Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Aug 1975, p. 21

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geu cur run IJWOOV 055 CANAM CZ HUSOVARNA HODAXA PENTON 5Ihtm sumcemetde Neda Ommnk GMO II up Iteelrt mi6 DadMl 51 II III veer IIInun III aura hm 72e4112 MillAll Nude2 li voav VIIAV WM tall 1m ll nunII em mm emuInn IIIIIIM WIH wvnmrn kWWWILm one arm tmcn IIIrue mm munm mm mm nv xx 19 Itlll new In run he IIuv In An Mum mun III um um mm an All ANICIES FOR SALE HAPPINESS IS Deallnl Iith DASIIING IIIl LANXV BILL llOIIPlN nzttr MG MINI LITTLE 0er IOUII HIED TED AND 10 TIIUMI II the GOOD STUFF SALE commune IUll Tllll WZEK ONLYI lelax mm Iultu jtx1111r IInIncinu UNCLMMED YIIIJUIIT LTD Dunlw Street vtlmr went at the male Arena IIIONI mm VAu7 and etoce In lanai uwu mmm tumti numn were to II 01 mm Mm Id Didnt I3 we ml MI cur II utter run In eull Inn Ier It as ter so tetraI It yummy me am 191th Imrv Mama tumam me lo Im vmlcvl Wu mm we euInIvMIIIm1I 11 nlne WWI Im II New Mm wIIIIn null me Ill nun Mum Incluelne II ttenl comma IIII 1m Irma Im um emu II MIMI lrl$mllll millllll Ml luring 31145 It mu II Illhlllll II 1W IINI 71m mm lo 61 II at am II my II III Item In mm ea Ill NO INN mm mm III II em II ANYIWI mm an mm um lt nnnw Iloeeuu windewx wt WM eltlm Imam mm mm mm lvmr Omne Illm All Ilul Mm IIIMI III rim 41mm Fill IL In mam II mm or cIelMI Ilwl cnr IIILII mm van Ir IIIII emrnntu amen volume Dltx wane AIIII but arm mien IIIII win Ill ISOHum cum II IIIeIuIIII hit erru IM town In MawMi mun yumIna III Ir wenu 01 mm from III kitchen lulten been Iultu dtninl room Iulm mild Itete Iterm tolnr Ielrvlrleru Irwin nucb 1m Xe mam awn tum ammo mum It 1m Ia em um rumI ll 11 mm otmvnlmety VII Ir VIIIIII IWII III let Inn 151 umlm mu way me up temlo on Ilth mm Roar uamu mew Inme III 11 II um wlth am In Arm In em III Inrn emu tIIcnIn tIIIIrmII all been Owlth mu mmqn In mltlemr Irem new tremor IIII Heme aluli rumlxhln II levitate no mle It Inkwww5I intend BOUAND BOMS um OMUM Ill 74 ll Fargo an IO mwlvmun InaI cuntman W1 mu Imam new ram nun rim Willi Hill rrrrr nor 1311 hrlirr Null Gt 1m mutual Inn III Mg it wk um MW tame mu Mill 171 we lent lav new 1me rm men II III II on NW In lt TREES AND SHRUBS FRUIT LVEDETABLES FIIIM um am In late JIIIIM Mmltemlmetl IVII run IN on VokwtwsIm ow In em mm at our xurrnuw set pm we lllDllUllSI lm mlue me Mr mm It II lulled um than IIIMm mu Imut truth Docs AND 9515 emu run In uh term IpI tun 1mm am IIe aw mm mm norm mm In In tam Aul bee IlottxelituwnIelum Emul wb mm Inrcar men ate my Milt UM IIW llltlnv mun erIrI mule wean mam11 Inn emele II mm mm telephone rm mmxt Ind kl WWI MITI DEVI LIII mm mm Im 16 Hay Mlllbgvgg In In IM VIM VIIIDMN anaum mmel Mnlil old memm mm Ina 1mm Your II neteln em mum GI EM MII man we mm nqu II Irtmmlr ml III em In mom or Ian MIl III we llIMI it mm In FARMERS MRKT FARMERS MARKET ttuluneler It Oopottte