Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Aug 1975, p. 4

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munlel erable Arthur director we grandstand Cenadl Arm dllrwairlllrzbllin corpontodhlto titath man gown lie etrai vreennIderpu lanaiab muttlieutenarmou IL The taxshongroue retriever enemy roofnone an llectiOn red herring One at the cure to be brought up overand over again during thlapntg ario electron carnpaipn will be taxshoring omongthelederai provincial and munv lcipol levels oi government It irateple dear to about how the lederol government has ioomudr nrenayandtoamudr edyaver wherelt ooea andtar what purpou it was hot topic at the recent meeting at the Association oi Municipalities of One uric one mayor was even eupgeatlne that the rovlnelal there at peraonalneoma increased by llveper rant and the tax entirearnount turned lock node and barrel over to Ontario nuirrlelpalltles The wro lino tr to an extenhunder atandobie alter all Is power That it why thelederal govdrnment the most powerful in the country hang onto every cent It can referring to keep the power that cornea ram being able to date it out loathe Iprovince In bin That it vdvy the Mm maintalna the com position lpower In relation tagrante to tee It not necessarily bad eyrtem Dowu 2r trans Aoo iN rm Barrie thermal re rmr Seven Toronto men were caught in undertow while evrlmminl our mouth at river at Warm Beach and Ill drowned one at woret accidente In hietory on Georgian Bay At onetime it man were in trou ble but emu were mated or nudelt to abore alone some at the victim were drowned to rave othen Ven MA DD rector Perlah ol Shanly Bay reappointed Archdeacon oi Blmcae chow and Hiram hieCelluar penerel ma nager were at Camp Borden to watch precleion drill by TriServlcec Squad nd ace in concert by nad tan Uuarda Band at which will be In 0lilcer0edet eekendeinal Canadian Armoured waa atten ed by Me orGeneral onhlngton CB ll CD honorary Colonel Com riaai lormerly oi Barrie now mill in in Ottawa Barrie Air Cadeta were in manner my etlt0AF8tetion Clinton In charge uadron leader it John Oatee Ire dr Clarke rumourva Trloutws thehearti ol politicians Premier Bill rlovestatalkr rumour 0rd timeoute one etrow Informeri keeps theinrunlcipalilleeland elven the poweriul provincial government under toma kind or control gt Crtoiniyit is better thanailowing each leveled government tax our incomes hitting ua harder and to individually gt harder tronr all eldea at the whim ol minor pollilclortmrylna to rnokethair reputao tiara Beeldee dont the provincial and municipal politicians knowrthot the an tern olwoye plvn tirernan Ixcute that theycould do much more for the greolerlgood of all the people theyeerve lionly the province riin the tgrorvineas ease read Ottawa would give more in granta or nother reverrue ring echemes Like democracy may notbe the most ellleient eyetarn In the world but at least our preunt ayrtern oil tax Ihorlng more to work reaeonably well Provincialelaetlon candiddiea ehould leave It alone and discuss acme ol the vrnoreprmlnp rrrattm at hand eueh economlea housing public transit city planning and much much more heathen now Rowanlanai held we and aiming oi handmade puraer oi entrler lnconteet to eelect it tor exhibit at Canadian National Exhibition Orlllia Township Council heard lalnla by comma ol nude bathing eaaiBaaaIake BerrieSorop lat Club worktop on Dell Fair project lorvNovember Gummpieyyround now Oakley Park held unlcgie Cireue Day auperviaed lohn ell and Joan McVeigh irrilielv architect plan ior propoch new Barrie collegiate North now on Grove st unveiled all Board at Education Barrle Calla ata Band directed by Allen Flatter eli ted audience or have atouil Kalle Par iiravenlrurtt in Sun ay evening llualc on the Bar concert tie Planning Boar figures or not lion population dieated leed munlcipa ties irrrludtnr Owen Soup Collin oed llldland and Orlllla uvto prowl and development Mr and idea It Meet Fendley announced grand openirgot the lamentower ahapnorth Monte on Blake St They took over Boulderlei Greenhouae pagoda to Barrie lrom Brampton In Kissinger fappearsl ready lo Middle East viits ly anucz tavern diaellone are Mar that state secretary lienr uinrer about up mu mpewmlher the Iddle Zeal 9m last limit ta elvne rite