Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Sep 1975, p. 3

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Coehrnna nor ONE rickener our throceilltehtiahn no his lather were rhhlnr between the government dock Ind mcrlcw Restaurant when le Danis Optimist Club invited Malcolm Mulls nl director oi the Simone Geornlsn Task lorce to be it lllu municipalities ul lm coe County cant coo nte sari Hpalsn their local pN ernstotnt ly the Ontario government Mil have no eliomat vohut to im its the Barrie upunn club warned hlnrviny hieicolns Martini dlrcotur oi rlrsclsl governmentrm ed Ssrscoe Georgian insir Fotcn valid unlinkedf guisilnea Ry eveo men or corn sold ill up to local pollllcisns to devise the accessory plund Ilngtpd pollllcet mechnsory to It the nonintervention oi the since Repaid about 15 club menslr ers It the LIlrevlew Restaurant ITRIPLIET Alyce Beef farmers Would like iiy mum Barium svv sum every heel tarm er stupid like to see happen lotrnora ottcn hsppensvl on Don turhrnnc when igave rm In trlyvlits Saturday nsnnslng We were quite happy when thomother hut twin calm as though remarked could hardly be llovs it when two hours later returned Iller pithing up slchlourt al rludurt irons usaw mill and stud her giving no at his iiercinnl com eIts rhlsrndn ove hit mat tccntryet ro ceiuen gllt Mn Ed icnm the lush iotcns pom nus not to the do ior the implomen lion oi re tonal nov ernrnent but rather help hr cal olichIls mailsr tho level tspmcol and growth problems the seglou will loco in the int are its aid the work at the in one task losce was hel list in sonvcylng three hay pa in to the people oi the county TisI three contributions at the study Is outlined by lir liar tlnl were telling the municlpnli hide that they must come to ngrcomcnt anvplnnn Inst do veiopm issues on heirvnwn it they went to remain uhregs birth to small third culltlltl guano oi course are thrill tlbllo twin bovlrso births nrtt quite common virtplot lsovt births are relatively rIre oc rrlhg at the nvrrnge rota oi about ano to mom tlIsrss It is even less oltcrs that not oi trlplu calves oil survive While the cow was art no Ir andyear row lsrcoru enlvlndi oi lltrclord breed the sire sns lllsllrii tvrrinrsl rvnss Ehlrhurraultls in calves that re IVDI gron pollcrn ills it hard at isch tons cun mm he nude the web smash tends to turn tho lsrgest fish ninepoundcr mutatedle miner Photo eluh lugs trlghtl srhlle QC guest lord Cwlliti tlcttl looks on Up tolqoalxpolitiiclcsnsx to keep province at bay tlrcy nocd sslroie ioniiitld teillnu the developqu thA preach sshlcis will involve the public in the early stages hi the nlsnhlru process telling the Vince thu it must accept whgtmiho public oi Simeon enmity wants in the My ni grouth it local lclsuss take tnlltatlvo province won interim hir Martini said nob log that the days at relying the province to interim when it doomt have to so rntls uls nclglslsors is thu pulcs Imang over trains some Chnroiais sows From these rrsutl some 31 to to raivrs st year ila nsu buys number or heci caltlo calm and stockrrs in keep his bccl viecdlol full and mating at greatest rillclency The heart oi his ienllat system is con crcla Iiavo Illa it iect ta dis rupicr 70 high shrugged with autome nnlonder an ire vrlllngiecd bunk tiller Not larkiut oi ensllaga has to be moved by hand The cows are led torn silage thrre or tour times siny This Iotlslle the Inns in tin cslcnl rte Public innii is in 25 125 gr En ego $2 3E No11 Point is worst intersection in the city and is the greatest Ioum oi trouble to the dostrite it onu raa problems with mine eon KL Pointlili bdrussidlikoioseesomelm Elli En ride cl go 122 E25 if It the Intersection is Idlpi Iblo in new frontiers Aid er sIld th stoch ronisstion is bucd on the arm speed downtown il per hour it add peksir IIld unsatilspiestneetsrillerosa srlththogreen ms CITYNE run mummsussnsr rm es ms lanternassures FORESTER murmurs The independent Order oi Forwmliof is holding an tnllistlon oi new monsbern Sub urslsy It Sunnidale Community Centre beginning It pm is 150 new ms rose oi the from I39 lEGiaN Till1P Chsslesisn1on deputy disl rtct cornminloner Ind Willllm Mil lm ion Brands it sidaot don stsdm tulip to the dry Iiondny ior plIutinI this isll hit Urchin told clw coundi ms is the uglon both shah vemry In Canad and hub chm across the coun are sell ing the golden tulip bruise which will sprout in the spring hi broomstr Cit council passed Lhyisw bio sy authorising the pure sse oi approxlmsteiy in some at land owned by Goad hiary liciurlr It post at al most tooooo The city hu been negntlsilng tor the property ior one year tonne