Ltbrm FOIII Fm tolntocl 1linnu Knit Sewlne hluny ChriIImII thulIch OPENEVEIIY AIUIIDAY MOIININO WT FARM MACHINERY IIROIIIN AND em lurmDIIr ment DEUAWLP SALE AND Itznvtct Complete lnnv Ol Dulry rm Equipment and Eupnllu ttnrrlI lIaIly Hwy 11 metre or 7354706 MW II Tu mu IMnmmen Ian new long um Aul AI two um ll llLllIn Hm In unirm IIIInt animal lghow widest it no server run In MIIIIVI an new mm me mutt eat nmrl manmm Al Immmm Ithl murmur In mt admit IIIM at ten My II in lklohnv MIII hlidnnl an hunt lt WRITING trtlr eunllllcetbra Ipeerl past employmcrt mi curl ItI aery expected M155 It GOUGII Act the llrrrie Exemlner IDLOX 70 13min Ohio in AVON REPRESENTAT lereurrwyrtwn Iler nnIuI Immy product it urn no INTEIIESTII Cell Irr tnuuv 7259652 Cent II Ill urlov omen 1mm ll MIMIqu won or INNHELP Atldloss SIIIIIII Idloohono BMW anyum Inmrn InnaIrina 1mm Im HELP WANTED BOOKKEEPER CLERKTYPIST lntcrtsthw ulHlme wriilon IO omen nth met uorrlmed In Amunts ttccelv ahle end PoyIvll wlh lnewledee brodeme to hlll Bzhnce Pretercnce nlJl be dvm In per Ion with mounting mmnecx metermm please Gmtml rumpwa bmcftr REPLY IN eprrcmnee 55 na Ml ONLY twin we Tl tumorm WINi BltltltIEEXIMIISIERf fOrvolIonei 7266539n writ Must be yrrpami tO writ Inn mt Inny II Item to rnznsormu Damned HOLLAND LANDING Ontario COST AND BUDGET ANALYsr rd 1111ch nal llIlI lair wlll 110 ct lnlrml to trItnln rind CXPCIIIME Good Itnnlnxulerymnti execlleht lrlrlre torrent Fer lurtltrr Iruurrnaltzn In to rubrnlt resume plcue wrlte CALLAN Imonntl limmor phnne murmur ntrrorrnrrvrr rrtonucrs DinSl0N1 nocnwru rmumnrtoxnr CANADALID nod price ranltr it brmthlr lrli ua nauIIx Pll In ICIIII mm llVlm II Fer when aim Ira Imvumnr I111 be Inger IlltMn weurro fVVBOYS ANDCIRLS EarnyExIra Money In Your II CLASSIA Goodsallvruy humblonl bgncttte IIIny uNIRoYAL IIO Bradford SlBARRlE l0 HELP wnNIIo AtlENTlON ItOllBiltKEIIS nu IINIme urn tum Inn menu led wm re InvIItmInI cemmlnlen eulne TIIIDMM llvwlnr vmre Ie Etoure IV rlrtr wANIEO mm mm Mum III 01 um III elm mIme IMFMKIII MIIIIIIII emu It 1m mum rm AIer BraverIIen mm between OYI IlNII IIHVlId DY Ollll IIOWM MIL Allf IV Ham mum Mu DIVINKI IVI MI montlnnu mix III um 17 II ILIINIImIIlI NM NV hi menlrlw em emu Air IIIennui mum mm inmiewa pm ram IIIIIHl WWMINT MO Iul our Iv Inn mt IIIclI Irolre OMJIMM III Inc am 1M In II cm In venta my hum 7mm II In HELP WANTED Spare Time THE BARRIE EXAMINER HAS ROUTE OPENINGS in me lulluwlnr arena NEW LOWELL hllNlSlNO SlltOUD BAllltlE warmtor FLORENCE AND PARKSIDE AREAIDAMIEI AIIEIt SIRELI AREA lBAltIllEl llUltONlA ROAD LllILE AVE AREA BARBIE TORONTO DUNLOI AREA lltliltlEl DAYFIELD ll ROIE Sl lDAllltIEl MCDONALD ARI7A BAItlllE UltlON AVE TRAILER PARK DAIIIEI WELLINGTON WEST APT BUILDING lBll WELLINGTON DARNIE more drrnmr AREA IBAIIIIIE Plloeru fill out the epollceilon bolOw and return It to THETBARREEXAMINERI Clrculntion Duct I6 Bevflold$l Berrlq