33 its lit is few at it sided ea the In daft the ebenteatva hat Aid weak ubteet manna vedltetlne Elias 55 is seals it Ir Till CANADIAN PRESS Folloetut ara the actlriilee eebeduied by the leadera cam pal or use slot ie on tartar action lounv William DarlaAttends Ibe annuatpreniiere contrienre at John NM ntmtne to Toronto in the due Mr Whitest Iitb Torontoam liberal uodldatra llzto one cairv palm to intentlyarea rldlnxl punom pelt beadoue attanda Seaeberoonh ertb nomination Melina Inoilzrle with local 31 ah Parat Weasenter M130 leeriloelpin pri Pownaiianskwi MilliA SaysjEECLovelpl causer of dairy problems aubaidypatt calirn ed tees mil amws ch Agriculture llinlter Zuxene Wilden said Maddalena lama evei te ope new cm main reasontlanadlaii dairy men have been aalred tn docbla ll nihiidy en powdered skim in international aaarpiue oi aiiirn milk derod world price to the am the Canadian Dairyri mission cannot break even it needs anivatdy oi 00 cents hundredwelrht to mm the Canadian product emetitlva in norid riiarkeIa ltte problem in that milk pro dueera aueed to pay the eub blurs the cost at the aubeidy aidy nlien it was is root liltllle Iwhich ultimately would be irreducible lull eeelan came in It trainees MAY 31 pin erant 1115 velour in oNTHEQHUSTtNGS isnt one to our ro tnnia in Toronto tom piar tum Wri Illh boai candida DeeNowman in Oshawa area til Durham quarters 15 pin opens campaign N103 lugt apealrerfat pom Weeieaauu South new Unconventionottiieiiraphtev nae r111 Aria internlineal Union to arrives to hasten campaied withlocat candL date Carson Mambo use nL arrives in Kioeton canipaien with Lara Theore eon pent taper television tote to the increase to no home by the oooaumtr eente July he resulted lnan hldier butter prion etitrl refusal by Quebec pro diicerdaate pay ihenbeldyany gushes roducea so per cent ot Canadalia miiir ol vblatr 7o per cent in industrial milk need itaa tor moccasin mainly into but ter Mr Wilden eald the lidcente ahundrodwalm aubaidy cost the Quebec produce about too million month one Alternative le to have the Processine induatay trvrn width rendered milk is byproduct Vrlliiot who advised contpioints suys wus concerned tor ecology VANCOUVER 191 All pilot who edvlaeai his pal eerixera iueday at Toronto In ternalionai Airport to complain about inkeott daily aald Veducaday that he was spurred liy eenrern tor the min and ior eiriclency llob Grieve speaking in leiephona interview tram htr liome in nearby hhteoul aald he urged passengers to com taln tn writin to Transport Minister Jean liarchand bel xuauee lile 45minute delay in tallestl wee not an uncommon aituatton at Toronto Capt Grieve said ebout it pluses experienced the delay Tuesday when one ot theeir port runwava unavailable during peak hours because at repair work in why cant they do that nd at work at ntehlt allied Capt ttayln the unions want to unlit at night dent hwwthe reasonbehind tt but there dila enietbln mm with the rec vol hive ll planer burnlna fuel into lite environment while they wait tahoolt and you have about 150 people on each oi thou planes weitlne lia said similar aituatleo rhad occurred toor months ego at ioionto end at the thus eoirivlained in writing to hie au nertota iii IFtin lip aald since than he ha been keeping motel meld ol inelilqieney at lira airportnd the situation haa rum titt moat iri ttiwwwltVtt into and may mutational imam tendon gmgmw and they handle muchkleaier volume et all traitln Capt Grieve aaldha 1qu about ihe situation to ten mlnutea helora apeaitin to pee annpere Tuesday he anniheti pa tel over the limo 7tta intercom Leta sheila those mandarin lrorri their pert told pee reneerr it anid he then composed iii hla own handwritinl Ilmpia letter which he eilwiettd Imonl paa nlera lo ahoyr tiletniiny lb ehould eomelata lChine says Soviets threaten fisheries ilONG KONG Mlii China aaya the Sovieta have atretched their handaytn the Ab lantii Ocean and the Caribbean seaptbreatenin tidierlea ot lu ropean and atln American eouritrlea end aneda lite chine etaiem was in an ertlele published the oili clal newspaper leop ea Daily and broadcaai lodey by ltadio Peking The neuapaper auuunca thn soviet Union at aralii into lite territorial tea at their neirtabora and biting their nit ural eoule li uye man counirleag in cludlnl Canada inelund Indisl Lenka