51 consisting th tout the city at Windsor bounded follows or the lnteatneilotusi Boundary with the northerly production at Strengthen northerly along Jane Street to Grand Ravine Drive thence easterly do an along said production its southerly pootluo htuwilym SissiesMeateWesttothapolntotcommcemem Populatidni Now Avenue East to Howard Ave on Bottievud thence northwesteriy alon westerly donng Row Avenue West to Hmondturch Rood pART Church Road to the south iinut oi the City oi Windsortthence gt rnit to the International Boundary thence northeuieriy along the Wi Reasons tot Proposed Boundaries It As result o1 amendments tensection 51 of the Drltltit North Ameried Act by the Intemaiion is Popttlationi9oll 92 YORK EASTconsisting oi that par oi the bounded ioiiows commencing atthc intersection MudodeidCartier Freeway Highway No East Branch oi the Don RiVer thenceeou Lawre ace Avenue East thence westerly along Lawrence southerly in straight line along Leslie Street and tls prod touthuiy along Wilket Creek to the West Brunch oi the Don River West Branch oi theVDon River to the west boundary at the Borough along said ectton oi Stinging menthlegtfgen than nihprcseni ea in men enac tn overn cr nowC npter 2RSC i970 to each electoral district is to be established by dividing the fophiation oi thgorvielhlytlg golfer oi meager t3 the Holusie oi nagtaons 6to be assigned to the province In Ontario the census rt ea apopu at on Thereiorc the Ont quumuou an quo rent Voreiectorai Aithotlgh section 13o oi iheEieetaml Houudaritt Rendiustment Act ro population at each electoral district shall correspond as neariyas mayo $335 quote or the grovince nevertheless clause thereot as amended by 50197475 Chapter may depart fromjsueh equality tor any oi the iollowing 25 yrovides that the Commission reasonsti it special geographic considerationssparsity or density oi nonuiation accessibility 014 tiopuiation9880 wWHWQIWBWF WMARKET consistingoi that part of the Regionlli Municipality of York 93 YORK contained in the Towns oi AuroraNe market Richmond II and VitIlciturcitStouiivriie N3 Becauseof this amendment relative rate 01 oi poouiddon is winner factor to be considered unit Popumommon chi 90ml yordtversrty of interests at the inhabitants oi the Various regions isting oi that part oi tir Municipality of Metropolitan at theintersectiou oi Egiinton Avenue West with Street to Lawrence Avenue West thencewesterly eumher River thence southerly along the Humber River onto thence easterly and northerly along said city limit to de Road to Annette Street thence casterii The Oommistioh has deoarted from the electoral quote althoughin no case to the extent of Intions sparsity of population inaccessibility and size oi the regions concerned all the RunnymchR nonurban electoral districts in Northern0ntnrioare heinw quota Similar considerations along Annette Street orevuledtn constitution other nonurban electoral districts where ever possible Avenue thence easieri National Railway thence northwesteri ronto thenca easterly along said limitto the east boundary Prospect Ccmctcry northerly along said boundary to Eglinton Avenue West thence westerly along Egiinton Avenue West to thepoint at commencement tropuattonistaez Itas drown the boundaries oi the major cities Toronto0ttawa KitchenerWaterloolindsor Mississauga St CaratinesyLondon and Hamilton so as to follow municipal boundaries where ever possible gt ln proposing names ioi electoral districts we have used existing or historical designations in some cuesin order to avoid an excessively long name we have chosen to designate the 95 YORK WEST consisting oi that aid ot the Municipality or Metropolitan Tolont consutuencyby thatreglonwhich constitutes its malor oorllon hounded at toiiowr commencing at the intersection oi Steeies Avenue West end the Hilntbt River thence southerly along the Humber River to Lawrence Avenue West thence easteri lions uwreace Avenue rtherly along eie Street to the Ihese proposalsere suhlect to changes which may he inede as result at consideration of Wat to Rule Street thence no the representations submittcdstpuhlio meetings lt the 25 tolerance above or below the quota Because oi such speclltlbgcographic consider keeping in mind density at annulation as well atcornrnunity oi interests thecommission Highway Nojsioilttheneewesteriy along said freeway to nes Ravine Driveto Black Creelrgathence northerly along Black Creek to Stecies Avenue West Rephmtotion Art 1974 Ontario is entitled to be represented in the House at Commons lay By theEieclomi Boundaries However in no case shall thenopuiation of any electoral districtdenurt from the electoral gt quatatoagreater cxtentthunm more 001356 orzsi icss 608i4