lo lery hope that Arebiareedl dill encea may lie narrowinl The unollicial word around WWIill Med tahilureberrrimtrdaulrr wwuncrou or Wham Ofcially the word la that no tlnal decieion bu been made to ward another iri but tierehli wee regarded tire tact that hae even can blow to ltiulnur perm rbniernplatlnx each move lol ally and to Untied Stale pm lowlnr hie auahln allure at up generally when the cod tda Middle ar Ideal peace neyol tlona buy It waa merrily aocrpled the atate department to that um KW Will ultralluxrllrlllrlllelinculm evmei mane Inh ll allorla thmdmi the email area Even at that time with nero linden In ehamblee laradi Pratttier Yllehalr Min aaid hla male would murne telka Illuliixerrll It red that male leika would alep toward peaceand could be held at minimum this to lrreeie aecurity more were iurtirer ln dlcatlnrw then tint Ianplian end even Sovietemcee were train that nether Udled ooa eultat one eiouid take place Mr gunmanmtourtwsmts ll Bglld Street be Outerlo one M37 tie Number MM would bunny Hill and Ell llama ption retta daily b1 to eerria weekly til lime eoplea eerie Iiy ll llama were earl lilnr County tam vrrr an fir ulnar countrie Motorthrw ellolnl lidvelllrlna Ollieur inn AuditBureau uranqu mllhtbanalur tioru tire lobleee are Canadian rm eaelw aim on em roan alert to entitled to the ute lot to drop VWte or The unrelated leguaagd tahlto lthe local Wlhe llarrle Fixarnlner claim yrlnhtlnyeil oriainai and edriorlai material and by lie rnployeee new inevitable In One room ber eoieii real it Ill Jobs scqrde do My VINCENT EGAN liualrran and Consumer Altaire Analrai Themm New larrlee Canadaa untml am at Calidartgmlll illumheerr virtuallywmrurglulalel or eat live rnortheat $3600 centpol the labor Mo lhat manna that out cu at every it workera la looking or loll at Queen St Wat Toronto are Now that tome reapeciad am no Caibzlri ilhr Mlliv economiela are proclaim the lumber eitire Canadian Pm end oi tire current rcceeeion it Al to Iaiiilill tilel Ilvcl bllcnlionoiaii Iowa dlwetcle ummw ll In on paper rredlted to It Prru or ilera my Even ll lulura evenia thaw ihetlhe Canadian economy Ia already on the mendaevhlcl by no mmcerernmu or re Ind to lo erratum IciIVllY willva to unem oyrnwt merry companiea ml on the payroll evat II It mearra that they are larderemployed havlna the alali need when ordere alert in again The arch Irector ol the Canadian labor Cannes trae loreeaet latele unemploy ment rel in tire ram cl to per cent derplta the economic turnaround And economic reeoerehera at the TorontoDominion llanir pre diet lullvyear ma urrempley meal rale oi at leut 75 per cent eellerl nzconri eemerreura to let Canada more likely to he better aublrct to the moat praianacd mad at an ad Nor ployrnerrl alncelhe limit in banka eeonomlaten vain ohvloeulxiognin Iii Nah and lolble record rWeleae eeeelatlca in Canadacum tar oriveteeeetar emollyera ratevlile went Ill between the rev la ihma oidlled wnrirerl ergtulltledrllgeernaar military place letter and LETTERSTOEDITORN Reduction in deer sensor disappointment to redder in lezce hie we mired Provian an itlll road rue Ibutaeveral Ina tblaleltoryunlly make led ere Dear llr we draehed and very db appointed toirear the deer re aoa Irr Pany dorm rm baa been reduced to three dayelrom two weeks gt We have hunt cane and rely hydro hum aeuon brewer errata There Ie eiao enleie lactor Theron be mywllero Iv JOHN IIAITBIION current Allalu Analyet Thurman Ncwa lenlre Durlnx tult lorca review at the manalemenl eallvltira ol tha de not oI national de fence in tort member ol l9 Imp questioned ll till tankair Carredlan ermy lied ever asked the Welt German Imminent to charm Iome ol Ila Iunrlua modern Leopard tank tor trainhrr tecltuea desired in WeatarnCanada by the Brae denote Welt German army The anawer came back yea it had been dimmed llu the talk lorce with ministerial mandate to exit lor luembout anythlnr could never il writ ienoorreepondonce on mat ter prthtl eaetna like lolall in bi oi inlormatiorr menu to turn you all pcrhape tram readtnr on But my and he tail that it relate la the hlact lrnrrr our capocleily Ila trelli men pnu their an unwritten anion rcaerva army unite to replace Uanadea torcarotid Centurion tank with newer venlorl or dillererrt tank tal bloat II you