Derbud Vogti tiit who momma in embillnn eogN eruldotyover Caneda 1an Iy in Ottawa hdoro urn Sox Jam in Yamremit said II in ii and envious Art tuna mun at ohm to have giru his nil tn drum ht heedtn up any 119 OanldlIK tilyer Ipn the Tigers dbltblheddr 32 61 Into thirdnettlng up Wehrboe mouth ute throat drawnln Inlidd Yarnmull not yulnlingo wm III lbll My mIaMhelplngthlltedSnxlntbo lN erl WI it ti II iii 35 din Eh ii til it Fr out rw damnation gum nun vbatyoungntlelt 53 gl XE it it it F3 all in gggi ii Edit in El it II II plan in Ignlra them One of the new plum VACloudburstlsdrtens course lorManitobci golf tourney mm or rm lded but win winner on the Canadian tour tut mm The Mutt change In weather helped rotten greens Ind harden Ilirhyl that had beenlhe divs oi criticism earlier In the truck from the leld oi It Mutant end HOW Nut pin Gerry lletllne pro dIetI NW total on Me win the tournament and lttirnrlxe money of $1 llolline rnlIe Moe Norman untormmeummoo lie drove in two runs in cludtngr the tying In the eighth lnnlrulbellntglme mmmmmpne rtloamtlwytbntlrllnm airon sung orIIeverIIIIIIIIoII ttra Ieezue doeent link me In pointed mmd World Scriuuhou lchm mtm bi egalnst tba athnal urchin No were not about any World Sorter mt wilt two months te go said Boston um Darrel lmvm ltdoeilerewelcoutttoeornn Idut and tale halting pradlre it they whit lte the one time Im done this but in no greet deal OI course It we on ally lar Ilteadmen gold to the to get the pliehera maty to hit in the knight aenh IlIrIirtuInetI extent roux try olle Ind ho the Wrdd lhuee plenty or time or tblt TWIN WIN In the only other Amerlenn we gain ThrrrsdIyJm ne TtNlnebeot Kerraaa city Royall 711 WI elm ill cornea error 500 trim to EN regard the nod Set It to minke runawey or their division but theyre vary at the Oriole who overcome aeverrgame hoelott lead In the Iltinl mete to ruin Int year lly ml CANADIAN rum Anterltan Mlul Earl Pct GEL Boston Baltimore New York htttweulree leveland Detroit Daliltnd Kenn CIIY rcolcuo Tenn celiiorraia Illnnetota Recall Thunder htlnnraora Kenn Oily Booted 34 Detroit 21 Probable lllrben Today Nrtwautree lltuunen and Champion eat at Baltimore lIFalmrrlt7 and Grlmslty 6v ll Chicago Wood lbtl rind lel terror tel at ltttnnmta Gotta IN nod Butler be Detroit Indoor not It Bet bort iIiIM Il or Cleveland alch Mt IIINew Yorkrtlluntrl mot Inaltlarrrt IlBaItltwt to than City llluaby Int Cnlllomla tFlguerntt tt7t Tens tPerry bit Damn tialurdty Cltlca at Minnesota Diet end ttNeKYork Delrllt It notion Celllornla at Teri Unklorrd Ill Knnm Clty Milwaukee It Itolttmctu It Sarita dey niJht and tire Cincinnati lied BASEBALL srrrNDrrrtrs cirwlnnnll at Les Angrler tSutlon tin Ni anlntl Detrolt Thur he mind sprinted all grounder arrl noted Bottma aemd run lluglreI lntlteluntb oloenkht rnnlntneetrtb adetttrnda tnrlthheb key atone named to lluLheelell aevuitrnlier lnln Athed Ibouthltdnrlnlltinlb Iluledlnlbl NoyIlIl Reds triumph over Giants 116 by Till AISOCIATED PRESS ma iItut lour timg In one name Jeta ltlonteluue eould havn 11 near vle curried had ateIk dinner but he had me Md at 1110 to eat bk word instead Iota to Atlanh Bram boom cindnnauI nahwa Jdrir WWW in the Ni Welt mm to to itll 1min Im JW in our National write bueball actlotr New York Meta ltmbmnd Phil Mum wmt on HABIT iImundmllttg enough to WWII Pitlillnhit Gil late Emehlour time The Nihilistll Wm II lied bombed out the rlglttvl Ind San Diego IibmnriihDd mi Pcl nwmu In cruel mp IItlatbmrun leth drtrtux in ever the Gianta bl sot nrn of the newt Itd told him helnre the me MI mm um to buy Mm rr Von loshul hit on fourth II he tint we out lour times enid Bench who hit threerun olthe year tor Ban nan honrer In the Irlg regardliming on Roland Olllve hit threerun to hottrut all to Anxrloa reliever Mike Maaeltell le run rdly In the din innlng that lay Atlanta tutory over the We lrallltt IN old Into the ninth the Braves scored two quick ltlltlon three hits to eluding It lltll double by Earl William that touched out ltlch lthoden Marshall came In and Itrrrck titty to the tint nut belong lell Blank Iln led home the third run at the Olllee then hit bla neme bomtr over the tail lleld are Devexlnxman hit tnorun tuner hit would ol the night tolead Iournnt rally to the eighth that lllted New York ever Plitrhurah It me the llrrt time the Noll trad Wen the Pinter ital seam alter eight letter inrmIrrthP tnifmllwlrl ea In lilo lint lnnltu Illd Mike Jo eerrrrna double highlighted tutrerun littlelending More with two ott In menpmmknd Molar Irecoabumnltthedld NaUnnIIbeIguI Earl retool Pittsburgh 61 ll aoe Philadelphia 69 Id 161 We New York at te 529 SI IAIIILI 52 51 II Gila AB 51 15 Montreal A2 Hum 