mm themed mime landminmhnu whirl wam Pu iii tiidyfrmd mcwtwwaiimmd lhrl committeeme mmu inucnnou DIRECTOR RECEIVESREPORT nppoinied to it hm em nil tury timmkhooh in Blic Iliiss 50311001namedAssikchk Changeliiiirlddition leedarl lhe mounts IM lb mumbled not be unlit resident Md Perri id in kin dl lhe By lrzptuf oidmnueohebooh link known or enipbwied no cause an euibruk el arming use public Al bqlniiliil alibi car wound or rebuilt lime homer do pley mlnolepm in Nullienli WWW Win as raw bonus red number Victorin rchool where the poll oliin it now touted wlunlh usedibnunmol derciliumnoionlyrnm ln intend ruin it lune nil rn bui eomubny Mu meme iL up dpupilore rliirlexailllieilil on iOniu Frederick Builan with SimmOounty mu mm mm JV PC with numb pl iecumzh lbe motive in nuninl mv or urine can pelnl lo the mlobmritiecmnendm ulmucilylhmxhih Ip inlom Iiil in mulber Wim tameoi Forluuiv ow claim in than in word mi il deserve noilce end lhlt llm mu Canal M3 ied its weanling um NEWsellout intent notion end it Turrdey new elementer or nueln Barrio in immune owtmu Km tit hey ehdlliemlnnce lo ancient Nine Mile Pelt iilnune ha been lire choir mjol the WWW Baud pl Itdncuiion one el inm rum ruin nbmillediby the three Emir mil noi uniydn 80Win lnroehihinu um bliiil nnmu Aim iiilmil er Nnnry moi Quidiu in the loci lint deleye rrlrm ur up the riverlueomed by lnourlime nehmronnoin Mm under an Oil rmniu Lhe rini rlrln oi the chili Ni uni oiCIindJ lle In lo bo with Wimliy In Sindlu hey been or the dimiion olrtbeexploil inated in ihn curriculum el whimrlnelndld ihe upin cl Oniuie drool the Tim nnrilbe seorpion And nol lust olibue Andie lib nemu Mammal mi 10 NY 04 mini piiled by noon to hm been WW lid twink will With ilnpreunt indlnn lie WIN DECOR mm rum And cumin Winn Minimal lndinn idmmd 1i Indenl Slum mum notthe el Almuln nril iroquoln Huh or remrnter lbo nit el ll ma mg on clearedue lovll n1 Mwuwm barman Anilinrck Ian decdlllhd in One ollhn many pay In llll um 000m lli medal Ichilve lhil illo review Ind end inn llnl lomnip nurvryed lhe ioyllly oi In Dilute in the Menltoulinn we turned oi oi lonx up one who be1 eller him lore drank 3le no to en in pwmnw mm Mind in Lilo lend ol bl Inm Amman by or on liiniiliouiln blend Jun miiiee in mirepubiie mpome m4 dillililniihtd NewarkWilli hammer qr Ind orllor moan by sir ll we desiroyei in the month Minion nd North Winkle Dijihu Nolllwulu llivrr anemic necenuy Ami lIiI hurl iii remains in lbi nepmdiu community the ubiect oi mil lnr hnnrii Band llud rupertor in In Wu wn am utu In tbeJtuirrn umpnlnn CITY Thllin spilo oi theincl be bid bun nitnuion lo Ippur belore lire Preliduil nl Uniied WEDNESDAY em in 11 input into lb hominx million ll lime Ihzn everyone we imamilthoul the need or inpul inia plumb board Aid Perri mauled eboiiid be uni lo lbe chlimnn Pull Arbour polnliu out ihnt the cily devuopmenl eommillre bu inllch in lick nl All dnece lie uid ihe nominee net rliicixinx lbe haunlnl comnil lrer work but in lhi rhmrllem The Will rollimiilce is in milkelinx the powbmiy oi eon Ilniclin Iiolriil boluixix in limit to lower mu ree emmmdnuan indudee homes wiibout Nevin linth iii roomy uddilional hnihrooriu and other nonemliri ilcm uric lpilbll meeting are belnl Ichtduled lor Soplem berinuehwmilerlheww iolhdbolulnlproblm towoiliitmmbiyoliip 119 iiiimmrr Jul ilnmuy director oi dilution or we Sumo Qum ty Bond oi Dilution ro the Clludllii Chnmher ol comma1 Report on Did Ellwood Skills ieith in linbb rhninmn ol lhe lilrrie Chamber ol collan Committees el rduciuon umniure Mr Runny aid the mummie iJ 19 copies ol lhe poll may matinee in mm 111 turner Ind inth to mod in the million oi the goon hand on mbsidand io opinion el senior educator lnCnnIdI il in noted Ian citr Iiikill ol the re lponbenu to the eurvry indie nted ml Iladenll do be VP in the bule my lLtnlninu Photo meet on srrldlli ldt proposdl Smlrr More Building loll may ml bu incoiwnlrd into the citys 1min hylnw unieu ilie Berri pinning