In to in no to liidm RECREATION itEPORT on melon de bacilli POIiIYL riiy blerv restricting the use at motor borte nesr the swimming Ireu It hurts bee citu my be priority oiibo recresllondepsrlment lor next You urry Sinner director oi pIrtI recrerllon tout the worn eommiltee Iiondsy duly Illendnoce It the besebesaes Ipprorlrnsltiy bod It ConlenrrIIl poop It Johnson Mr stonrr sold nurnbero people wen lenunic raid the buoyed Im using nnIlIbl ton Ind lIter ulna ubich ll not grieved In tho writwired Ir IIbeen nunber oil problems orrtrido th buoyed Ins he isld This is In ob vious indication In the bench Ihould be eprnded motor problem be sold II the member oi boots which drive close to the buoyed Iros Ind on drnger the swimmers this are we have to look It FAVDIIS BOAT BAN Aid VII Smoker nid he law on bnrrnlu boots from the the ruler with signs lupin bon iers ot themtrlcllors Both beeches were supervised irom pm until dunk by slIli at live Iiie still he re wilh man at gusrdr Art ldellng the Notions lo gusrd crvlco course sponsored prior to the lesion Attendance It the lions Pool Ilre Increased this year to in rid Idroisllonr item 10 on at yelr The rm ti rrre hed dropped rlgnliiosrrtiy min rm when 13er Nrsld edrnls Ilons were record Greg llrrrns program Irrpcrin momma tendeut sold pnrlbd the iiri ntsy seeourrt lor liesridlher edllw gtlendsnce so the weekly vlliddm during the hit two seen in Anald heIt vrve increase CRIME Regulations Itnwimnslnl in Iiructlon clsIveI oiiIred by the recrestion deputment Ineruued ler Ibo ihlsyesr to KS Irons Mr Burns aid the reuon my week In more com ed witme children oilen lng to the citys bushes Include In Iddltionsl bends in Allendsie nen summer beats bol ourtruer grim begun IIII thl surnrrrer but progreued very well III II the ct thoenetoim tyhel led lwwihlrdloi bulurotirrrh lee ior thI progrurr in aid leuil my went the urildrrn to know bow to swim referw Ind leel eoniiorthle bou sing to thI boscb without psrenl super on Mr Brim slid the Itructlon wu cheered you so thehesd Instructor prom mod the enlin summer Lu you be aid the pool msnsger Ind Irristsnt nuneger ulternIt ed weekly TmnlI cluster were In mdtbllwfwlrobusid Itc lrtrstlen when to mnornrrl ulyerr The reuou Mr burns said we the hiring oi lulltime tennis insiruotot tor the prog rsrn Lest summer he expielm ed thevlennls lnrlruc elso 139 ersted the depsrtme Icllvrly contra Iporir progrsm liOLLER BKAKINE NoilerIIrIting It Euiviow Ar ens ihcmrrd to 2771 toinl Od rrtlulon Isol August re The en rill lesson test your bed MW gpsrtlclpsnis Mr Stoner lold publicworhs eornnrltlee the roller Ikellng pro en ibeiinIlneerIonoilbeinieh week to punlor children lour to it who mrmlrritbmtoum Juniors and It union Alien dIlI Knights bed the nsort iorrJisndsenlorsJSw Ilion this surnn Orndlueimhdthe most this 72 Jlr Dinu aid the incresr my be rerun oi Mullen the lot progrsns three morn lugs to Ile mornings per week No IIld the Ictivliy curtru had between ion Indieo nyore child HI thn in manner An eddlttoosl progrenr not in cluded In the Interim report is the Lendershlp In lrelnln ior children II to to yeIrIo hlr humutd pamuienkpsrl in women whl turo Ictlvtly centre lenders An sddiiionri three perrons wele hired this summer to no mlntrier the program Including lulltime tennis instructor Irr tree coordinslor end lender in irelnlnn coordinator hurrausld the results this summer were excellent detailed Itudy will be im psredlsier this year lie said the reeroelion deputmenie loll pmgrsm should bo prepared by next week end begin October The simimpr tin very very Iucceuiul he sold LOCAL AND GENERAL rruriurv CHANGE Thur ulnr noon meeting oi iltI time our Club ind has been repleoed by nonmetting It the Continental Irsr The meeting begins with cockle at 530 dinner At one and is iotlowed by club are eernbirh POW UADIION COURSE Coum inroduction Ind pres registration or the Dorrie Po wer Squndrorr will be held tonight in the Diva Fisan Room Conuuners GI building on Ferris Icsne Vleltorc eIn browse thrth course