nqilers Eskimos 101119 Bit it rigs 151 in it so E22 tr 52 iii 55 s1 sr gang it it ii Egg rm downtown is you mum cm wiring Nos honme Ind ltd Motor to Into tori Wetter timid boln the too nrsr luiure mini IDMltJil Tho Bombers had dintth odzn In tho trot hsii oi tut weeks contest but tho Eskimos mt took oh ultrasound WW Nigerian momma me betuddo it rhooi usup shots hlvo beed quicker to it ill id eliibncit Steve Baird her if 25 thaw neon tin more punch in tits Winn in we form rstsound Vi euon Inds cruhtns trunnion Inasitters iii Egg Aliens onfsless we innin decit to tie Barrio Co on hmdnr nilht It Queens potion Loan tending stator elm hit pitching Irom iiultgy Arts who counted outrun Soukit mm your fmlmlfumm Mfg In the sixth toninrtn 19 Asrith titelrromrnsetr For Tlrrr tod Ii hood Mu sod into Itnkoout tenth tie this yssr will ploy ihs win oi sertu between ttulord atrium slier melrinr loOn bots weal to work in the second lnnlnt site wore loos ltrst inning liiii arm nun out on tauiieily storied 0009 on the road to runI with wsiir Inch Shsnshsn allowed withedoubiosodAiAtstrov met hot hss Pele thamath Intuition onu nu llo klhh lion linnpton as Pete lander ripped Bowl in the till httol tho tritium Shaina Ittslrw llosrth beii initial My unsound only three hits Ilter tint onsin the sixth Ind two in the month None was or um bsses Iiusor sod PIriIrd Itoin stsn ted to charm the intro with it tint hit sinin intho third inning in tho lourih Elmer struck tor two morn hits whirh produced two moi Donn Kenn singiod Ind Tor rrrallteo doubled snd both men scored runs Dill thuriows ttlico helped Glitch Ind Iperiorm nnmmw nu to don month not my moanin Wt id hotpljylnt ootoh to him in mm mm on tstteor our 171 Yo areuulrhh mrmlw osmp eodsy tossinu sround sooner or with Inn Ind less uperienood ed srn mutt Part In photos ill in not tin Wadi writ rsphen Ind csnrerornen inunsto mtstIknGJPO urnmbiod to rsoord the mo noitlegon his rm rnent tor posterity uh 111o ocoulon wsIJelo Imlit sirntng with cosmetics iirm oi twoyou deal worth WWWmt in tbo tessus on tho renortod wimonydekst 11 Ilrnmll wibti ow or um in points North American Soccer nts norm in to ho teiIled berm or the million ion on the IN mm mm tum drsl NIrnIth mm Innlnl It low weeks Inc with tho sIms gran ui still 11qu or cei om nor Poitierirpdrsif AKRON Ohio AP Arnold lIlmer strode into the locker room It the Fimtono Country Club who hisoil oiuos egg the wslt shed Irod trad tutor Ind rot mdr of soother do It the office Ins 51th NI onnl PM oil chnnwlonship This in the old msnr yeIr or1GA tourner the his onsihst It rs oi our Now dont ltr mitt wor tYlttl obvui iti dont think shoot Iinr Pointer slid ti iwu oi such rnlndinoutd he more Iltsitsn up ths owns ihm blown Palmers record shown only ono Open crown1m over But hs MI tort titreo in mous toothin nimnr inr tor the tint tlme com nsrod soms instructionsl inner iiow tsr do you to lick the hill Nnmsth varies some lhomo uys Ilrtr Isrtiter thsn others think the longest Held on in NFL history on to ynrril Aclttaily it wsr n1 ysrds in mo by Tom Drrnnsav New Orleonl Esintn usinnt Detroit Founhliutuisrts dontmmstlilrr we ps er onion oi Ilhletu Noxi Iomo tricks tor oho min Ind exc nrro sit word in 0909s rnlnvlittr Tritnn Stetson son KIsns his home run tor the Mir hm oi ths sixth tnntns on too oomoosek wss tho mm sod nomotItI Steu ors rstly nvmtrmrummuunw rissothstrictsoolorootlbsli ruwrr um it mayonivtep team he Innis Ill mloio titItr rs gutsr lesson scde this sleek Peierttelno snort vtoys