it ior park Tisrcc niderrness anico LIL lug lies Archer and not Cole soled IIIth inmurchasc STREETS UMED Fire streets were Issurned by the city hioIsdIy during the sc guiar council meeting The streets Elliott Avenue Ssricsn Drive hisrshsil street allel tIin Crosccnt Ind Hilton ms ceat were reported to be com pictcd toclty engineering de psrtmcut stsndsrds The city now Issumu rovponsthtilty tor the maintenance and upkeep oi the slreols WiNlAiilD GilANTI Four Ippilcstions ior Winterlo capital aistoieots pants were suppo by council Monday The city lsrnrskln1 application ior the grants ior construe lien or In indoor swimming It sorrow the top prior sy mild in the city The oth er pro eels not listed in order oi priority include restoration oi the old ilro llsll oar Collier Street 00000 renovations in the Barrie Area on Duniop street morn Ind reuovsilons tor the es saaion at the the rIry on Nuchstcr street NJ NEHED TlliliiAl City council is sending voil rd threat to the angry oi the Environment thrt all crust der passing rs bylaw bushing that they nire only in acres oi pasture Il Iununer nsoslly ior the exercise is ollcrs lie rniscs his bccl animals to all average at bclwccn ll Ind it hundrrsluctglst Anlmsts oi Ililt iIls tcollra the best price per pound ilecsuse hellcrs read to here more dlillculiy in csivlnt out dulnu ulntcr when as is naturally nsore restricted he tries lo hsve them olive when they are on grass during the summer Ind iIll rrsonihe ilr Cochrnne believes that the the Isle oi nooretumsbts bott lea Issi cuss In Bessie unluss ur mum slutsr rs Iisbiltn It the herd ctr nmtbs Ald Airs Arthur iln enee committee chairman nl municipal hylsvr would not isr serng lllIani lost it would Martha vin rtsl instrument the city coir med about nonrsiurnsble Mdslnmiil said the city my not pass bylawenly that it nmddcooridar me HDATIIDUEE DShloLiSllED It boathouse one leaned city waterlot will be demolished by city workmen became it Ls corn demoed by the building hsepso tor as Insole Qty cotmcil sup ported recommendation on do Iion the toostorey building on lwaterlotsid include she chsrers Isslnst the armor its nee ior collection ii pntsiblr through the courts The term or lessee also out the city ices and uses ontho propor ly Ind homing ml TENDER REFUSED ino do still exploit to Allan Grok lid why the companys low tender on tho construction at tennis courts Itiilvernoud Park was refused by councllu Alrl iloss Archer sold the tern drra called lorouotstloos tor asphalt courtsibut the low not ster trout Dorset oxtsirucilon Ltd we ior otrIllou mo lhodtii on which rm duct wertor terutlt wince Theclty believed this type or coILssuction would cost too much but Incepted the lender which charced sure more Most CAVALCADE The Greater Barrie Chamber at Commerce will hold its In nusl Color Cavalcade Dinner Ind Dance Oct ii at Embassy ilall in Esrrle Tickets are 25 couple and they may he reserv ed by writing the chsrnbcr oi osssrucnrrtn oiilee It Fred Grant as The dinner Includes cocktails It drill prn lollutsed by lull ecsen course meal with delrctnz in the Eddie Gent Orcb cstrI Iltcrvrerrie to In CHAMBER RAFFLE The ilarrle Chamber at Corrr merco members trill hit the streets this weekend to sell tlclsA els lor the nine oi me one vrolet lilscayne The proceeds irom the rains Ire scheduled to be used by the Winter Csrnlvst Committee tor the ma event It lilotsone Perk nlost erltlcnl tune lIsa hwi an imsls tile is the ilrst law dsys ilurlng this period he gives ilectlius oi ttiC vit out one cc injection oi Inlihlotlcs lie slso starts in giro them cut digested eall meal rsllon pcleLr lie rinds relslng calm virtually lrosshlsn its also aporstes washer pig business centered around so sown Thur sows rslu sn Ivercge oi ll pigs in isle litt lets year vhcn these litt Irs Ito weaned he soilndsrm MAYOR or me lNEEK SIGNS IN can my mood in not mlduc lag the esmmge oi rIrtno pro rmy ior eilyownrd rie sod pert nl In meat or tone dove upmcnt In Berrle cotsst supported recount cndsthon in min site tan bylsvr msde this sess ior inn VIiiay Holdings Ltd lor the de El or MW war treeme blots am norm its in ere ior sores ol open acme on the southess 11$ ncr ai Iisyricw Drive and Hill Avenue This wdmnuniee Illnprn sxc go so In stores oi cityowned indus trial land near Ed chill Drive lor sa Irroe ol rsvna land in the thtieBnyvlew arcs nimol hyl Pigemugy ixioldlrsgtyorm CK 0V opmcn impolite sollcltor ior Pine Valieu mode deputation to counrtl Monday some the less sproutssent should be up held by the city hie Smith said he couldch it illegal ior council to utmost to ncgda the Igreunosst even though she