interme tion meteris Irvi ehel with souriron members irorn 130 in 10 pm iteircshmerru will Ilse ho rerun Clillll DEBATE DIrrlc rIdto Itellorr CKBB hes scheduled three sepIrniI phono Irr pregnan this week teetering two dillrrent SimoneCentre rot viueisl candidates eeeh Margaret Kell libeml Ind Paul Wessencer memo Ved ucrdsy with Werseuger returns in today with Art Evsrrr PC lrideyI DIDXWDIMIII lcnlure Evens and Kelly All the pros srnrru begin It in nu end Grant Forsyhh is the host FAMILY lllE MEETS generIl menrberlhlhmeellng oi the Illrrle Puniiy is Con we will be held inuigitl It 130 pour utilnrrie CentrIi Coileglete Tho meeting In intene drd to allow members to decide the intern direcllorr ot the ecu trer programs liOADil CLOSED Cloned or repair work until pru tudIy sre liuchrler street from Codrlnllolr to Pour ntaru end the lutertection oi rook and Steel IrateTho pub lic yrorks department began uork iurnley morning um urzrzrr hrmroe Ccnllorertdidute inul Vrssrngcr has busy week in rludlnf dinner with NDF 98ch Spiral Lewis hlr Werscttger II no tduled to cum pnlgrt today It Sundycovo Acres In Innisiii Township and in the ilredtmvl Ircs Sslurdry the todsy It 730 pm New Democrat csrrdldute is ten eduled to Iltend VIrlouI burner lllld evente Including the River dlnuweod Street Dsncu In the lttv erupod subdivision crvrnuts unnrmo The Darrin Ciritur Club is holding Its lirct Inii nteetln hltrsmer Gardens on Dunlap Street Veet llornbore Irerelt rrrlnded to Ittend the meetiii because oi the amount ol new buelpees concerning upcoming evens CITY DEVEWPMENI Meeting The next meeting oi the city development committee is to scheduled irom Monday Sept In to Tuesday Sept to heonuse oi religious holidry on the Moridsy The committee meeting begins Ii pm WINTMUD ilNNEILl intert Iocsl wirrrrcrI in the VInlsrio lottery Ire GIIton Disrrchetto ii llorI Drive Etroud who won norm ilr lllIneheitI cirlmeti his plile In Toronto Aug 11 Another htrnuil winner was Derrick Durken lill Sirood Iir Durkee won Ii in the nrovlrrclel govemmcnh run drew in which proceeds go as culture Ind Ithleile Ictivi es LEONE LEAGUE MEET Ln Lethe League oi Derrlo North Ind South will begin new vorlcr oi inicruralien wot ingr ior nursing mothers Topics Ini tuitluiltlll nrrr lilo Iver or breast ltodluxw uenn inr sud nutrition The new robot rile tn the South lr Scpl 11 Oct to Nov to llid Dec to It ld Eileen Drive Barrie In the north the lchedule is sent 30 Del 29 Nov 23 and Dec it It ili Strebsne Ave HISTORICAL MEETING The September mceling oi the Simone ouniy llislorirol Ae socioilorr Ii rrhcduled Tuerday hi it Ierr uilh Slmwo Coun lK Museum Ciueel speaker or meeting is Iiolen Ilnsileil assistant curator ol srrmu Samuel CnnndiInI Ieollen oi the lioynl Oulrrlo Museum llcr top in ior the evening In Cooedisrr wagWM mu Alr Force Club is ho srtlris with emphnsls on Iriiris oi Sinlooo County DNENETON NATUNAIJSIS The llrst toil meeting oi the Sreretnn Field NMurIilotn is scheduled Oct 23 It Cndnngiorr Public School llnru tor the eve nlgg have nolbeenmrnplcted the rue Ipcekor Ls not booked It this time SINGLES MEET hurrle single peorle between no end no your old Ire remindlt ed oi the regular meetings oi the Roaring New club Wedy neuin evenings It It uni louul Street The Iclivitieo lir cludo baseball dureirt Irvint mlng volleyball and pr MONSTER BINGO The Borrie Army NIvy shd idlng mourlrr Wednesday bingo evening Sept Il It the club building It the corner oi Anne Ind George Street There pro 060 in totIl cssh prlrrs end trooo Jackpot some QUIT SMOKING The Seventh luv tdvcnllxls Church In Barrio is sponsoring null smoking rrmlnnr Surr dry to Sept ll irorn 150 in ii elctr evening The sessihm will be held It the Blue Flame Room eveninn The Icnlorts will be held It the nine Flame lloom Consumers Ger llulldirrg and cost $3 SENIOR MEET KIWANIS Orr boot it It pm the Ni wnnk Club oi ilarrie will criter islu about 00 senior citizens lrom it Simone County senior ellireru orgsnlrnilons The club In supplying nods to cover tren