at imam 57m an Inn XIIIrrIxIAIIIIIIIIIII 7mm momIIIIwuox urnquoIoLon um cute nudism 3xieyee IMJ 3mm mar umnm Imluv new Iv Im II IFM III II Cover CIhIIrIoo Ami 3I pgru NItIsIIgLY on are kill Inn 31 on new arm tionoerlrvnhtrtoI jI mm IIIno EVERY suNoAY 15 KlpstDAY mum Amnhoo IIum IIIIv Itwol my no IMINI Wu hm hm yIIun Ivur Jpn mahIimmVI luauv IIIxv ii 4itm$22wr WM III uownno Jounsons VOWAIID JOHNSONS rtsrAunhNI i355 BAYFIELDSTN Ingmar 116 prmnrm II who ule em MI rteMm tumrum mt IIJrm do IILinir lam Intvet It 3349 64 mun kn intent IIIgin with 15mm em tum II IIIemu mum raIiIu men IIATLIIUAY EVENING IIIAu mu min NW timeout min 14ml OtIeII II Iane mm TUESDAY AIIEIIIIIOOII im MI IlVm II III MIN ll II it 31 Imiit Him it 51 View Imm rm jIwru on We wattI em Hum mur Hun we Inevw rmn IIISMIIIM Min yr III In lif nmr oh my tIrI mmo Furner Na IIIII Milli IWWI PM CUM mm ovum IrIuI term in me nwieur liLImll or Itl Him II Ivor 33 In out iMk IIIecu Im IInuu wamrn ImII Tmi Iii mm mu Wmmlm IMm III II uniI IMnie II mam To mumI IHMI IvrI Heel me Mfg rim Mei 1W lent rIIIIm muml am rum maintain IIm 1me um tuned Imam In II IIIII him not In IIMI em IIIll III nIimr tum Firm mt LIee rm Lake new Iosourilopr 7te$I5I bWldr me new It II Mm Item WI rMII FAMllt NIGHT SPECIAL taut MoNoAtjro rIIutsoAr CANADIAN IIIMAI Wink POT tutor or BEEF Ior BRAlSED1llVER gr ONlONS lI tiihlimf rm gang VIIIWM hlldlMEnwl1YBtnnlliwuinhl mm Ililthum New MI H1 Atrium Prinz rm mun gmurw Tm2M Ittttinl III and Ich cm ilmltum WW NIII PIV IIIWM II item ml Lde them rum we we 11 ka View mmn Ammo If IIIomLoIIII ldruiiiileru NIm NEWS OF ICODKSTOWN uIIuoiIIe atonon IlIIdI wu hlldesmeld on end Ilrl Ioeheuistunz mags rimi ew Ind IIIere Bnrco CI thI ceremony Irt phell Ind HHIIIMcKlIit Ind Mn Denny Gumbel HM IquI vrII eNIM IuI III III lwm Th lIw IMII CI Allin hm Withdrawn ANII mums 135 In In Ieguap IImmIrIII Mr and MIL mi Men in mt and hire Don CIrtcr IIr IIIId MMII mama MI um um 0va rChlldren under I2 $225 gm mum complete mellineludea pontoonyeqeiebler Mr me Mu um Jehh ceII damn rolls honor and llOVlllq Mrs Larry Cause out it an rumour IIAII Wmm mm lAllEVlEW FRIED HlCllEN Sire Irene Giiroy nltmdori lhl Sent ll III III Gm llblil Dinner Box Spetiul iv hand Gunter meclln at thI rumourIre iltil pram chicken CoIe Slow HI IImIIIuIIe WLPNIIZBDAI Amenicon Whoa 7Immuidrvlun un Mt Ihl WI III mm Ilnhienuiw gamma new QM may IN IImVanmM m0 innit MI IMm IVIrIIII AM NIIMW WILD MINI AI naueI fIhym IM nunI riIIImIIue uII iii in Ian om Haunt ItrroItII rm anvmt I14 ON file IIIlyrmhmm Illlnv IBIMYIIIIIII 14mm IIZWMIU irowa INm III rm mm Dtl Dinmt Order oi the Emmi slur irnIn Tuesday In HIM lest week at Mon then no rdattree nel rhbort Ird Mend were mun Freneh Friu Tee Bileuit RIg$I95 the RIDIII York Ilotel in Tare iiiunrbtchw uIiIIItmIIn Ehrlilfonha hinrwm Que WM it Mount Wednuduye Only wrrned to remain In the room This qu Ihortiy Illa the Shoollnz Irreo IooIII pinto turned In Bumptnn Iltrr 0n Wedneediy evening In ueeire 32 with Mn Hector 6011 Inniverrary oi the Grandr Smith II meter we celebrated with The huheen rem rhumlnr uncut Also in Interamen or at hutanew 10009 The hello MI Boutique in now It the Iorrner Gordon Raohum mid this Iunttion were lira Lit Donnril and hire Boh liobiru arm while no ChildrenI tierH hetilrne he moved mus to the Iath Ilde at Queen Street AI EIMCOE IIIANDII hire Lily Fisher unlikmm IIIIIdy Iwhomllveduorwt ol Ier 71711 town timed my Sept In All Slmcoe Minor Berton