are Egret 55 33 lg SE CADET GYMNAITIAT bobbin um lane at lflxh tummled tbelr mu It the Annual mdnetln eeremoelee 01th Cadet Summer mu Inl School at Comtlnn Force Itm nordrnirtdayxlm Ar myInd Sen IidetI Item li creed Janelle took wt In gt the rtznreno levwcek eeuue ntlleh VW trnlnlnz Above lenderlll cadet bur mm the alt otter tIIdnn ell ml Mung hem Ilur In the 9mm dllplIy held dn all Junlor Medea Puedo squamhretorylnd more get let tEumlner hotel In iProIrincmlhgldrs nd electidn 1ssues gt nr mm Inass mm mm ebett Him In premler ImInd be net week of ram alnlnx lnr the Sept II On Ir ethIen drew to clout they the three mater early eederI III Ionnd luuen to IInk rleetll Inte lrernle WIIann Dayle chose Polke Ituectatlon el 0n la meetlnl In Itlnelser to ln ncemrnt Ieuoh new cable Wiley an IlreInnI egaln Illnckod toyemmrnt mulled pledztnl uberet nvcrnmenl to wttInn mu Iion Imwlly Imn revetment ndmlnlttnllnn caste Stephen Lewis at the NDP used new colderenee In de cxy what he eelIrd handov mndillens In steel mllll mm the health wertm Il belng Ignored In lever ol vrodudlon Apzsutnnnws IfESburn oulon British tanker IVUHLEANS III mm Why Illt tutor mlfnmnIelqupllIhrI ell nIatlorIn man IMO when bonnie her to search lot In Inlulng mbou RUIth stateroom Gunnl me Infiltrated Ku Klux Klan papers Olsumem IAPI redonldnmnwxlntlmm In Wu mm gummman mun MilKlan eeenmtttee end entln ontlltlen uttelex In the gun new dloclnsed FE doaxneute DIIIW team an IMO Una sum he relented lonnl Is lmmlgrant Winner we 10 Vtetnomeulm Dmt Opt nnor ML deportno the Imrnlzmt mm at lode etrlllee cleIzh vvlth Israell ship by 1101 Amount ram Mum mill olemed My wlth In Imell naval vet Will In lend commeth new the WI dty Im In when twmwmu truce and em mm order than beler the poltce ueeetotlnn gIndItnco tetIInI them the erInet bu Induced utel ucemnendntlene llll Km control llI nldtbeublnetmntn to see Ill at IIannI new trolled ew only bmdntnn Ind Intelan Ieepem Ire region lewd Mr Doyle uld wrolwerlfet reemu Ibould be rwutredto have llceztm Itll dentexam modem In the bIndllnl eI Weapeu Usenet would bI dented where the IanIeInt 1w reeord Invelvtnl vlolrneo men tIl dltenier ol tubule eI thin or Ileolel III IIId N0 MAIL SALE Mr Dele n14 Ilreernu ven den Illa nnnld have to hIVI oencel Ind mIIterder ule cIIIleguI men would be banned empty or lHIdthtl at remote area III and Selleltor Generel George Kerr wlllrnek ledeml Iutborltlu to eenxtder tlzhler tte or wing erlmenhll cum prov ce weld not lave te tIhIetlen be Inld llr DAII Ilte nlrl bell IInctIan Ime be men Iboulrt be no but In men lnvoIvInrmnrder or mlws uxunl eltencee he nld tIeIanIIHIr Nlmnn In need In the Ontarte Mlle Moot Mm Teacher Feder nlou uld veerl Iovenv men mid em tut mutton In Wbd II Ieetlcldee VIII oontlolt Ind bannerpend Ilrlotcr EE El eggs iii 55 17 $3 Oats SH INEFFO roan ngzKEIIY NORTH BAY mm BAY 0nItGP melted the Mltlve Molenlmmomolthebw IIINM bowled About dun person IretueI dU MIL Nil ll RIM MI rI girl Ezra 35 oz henna 80min We nltbtru ell wde mum mum meantle cumin gle prevent bumble euth el encephalltu or Ileep In the mum Ito Frlde but lttltler vyh gt lb Im II In omen Ilka Isl tummy mm In IWInI note Wm mend betrm Inclement neither Io llIl In 01 000 mm at Ml 33 mm loam mootdlnx the doetroytn ol Immature memes II oentln ulngngn Imam bull ll L1 Fr bafein may WEI 3mm from It heIIleN rd wall Mu JOINING BATTLE Autherttlee Imn Edmonton Ottln Ind the Unlvereltyol MInltebI Ire ialnltu rIly Ind ytnvlmlnl net Iutnet moanltoel enpeble ed elm the empbnllttl vlnu Iron Io be covered In to cludelIIIelWInMIndlw mIII belt lurle the buy more then gum mtlee Ind the roster mien Ind 5L Flare 5t Plerre II low lullu math be Ind Mouton II Ibont ee mllea soulleth at here The twelve moverlve el tort IeotrutI