itquRbi Vuorr eiliar Veneer hunterr get readers on Tuesday council turned down Imus orerdeneivs rotadIinr prorernenle Reeve Alan Johnston cold immune Ion cl our new Con ml at with receive gave to the 1111 but no mnntinrent or herderniedng $14 be nude iortlds yum dolly men Ind high wood limit on lho rosd were uitlcinod by the midents It the oornrdl meeting led by Peta er nd MW lor the I15 member meter Wter Puk Am immune Connittee the remodel governmls bods was run The orth swim l0 mindetorvtlie am winnnod We commend Bllpii Nowell oi smudge itoxffioribfitfies concussedhr council eotnr councilsbotrld Incomequ his Ire Isnied II It need money to do the protection stpreml work lit iield lIId Bill that would let the pro vinclel rrnrrrerx oil the unwell its cold iho ininl try trInI porislloe snbsidlu ho township lords budm to es on rent at therein rotsno Beyond IbIt mount the Iowruhlp receives no Iuhrldy Ind brunt bear the total eoct oi coded expenditures We rrrurt ranvineovlho prov ince to Increase the road bud get lir bombed Arid Alter herringihsl mitts Iurt partnered pumper lire lrurlr tor 1M sir ileId sug gested council reconsider its priortiler lie slid mldents in Soviet iibrqrycriliccs pounce on Romanian book ovum Bellini nomnlon Ind Sovtet critics beretlubed In litany row Iian Prods rlru Illuchle Iuleu Ictr mm tingle scoldenu or nec eunry ecu thus trullylng mo nonunion Iii to retrobirtr nItionrl mgch tirr true wonder at one of hour the Second World Wrr At Issu lI nonvherol Emmi Ion Antoneuu lio menIeI werIme dictator iii t$ ng provv lnee enlcir Iiornnrrls wsr turned to code to iho Soviet Union ihii both subjects have been eensltivs ior yesrl ilerrirei Antonercu rIrer was mew tlorred utter his execution no ier tub in end Denn so Angry memory wIIb liornanisur is In tune the Soviet Union preten to iran largotlen Tbl enhiectI have meshed In In unuml llmnenisu novel whirls bu eiirred oilentlon because at its ryrrr nthetlc treatment oi liarhr Anio neeeu Ind tysiridy become bealoeiier mun PERSONALITY The novrl Delirium vDell ml by IiIIrttrr DredI rromineni IlomInlen celeb irhrnent writer tells noon at ieheblllietinf Martini Anto nescuiiut trhows him strong personality who iriod to serve his eountry Ind wee cIugtrt up by lorces Ind events beyond his eoniroi The book Immediately wII pounced onhy MiernlurneyI men the Ithoriletle Err viet ilry empower which it com iredlrioryi end ideellrtlc and scented PredI oi trying to whitewerh liorrhei Autos riercue guilt DRILL urmnnv OlilldJA iSIIIIl The pub lic ilbrr buidlngut Miqu Andrew llreots next tot OpcrIllouIe was built bouilitlifroilbrbryilsell doles hull momma upmet In what rm Irnorrn Is Tenu Wee hell on cliedsrh mama termed the Merino lly presenting Antonescu the Fascist rhielr who use lunged II erirnlhei the Soviet piper uid mini amuozn Ihe nuslinn Illeck quickly wsr challenged by Jim IttrrrrnyI 0min liomnnlsn Iru The liornenIIn weekly hlt oui It lire Iiuubnl hrdl docile Ind omniscient superiv oriiy end said they were nbv lcmptlng to teach lrodI how to write Atludirrg to other nibbles of Soviet Intertercnce the rrugazirro orited how Liter lmdylGlml could engage in such unncttvleblo Inter vention Although Delirium has ben criticlu in liomenis Ilia one local crilie celled It no in and diittlnntilhthl hook eorrld riot hIVI been llshed in Btrchnrest wit out highlevri IWvai The underetsndlng picture painted cl Morena Antonoecu In Pl ulltlrr1 mrggrn mrrurnr Whtdr strung MIIOMIIIJI lionrenlorr history Ind tionsl tether thrn inter national hrumunirt InierertI 10 Abllil lNDEIENDs ENC The policy in designed to rsin patriotic luiingI Ind to assert Montin lode rid once irons the Soviet nlcn President Nicolef Ceuurrscu her totiowed lily irAivlde unilstlceourrewlhiu the So viet bloc lor Idyeers alterr rnngirrr hlrrrceil Igsinrt iremlln policies Delirium rroounle conver ntlon between MnrshnIAnto may Rem rnmadbcexelwlk nenrmrma oi i3 iii re oer iii news lVrnn Im men groomijg urnom unit uoortmrvn intuit sle Mic township counetl Ilil peeling in my ocreer nme reuse Amoe Semllorece me lbo other eonnly represonislivr toned lorsore DIVI were Ken PW legs no on Gordon one win DANCE tstsllr Iiro mien Lions club will hold nd $13m 31 on Nuisrtlooell pmfrbeuons Wed Illl Ioul dsy with the county recruiter Ind bu curled on non riderrbio eomrnrnity Indimiel service sctlrlllu rum rtmnmo MN AWN Wit Now turning tones IrIre been muted cnliidmyli It bury inter sections in ore townlhlp Amen the newlywed line at turns notooio line to an