loo puntall elm 150 WI Pro Wyeth rigour lowd tho ll animated Coosersstlu pranl VIIIOYAIEWJ um Loomsi mm wot In Wt Itmllrmdinz John otsam Is pmnlerot 0n tuioWililsxn 1th rolled to In Impressive vlrery in the 1971 election prolonuls Prim ve mmsllrodyv M7 hos governed iilo province to Harem 71Wllls new man II the helm Ind InilllllitrDl new Isus lolhe cabinet the Can mnllves non Til oi tho utilise the Iezlslslure seduc Ilse unmi In so no gumsts to it rllrnols us or Selection wt Ill Ilsvls mail Pllllllllilvlllh own In ollid crwnonolilglrrwuwm nudgingElm 132 semi Ionsi merd to Island by Ioctions hm eoll hlns four mil sold his administration has been subjected to vari ety oi problems intilidin II lszstlone oi mrruptlon oni coniiiet oi inirrrsi In Iirli he was presenlsd to tho voters as niothoy ady minisiutor mnn lots intotv ested in amboyant rholotic snd the tubnndlhrusl al vs llIIesl debnleihan in the Cl tleient running ollheoyrrn ment or this vmvinm EMPIIMIS EIIIFTS in the nimnt IIlmnuizrl there has been lhili In rmv Nusie While the Com umiivrs continue In omens themselves Is the only party rsosbie oi mnrrnln the province In so orderly msrlv lIOIiD KONG tlloulcli Chinese iorelsn lllniitlcr Ltliso ItuInhue held talks with Viv latcs Conan in Iokinzon lhilfldlr the Chinr non Illency Iislnhuero Ine 15 delexnllon lrd isy Demo mile Benslar llobcri llyrd of oom tor 30 sesrsuotil In deieslod In 1916 Cdnservdtivefillingz ncr Ilnors has been notice sole etiort to present their leoderin more homo it lhn with ronsiort is nsonossno lhrrusisout the till osmoalnnr has been sIIsod in ROM In moon to must ttoanI Liberni Lender iiob ert Nixon thIt tho lnlesrltl ol his Worssment is open to question III has been lrIdlng cultlnx birthrisycnkes lie has silo lumped on lilicoi issues knowing price irrue onlotoilne ot luind salquxrehlle to purchase at new tors to Illmuiole lhr Iuilrrlns In Iomollve industry The soytuold Conservative leader started his political career as IIwyor movtnl Into Ih Ienisisture In Ilia and becoming ministerol ednes lion threeyclrl later ile held ihe pnrltoilo to nearly to years oeriod marked by exososionsry rllucntlonsi sorndlnt Ind eto nomic Iiringrncles mod on ollmpt reversal shortly Ilter isn hcenmr mmler Ind some nl lirnnyiss stronzcstsnp nation In the rttucslton rom AWN41Hlwlsiillisblimhl than my West Virnlnis mind in re lting on iVednredIy STUDENTS ARRESTED JOIIANNIESIIUIIG South Ill lionlAIi Kolei Tin11ml rtont oi the Notional vnlon oi South Alriesn Students three other siudrilis Ind one ioclurer have been delnlncd by security police sources said Thursday on erous erillu Iheomnier Illli rolninutes Io Queens inrkiyonl his house inBrInlplon Ii miles well at ToronopIhI family hls wile Ksthieeosod their lIYe hllOlClLlgo msintsins corms on eorlisnilny Landrrdsle Fin lvo lenders lhst eun utun Gentleman tornled minority xovornmenl in lots It is the longeel time single nsrty hss over remained In oltice In Unitsrio II they are relurnrli Scot II and serve nannsl term the lnrlrs wlll more Into ICC omi pisanlonz the longest llvro orovIMIII dynasties In Conndion ooiltlcs surpassed only by the Quebec libersis nho heid oowrr lor ID years until they were diluted In W13 lllr Duliss lell North ton illluenoy sometvilrl minted In Ires hy reilsrlhulion hos boon renamed Dismnton tor the EIIIYHII rolnonlm won it by morn than 13000 sotelin lm niey sIId they believe the tour were being held under the Tel rorism Act which ensbies the Iutholitlu to hold suspects tn drnitely willlout trial Ind se vens to iswysrr wonos 10 linen Ben Franklin ll Ths devil wiper his breech with ooor ioliu pride Ind condominium In Fort is sodlIru Holsters local no Conlroiorrlor Wmmsmwmmm mm during second trou lrr mull bod dodlnod JCE Um AWIMIIIII Imm lhs year gt They nid noiustlhsplsnl made bynsschhles used cp msnoiIcturI oi Isedshrlis Jolsl limsseinsilltir1 rder MITNM III OMIM rnl shout Imohsonlhd Irsin Kovscs Construction Ltzl In Toronto The tirvnwu nouircd vie omelet mini Iir rondl Ionermllile hi Yonie Street omen bu north of autumn sir Moms 11 Piloterror mom tAII Ilse hood of nish riliirslistton uld Ih Imnliy wu mmsihie tor our Dsnsstmis In MIMI persons wero Hindu3 Tlle Sovlsbmsds slammed Into sandy htli early WVilol errer lhlcrssh at Coeds Wedmdsy srhlle nhoroschtns DIrnsscvs Internslloooi Air port The Ioslnengiho ex plotted In nunes lrs south oi the Syrian shallot Oni too rereono lboer stirv ol tIrinn civil nvinilon said airmen oleIB llle olInes devlrllontmm ltt glide pIIil gt Selfservice ED10NTON ICli Despiio growlnl WPuisriiy with bulletconscious public droniI over tilnnlertts oi IrIiservire gasoline oullois run by lnnior oil companies conlinlles llns bated il KvlIllill nudge recently when Insoeni Oil no In rounred lhrt rental Ms to on erslols will be lnrrensed Al lhounhuil Term and shell hove indicated they dont plnn In ioiiow lmprrinls lend the lnovo hos helzhlenod roneorls over Involvement nil ronr ponies in ths reioit Ens hull non whale cheaters TORONTO ICI Ie mm the Soviet Union Ire Ilm Ilobsrt liunter on at ths Creennoscs Foundation tonsorvslion ornunlsnllon In Thursday Ilunler thed Khnni dlrrrIoIgsnersl mi 161 name mu uunm lot You ml Invited to lne the and Art Evens Consorvhlive Condidslo forSlmcoe enlla rlssllt Refreshments ii be sehied SAIES ltEPAlIIS TO CUSTOMERS OF BARRIE AND SIMCOE OUN itsollr ltith Anniversary snli IIAIIOLI YANCiiioi YANCII HEATING would like In any IHANK YOU to our customers oi Barrie snd Simone Colinty or the patronage over the post In yosrs lisroill Yoncil has been In business InrlD yenrsnow snd John Glsyslolle anti Isurge Ellis hsh been willltlle company for six snd seven pl than yours Ami they tool in to My we work together as loom and It is our customers Ihnthalc given us the cilsnoo to prove It iiAitOiii villltll lllAllllo IID Rssidenlisiy Comlllereihi induslllnl Hosting Air Conditioning 72825406 RII BARRIE said In In InLer BODY BUT NOBODY BEATS MR BROADLOQM Bruadloums MR BROADLOOM Is In TOBREAKAI st RECORDSII NOTHINGHASBEEN HEIDIN RESERVEII ALL QiiAilTlESyAIL COLOURS ALLVTEXTLIRES nor Home eenvme