Eleanor tonight It It Qunasr Psrk Md Dtins Eintrtcntsys in Elmltdo min the man ioilo ibo lomt ti Wit Qusoos comoioto Ditwin fii5i3dtiejCOQP4474 leCrfdstbQil leagug mm Thurs wilboin nut nlnli tho tors and Motors senior teams think with some in hrsdiord nmhnnmmmr on or is LI ism lrom ths wstsrlino to tho Whithy on Aunt or MM Mrvttoino Ind nds 01 rusoi is born In tho mipl treeboud furnltwo Inn note the seniorlune moon on uan k113i the month tooth Ihsn Neil It than Pm snow Ptrter doubted sod woo homo lm on in more BMW re mt lurks Dorm Torrie wmmwutmnmwtmsh Itsnh Vsth snot or mannan Minor lacrono hurts loh norm ris wnor kerosn oil Thom do tum glen in svtw mm mm In Pries srss Imor tor triI tinka Notsn im snd Hui uh mum sod Runs Nth wovtdod um nun sworn motives ScotIns tor nuns Psrinr no TORONN CPI +11 World rain who 11 onvsnsionk into mht nmdoi Pviis 51H th smitten ltll spoon but id tholemon bond at directors Butts hvreosniotlro Ttsrn WI 15th hsnohlno ttodtrrillts As modulo Owners sod organism sn IshMtton mu in mournhorn tofu tum In ooo 1mm onset thiI wodrdhollrsttoboheotm tor tho Mun slncottuieIxosmosedttsheod with with two ottico from Anselm Iii lists not Vfl 100 Polyster Crimpknit erh this 100 polyostnr mo Ititch orimpirnlt you can hm first quslrty hit iisshtonost urinal choose your ilvourito solid ohadu trom our wine selection otnow Fall colours end Itnrt oowinatadsylVSOWido Dnuhleknit ssnhvntnmsiuntor ylsyoilIio isok Nkhisus In rm Julius Boros in ms Ind Blil Cuper in iron its front nerup In rm to Nickisul For PIimer this tlth oon isecutlvo Pillt lotions Ieoson In which he won the Soutlsh Open snd ths British PGIt over sur iinillrod in us tar ninth in ii trooper ma tourth in the CsnIdisn Open st tiontmi Hamilton blanks Global 40 10 ii if ii on on or shut bounced soccer hell on his Tintn they did it inleihtr Arterwsrrl Numnth van drrsd all to nrscilce Feo dlsnoponrrd lntn wslllnx limouan uith the cosmetics mole And mode slob It the built doubt rim TANKS rumrro he to on lilo kid will enily not chsm in this one zimrr letrrd in from hot robe PL in hit prints 1570000 lune iwontepn behind wss Glitin who pound out tourpon document thawing titst Primer had won 7t tournI meni titles It on thI tour None at them II the PGA ltI Ctrordinates Sow Ind urn with ritoso colors neotsioltortrnl polyostnr doublnknlts Mirnnd motelt tho nrgylontlorolor herringbone psitnrns with tho olkwor iwnnd look or solid shsdo ChDOIIV trorn brown rust or green 8062 wide Corduroy Corduroy is tops tor Fsil alpoclollywhen its bosuiiiutiv printed mods trom tullv ny ruin anIoutN rum lirrnliton throwers extendad their undeiostod Hill to seven games oniluotdny shutting lrut Toronto liohnls HI Ind 10 in their Ontario Fastball Leslus douhlrhrsrirr other nmcs London Dutieornnwed six Imo lot in weak AM dam ed Kitch ener Firearms White Osh ltvn Tonys swept their doubo liloiiermitn iturlinrion Anus mhroyuionors Ht Ind hi einb which list it liIlost iive rum olftits esrly on tho DON cONAcHrr 7262874 lies ltIrttn iron on the low in pitcher Wnil Dick VIII credited with the in the nluhvy itiI iourth shutout oi ilto current Karon Dick gm up Just threo EMAIRE AlR SERVICES Mldlsnd Airport OFlvino 1rsinlnq Cont Comrnorcinl instrument lnrirurtoriistlnns VChsrior Ind Sinhisnoimr trot 52143224 AM Iapro4 washable 100 notion Ind priced to lot you buy ysrds Ind ynrdsi Como In snd soo our nxcltlnd selection oi colours Ind potiornstodny145wido Doomlsn Msii go 27 Dorris 50 Dunloo 51 DowntoWn Barrio iumem burnemunmr r1mv