She um III Ihelovsed lIIIIiIeImotIIItthu let um tree III In 7iiavuiih mm the iete vnm rum mm Sympathyrrnu to her two lIVMI MItm meme Emery oi Ooohnwn IIIII gm tllllam oi VIntluI to her ullmeleld sine tilriry IIIt Corbett pornum IIIId brother Norman ndCeril wf Nevilleiiimertl Ionire IIIu III held Sept 11 mm III llulhee hIInerAl Home with burlni In Million IinIorI Cemelery hint hone Armronu welcom ed itIt Irom her groundnut Immune Fenioilon ol UlltII err on limWIllm Commen hlnnllly5ul LHMMI IMMIme III eunurc Lwiulu mink retire or Ich weeks va oumn pm IIIthe Ihmt hall Aw ClIOBSEIIJIUHIAN um an Cindy Wm MM the 41 TI manlh or Aymu hotldwing In German Ingram In Llchd ea II ermany In mmdlnmm kimtlx tratelleld gym Imus mnny rerre vu WWW mew Iound Gmny not IIrrwderII mwmlum ItIloIlnl IIIIne Ind II Cenedl oiI Cindy taking Lieui vrruohf Iliiirmri 1mm retIryI mu It mom tm Ik int Min can hire 1er BIlodlrIni ran Iiiiu II twine vIu II my Im rm Cur Huvnur tine Mime world vIIItittu HFI homil tItpm Im IHIm prvnm lUNDAY EVENING IlIlunv I1rImIIr IIIIIr me Inwu my tiIII wrmm mm Family WEDNESDAY EVENING IIDA III ILIIIII mute on The bridle Uri Poole ILonv OIIIMJIIII wn HAM IIII 9M 1t AIM 7wm IAIMIWIII Iomn Hume tun Emu III lute IIqu Fur III VIIIi icrt mm III 11hlle Mv MImI cm III MIqu kuoeterl Hlpilll Iihr Nuu nII lm wuo Im IIII with me time WM KrIIIr botvmntc 1Movie the we II or rru nMv W111 23 IIImirtumn em mm rrmnI IItuw sum lItIl Hath tintM MTV mum IIIII H1NIIIII Home gum MONIIJAY tmrnxotm Ioew eer IixgMleul WIilry no DKW In IM MIC III or leel 11 7139mm MAMNew IM Lunch Hm lumen 7H mum we were Iilmnmim new Iowa it II uinoihwn In Iupvu me um IIImun IXcIvIrrm me Harmon Jam nua hm AIIIIrIm IeIrIm mm It 14 NM ii IIva II Dim Ilaem 7WD All HOW IIIrum mm III Ihllml IIJII NW tmIrim Urhl Dill Ioru Armin MM Clrlt IMuv Ulllth Him 0th HI or Mlneln IItonImI II rye IeMovte Steve IOII III III Metka Emilee un MIMI Iliu IINewr emreuul rnunronv Amrnsnnu IIrIMum wrirrI MD Mluu mmqu vmwlrtiA Dul vmv IIIII nun Ill Winn MIrutI Hum Hm II elmlenm IM My le II eee Idcorelan In It uemeim 4mm mlreer 01 meat IWhm the none were 74mm Ind mun ll mm It Hilton unrty mm III minnow tImnd Illrl war Itrm no HMIKII 0m Ill Cindi ml mm mm Milath 5D mnIrIIIeII timid court ooh Mamet loawn It Fl alith ii triiritr CW Ivlm VWMr Lit with 51301 IIIlull em IIII II MI rent 1H iInqum mu LIIPuman llmtti IIIennui 1qu amp II Fagt viemmI IF ItIu IAmu WWII IIIut II II hnlmzhiie In Irmam id tum min tum new be Iron IeIme whit IIIInn curnun Mapm lIIDo uIIIeeu uIuiou IWMI 1r om Iirim linen axle nAImrIm tIm tutmt Ian om HemI runan IIDouhle Elmo Iuvrm IIIIIM II 00 xi witch errmn II IM IlYM pnml vlimlul Mleim on nun ldv lunch emu Menu If III III we mm atriummieiiirlhrp lih Ill Del hirsurd Illr We Hindlt Burnt Sept victim nth lIlrI Ahrri throy were iir Ind litreEIrl my end Hm ii at cullingwooi hAIIIIAnIIIINCE NUIIIALI proJy IIoddrnl look plane In Ottawa on BItItrdIy Sent when John ilIIrItt Ind Juno Prince were InItliod film roomA pnrentl Mr Ind lint Don Darrell drew to 0t IIIWI Int Ihurew elim lhe rrt Audi model ever built won the rst not it ever entered hatwn Ilmort 70 yum 50 Since then the Audi Foxr rncestur have wonI legendrry la Grand Prix victoriet not to mention mm of the wortdr moat smelling road men But dont let us dwell on the pm See us In the near future lllli IN drive the Itutl of nhirh legendsrrr mrdc llEllV JlillllhllliN i7I Gownn SI EIII Rd BIrrIo THEAI MOITORS up 7min