIZE loll Pill Ition lilinnmolI Fighting Saint bent New WIN 56 ten 54 San Diego Huhten de luted Dam Spun Ind Ednmlon oils donned IryOowboys Brun mu stored to Iln amnntillandm 3d 1511206 or period ell mourns and Ron Schock Fromm scones Inner Rich Middleton scored three roelaioaloauxurneiurine times In centre Don Luce stored roll Ind nailed on in othora to pace the Sabres Morris lInl Joelt Gum monl Ind Ilm lnmllx rented the other Bullnin goals whiiu Derek Sanderson scored the Renem one goal 0min Bobby sheohIn mrrd no llrslvpurlod 1MB to lead the Birth ilouks pest Main Shedun who Iu book to tho Nil otter viz Mill Rd mmton ol the VHA last semen tooled tile lust the uni ot the lam In Toronto itd tetiIr Ids the WHAT noon CLOSERS FOR ONLY $3200 uu221 RIg $4930 PAULSlOCK 7291841 Oct2DraIII SECOND PRIZE sSoooonuMaen WINNER 0F 41 WINNERS OF 338 WINNERS OF 3402 WINNERS OF WINNER OF Mitotic nuttender tun tilelxrgney stored ltd other Chicago on and Men cemao iirn ennyicored Mod pom tiny illicit Baddtn Icorod in goals In the Biuea vtday our Wuhlonon before ISA III II cal hndorutlid mar kite Iled pennants Jerry Boiler and lIyno Herrick gored the other St lull CAPS FINISH EN Ace Balm Jack Essa Iod Nelson Ieoeed tor Wuh ualittl ton echeduie Torn lllllarm pourplay mi 1433 It in lhln period me the Anetta ies the old one Vanmmr in the Inna ntIyed It Victoria Bob liar le Venlsky Gm Cart BM Goring and Don KoIIk also Ieored tor lite Kings Paulin Buddeou led the Danueha with IpeirolIoIlIIndolhermm Im added by motto Rick might Donnie lencrIaerl Ind Doll llnlt Blllv Graham presents Isnt It Good To Know In our hide rum SUNDAY PM HiWAY Cliuncn ANNE Al no $100000 NUMBER 5100 10061 25 000 oust IIWINNERSOF 1000 ItN mswmnrnsor 100 THIRD PRIZE 525 2am 41 WINNERS OF lWlNNER $21M mwnnrsnsor 100 200 esoewnmensor as FOURTH PRIZE 7525000 NUMBER Irma moo 1WINNEROF szaooo stun AIWINNEFISOF 1000 my noon aeswnmensor om mozwmnensor TOTAL HINWINNIRS OF Next Draw Oet16 3130300 025licknls may be women It branches at Canadian Imperial Benkoicornnlerco manomooemen