QR PHONE 7266539 MAINIENANCE DERIIRTMENI rrplornquurinnlammuemarmemeum chrlcat creamer me butting Reequ 6nd nonvva mean1 waru Flint IOOK IuItAIIel we we MOYERrvrco LTD ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL or cAIIApAI LID RR NO PARRY SOUND Ontario RgA 2wa Due to premOthnuIe thII roilmmedlnle openlnetoe Ooet recent graduate Irnlor IIIAVIIIIO out or venun him In tuned reuvalrnt knwledxe threrreh Ext ll Mil IIIIIII uIeIIr IIII wmm 1mm 11kt Irtt lthIm1 er the coming airline tensor1 meme lliIllENDEltI ICE hlItKElt CONCESSION IlDOTH AND SE RETARIIIEASUIIEIL the lowest er any tender wlll rccessmllv bewmw JIIIIIiItIIoAvIIIIIIIIII In In to II III Tewrtehlo ol lmlalll Iuwrnu Mo WM wumm 7am IODYMAI amount Ltd Intent Elle tedtnlcl eduallm quivelent IIIB Iridium pt were up 10 thermal mum Execlleyt nu wmlo mun WU an Midlmn moment We mm nettIIItll In em Imum mine amtbu IremI mm ameun mm nwtm It INI Mum nun It unem mm VIIIIvlo um Ill W1 It Inch am Me Jlndnn emr untch or II more Ild Inmen my alum tun mm 141mm III PllYHMI n1 nwlnd In men IIIII EMPLOYMENT WANTED oeMInIrI YILAIIJ our II mr III IIIIvl rah 71315 Imllv levelI tea cur II In VJIHIHM null III run Yak umemmu MRIrem TRADI 5CHOOLS 12 TENDERS traled rendcre wlllhe mflvcd Nth undmlrnod tor the Booty tee 22 mm Wlb mlw III Eggs gift mm IIF Mun Imu IIlntnanumut me YP ted d1 Jlullnrrli mama mum wear um um M111 mm in hun IInI wlmtner mm en mar utly nurtured m1 lam hum El ii Honda Evehl Lhueuxtli It It In malfm mu outagesrennet mmnmkh um unmurv at rnyl Mn doth gr Es EE is fe Owner Dflml will earnI III II II Ann amen lot II In rm hen LIII MI in mm Human many mumrhu III evenun Aue Wotmllm Ie COOKSNWN CUllLlNG CLUB can own Olfllml Gut Udunlll Aug cu tut e41 It CARTER var WI were Illh ltllllL are ury on lhouIer 728L24l4s Irma bi leewardr wtlumem unchmu IY Am Im new II were II In MIIIIIII InmlenI In to er Iuhleel re muNee mm mullet new or metathe at Mr wzeh aunt BILL BAIUI IIId amnrmuqurm Audiences Pbom WI AUCHONERLMAMS There In In rd ele Ire oeuIl Inca tn thh uh Well Arum MORNING eAUG etilt LIrI 72W 80L Io utrl to Alli 3CLASSIFIED ADIERrrsING Drrecr PHONE inmu IIInII IIIIIIMINVII MIIIIIIeiI eaIIn argue In It dimer we we in up munu mm ml MWI win II MIME MN ID use wllh um 90 Int tourme III III VIN II no IIIM II Irene MINIMUM IIIIIIII Iovluuml cm outwnl IIIIII Iver II llll admin am an ar we Imelllon warn the III In to ten Ie rm eonmun III II IreII letI SI meetqu Iltllliom 1e we Inmlen In return eeIIInIe It um um we IIIlumen wt AI will sulcrl lendm rlearly merited will Ilmd until OCIDCK NOON 1111 It luhllc Worte Stroud out ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDER Tender Detumunte may Government Services GENERAL CONTRACTORS Supply Labor and Mtttrrlrtl in DO IN Intro router Complex inillDllUttsT IllMM PAINTING NNIMUIOIIS end Connection Oerrltim OltlLLlA Ont IDAm PLUMBING SUPPLIERS It SII ply and