length czmnambr to 18 It In Intth an an houx at partial tIhI Antique Show proeds boost Ibom than Imnnalol muumnddlkl pmntlmomchudrm It Elmviln Ipenl mm mm nulnl llllm had In plIcI IRE howlIlla llu Ilumnll Allqu mm It the thud lumber Pm Orltclrio Heart Foundation fund WW Your Anthue Ice ot Blunt mu tllzllo 9533 and IN dealer About us IMAM at OrllllI gAntlnna llwey leb of Wnbrldu Antiques mu Arltlnumv BaylviIII Sun Show mlzhunt Ind lhI Onlxhunt Inn lhI Md Buoy llInllllan Sanctum Antigua lug Ind Buln Allan EmmAntlnnu Prode wlll be war to Illa Ontarlu lla Fa loll Tlll wu held ln lhl Elfmlll Comunlty all MR THOMAS PATHng OWENS Owens Julie Marla hymn and mo mu Putr122 me ware hurled tn mull1a In canmy In mrun Anzlcnn mm St Cnlhulllm muted by rm ltlchnrrl Grec uo outdated It the SIlurday Invite llln brlda ll the dnumla at III WI Howard llyrrl er nl sr CIlhIrlncr mum at the mom Ire scat Ind MrI llmlm Owen ol turtle The brldt glven In nunlm by hzr lItherL wore own at Itlk mum om bitch with In Muted wulballd Ind hlxh neckllnel V211ch IIII Ippllquu mvmd the gown and dleel truln ruledt ka mmle the gown llcr lulltt up hut Vcnlul lace appllquu and ma parts 15M canted Blhle lrlmmcd yllh lllle Ilwllr Inotls and dream SWEETy CORN Frlhblrltod Excallontpatlna Prime freuror qunlltv 50c dozen CAMROS FARMS mow 4352013 Dcfrk Prlnilll RYMER llald nI honor Nully IIIll at Toronto won mm yellow eolaml Illk Icrrry wlth mlkll In ballet Ind yrllow ram In hkr lull Sh held bouqurt nl vnlla Ind yellow rnlnlnturc car Mtlom lint mIn wnI Mun Ivan Ushmlwm Davld Blnzham at Amprlar Inrl Dr Tm ltlu oI ottawn The meptlon held It thl Pond lnlol mtory It Ilroclt Urn tvcrrlty lhI mother at the hrld melted uestI wurlnn Ian lzown at blur create wlth much In ten Inzkct he complemm tad that town wlth raruxl MI Sweetheart rarer IllI brldezmoml moth chou In orlglnal dulgn ol pale peuh dlltlon wlth matchlrlr rapt white orchld completed hcr In Iunllle CARPET IDOCTOR AUOJST 5PECAL Any null um llI In Idlolnln llALLWAl lvr unly $2500 Phann 726070l Antique Ind mllbdlhlu Im Ihawn uyI bulll lm dleIIy It the Ihov Imntnwvm Ind chlnl In her Ihop IlaII wllll early cuwdlu lunllnu Mn Pm luhn Interest In Inlan hu conM tlnuerl In Wall Wm up them IlneI marl peopla In III lureulnaly at tho mutual ol COW than rIrIlm 1mm bum on ulna Illrley alloy thI Mll Ilua or loam mun Ind umbulnl APPRECIAHON nn rwlvnrl lnltrut nu Ilu Itlon 0t created now mm hIVI um Ivr rattan Gun lor The at tau II om ot llltrlruo Indvmmum luvolvlnl nztlnns Ind Imrlm Al on tlmI It had ullll mater thIn total Nam III mull ta thI pald 200000 or two crystIl cup vdth handlts ltla humanly ot IluI ll hur lrd wllll the put but only thI rllul II In Euplllll bead dill mm BEHIN EVEPI II wII not null tlu lean and or llllrd milky lhIt IInI clml Into lenml Ilnulehold uu rnuDr llccALwll lirld rmtnllor tor lhn 0ntarln Nun Faunhllun llII worked clolrly wtth thIlocIt chlptrr pl l9 Olll mm It laurunl Illll ya WWI one at Int local mm In thl If to rIlIo lundl lnr thI mlnlntlen tEIIlnlnIr Photo Being flexible uni assel sgys politicians Wif EDMONTON CF Th ruler lrlm thI nanqtap Bullly EGG KN CURRY MUCI Np mustard lrII Illhsdtsra