Iportriien caste tor their guests Ali Klwonlnns Ind their wives Ire invited ANACIILDNENb IiWIC iicnrhcrs oi the llsrrle Army Navy end All lorce Clulr no rrru ruled vi the annual childrens picnic Ioheduledr ior Sunday It pair at hlolsvne IIlkull children under In my yearlqu Ind sponsored by club member Ire eligible but entry Iornrs should be returned bolan Sept itsins iu separate School plane approved Monsignor Clair uboot the how sopurItI Ichool plIrrned ior Dorrie nroved one step closer to reality Wednesday nlvht when lrrrslees unprovrd detailed rim or the Iinrcturn The plans Ire now bcioglvr worded tn the lilinirlry oi Di rrcntlvn Ior its Ippmvri DciIiled pious Ire oi ireh uicsl nature dealing with met terI Iurh Is icundrtlon Itrrrc ture mechanical Ind electrical services herirnily the school will be built on emit by coo loot lot near the corner ul Cundles oat Ind St Vincent Street It will have eicht cinssrooms kthdergsrten room gencrsl nurpore room oilice space Ind Ilorsge erce The exterior wells will be constructed with two ditlmlt tpeg oi nonmlehloekl one It rurIIced end one ribbed rrrly cooled with diilerent cots ored rlrlns ninrmvn Lor lit the south and DI the pro peRy there will ho Iocsr Is phslt parking lot Ind sun or school brrsel to unload lulde Ill clurrooms will be csrpeled error like generoi pur Till nAllllu EXAMINER pose room oh will nrvc hardwood oor The building will be sir corr ditloncd Ind heated by blncd eiectriosl end gse system The wheel will Ilse hm pub ilc announcing Ind lire Ilnmr systems In drIwi up plens tor the school are leer Ncebltl oi Dorrie look Icversl lie to ensure In Iddtllon could ed to the school This in prplng pipes pulling renva bie walls in some oi the elm rooms on designing the heck wIll In urolght design Tire board hsid intended in build bigger school but only received 55000 Irom the Illn lrtry ei Educstiorr instead oi the requested 50000 it wIs loreed to drop re source centre and mental educro tion lscltllier irom its plsns Early entOlrrrent gures dowjn Dy Soptemoer 50 the Sirrtcoe County Ilonrnn Ccthoilo Separule School Board expects to be weilv above its more enrolment Vednudsynlghr tnrstees re Vleued the enrolment ileum It Its 25 schools lor the iirrt two rim and Ilthoulh the timbers were down It director oi edu coliorr Front Nncdonoid cold lest rI llgures were compiled on wt in and we Ilwnys have eirnuglere liy Sent to ni this year he sold em resronnbly certslu we will he will ubove Inst your As oi itedrwrdoy enrolment stood at blot compsrol Io in Wit lilr Mocdorioid said however there has been constant in crease In rtruicnls entering Itin NEHDED CUB LEADER Thu iulure oi the Cubs Ind Vonlurors lit the Burton Avenue church depends on the groups Intern In inning cult leader Ind veniurer Idvlsor Anyone In iercrtedstouid contact hiertlu hleouwre It norm or lilo Dnvir wow ricrgsrlen over the rest lour yesrl This year 585 chiliren Ire en rolled Ieberto schools tor the first time competed to at in mi end in me The boards newest school Ilsrir oi the Incsrnsiion irr Bredlorri recorded the largest growth in Iotsl enrolment to too irom 21 In umie rcgistrstions It Ill schools but St Josephs Iunior high dropped slightly Figures or St John Visnney have ed by ii to art iroru Sis St laryr Ir down to to our Ind St MonchI which lort car recorded the largest growth it the county Lr down 11 in St Josephs on the other hand lI up to to Our Ledy at rm In Angus is down in in but hecsuse the school serves CPD ilordcn enrolment ilguru lend in rive tueln grest deal In service personnel Ire trInIierrod in end out oi the Iron Enrolment It Our Lady oi lourdes in Eltnvsie hes increns end by is giving It ioirl iig me at 137 dlovnnculor treinlrrn nrco school children THURSDAY SEPT Ill iiiu Porcours to he opened Sunday at Sunnidole Pork clevslcd push upe chin ups sire tohlug end iumpng ltoplo Ire ndsisoti to omit eriy exerriin that Is beyond your cowbilliy Dorrie Ind Iren residents hec ping til during the warm urs three the In opportunil to use new