Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Sep 1975, p. 3

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Pcne lmis noMlnnnoNs 12Threin Simoe in DuficrinSirncoe hayeheen nominated NM the Sim coo Cenln rialII in thoept mitoclel election when nlllclri nomination dudilnteru reedred It run loursdey CnndldIIee en Arthur no not It the Promos Cooler inlve PIN blunret Kelly tor the uheral Forty Ind Purl Wa Ienger theNeyIr DOWN Petty in the riding ol nunerlnelm to the lost eahdldIie nun Ill automatic erboleum to villi new bus oulrlnl Ind were Iadllty The committee will Ibo will the city new twin Irena trip to proposed or Scot no MMNALDMND EQUIPMENT lcd liarotl mInnger oI Barrio McDonalds limitoi WWW fill in city In onto the ollye garb Public works commuteI old the matter pending lurtlu er report by Cory Sinner direc tor ol parks nod recrention IYLAW Nimlilll loI cityI Ilnanceeommlllee it ndlny In Intent to brill 21 Neil Authorl nee nubile games and Ioorts on Sunday The unet will be the Build Kennel Club to hold ltn annual dog more on Sundry and diam Idrnleg Iloo pennlnlon lrIxrnnt ed irreouy RETIREMENT BENEFIT City council ulll dell with remunerer horn the linen no committee to provide nipple mentor herrellie in cement with The Onlerlo ll DI Em ployee Retirement iioIrd In IC oordnllee with Ixrecrrlent oun ed with mloyees olthe city tire department Ind police cont rumhnmmn todhmle are or entl oi Him to lhhlupollee and 15 pnyznenu ol 08 to tho ire erryployeey me nvo MWNBTBUCHDNI not public worlu coonnltlee IrIreoornmendlnI lhreeIrirI tor the me road recontrim Ilon iii lloele Ire Erna Rood from Burton Avenue to illword Street mock Strut llomltnne to lmnnatrette Ind New Street lftllnntlllop to Strum Itreets Ibe cormuttee II re questing the hnletry oI runs mutation turd Communlcltlon ilulCl hold Incontrret rr Beautication contest Winn IWinnerIiln IhI ll liorth cullurel Societys horAquenutlIl cation to lion hm been Ielecttd In our oniezorler Clue llx best horticulture dIaI ploy vlowodIIroquie street wonhy lllrInd hlrIJrenk lilo cringion it The rec ond Weller Baldwin lid anri thin ionnlnu or Iiorlyn lid ilr It ti lioormanvlto Itoeo ill melt on honornble rnen tion in thin cItegory Clare iill tlnl hllss Jenn Little Shirley Ayei Iocond it it Phillipe zoo Mtinglon halo mall registered no in oicer Ia eon ll mt Nominated In limbo Coo noleen tor the Soclnl Credit Eer ifi on mo Ilve Ceneemtlrend III For lnmr Nor in Sim Ceotro there no 159 ellnibio yoleu Ihrmhoul the ridinll lli yolk ln MerlinSimeon there In llew meetl no netndlon In the mono phuo Ior Eurlto touch in olIulhcd connecting link Momhl hilly end is entitled to by the EAlllilE Mthth Butte Iireilvhtcre were call ed tonIrriI nonlnl Ltd It 55 Brndlord St Thoredu nllht to out Imnll re In tho our hln ol the plIntI yIcuunI power duet collector It III the third or Iourih time In men month the that In in the bin outside the bullan burst in lo lumen Bnnln Fin Chiet Den Keeet uld Damage you who liml XINNIN MEET The Kinsmen Chi oI Barrio II holding Its tint dinner thee ion of the cum Ihla Need at tho ROAM lull oni ung logo one lowed by dinner It lilemhere Ire urltli to Iltend Is there on number oi program tor the coming yenr Io mole Ito al my MEET The out meeting ol the hlw InL1 Cluh oi Blrrio will be this Manny It thollolldny Inn heglnrl ng It tn om KlwInlIn Thomu Richerd Bohler oIIlilooI mnlnISnIn will he guest awoken BRUCE TRAIL lllKE Imo third in utter oI hill es to ooyer the lllue liloimtninx lecllon or the Bruno Tull will tIIkI niece Scot 1L lite group will meet at the Glen lluron enerol store It too Irn and travel the Nottnweun Sideroad 111 to Invender dLytnnee oI nlno miles Everyone Is in Ni Iohrlnl Iluuoh Indpertlc vote The lender is lone