namedhurth wt re Wm In tar VAitoouvm III who roee ago today ooaetcta Andy end hen muted lorccd retry oaaeer lu Tony leuta at tbe duel art notion oi the Brittrb Oolmhta penltertluy bee Jmme hdihmhem tel Initial nice at tttcbe tee dare ear llerleined Clllre Wilton the convict took to bob tu prtsee errotoyeeeto rel tor bdleeptu it are to Vancouver Mfltllld Airport and aim to eeuenr The taeted tt hem be terell eetnaretleyot un tittideetl et eleeettluion eor Wary Steinbautcr nd the Indin ot Brute ieduel ht beaded 177 Mid ML curl tue ce latte Farm 110 New tllesie Sales tax UllAWA CF Wade Illn Lcr Aleethlr Gilluple eeld Fri dey he in planed that Ontario has extended ltrteiee In re hate on entomebtle purehoaca to belittle tort wennbrlee Mr Gilles told the erl nai dmlelen by Ontario to rebate the llvepcreut aaice tax on only North limerltltt can vIea taken rulltK lthttlly and without any real comiderctten at the Mt lmpileetlonr Both Men and the mean Erommtc Community LEct hudpmteatcd the rel pro xremlutituted July lte run urlli Dec trwlnr it violated tnlernhtlenelutreding ruira un der the Generel rcth on teritlr And Me GAtiL Prime Mtnlxter tnadeeu ether tederel rntdtstere etudtnl Mr thieepie exr end ealwd Ontario to twill litter mde department om club were concerned that the terelen nation mlllt retellrte ualnet Cerreda tir Gillespie anti in an inter view that three atten will be pleered In are that an error hae been eorrctted Ontarlo Premier Wliitmt Devla annotated cutter tn the dayth the rebates would be pt ceded to Include totem ur trveotive to Jul it uppich lean Wltll en en iera than mubm new Iodmnblawmhx Ilrtquiryidttemptls piecing prisondmma together wnmmnom lottboetaceemnw Illnuueetllretcreltuto MLMIM meet daeaattbe nettier teeelrr more team eraeeulou wow er unmet Julttellltlland meniaetemlark me manure ot the More amwltyhmtm pmtteeltery untamedt lrtnent that tactical member or their mugma amnii at We 39 Stead El gr Ell it it rr at tr we mrwmr an the whoocn bade wmwgnllm Wed we be Iubeded to inle tor We wlllrmnlnamloh ever the lecture wound down Met rm Farrta named Albert llolllmr renter mm rig to 01 ihi or time twm uld tax twinmeeube the hit to en man er the pldsed giforetdo extends rebates too cubic Inch in aire htr Davie enld meet to creme tn ear ralce had ML tied the muna tnteattleu to rtlmuiete the Ontario aute hr duets The plan ta expected to inmate new car aelee in Oult terte by 1500 by the and the your However the prettier told the extehaten had been made to em the harder on dellere ot teteln can and 1th reepoeee to letter Item Mr nudeau ex pretrial concern about the ct W010 lcrta on OAII the mtnlrtcrldotllncd cone mt en the overall value oi the rebate reverent but noted thet to eat at the pro duced Gouda are exported and to the United Staten nu new and tor ml to in bttt metronometh pin to be bcueltclen It murmur tor the Wat Gerrm embau in Ottawa cx pretted artlrt lee at th tn eiueien el terciletcare hete promm red eald it la ood eelullun in term at the rlendly relallem that ltle el werle eairted betwear our two ceuntrlee epotrrnun ter the Canal Japan met Council also uei termed the move eeyihlz in the end all concerned will be More ed dumping AWA lCPt Fed in department ellieleliueald model made by American Mo tora oi Genital Ud the rr ytltettliiour or remit Duster me nature are tevoivtldwtn ttwDart mode by Wyaler Lnltetl Stem luveattzettm tote all ed mm mm auleoale WWI ll aetitn rnlrltele et