Owllllrrl cup glam taulnd Enxlhh mulllnl Pour nholuterol Illb ItllutI Into helvy lolndl Ikll lIt Com ulhtly Hold on very law but lust untll llnrl ta thI lotldl Ifwt Ilklmmlalllnl can more mm It Irn writ lrll IrnIll tuba Mllt nucepan over 1m dlnnl mt Add Irlery Ind men 917p Ind um 10 Ilnum ulrm mutually Blvd ln nur ull Ind curry powder GrIduIllr Itlr In Ildmrnlllr Brllll mlxtur In boll Itlrrlnx comtIntly slrnrm mlnun Fall In diced Mu Ind phnlen tn htll throuth rm on um ted Enlllsh mnltln hLves wtth llmllllllll mllllln my on Il dr llIkuJ Ierylncn rourn lCA AnkletIn lh IpltIl at Sam Amlrlran Pmllamrtn II 15ml Inumm with tlmItrtl populItlon ol limb know about your cm Ilcnu Illephnln thI mrnI department creme lulu pelltlclInI GoodlnIn mom hI thlrd ullI ls to ulhlI IIyI lIInnA buttoned You cant hopI to tha rlrld mutlnI You thH to In wtlllnl In puck Iulthu Ilrl In lemehm Ind not worry whether ynuvI IlnllhId thI laundry 11w who at AlhcrlI Pup rnlu War hwth dld lull III lnw din Iller Vlllll llnnI my when her hlullInd launchod In elactlan urn palgn thIt rrnllled In Imuhlng glnlory II lrI groulv unrrrvnllves up lured 59 at 15 III In thI lu lIIIlurr Eng Inlay llll pallllul mntI Ihe ll dmrn In thI prImIlrI wllodnnrlv door cullpallnlnl Nnlwu IrI Illlte Nu tun dllr trlclI pro Illke In lunlgtul ml to In hornI Inln um lhrea chlldnatlli Loulhudl oldelt Ian Stephen 20 II Illldyllll carn mem It an Unlvmlty In Klnguon IImlly da VInuhltI romlcrt Ill rnoml whlch ll Mul hrrd decanted with lhI tIlult oI hrr own rlch llMllllllloll ENJOY COOKING She plInlta Iet bluy work In up Ill Illner erdr rnbcl lull In any when let Into lIbrlc Ilwp have to put lhI bllndm vm llrI Myhrod ll IIIa back to mklnn Iltlwuyh her hub handI Iddlrllon to ptIln mrIl dhhu Iatll her dell Ill try moremu Im rm lud bub lcr lurk rouvcrllnx lhI pr AItlIClES FOR SALE Meat In minnl Inl uld Ill Irlklrl flltree Ilrnc hi my Ilend mu baby cnrrlzge 0150 new Wllt ler to tel lllby rhlncl ml lull nun Fhml FOR FASTACITION CALL EXAMINER WANT ADS 1mm whnn IhI rnIrrlrd ltlln 71 yulI In clInchl mulc In tho lutIlIwnlu tut unlleInIrlr llrI Lemuel hnl permInrnt bIbyIlltcl cumhouulremr llvlnt Ill Now IhI npuld puler to hm thI hlluu tn llrrIell Ind mnll hrr two teenInert dIurhtIrI to turn hay tI mkthIlI III enlgr Ila Mun they lhlrlk tthrI helplllx llllallllyblll Ilmllng gt rellIbir hIlmlttIr II prnhlzm nhen IhI lll tn uk otl ramnlrherl It mnmentI mllce Stu lull ltI her duty In her tha hnluehold runnlrll Imwthly tn Ivnld brlnx burden tn thI prrmler NILE IUPPORIIVE IUDWM lm ulpporllu 0m thlrm pollllu ll peqplr Emu lt lrnltcdullul or lull Nnvrmllon It lInl IomItIrlnr lhIt wnnun II lIll out 01 llrl Muxheed nld Ilu doubtl hlr huIbInd wlll Inlnr lrderl pnlllln but lmt Irlrhlened by Ill pmrplct nI pcrtleI lama dIy belnrllu III at the MM nllnlrtrr 33le hId nod lrIlnIng She Is not on to llll Berg Iell toourloluly You an become blt nut Ind cold ll you dolthltl Then youranol Ilexlhle Whrn praplo my llr Put mler lort of look up In Iur prtu 0hthItI Peter thryrn lIIklrlr Ibunt lIlIlI the my ll II It harm Wan my tnlllIlle Iunllyl le rec Stalin L016 noanlsou ern llllt UnlIrtI I705 1mm llalllu Addrrsn llll