Fith or 450753 GTEBET DANCEI PERMISSION Permlenlen or ttreci dance is recommended by the city pubichworlrr committee or the 6L third illldmi Ihlorren North St The hero iii who is lor lhn romeo with the best horticulturII dirolny It lhe reIr oi rerldenco Winner oI the clan rv rlre or the house with the hell own tree Ind urnnrnenlnl shrubs wn Dr Dirt 5t Euenln SI Sec ond rrivuieroINruunnd win Rd and third on motley Greer IVnnlen Cr Winner at tlrIChIrleI lioneh IllernorIIl Trophy or tension the heel gIrden with medal zu den Ieature thiI Ieer Is stun Cohen ill Parker Court nlclpnl boundaries Winn lorNDP We Pod Womenger Inton Dil can milieu roomnorm Uh on oil Mutt Kel 17 hoidn then one or the Idaelthnlmnlonsw 09kg IE Won centre about K000 eligible Intern in lro polling area Voters missed by mentor Ilale until Wednesday to bare er nurses othle to the In Simeon Centre they con Idwbone the relurnln olden ll mrroo Ind In Dulinlnsirneoo Myrenn tIlwhoneIquttl to have their um to IlgioirimzeruuzStudents liter ill eet ice The dsnco ual ltIrs DJth 333P Wk in me to ill street or Wm lwm ll or In use at rain 519 tin Item pm In bl an Itrect deuce uld dd be lir Born rIid problem in granitic xzmuehnnd no1 primarily in tho AUIndnlI Ind wentonhhrehnli Street mum on nob to tour eondltlonel 61 or mm is minutes during III morning Ind enn no oi the ltreetl7yI lII uld additional him will the eoonsoryu not be aided to the route until gt the Illunlionts reviewed earne CAMPMU AVENUE MM time next erect The problem is the city nubile warhtommlt me ho haI tee is rocommendlox In Ippll gem the metod ndillo calico he mode to the Ontario llunlcipll Board Ior the con rwmew mum III tinsellnn ol levlnch wilennsln Vore tilting to see what hop on Compbell Avenue Irom AI Ind um bk dfwol Qili Iggy Ind beginning oi nut well loco would he paid under the local mpmement Act Ind II metal to ml 813m LIP EMPWYMEM giy Council will consider retoromeodellon by the WNW qurkI committee loIauhmlI In Ipollcetloil to the loderel gor calnth tiIoI onlth In the to yes nrn LIP in memo he digrwld ill gm Iltnlimrgolfezwal Mr new in the Arena Ind 500 Dntnrlo Ministry oI no path divisions ot the reme nation rent to begin oom tlon department Iwnr Nov munlty develr ment prngrnrn until June 20 rm It no cost In Bunk The program to he Ilmoln mented in October will rnclude smsmva Ms eyrnlnz Ictiiltlee tor III In City develooment committee in recommending eonncil concur with reouott lrorn Em Pee coch Pet leums laid to convert its oper one at Dunlap St to aremleem service IlIenmeciIlIencrlhed IlIn IIlIrIe let er Couoc con alder the Inn on durlnii it new crillli lar meeting Mondly ll tor the thiIrIrIrIlIIne oIIIIIhmrIrIII pennenen ngnwg again consolidate the Ictltllties now in recommending council lnlorm mm Wmm Milwmn my my TheIInnouncerornt was nude mummy dty by Cory llamn PC cendldsio mum in am in Ior the Grcyllnrce rldilll repre Iuihnrltyl thnre ol no cost or Ieotllll the Honorable Jame aludy Io animume el Auk mhlster oi colleen Ind ecu oII drnlnogo and ground llmlll mice onth Bear Creek watch in llnrroo said the coollel shed The committee noted that lundinl oI moon divided over lhe wetmheu doee not IIIeet tuo Iiecnl years was Ipproved Iny lendr iIlthaniarrlII rnult by the rnlnlttry ltnlob Yntce the course liosld ol Governors ehIlrman told the WMMIHEE RESIGNATth mum Wm my uddum City developmnl committee 5pm or the marine technoloI received Ind llled letter otmumey minim my om renlgnntlen by Good lllenrrlo rooeutly Ippolntod indie or grim Mlmd by imam rrt building was citys Ilrportndrleory commil 11 um In The devdoprnent tornnut opentd Noll 30 itll and was tee in Ilno lorerdlox letterl tyneslurry rlructure with 30 mm 053 chamber 000 square Ieet Portable bulld omnlereo