look at It one lrrlnortant way insane wa Milli try to ionlnri their labor errata by ellmirralina redundant tor time That way they are elobe it and when they can We mom that there will he tendency in the next low yearl wherever poaalbie to in vert In new on to re reue pro duciivlty IIiet klrd ol iovealarrent will atand inlaineu In nod aiepd In the berly mo when labor will prolrrrblyll be In atrort euprdy once cg The le Cornell ol Cane Ida Ital prodicted that decline in the blrtllraia and at or dlmlniahlrr lnllow at ml grarrle rI lead to the abortat GETTING WOIIIR liver lite nertrllve yeara or ea however unemployment may culture to hotel grow oi Canadian launlr All not to be compared lm burden ol unemployv VI helm llacll the linettclel burden become cnvier on multch pal wellare Well and on all THEWORLOTODAY Viega bareback en lthout eln era in tire ptrtorl at time auueatlonet ll there really at deer ahrrrlcn the huntigt wtebouniyon rm to one week pnrhl tile or tlu Tracie trining elrould arm our NATO troopa even durumthe la atom in our area to 1e klodeadlglta llJoWi IHlallli Jorrhmgl relics lrLOpard tanks Europe would probdblyooht III II bout era mlillcn per tank tor en not other buan er eacir twain waa Ilaad In It Barrie Ovileglall late revered lint Eeaatowaahb maintly and can treated the enlle gentleman known Ia editor ernerinrn it we who la proudroi SCI and his ierrner eiudenle deck Edwin Hearth wrote to departmental exam paper In it and not to dim phi time WNWI recerdltblal no You went iron rrnet Jack armed the brlrl In terview treat dl you did mundhhm row le write oblur ea Not quite Jack iarn rupee tor Duvm Memory lane and alert one column which ll alien dillielill to it in tbla butI liaa daily newlproer Well you covered my Vale dlotarhy eddreu BCI lit me and ould rememborlomnhlnl mu thoum it waa ii ye are continued Jack Trudeau overnrnant decielon io lotnl at 15 million This would be an udan rut our lWi still alonda But it also teialce to the the Camden mullarmmllld lolla camnmdy to be vatlva when leeed wl ii cabinet decl alon bored not military and Naro cur dIANIlI ATo iorced In hell ln primarily on polill eel end cconomla rcaliliea and rrrilllar pita unacceptable outlay lvrn the at on lndullent branch ledetal conunlirtient to cut baelr IICKI T0 ANI Iammonta Yet lfrlrrre IillarlelerTiudelu irr hie third rovemmurl and Itlokinu to hit etaiid that eilm lied NATO pretence can work bin The tumour cutback In our lew woelra ago NATO iorcn tromeborrt moo to be olieell entry and air lorce no plus equipment to lbw that number Illa moart raonnrl Now title ve late out ilret titlnn llrrt lrordwar about proper It brunela we aiiii want when lint natty hall exlatent Canadian military in both rrurvalion ml ht hava come In reduction in equipment Iatlura The pollqu pdalllon on NATO to modernize whet wee loll The tooailed mocitanlzed hri Eurooeen military Nib Ilrdlaaatroua far rrtcanlnahri iiut rode ground which to be In helnp riovornmcrt declalon ll Icgrulltd tank well an eonnrl wrlorl and true in tank at rated in more or aaa In In rent coli ilnrrotlon during he Korean WILlIlMI The Ieraella urea lhelirlialiv built Centurion during the ma Why won it but with cult for Canadian NATO eomlt Yom Kippur war lruerrmlo lindue an tlll IIIII Cilit new tarrlta or our brlande In ml pile recoveryT employed Canadian who will alert Darin eubrtentlal int unemploymentInsur ereaaa lrula Tn bu la mutt include must be flu eupply tract with nrmorod pen Now elncer about lull the nae Wart German army with about combat Mon laoperda have had new ad there auperlr anira either lor export coin or rtreiurnably tor the kind at ex CIIdllKI mentioned above or II It I0 till it mod marrdera Whoever they are to icauanats sronv Break froijrilam once premlurne neat Jan Once the remion end lll Irlltotl cenealaa unampl nlent rote Ia not likely to loll bark lo anythlnp like three per allermollr have bercma however cent level that wee canalder level Inlleud thellarontaDominlon eeonomlaia unemNoymnt will thing over live per cent ruinorucv uuuurrrs llre urn hum City veile Atubaleare leavch WP rivl mtru mm uaulr or normal decade ego term in lotion nleo hovered around that lid or prepare in the national delenLe nlaier and tiuwrh channela la the department ol exlerllal