formerly Ceylon has taken counter meaaurgs out the Swallow oi Sorret shin Veal ll meshave ineld 1tire Learn war uaevngelonger tanbe doml neted byoneior trio Witt mud Mother alternativa ia that the povernment eatablidi special lurid to cover the costs oi the Please note that tlioud of Wednesday Aug 201975 the itlhe Barrio Examinolior the Souls Automotive Controyj listed the Big Bug Hiriser Shookjinoorlectly tit $777lhe correct price shouldiiove or interview para Kineaton tor Mon action rrEg it ifs Eggs ministry livraaatamaileeoldaya alter iea tonedth N31 levels and the mine vaaonlaed to Manville also eald hai never low it as hlehaa by WNCW Detnpm Ieader lie aaid Maawa DIIWDB In Torch Whitman al am ridinp all day ale to ot the Walkman 0cm laivt Board Nixonflew radio pro Todiy hit Lentil iate sank Ivatrn io end 0r north ol 1bronto to keep the old nuotae at the iegeileee on pro uuounn Willem expensive lion annually but my sods led araliylunrled ymnram mlrbt be violation iii the General removal on Taritte Trade GMT multinational ract desigied tor revent ratab ilehrnentol untar trade bar en totivatbeboardllieirmeeeai 1cuttbellprod ontoezner read by Jouohliudaon oi lleiinan nirkitra Hamilton ailion ot Onllo an prodrcere PEPPER WINS cNaswiM need atibe insulin NM Er lnirn aameieiodmcsn zt WW we and spaniel Ml bibitldn DUI Ewtm In Ibula ended the Grand hauled PBWKlW tiall Feiilknar pate Lathe llttwptm elm received the admin tmphy Slims Ontggurb resist unwell in the are net Illlkliil lee our producers canaet with cent and alaniin not in said Mr ruler we have ehed the stauerhera in an id iurvia Ltiilelotio el Him lir Ullieiolal one oi their called in tor diaciptioary action said that under uneudmenta to the Ontario Fenn Producta HART BREAKTHROUGH EDMONNN CF Alex Janvler of shernood Peril Min an internattoaeilyvknorln lndienpalrter has been corn rrilasloried to non moot mural inthe nw olllce building in nearby Strutliooria Count Jan vter said he eeea the breakttirourh in utility cal art into gerbil building 3i Sillle cans board director and one ot ii2riai iii YMMV NOTHING woiiits REPRESENH To II ensign THAN ACIION went A05 in tire ennnie EXAMINER le one Ell olbq quota idoreeame dons nit ii iii II on canae Ontario producera are been required Sept to net ottlier not allocated by the board producers want in statement lovlhe board the loop nldi IBhoutd any producer orem our noun or any pr ricer sitting in loin our group he harassedby the board in any manner aucii aaaetzirre ol all or hens or cancellation ot quote will give collective rt plua eoilecllv page statement lawyerloraeven ol the produc ell called bclora the board raid tho aroup rapreaenla is to to ledtwerevriih phouQ tno rnitioo hand ilte xroupeaya that rather than enioree the reduction int ll production ouotai the board aheuid work to iinorrw the no Telephena 171324 appoiired lead $4177 its indicated to the right we wish lilo express our apologies for any inconvenience this may iruvocuusod ony Soars us tumors Manuel installation kit incl Guaranteed to mos 18000 mitosz 034 700 SimpsiinsSears Ltd Enlov ii nowi Use yourAii Purpose Account At SimpsonsSehrs you get the finest quereniee Sailiiaeiion or money refunded ei iitdre tun mum end the purpose carolurlneome executioner over eu producer and altovi recovery or the as in other provincee are lian ialrranei equivalent to Prodiiotino buie titheeOatirto enteredtle tlooal merketiul plan wasI my Wfpggf cite olces taxation illness and tholprovlnce laprodnctnx 15 pet ta um or con ducera have been tput law to to elite moor iLteeand earrinin Allstate and elem in the bitth inlona and otber orrari leattoaia in Jnlftiiliill aenouipany the excise in initiation deride eornrnereiei or buxtneaa pols poser as any actlvity done lor tan lnthb aeme proportion at lied nuataimoolraient to or hiiaimaa motility ta delticuhta buelnm expe lor in behind lwtll be vaii at catalomaand it ba accepted monthly ILlbe endoi Sodom ltir iitlleloln raid the pro claims toe einaller in amounts are to be sent in each to liret it montiia beetnninl at the end bullpen ter year lion ot havin fair Prices and Personal Service ligating illrisers dDur tevnl heal Lets you hurt asyourloed con iiionuhange lnttaie to raise car Deileted until car level when told is oil in SonraJerriup Gooroien Mail 599 BaylioIdSi N5