and lidls Cull i0 Inge Iwere Iducd lnthe lull ol 91M WWW mem rm to mommodoio lncrecs here The committee Is tnveetl Iludent enrolment gating the uible develoomtnl qnstruction ol the new eon oI In Iirpo in the MI enunre Icet twostorey Ilrueture Sow cw NEE II in Iehrduled to begin this IolI 1llh Solo Clitlt BenllSlnglcl iI II flrh leiI no toI1 tidyenrsI has an here in on er evenly yrqu wt olInnod by September Ind Orin Malibu Exlcnrnn Coil oher lnlereeted pevrons con ob Io tIhen its name horn on Ieln detailed lulorrnrilnn by coll IndiIn word moonlit dweillni In none Ila7116 piece at grant lolrll Owen Sound Georgian cnmpus to receive grout for building limits Gonerol is hunted by tho Bre Orillln rucrnbcre Ind lrlcnde mam Insomnia mower rumor regimen insI YM YWCA seis fall schedule Phyyleal Iitnm Itll Ind ntious recreational Idlilt in will win lithium the Bob rte YMYWCA loll weenie Them will he phyeloIl Illness Men In Imogen women and men under the nrldrm oI the ill iiiyslcnl director Dave The Illness room Iron and pool yril elemhe Iinlnhlg to tubers It yulou tlnm ouahout the dor on winning program will India be extensive oIIering cour ses Ior over one Irvin eix rnontlrold not to In adult There will be IIWNIVNW min altering course Ionrd fill up biusesI AND GENERAL museum transit fees Studeoti euros in mail eye he may take udranln ol Iy thian are now it mu buses also eeeros thII every run is neck ll Iddltlonai hoses are need ed rd lor the mice the Irenin so Some but treyrllere believed Denim aid the coats Incurred InI rosin lamtllsrnle we cl Ire trarrendnm 2r wen we Anotherrvmolybthe Mr whole If gheexpected IiIclebeprmrr had mm and mm cve in cty order ed to return downtown CONSTRUCTION there is no route hange in the INI he said only problem in Allnodnle is the con ItnIetIon ll Anne Street Ind Bee Road ilr Burke said the lern may work out next it when students Iorrn alternative my to get to reboot he told other lnodnlo Ind Eutvlew routes to hIodlI the nddrllonnl peoole The blue were ordered lair Ipri Ind rent possengm lie Ir blues In the city hove seating cupeclty oI people Mr llurke raid the new hm ee Ibo have It least two times the elnndtng room ol tender hire end Ihould be able in Ninth lo the lord Corrimrmity deveIOpmenItl at Killarney Beach school grows In tho mouniiyrnys teenagers Iqunro dancinl Wendy While duh and wel ht watchers club Annoganentr Ire undome hire White for maul mm IM proxrem coordinator ytt lo tlclpntory rport rogrnrn Ind traits mm be oxen Ind sc not principal mutate with we local nrganiiallone course Ihnhyvelttlny tonne Ior gm mm nah um the police Ind lire departmenlr tho miniser oI tornrmrluty Ind eoelel services the worncne ln etItoto Ind venous Iport clubs to Registration Ior Ill coursesqu school in early Oct at tlme with oilo ol the Ieoderin mud and don to be Innnuncod inter Illuthcouncil hos iniormniion on singlepotent homo living The next IuoISIIurtlrm the only Without Purine the WC lntrrnIiionnl Youth Council ls open to Ill IlngIcyarcnt tren tlCl will up hootlquthI neon between the rice oI and Emieid him to provide lnloh l1 nullou to teenum living in lilernbm Into er circleparent homes Iriirllley 1ho primory yurpore oi the oeuloru we in to brlnn teens from Ilngle llw grouoe next genenl meet ynrent hornee together to IhIre lng will be Sept lo It pun ldeu and problems and to help It the hue Blue ilnll on lilyh Ihern cent the dIIcrences he Street Don Grsnt ol Communlly tween themselyes end their Ind Social Servteer will he gout peers who live in twoonrunl router homer For further lnlomatlon lei Although Iponnnrrd by Pat ln rocial uorkshooe Ind no Brereton Field rumours annuolthNk which Sept 13 Anyone interested In the many iloncnhoo Volley nrrn rinhl It hawks or lrlrriy