logging and More so tour re in Sunnldole Pork The Barrie Je TC Ire dcll tried on olllcleiy outer the Li mile Vito Pmrrrs logging truck In the park Sunday It pru Development cl the track we undertolren by the James conunurrlly PMch The pnrcours erem comb ines logging with It exercise rlo tiorrs spaced along tho course The exercise rouge ier rtrilI wsrnrure tn the more strum cus ones lurther Along the track Each Iietiou is marked with plague outlining the exercise the ournber ol repetitions Irrl period oi rest The course is not designed II ururclo build ing progrnm but rnihrr cer WEATHER Mostly cloudy ies were pre dirird today our the sun It peering In the slternocn The iorcoast ior lridsy ls ior sunny skint with lnrresslug clou diness isle in the any winds Irc cxpcultxl to ho Irom the northwest is to no miles per hour iodny Highs both days are Iorccusi around with lows tonight shout to Hamilton lolcrborough Lulte liurorr Niagara vcsiern Leke Ontario southern ticorgisn llny Cloudy becoming sunny Ihlr slicrncou Sunny Friday with Increasingrioudiness Into iu the do winds northwest ii to in oy Iiighr both deyrt murul it lows tonight Around in Theererciscs rrre used to in crease phisleet eodurnrree by improving the been lunctlon lrrwur wss dcelnncd by Suiu uchuw nnti gyrrurnstlcs teacher Erwin Weclrcruunu with the tint churso opening hr Zur reh in Mb The exercise clrcuit ls deligh ei to ivo every meson who reguinry use ii co to tour times per wetir highdcgroo oi phyelcri Illness The course run he uscd hy roaches or training Ilhlctog slut with pro or supervision ecnoe rilircnr iiil cardiac patients om warning lulled to people win went to use the course ri over Joyeereoid would have medleul cleereneo prlulsin ril tcmrrllug it People under $0 yeeroold should have bed mos dictI exerninalinn within mic year oi using it Exercises include toe lmltlti button Cloudy today with ohInce at shower Clearing this evening lluiuly runny Fri this Iiterrroon SOLD CLUB MEETS The Solo Club Darrin Singiu our loreoto or mu be lit interesting calender oi events planned by September Ind Oct ober Interested persons can ob tIIn detailed Inlorrualtorr by cell llll WWI rooms n1 MW hlushpke Eastern Lake Ontario Iinll Knousltsslng dey winds northwcrt ii to to Gernidtorr Utility role for military Im III oitIu Buru II The mailer omwri An interim role the new nil mum lno cur rentindisidnwmonth tor esrh I00 sour leet oi ilv In space mac rate r1322In the morme III Ira elm mm In deluxe bend iillIm unceded ibni the util ities bill will be higher lor mos houses lionever it Hit inst ceiling or ttmrr month he been placed on reto tncm no It is till increase ill not IVMWM Irneunl VIur most rnIreicd Iencermr Ci pl IIIth doirnu per cent oi the H000 lovem mentouned houses on bases Ind stations in crude Ind Gomsny coutIln between 000 Ind Moo equnre feet oi livin In The bill will incnuseln morth tor 000 square loer am For homes oi on Iquan iccl the monthly lrrcmse Will be only it cents The rate will so tunlly deerenso ior Inusce which mutain less than too squsre loot ot tiring epece liouevrr it Is clear thl new role struchuro is only In In lrrtm meorure Deleon head quarters said reth poilry on the no or nustors tor boils mini and Iingln perde eon be expected next April Utilities ior houses inrgcr than 1500 will be iuther consider ed under the new policy lliicnce head unner Inld lhe Qs tit moo cbs tiered inequitable bot Irom iire various sizes oi uncontrde Lbn omnici by diilercnl ram and in relation to the economic mo in the cost oi Iuel srrd utilities Mostly cloudy skies expected today mainly sunny Friday Iilxb LcIJllgh Todlyhnlghilri If 23 21 lb ll 11 ll 21 21 It Ii 10 20 ll ll 19 lit In lb 18 re 20 20 10 ii I9 in 19 IT i1 11 ll Id 11 il in II Windwr Saints St Thomas London Kilchrncr ilouni Ioresl Vlnghnm Owen Sound Ilamillorr Si Chill Toronto Trenton lilngrlou Pcterborouh Petnmws North lley Sudbury llarllou Timmlrrs 20 IS II II Id yrs it re II little Chrpieou While lllver llooooneo rural ilMilEll 7371200 30 11 IT