wlurvvrmllnl between then ellymtl pNvlnce lbIethtu turmner llenn before Mr lIIIlerI ItItnnent Wlnnlm elm Stephen lan stormed In MInltobI Prowler gEd Selm yerI weaklywltom conuence mod we mrwb Iran to tulle mlon mner Kldnappere get ransom monay NEW YOIIK IAPlfu limpet eI sImuel mlmenlll In reported Irma melted Ill er but of tta tum mu mm but there Itlll no In memher It the anym tl newmp week Ill be reltrned to me lamll The Dell New Iald Iodtv It the vlotlme tether Edger If We by Fell II II vrltll llIl Ieno Ibdncteru nml ItaIthprrI rmwgm bu er In unsenr new one emuW belru tent under Ipeclel petlce hm to leak II revenge real motlvo mull new Pence lay Item 37 to at earlier at po Ind wItneneI utterl uled lb Ieetlly It bl podhnl hurled at mnrdor oucn mu CAR Pellce nrounnble to locate uoevcd Irem lull HI toned eIr mun It the mnrt God brlp you there II deItIt MN In WIunIpec bl In one el my cItIzczul be Ilteut the mmler mom RILUCIANCE mrdrIInItk outburst Wu Ihl ollmnlt that Ind been bulldv tel up IIMI tbenlmltoba Wan Environment Oommlulon dun olutlIled reluctance to mow the eIIyto mint the In leetItlon ol rm ltoee whlrll Ital bId eltv roe ents Ilvalru Ind mtdttu III Innme MlyeranI Heated by clly blcllb lnclndlnl chltl medle eIIIeer Dr lteprr Cadhem IN the rug entemolertst tlr Itev lth unnod In rum men um the bery InleatItIen XI In the battle ED WATERSKIER 1004 ck Wide mnrnlnhtery We tram Wrnd llnkerton Ind Imn Wendy 3th GMWIMW MIbeoblIldemotonkhtwhm mob tor Jobleb the nnnun bad weed little the nun under control two ne It lile that and me tlme the own Irero held pmtnchl pollee eIr mun cheek ol the em neIr McConnell uh It mllu north he nd to the they Inrned their on map reeled rempllrovrblle the enmlrd mmmIn kept rllle trelned en than IIved luck The albums button vrItb conntltnlel In enoqhdllls threat Dr cmm Iald In ItItIlt meatThunday wlnnlm he been myltu Rustinroulette with deadly vlrnt Inlllnz Ilenltonvrel the mom Keel by gnu ut the prenaler ltu tnkon tho KIWI adopted by the Glen nvtlenment loommlnolou that leulnx MI not been wurInted And In WWW to the myorI mmuom be Ild NdIyI doclllnn Ivlltwred In crease In the Iesllew thy the number 01 conrmed mm In boner Iltdl the In bleed mumoemtmormmIm Pnllce waned mom to untll alum mt wannabemm bolrltlnIeIr mnlbmtnmenobbeyvero med by John ol 01 mt WIN We Ont lllED OUT Kelly June lavtn Ind In Me 30 IN bemd with He med tbomvnot to lam mm by mum armament the new Inlub be no tele Inenmetthn Ital phone untll um But It uh Mid ank and nedpelke bldtberJnhv Jack menu In Iebtu on lead near downtown Interwdlnn Inter RBI Ind tn Hat Cloud 11 ltal been noveu mama Amen bousIIJeIrdled wen NM polka be bad drlvm the city In Immodlete mm began In the ammo Nth on Human IOH unlt taunt Ind IInnnlventIbMmMem thew About 3a murmur relted mummmmmm rle Hrelttbtcn Aseeclatlen blue Icular mm Mn III In mIrntben www Imn lmlsltl Beech be oran bill Park In Beale Ind Onlyone llyeeMId Itler dld not mutt tenth run lle hid Ivehlmhlged In dott hnnln It the lullnu reet slop It Centennlnl Perk ltrellgtstor Bill Ineld IIld I060 Idea tar Ibo moneynib my raise $2000 college In name You my dullenzedcma bread testert to IIII pert the fIkIItlIonf Ind thin and tho zfllellxteulllbe mneynould be deth lo lbdr Imul MD Wu Wendy In her brother were the Int two IBM to complete the Int It at them The teenue vntcr Ibllnf In alone raluxl use by moth Ibo utdurInoe test Ind we we settled wlth In or re enllbody leert Irma Irnllnel In Ilunt we ertzbnted by rlItlontby Paul tell on at neck el eblckm man vaI been observed Ill 1W pleted wntit legal to Itbon IkIMImt to role mm tor mammo luhterl Movlotlen umlln th Mvm Monte blouse Ind Inter Wen rdylldomyllnlmblhl Irem lnnlelll Wt of the renidenu el hnLtItl to later literI rst In the an IKE