conditions hsve crapped lrom the development at so singloierrsily lot to lawn houses im concerned that the cily Trudeau to open plowing match OSilAlIA Ont CF Prime Minister Tnsdesss turns the that red todsy to open the iorid Plowing histch billed Is one oi the largest outdoor agricultural shows ever held in Canada The event which also in cludes the itll Canadian and Ontario plowing matches in Ada dltlnn to the north srrtchcrnlru eludes displays at iarm and garden eoulpmcnt so well as home ebplianccs Ind entertain ment It nearby Lothmro lurm lent city still olirr tour srsllcs nl indoor and outdoor dis llays by more than too exhib ors Show chairman ilcbcrt Tim bars said Monday he csllmrsles about 150000 persons will rat tend the liveday evcnt which nld has bcconsr the largest Ihow at its kind in North Amrr co Dd Stsrr show secretary manager add the event which has lnhcn live years to plan is lacinghed in Canada ior the thirst tinie since 1953 see more of this Is terriers ior which he lads sunny market On the too Icrcs oucrslcdly him he grows pasture mm min To assure lhst thc triplets runlv lr Cochrene will mills the cow out Ind divide the milk the can out sud divide the all got the Intibodyrlch colon tram milk Iddsne rntlI irem another cow the make up Iui tlcleot ior Ill three calves lie hss seen dslry breeds thet heath staid Ger tires on 0th icy Pmk Susan and is on dend in nitri essi keenly roamed to do in his daily lurk The Oakle Park student is in rolv in number oi cs than is no rim our ageoernent are sly dim in Idvendng tbo townhouse plan at the mount but think it merit and should be hulgsi on its Innle merits The isnal esnlunss separ ste matter Aid ihn Perri crlr dongle mant committee an under diilercnt corpora Pine Valley with the same priolt eiplc Norm mm Aid Purl Isld both the city clerk lien Straushan Ind solicitor tiann sent et tsn to the principle using the development oi townhouses ne gates the previous ogrccrnrrsl in ms be cold ma city rnsio Mrsrush neuriticnth chodissdlnxm inghrscssopalgniorm dihosrkk lithe mod beshossodIlidroiibl snaJc sods good some bummtmuiboia verbal egreemssst to Inheth the lndssid Lend iormine turn so am with six new as mmn HM why to serve other cltyorrsted Mistral land ill will no cd Ind dim roost die betweenm sievhiop sr pnd ptsaningbonrd In or made tnossnadelortboiol euahoase units in exchange ior acres oi open spam Aid irrri said no man oi the earlier ind Isnd chnn was made no raid roun Ippromi the site piers bylaw ior the tolnhouse with ours condition that we city would moire the 2s am oi nvine lands Ed and Estelle English itiiNEElNG Ed Ind serene this oi Barrie dominated Spr gwster Gall Course chans ptonshlp play on Sunday Mr English non the mens title with his second round oi so giving him total at see him English was nomeap champion with rounds at its Ind in handlcsp play last yesr WEATHER Cloudy cool through Thursday dominate Springwaler golf club champ Ssssnn Hampton was top uomsn hendlugpcr trsak Lloydml llsrrle had the best net score among the men mi lilaln Skinntfol Anton Mills was intermediate winner iilllio lhlnphy oi Antsrs Mills hr the lowest not score in illghiv5luc hitch oi hilneslrsl was ionest in tilshi and Non hlsy oi Phelpslon look illghl featuring scattered showers Cloudy and soot today uni tomorrow with chance at shower both divs bow tonight near with is high WedInsane near to Toronto llastly cloudy and cool todsy and lisdnmiay with the chance oi shower Winds northesslerly so to so tcdnre tiny High today and Wednesday it iosr overnight so Windsor Mutton Ln Clair Western Like lluron Southern Georgian iisy Mostly cloudy Ind cool with thechnnre oi shower today and Wednes day liilnds northeasterl ii to as Wednesday liich or and Wednesday ii to ll law overnight to in llamllion Peicrbnrnngh iAka Erie Eastern la iiuron legIrI Lske Ontario allin ton lilostly cloudy nod cool shy and Wednesday with the chance ol shower Winds northeasterl to or Wednes day lilgh today Ind iedncsdsy near it Low tonight to 10 North Bay to Toronto it Georgian tiny Algorns Tuna runrl Southern VhlteJlisu Mostly cloudy Ind cool with leis scattered showers today and Wednesday Clearing tcdnesdsy alternoon Vlnds northerly ii to Vadncsdsy illgh today and lcdncsdsy our in Lon overnight to High Low High Todsy avenues Wed Windsor ll so ll Slilll 10 in 10 St Thomas is to handed it re Kitchener 14 ll hiounl Forest 11 ls tinghans it it Owen Sound 11 ii hlusiroho lislnillun it Cells ii ii ii lI ii it it ii 13 Trenton tungsten Petsrborongh Peiswan North 331 Sudhury Sudbury Northern Earlier

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