Deliver Plumhlnn be calm in GRAVENIIUIISI OM It the Cleritrltdmlnlblretnr Tewnshlp ol lnnltttl strwd Ont the New henltlry Sewer Syrtem in STAYNEII Out to Iiulldlnrl It the lllnlstry of NILIIIIIDO Exterior lIlnlinI bl llatpltul wI lmnpthixmeoi be received by the urder GUST Ith ml tor the dlklrlnr clean out Ind reneth ot the 001 RAVEN SUDDIVIGION DRAINAGE SYSTUI AFINOXIRMTELY 9009 mum mm Alltmderl mutt be all Iornu eupplltd by the TownNp Ind Ire IIIllIbleet thllleclle Otllce III Domenico strwrl tnwett or new tender not ImamHy 111 DEMImII Supl 0t lloedx end alto III nnedloll lleeldencce to Ont rd III II ttereptloe wlnt lturanlI Nelltml pentre tn moment or the onlnrie Fire Gllrlim Swarm tndlvklunt Seultd tendore 1111 II rmrrrrnun we run tlmeon WEDNESDAY ll GUST 119M wtll not be 300le hind rid Corn To er vbmm Street Eliot ID Illvtlm Orlllll NOTE Pcr mrther Intommtlon re eIIl ltr It MolnarItll Ihore mm rum the OntIrln Mlnilty leer In my nerlerIIl 0mm It Inmcx OMIIIO uv our net the Tenders ddre Ielrohone Noam Tne lowctr Or rrliy Tender hotnecetturlly accented MInlstrv of denmmont Services ONTARIO III hemm ImIlI 11 It in ream rmtdrlnl 1115 odl ballrtrhim ulna Item W0 wlthrroulto lend pool table rte with wet IIIIl luv bub eruntll gt made rmvle Ir mummietndne lateral bein mettle bedroom ut mnplrte vrltt leer ehest time rep Ind tmitreu llkej bcdmm tulle wool with tleuhlo that mm tIIv step and AW bola nails Olld nod lite one Ivrlnxer dammed wlth under tub Itmd EN 619 inallmurtxmtle washerer Nlcker heartbe ltd behitot mt true hand made dullte Mtg hIrad Iw woodeIIgbooltme Ndmdvpklum mirrorI large quantl tides pence mutt teeter marten bmdlrd Iome ne dteellol teececot Imam btd din toola Plus there Int uee ltmkwe mi dmp teat es combined plIttOIm Ivelttrlnoub Wat ered blue fireplace rel pleu delta wish etend lot clock pen to We uhnt peteomtr mat redeemy dtecsnsntth largo miner bethoem chit iron mum true nlth chairs plel immwcrley molele more winter mch cval oll Ilruldin Irma In botttm theta be Ilan truck plne ItrIwcrx turban grocery ItIIul ml Oil pump IIIrum IMd onan cam rlclter bhxtlnettr eoool poster meldn crlh hook me rim eel to dishes end my er titles and mm ltentx Oe rim to list Terms cult reserve as huelneu hex been md NOIlIIII to he wanted until Iettled Wl or mm wlll he held retpmlble tor Iecldcnte on the pmriy at 1m Isle um hm Webb DlLL DARN AND JENNY UOUGIILIN littctlonctrl to Ind 21 UNI TIMI Barrie UCIIDNEEIIS REMARKS lrrllu 11nd Icnllrtmr thI bus uua has been In the lumityrnver 1w yam mm are mmy edd article Ind renderI llerh ltut are valuable CHECK YOUR ADS FOR ERRORS VON FIRST DAY Thu lrrle EtInunzr willnui herweIlhlI lur term In llrxl at oublltlllotl eny Idvertlsement NOTICI DII EIIIIOIIS ON THE Fllll DAY SHOULD lmmcdlulely xcelled to tho Ittentlen cl cluallled deolxlrnrnt uurumt All NEXT MORNING 7282414

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