see tor the Ilewhutonr rosdtnrneisohubeenlruhly liiii3ii rDIoont veilI sstirlledwirh lire mum WUNWN tslsili Pic Irstions lorilte contlnl sorron who We not currently rroelvlnl more annelr Pruldenl Phil Nomi 1nd unite Citroen minute George Joined Wm AMA IWMINQ Mr Nerd pointed out wedlrrv vrovemenltthsl illVliuilKeill blue deewhetl in the Iownohlp lie Inld Iho township collects 017000 in tour Innueliy truth Crystal Writer reddenilu Its our money We would like in Ice molt oi our ttle dollan go becklnlo our services be commented lie sold the Ires lo booming with to housing oinrls new un derwsy lleetdent Deity Poirimulter uh ed Ior duet control speed link it beiow no mvh Inn welds Ior dilutes light Reeve iohnrteni nth no dust control rpsterisl will be Idded this tell butlhe rosd wss be ing mood that day tor the wow ond time In two weeh Other residents It the meeting were blouse Johnson PM PrIW Ieyurd Don Drown Plan recreation meeting nlAugus ANGUS Everyon Inicrerb not In An community IctiviIa Initin tedtoIgenerei meet ing of the Ame Community Services Inc ismlly recrestlon group enTtrursdey ll spokesmen IJrrdI Wile IIId activitier tor the int season will be dluwod It MD tn the Imhm lounge It Sim cos Street elrrnclrtsry Ichool The is the scene oi runny the roupr oriental activities In nringbedmlnlorr 1am Ind eruirphnd modeirmnir ng Executive elections tor Angus Community Services we to be held soon Ind rrinnlhly meetings ere lilo nod STORE FOR RENT 2500 3M Scum fret JolI lahlsws Woolworth LCJLO illidiprrhlnil him ettee uruuin eunnrrxu rum Spore lollelrlr Fm OFanIinro Starr Iildlljndilv IIIMIIII omans Appsrel Ylwtlt Glll my Omrlo Sher ete Phoner Wiiilnm Cos idl HUI nrrcu endhs rnwrrr shan ing the itlmhsl tiered rrrrrr hey lallcrtlnlo Iron rel mytelinnd mm which there to no cserpo he lays Murders milled In my home tiiretlrrse intimilcel hewll Ire belnl com eomotldetenbolldtsg corporqu limited lrnInIurs Ire icrnovice Itorn maaIm Miller critical lion ironr lho totniuieor fooporlts buy it Weenies pvaretotehemheraw let us litmthlegisieiiohithe employees cant criticizeit Our politica education policies We cant take part in radio All we ask is our basic civil Ilcostetaxpeyers nothing CivilServiceAsslocialion of Ontario Wildain more goal lt if Eiiii El 553 ccilf We bl no exhibitors ember use all lo it renewing Ill learns iieiIll dfform policies mowuruuysuurLwr wnue bililkvloprerideni ih1iiil iii iii if telmm pro or wpouiil tie meal the Illlutdo oi new borne oi unisonincubus nicer thIt Pmmernooo Sept wetter teem Io In sdIrIrIlI income ucronmrurtnoun anill Mid ill Chsrnnlon soilersklbe Don mm in Ilroigptl club Ior lbI ms Icy Ion itoy Copdsnd bu re Nm mlihi 31 only on MOI Moonstone mournmete Mi linirbod third 9W Atl unlunto IillDliUl IEEIIM mum riuws ev WW coronaM mung referendumonsewogoservlcq Cordlo Fallon will the imei uneltlvitr rim It medics oi Vuvncernlorlmeeerhpmel 531 Blame the blots torment or yum we ism no mm Ieroeiivo Irut ml one use eodiwdoeinm Mr Nina sdded yr Dov OMWJn im will be linrded ml It the governs Scenic Civu foil mm tournsrnont Illhe blue lieun Ila rpr pornII this coinil Sirens 50 iernber lb ted to portalu per cent Int will oertulnly tote urn or mppiynilusuon hocsuu belore In the runny Ai Irrrconernr en Honldl their llAWKESTONE Siniii Ilu Ihofill rontI Regional Carin will hold III sold lhI NW in reehirr roll tournunrent It Sluiceeslde commitment lronr Rabat he by tonne mv Geno laugevie itiri buyingt neIron Liberal lander Indniepben Isld they were concerned MLIIM thl men will lnllaldld the ND vuq til vltn am 3th 00000 will result Attbelh deefmmht wet Zegovernyment has made sure lira its rights are almost nonexislehl we cant canvass tor thecendidate ofourchor we cant pail oi political partys platform everi speak or write publiclan any issue that they be For mam W9 Canttalk about taxes housing Sh9ws or putlup Sign to euoport our favourite candidate icprocess We hope you will vote for civil rights ioreveryone Wedpniwanlpurrighlsknockedabout he wusagoiiottcirmuyor supports liberties Theright to hike lpart inihe TVch Ami aim Ind emu uorh rogrrrn rndtrnon mm lr kmrin estlrns this town lllIP Iveortein hm ranged from nonunion WWW an liab uwtniiilon with iheprorinclrl government oernrnlitco email am mold is lo tio mm in IN on ml In theoshietlponnnnnlnly yeni cils urination inow eetlng muesli ledvoort to the township in oi the Illmg Wevarengrown employees and Civil serVanlsWe live with severe restrictions on our Civil rights Whose rightijgbllxti