allairl thit we trade aorne tantra tortreinlnp aiteet No we dont went anvilrini ea morbid ae tint hut wan to Irrva what you been do alnce you lell MI in liil Now let oral your notebook ily lhe way We ton acme weirhl MINI in Hindi tree euw you iaai lllr Wat urcx noarnrn Halted ei Univerelly at Toronto in em ber tell on one oi the ac ler airlpa but left In December QUEENS pm Ontario Hydro paledby Altar Ilia program E55 Xe no tnirloce ewen John Dlduhe baeei ae Moor in diam Oearedrla ndar 37ml TITINGI bit quiet Sela on the International acme Hall cem heckled tile whom one the Malliematlee aralr aa Prolew lane at Quenaunlveraiiy Aha he wae aa edvleor lathe Do enl oi Education on The on Iialhl titre be mailed the ieac idinlrulrdwood and Bob tdlell It BCI MI III ew the Iteihurratica and En aia tlre only aaevin Carr eda odl type One oirhla lint Mont waa Wlll Rum Milt Ilidtruret emitter 8C red or arcm uomnrlxrm leaeor Iioutn ha been aociele Dean attire sdaooi areduale Guidilelao Ir Ileeeala Queene me that relIdent oi the Canadian lionol liniveraillee hunter o1 tea but la tekln one at theta rernarireble uh alleaie which but eo much about there dry In till oducwonal lieu lII plan to wand whole year on lanrtva My in Eeonornl Alllcmaulntbeprimantlo leer ehdtlld eel him to Iolve iiipae Ganedae problem on ination etc THANK YOU Dar Tilli er VIM me take Munich lip very luath you too Allen upecleily helplnl him In hie lliatory diea like you aid earlier wllh lime ltalenty whoanru liualel has had its day mu UillAilN Queena Ravi Iiumu Thamen Newl leniee TORONTO Ontario Hydra ha acear lia heyday Tall is becomim moreand more ohvlout the pavement lint etarled taklnl over more control at llydru car or eo are when It ordered it com under the OPtIIlo may Board tor re vrw Sinceihl it he been brim In it more and more er re alralnl lrr hie nrinlvbud ot Darcy atelierth declared mint out back on ila pmpored rule in ereaae andlla cupllal aperdlrra pmmm it curreally beiore the enerryboerd to have prim reviewed and at the or the Marin maimed wee outline them back Itren Ilciieoliait appeared iorT the Anoclatlno oi Munici pal tire and ardenliy erred get lilyid viroroualy idol muse void new hob Nixon lane the picture by etnrnrly clrlrrp tire Invcnrrncnl lorrrret retikrp Hydro rdtee whim the enerll beerd have it can only narrow what they ehauid be ihia minor to lot ratea almoet union lediy the at the government will to ll Eli lcelgem rlallarn arrdhavebouilor break for Canddd Neil year the its will or cclv try our nowrrerr abrath the bicentennial oi the Declaration ol lnde endance Canada call take per huitliI hly beueuac tire brenk from llriiein waa alto break iar Canada The air me allll Uniliwlh Wallet ee or rived Canada hat been almort entirely tipped En liairapenilrrl away llre numerical Inna took law anta rl cit Even more Loy llel nl aim moor our on our aen orrel lea llmr WWI chanceaand develapnrent Canada was divided Into two Ontario and Premier kinr they thebalanezwto primarily Ilwllli Ml tell went to ova ticotia For lime birth IIII rmlval vi Myelltle in tho diwaa Johnltlvar em made it tioeol yearn had more item More pulutlon than mportanl the aary to divide Nova Beetle into three mlonlee New linrnewlck lirrt called New Ireland we created on Aux to Heirmi Cape ilrcten liltocarroer uparete bolero on on lutod only So saint John wee the llrat Depl lai oi New ilka but MILWII econ made to at Annea Point uprtlie rivprnabout er lore nun eernribtry loo mlleernow Predorlclo 11in tint lindennrtvyavernor oi New Brimwlelt wee Tildmae Oartctwr brother oi hunt Dorr cheater with wet Governor cl Canada and all the lirliletr North American rcionlea ihomu really had road lair lie wee lieu mantgvemor New Enmrwlcir lor eara el licieily anrl gaidtor am hut ebaeni urine tire tut it at turmewNevertbrina it we reunited with Nova he on not without backbone Halli itll cre on hll Mei wholl Ill IITSIIIIZIDIIAPOII AlligliiNTl eu nated moo llvred Ivr It Quebec in New Dillard tom lilourn of argued in run lamenbury mud hearing by rev eltlvd lumen llm Ioetlnrlor ialllr got it in the Bible all can on you on Wordet eeaenproullrm llle oliaitirwonerot eel needa la to rent or native unduly rurrorl noyel Itarvenrlered

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