Ftule Ltd tlte Pinto end Maverick Canada ltd and the liege mwelle Malibu and Monte Carlo models wormed by ten uel Melon at Canada Ltd udy ed by Font Motor 00 at Nueieerplent hurt me lab Bnaoae PICKERING on ten lm penera could probably mu Bruce who held Min uploum um me lelnbm at mum el the amtleer lmmln pine MM oilered to appear trimmernu Humour lontbeeemntoebetttde eerimudemaae wmmwer clded bl teetlmny Ill not KWHW ml or Ill be tween tam and Tmcuoenltob 1m llvrver already hava tuntor bear prorated to the Write ol gut nr l1me mean rt etude the TB is rm m1 tile term or the mile el dancer Ihm tbyeer tenule Ml hurt run or at te rmrdor when Inertia Prthce Albert 9m hm to we urviu tile 171 Jewell cu we wuwntnzaurotcm Inner surfaces tort Attempted murder arislnl out et an Neepe bid tut you TORONTO tCPt An item an airport near Nenelmo m1 bookhinder tn her hul on Vancouver blend mpum Nettle the rornmtutena rt mm at the expected to be preernt to the tint hrewn WEN In Writer mum at manuals nl hll drew in the we in miecr and eecurtty in tartotem they taltketytobeama sneeenttmomduldrhe hart never non uwthlll WM Bruce mm end When have except at bingo ee plea to been ed with aich use the roomy to we all the wt tempted extortion hour mortua wander et eiienelve weapon there we no top prize of and 15 eounte ol untuwml roe meme race at tor new extd tleemcnt Thole next emut ter H000 pureen ll eeleeduied lor Men nre winning number wee dal Mt withtite tap prim totes The Graffiti Rtent HOWARD JOHNSONS Otdlaa but 0mm Licented under mam t950e decor QNe Cover Clraree OPEN NlOHlLY 900 pm leQ rvrrv SUNDAY Is KIDS DA raft Typhoid danger millionth mnermtcrtmm bedtbieexchlnl Egg Era boya WM tn Wham Out aympume oi the mam FRIED cntcrru MM in much Decision soonr TWINS Ont CF dot china be Ablth Pepperm lll Wuliin urn Rea $195 wittdew achemlee el tte emB eel in be be rcieeeed bl hm minermmmwam mememm mm meat stretth MONDAYTOTllURSDAY SUGAR ROAST roll nrmur with Dressing $325 Children under 12 $225 complete meal includes potatoes vegetaqu rella butter and beverage Dinner Box Special time chicken Cele Slew French Friu Tee Biacuit receth mutton Wed eldeyaOn Peperworkere heme Quality and Economy $399500 inground Vinyl Pools if Atrivrrrri5 TIME OFFER Comet Completely Installed 32 lnground Pool kZOYear Guarantee on Peel All Jeccuxt Equipment 30 mil liner aliewa howled hopper larger divine area and ewlmmine area eaaier cleanlng end vacuuming FOR THOSE WHO WANT TllEVVERY BEST lngrounri FIBERCRETS Pools ronrrrosr wrro DARE to or DIFFERENT Ymmdulgemewnwot teke exible lore el rarden beet roe re low rate the end mluler endeheoemr brrrwvtutbebolebonlt your on partltuu ncetr Approximate lirea tor tidm Med poolt rent worm to be ft to Rerteruutrr poet rrlll requln were lrnrth Minn tr edeotebie to AI mt dealred thi thll Wu dull hole to the Kmart Add let my WM in the home tracerer commute ml news Quloma U5 lrvetti alien tettowe gutter Whether dulllast eelnhdieinta rm elmJolt ot the tn other truntrter have United Au iterkere Union cm tn uer David aridmeeerrtetlve John part held um mreter Deemed ww rv at ltterlnvenlaalten will try to mtetlvee by llr Mt Claimed gt an WM Mo mm MMle Mom looted are ceualnl or might Curie coupe at tutor pdee Wt torn mummy In my my his ft ind it dunk 99 weenie in the v3 wruitlmtemlm fwm mm on Io mm Mlyllnder liernet tortilla STARLIGH lid HOWARDJOHNSONSRESTAURANT 99 Rud Sham cm ass murals 51 7289632 itdWWW miutetttttttitrla quQn