in Cralxhurst oII lllghwny till nlon Field NrturnllslI to Ihouid eet llnwk Welt on Sept com hlrcllni piece ls Barrie Cen lorrnnlloli phone Bnrrlo tenntal Park ll lam run or Alex lllllr or Will new 131 one on the hill north at our Culley Wayne Luau plan to consult desirn the program curriculum to It 30 can For further lru bronze Ilon broom emu Iwud ol merit IstIrlInl In Itructor and instructor recol nltlon to Monroe Commlily Swim Guhlilimeel three mu weekundtherowiilhookindiy the looan Club on rdght Illll lb Wu 0am to but Calorie Counters learn than Ind iii We Inl motion 3o gI other activities Indude rnenn phi no tloor hockey badmint on and eotleo brook melons Ilagain morning Iron no lo The Inn schedule will begin Sept IA Reglslnilon lor Iii rs programs will he hold title Hominy Ironn to one and lo on Ruistrnlion or the Mir swimming Mm will be held iuwlny It 01 Lin Moe on now on Iul It the YBoyn tween the nu Ind chideote up to In or obtain hell year memberebl Ior lr nod roll nor menu Ior in Mmdlvilutto aim wm eel let not week Boys Ind glrle will be chin to nodal tir lim lied prlvuezu rennin Jen in not see gymnutlcs Iris Iloor hockey mm Ind box Intiiylnow glib The does not In anyone may II he cennot mold the hfh mien to litnm and un mm er Mm on eeesloor the Icon program will orr Irvhtry announce MI and hoxlnl WHILE cw Adults olll have the chance to Sonoroie board or sponsorship Ihnuld IrlII on Ildenllnl teller to tho mil director on Icheduie Hello Ill pro grams tlrneu undone lsI IIllIhIo It the building on ed two larger buses or the Al jog their my to Iltneu with Grove Street was meeting lo participoio in seminar 1qu mete Irorn now 1h hill In ilyeveie will rvpineo the Eduentlon Contra on Ferris une the memo piece ol the Simcoo County Roman Cr thnllc Seomlo School Board Wednede mt truetee do clded to move their Sept l1 mecllnz only to Wyovnlc In or der to take part in Ihe Iirsl try to Principals Liveln threedny Itudy Iteslon helm held there worm Rainy weekellil showers slum llnlny weekend is lomusllor the Barrie Irea Iiertlnn this II Iernoon Tomperoluree tonight uill lurnI dolo In in to it with run tomorrow near 19 Good chance of rain antinu lun Ihrough Sunday syonoilsr General cloudiness with rain beginning lele today or early Setonin is loreth Ior most Ontnrlo Toronto Sunny clouding over lhl nIternoon llnln Sniurde ill it today to CIo low to glut it to ll ltlgh Sniunlny 11 to 19 Windsor into St ClIlr Lake Erie llnln heilnnlng around noon endlng Snturdey lollovml by clearing llizhs today 20 to 21 lows IonI ht it to In hlahe Setur no to llnrnmon London lake ur on illegnrn western we Ont Irio southern Georgian llny phone now 737 Triule trill meet briey It 130 pm to dbcuu routinoIblw Ines Ind notion lternn only Ind ill then Join the principal It to bur In noon by Dr Snilnaer ol Ihe Ontlrlo in tllute lor Studies In Education OISEI Dr Salinger will speak on pol itlu In education particularly the politicl role at thI vrlincip Ils Iisociatlon is forecast his afternoon Sunny clouding over this alter noon Rnln Sol Hill In dny 20 to 22 low tonight in to highs Saturday ll to in Petcrirorouch eastern uh Ontario lleliburlen Sunny to day Ilsln Saturday ight to day In to er lows tonl hi C1 in ll highs Sol ISQIOISC gt North llny Sudhury northern Georgina BnyyAlgomIrcloud Ing over thln artenioon Showers Snlurdsyuilighs todnv In to it low tonight CIto in him Saturday is to is while liller Gereldlno Moetly cloudy with Iliolwri to tiny Sininy rlodr developing Saturday itig lodny nod Sets urdny to is 1an lodlghtZCJoltC Tomaznrnl Cochrnne Sunny with cloudy periods Iodny Shower likon tonight and Set uolny clearing late in the day fixsc CilNIiDll LIMITED i200

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