bond unex plein it mean lor recommen ding their rue cily development mnmin uhtduitd lo mrel with the bond Se to lo discuss use uni rr building lot in the city Tho baudl rrcommemlluon would decrease Ihe minimum size lord tingle lenin homo ioi lo col lrdhin by no leet depth or um mum kit The minimum used in lhe ciiy is $0 loot livlilllilltilh no dr or 5500 were iccl ldiim Perri city develop mrnl wmmillre chairmen uid ihe ioioot lmninze lot is very smell ms the province ii nid Ii one rim liarrir the 11m uicndallon by the councils 1M int ndvisory rommiltre minted iiitip yur in inreslixnle my end mun pl hunting the msl el will in Benin The commiure recommended buildln homo without linirbed mull on room llrwirm rm Igre or rerporlr tarpeltd ilools additional buihrwml or oliirr nonwrniial itrnu Aid Purl uid il buildun iynnt in use rnuiirr lots lhty could devdoo lcnddclhched Mir on woollronuxes Ind lownhousrs on Moot lrvnllm rimminil Sun By chmln lhe wiring bylaw rrinz the evil hni mvr people the lot only increase the cilye deadly Md Return uid bu reunion Iby tbe bond bud lb mini olionrmlbotuiuuune ondnry rune lor ndeplie unn lirr tel in the oily NEW BOARD reaped Willi the bowl trying to do be nid But Hiber lien daily the mmmodliidnJied we uld mul Ind listen in their lotion Iibllld have in brilrr up Aid George lintper nid the agreed il would be bean lor welo emumlnr the mo el Niobium ll builder routine nw minimum sizeloin lronl IKE ior Ill build and thl ltd polriii Irmiddubed bou lllll reihri innn 81w lull lire mi issue he nld We uniie oil imriier lots ham or lhe ire dill He Aid Pin wt ii hgtlta wxnnrrnaro nov Kmmm rmnnunmw new In lmruy in tho Ciiyolnnn wuid only he evxilebio lo gt built enu loot iout nonid rompele with imr lot gt mmn Aid Ernie Rolmnn vibe law on the axle he said gt bum me my prior in being rimlcd to mom into the thought is mandr mi uid during his live year iory ice lor mail to WIDE WC OFHWSM on lite board imulirriois we meg donl think rein Aniblu interest in twin oxy piperrm became Iliriilon erol lexmlnl nddetciopmcnt ex orienled Kigali is evident el tend to run iiiiiu men will iKr boardi Illempiin irr Georgirn blirle enrolment while in the pest upon ceni olier people ewide mire oi eniertll iii mild mmmrrllior Welcomwneeuv in uh niu pom brid Tu Idle Don MrKiilchn nor the end coilntlonl cull and brr unalignyou Ger ltie college is uple Vi IW 03 ii3 Hid um 11 no Kilim est mi grow with Im mm mpg deals from hm bout the plow hernia tile cost at lame in Emmi ck mm Quinn mummmi in cm ince Mn iicilll in aid would be silniilnnliy cut Tuesdiiy it has sent letter to immedlnie mien quulieptd in ii by saying home an be inalliim wrrheem mem etherlck niiiunt rrdnclion in coal oi ion use din pinninrbmd Theoniynivelionlonirervi will FiWuihci dim inmiiuled method oliow posillon city lo do lh lely l0 uiiibiiorl ur contian lo incremr oliheriudcnt ntGeol lui clme ho and ii lib Oliurrduini Amid1 erud lierirun Ion prim in zln om gnaw 5le gm commumss protestbluckout ow motor in limit Hnrilcilllnnljeoleiy but enlu while Gordon Bu ii we uterine technolozy unl rcdnciion in um mm mm MONT CP The 0i said the kiln sinned out To Gordon Buwubeiick Iud in be 2ii$imri ertJmmrumrru uitimrr deeiln um um uilrlolinx nu imllici ion bui wlliinollil lull Nmmiiiln iii the 00mm min Sui lvi lick oi Mm iii iii pi lor thermal onirtenrliru exhibtl nl nist Polly oi Canada onnounml and allied ltie council to nir Md WM lie lilo uld Georrlln one Aid Perri raid council the Onlnxio Pres Council pro The text oi theicitrr aid The ber oi in plum in the impactemmu won it other Iiill prize winners in lion ioteiicd mu an mm college in mvlm to under no obligation to hum oinknui oi news coverage oi tum nl our undidaiu mum iii Ml drill uth ol Mm mm Ml or mental reiudniion tech lmiliilhpuirilenid lb Communisl undidcle iii the dull nilb them Ill nlirn Eilriyliilliimboli WM Mme WNW niclm program is no mum why builderl 5cm in provincial neuron thouth not