IlAlllllH WITth MADE IllAPllllHS qumllunur Ollllllll IFBCMLTY EXPEM TRACK INBTMMIION mm CIIIIIIIIWI AniolItnm Iurmm 1mm EInlI Ind In unreal role HslillAL PATIENTS Rollf harden sproiecvtf provides neededt shade antimalarial 59 an plum ltyI men prnkct Inlandl collI he mm IlIvo upcrtznmt hlt may and mm mm ml eunlo wlll Seem rnmbmunrollecl or letrm Itd IllaI ll Am $31 In mm at nhlch rrlll bI towudllhemlotthIImltnr lax tree needed lumenMata III Mmlu 0t lhl pulled 1111 Jun Ihlo uyI tllI Inlet hopd complItI the root gm In In Swtembgr mum hm bun recde than Ind purchm clam lreu tor tho ltay II IIan lloIpltItI root rm 1h trm will IhIdIpItlenu lutnxztllI root palm Incllltlu auxin the runner wulhrr lhI Iodtly llu prvvlrlerl run ber ol Intern cohtalnln llw In Ihrulx tor the mien The mutual hn been thlnl ed to Mull Sam Nmery Itou with lb tor tho lrom MH MI men men mm htIrI 9n nlll rhea mixmull mm Wm um um Ilnn Jammu to nun llour buIlnm Illrun Ilkl other wry hortlrultunl Iodcuu Jnclutnl Ann Ind Vtwn Mon 56 um mm my clayvim lo rmnulh sxymmm IIln at lml mm In lety hum moneylo purdlna Illa 20 to ma Imuglr lmmy to buy Any1mntvlll llI Iceeptd 34 won gem VIIth lotr rm In pllnltn lo plug tanInt the purduu at lull mull boom ln xlmvlkttm It the ltoIIstreeIlllIIncI tu hundl AM trunk at tht pnbllcallaru an moltl tm Mn 61th war MBIVMmll All that thouIllIpan mumInn Iecournlol lllq on other plmda lwnuumthnmlnkl can tlctlnjrltlllr yam mm In rmrI lnr pardwaan them Indlentlt rm vnlrnv In all mllm Slience liction items part of unique collection TORONTO CPI hers lnthevcry muchhero hm SpIcedrom lerarynom an ollnrtlan mm mm 120w nlenc Itdlprl ltlmL than 01110 Iainnv 3h1llialn1llf lllllllnln tpnn Ir nuwrnccon Irvngg thI lllllVlJBKfllItlhllll drumlad mmmmlmriw tn the Unltea mm nu mum to mum 1v um um murlbutl mutednl or the pun Wle llha ln mush ul rm mnm Ill llbrIn collnctlcn 51 nlrn that Iclmce llalnnlll areal hm Man has lust wllllIbed book Sun enough to mlrlt llhrIry lVlll Shlp collectlan at Ihnrt Into ulcncI Ilctlun tall It III ml hu wrlttln two rd gnce llalm mull collIllrIted llnhroothm Ind It not mIIIctlmI Idnnc arr wrllrrl wt ulmce Ilctlun Idmtlnn d9 npmmll Ibwl th IImI rmtlun IIld MIII hlIrr bundled huull Ihe cost of making localcall from some pay phones in your local calling am has increased to 20 cents But there are shll lot of 10 cent pa phones mun And wed llke to tell you em you can nd them The 100 Pay Phone Generally youll nd these phones on munlcipal sldewalks inraflwtry stations and bus terminals Pay phones ln hospitals nursing homes rooming houses and chumhes will also remain at 10 cents Thu 20c PI Phone Pay honos mostotherlocatlonssuchnl IL hole and restaurants go up to 20 cents Wt Emorgonay calling Atmosl outdbonloccted Bay phones dllecl access to eratur hecto Assistance and Spell ervlcew be available withqut epplllting coins by the end Oll975 lnItnlatlorlIl Cards From now on when oure calling from yphonelooklor Intormattoncard in vote 56 cear you be hand It tells twhethnritsn lacerltorZI tcallarldll lyou can call ln an emergency without GCOIHV xl llllqud scribev muulnu AI Idem Mrm ltllu Merrll Ind ml 20 yun wrltIrI keep up In at on