Iiwuyl mixing it ner Jenn Sundown nu dis ii RU BiMWymnn he or ad nil es The Ihow we hold Ii the sum 4th Mr quell vm Geedieliow mm Erwin iii iolmil iloiievrr in mi nu not build in hoiisinl on hbioob rampairn our um they no indeed an dude MHQW Mm WM mum In oi raven out oi communil opt liHool impinges buiidrrs iii will it call it lrluni Slu tllilri Inhaled lhe exis nidrielipnununlly 0mm with 11m mun mu ucnmmwwlmmne mm dent liven nm prelerrnre inning Vliilnm slewurl head oi the didrlcs in Ilories mining mm Wm mien Cunningham Douxlu Sievllinl iiir Multiliun nid till mil lot coil ilolrlli homing is rcdm pmvincini brunch nl lhepuly variou consiilnenciu The lilrri Lew iii ioiiiiiiiiiiiririi or in willii imiwniiriiifmm iiitiiimiw wqmam imam In MlWIi Chili lull pfiie mixirnr hid there lll dean Sanderson lint rizhclgreoirlglhnm loldtn Oi in the novice ex WWW id BinW becb comidenbie imreuu in iri ribbon ihm mixer mom Nbillon winnlnri the mint lnlha Junior section grim the number oi morn folklor number oi point in umnnun were lvruded lor nimies ride ahead oi lime tnd paying hdtorrhoirrirlvzaxiri iv iiiI won by acorn Eiiioirnyiiltu lint Ann Smith 5w mi lm mnli dahiie miniature mnie Shunt11 and comics Ann Smith liral sludenls he laid mime lie min but im not inure Thomlsoo mood much more rims eboul 19mmde mm bk ironiniionl unies in CSwel mid Iinn Smith will Trick lhnn in putyeen nnd mini lime in um Filming timid Lkiimmwar isiv 351 igommmm iiiiiiiz Mi Tm his new Nb mil ummnlmu ed lower dropout thin in the humminmiium Ind lime WM or iron lie Silupeori Srm dlililissiil Ann iiulclm ion the Ilnr prixe or the mob wietnndinx Duringlhenhnw lea van ur Edy was iiortirullurpl iot or hibl irririiti iziriiitiiirii xiiiaamgggirgi rrudiiitls lumen and mom place She lilo but Welcom Pierce and John mm or 1M lii Fmicii marirpidpverc link urn rm mpplled by mm igiunlor in nonirlner other exhibitor 09rd Music cum Grade 13 and iuo or three but linlrbcd univenily wines ir Mullilicln uiiiriplled time urea will he blxher this ell ll mlny student in opi iii or more prnciiui mun For the rri lime liie min tur id sullen he clued riwiln ii din Dlii lhbnudloAIIciioulair ion in tome counts invinx leached will in iliiriityiiiiiiiiii Winning iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiziii ihiriiiiiirinii no iiiiiiiitiitilriiiti minim wlii liaiiir illldilii inidihe timed criilihndoionmiilm rrr Kelly All the in WI WNW Sireeirmma inlbe lilverwood yery clump ca nclly twain ni Grmt inraylii in lino it stziunirn quIiu ML 13 meeting oi lira Slime Collin Willi pt allowed by In iioinucrosnu proxilnulniiiecvllendresoiir CirEmil lor repair iorir unlii ram Thiiiliaiinre Mutuarrcr Sireel from ringlonto len cu teehnoiofy depellmcnln illWAN MEEHNG ir hchi canlaid lite col ihe iiIillo Civilln Club in trio it iii reluctant to en became oi thumme oi naw thuuc Swamp man or hold lirllrri lull martial oii restitution lor the iechneb School um will in new lnitliilrtrooil and suei smell uurnmmgn Scampigisu ills it lhe Education Centre on Fer llr work deponnieni berm mm mm if lv iii Lune Comniitlre nitcling nook Tuesday mommy drum mm Mung bruins earlieriii upcoming answers llOlAltY ABsEiiiliiv cd hi campnitn oiiicd in All mom WADE PART lyillniilibi but lilrmberlqivuremnie iielury ion mutiny Formerileulenm Tin future oi the Cub and derilnlnri lb Hermanire unwind in hold ovemnr Enrlnnwewnori mild Vrnlurrnrt the Burton Ave mi uh momny ll the Conilnru iii Millen ilmeaib Chum depends onlne mu PAM iix RX zux lhz 44 pl ion Thunony with min is iii Mch tnmpailn Iuccm in lindinl Aeuh iudernd iILilHrfmronvmlimidhimi mmwniovwn gt iii3uiiiiii MM um rpm 01 or or to not an be Mnnnd MrniiDutiieid mini locum ilin liliivlci lI Shim Centre undidate inui Memu Tibiui or Ric Pictulii Qiil plum ilrr ililil etSmiyeou Arlee will Coiullgcrkfyr mw brr trimming llli Vrniwxerhnepbunyueemn Davin 65 bani be spying their elm leather nipped ThIcoimil rewind cocklriehllnndml IWbrieAiiRiE cons wa