13 Welt 69 31 651 55 52 NH San lrancrem 53 that tell San Diego in to Art to to 59 MI utton 33 10 331 31 Itelulle Thundli Ilorrlretl Philadelplr Chicago st tout Clnclnnatl ll San Wino New York Pittsburgh San Blue Iieuiton Atlanta It at Angele to itntrlhlt Pttehtra Today 5t loul tDenny tilt at no mo Bonham toot Ina AngeleaI Philadelphia tlorthorg and treat etn PhllIdclpItIa Ohrlateneen at Montreal MAIlInlgtNlmnNitlt at Xian Ditto Jone ittt Cincinnntl lllllllnghanr lid FIyInq TnInIanII Cemlnerelal Plnatruetor Rllll Iloruton tiltherd IeIl nt San lrInrlsco tttelickltul Gutter Saturday St laula at mileage Itouttort It but Pro New York It Plttthurnr Olnetntutl at hot Annie Attentrr It San Diego Phlledelplrll el Montreal lord out the tournament layorlte Norman threevtime ntnnorlntneeveotandtkk tunnertneardedetweevm Telntne Irre not arty long the ovum dunandewucI It mm placement ell tee that on lateral holee LAST WIIA CRUCIAL gt The portermmee ol plum on the methionine balm could boIheylaoiotlnthaoutmme it the totrnarnent Ilollnl Both the nth and Ilib require pinulnt lee to es eepe hldt math and blah on SPORTSI AT WIN CUP RACE LUNENEURG NS CPI The MIMI rrIoht Selalrn atopered Warren Deane ol Bar usage N5 won the errratlonel Schooner Np rece Thuredty of hosting Deane tailed the Seblnr the ltnlb line men and hall mtnutooJhd oi theUntted Stake the or Antbtrltck ati red by Ytoman or runs thin the Canadian boat the bestolthm ttrleo In two Itralm rem Se bltrr Itttlahrd three mlntdes ahead oi Amberlaett tn Wednea deyt rue ACQUIRE HILL MONTREAL CF Mom to no mu to left wholly Roll Nili MimiIr delgiilI Wing lotI Ted Bauer in National Lnerotae league trede Meanwhile winner Gary Brereny II It the younrut ayer In the league ht re lned the WWII Alter aenlor lrelue ttlnt In Nunahno EC Breuny played 10 name with Montreal It the start at the mean le ET IISIIOP UIIAWA CPI Richard Button delenalvo end and lIckie Ill been obteiild by Ot tha It Rider ol me Best ern Foot Conlmnce Item vIlarnlltnn It part of the trode thtt ent Inuarterbeck Jury Keelln tn the TlgenCItr The ltldera the will get enditorra brttroun pick to next yeare drIlt ol Conedlan college ballerl Thl elubratao Iai lecture Bob hlexewn who to lrned ht right knee tn the am he been placed on the new ltilurtd list loo ours TItIAL VANCOUVER CPI ILC Ltone will place Canadian de leettve butt Donn Carlton on button in Strircrs trnI Midland Airport IPIIVAIO Inttrument ocharter and Slghtteelng 795 Stream WM Jetmmdlorthnddble quelllyln midi Wednoldll but either side 01 the Mu lt Ithlritng mant rd wine llolllne toodtlied Bob Pronto or WW ore the loura Can dtan moneynder year 1941 Battle Wen cham pion Ind Jdn Xindral ol San eota Ila thin Ms our Indutx WNW Vitb new that melTIIndIyabesrointa Dan ltalldomn ol Brandon 311 when at Demo Iexae ManoneoltheleCaeadiam Itaollredem Iltnatleomtotomieon Dd Max331 tbelurellvemtntbelteited 0d the Statehaltota hunky lanolin mlauloml Gollrn alch Bled Annotation winner limped Newt of the atloml Hockey home with tlxomsoar tl heme carded In eveneer Ti alter an aIrlymorntdg round Ollie utilitenlrantl include term Itll Imer tomamtot edu eer Hid Boyer Int latIi wetland Excelsiors deleut Warriors In OnIIorio lacrosse action an CANADIAN rnasr Wgmuamhdwhbu amnion Won rallied mm Mien narrow but In nutty dedrlt to unlnst are Meet Niventinnth War stove Hartline Brien Robin rtonIMIhInOMIet and mnrm neared mmwtmthmgotltudrtoleadmu name Why cekion Bob tin can wu 3m rrlchry rive htlanuandBIIArdodellneom debtor It retort lint attuned two In ease ace in or rrmrmm autDownMuitrtnhn one North Sim we in lint John lowland and Art Webster ace out the Intel but added IIMII min tong Named mire to At Motown we Brampton on natured us ll erdilrlhl result some unu Om Sweltzrr added out each Sound will enncluda lLi season Torry Golln Gris Printed and looth against Nrumtirnnr 49 mm mt mud Willem It ltlebmn needed ttar lot out In the Morton upsets topseeded OHarI IIICIINOND EC CPI Kathy tattoo oi ONarl ol Mole Th motnoon Inthe Wheat ol the Mil 0w tad dim now The Inaton noted stunninl 53 our OIIIXI winner or the three ml1 el the nationwide circuit Merton bIltIed but delldl In the first let OIIII trad two KIM point ior to teed belore Morten outle to hit winners repeatedly uttn her 5103 backlurid She Illtl her may win to hit the hall mot and on abort angle to 0ttIrII backhand lbitia rry bl win it me said Norton it won the that time Id ever plmd lane to there one really In on me played why it In tornlllnel matrh Satin day Mutton will meet hier lo blackmol ol Dilana who theeume Sully Sutherland or in menI quarternals Sore hiureean nl Rnrmoie delelird huntheeded Tony Bardsley oI Vaneth 15 to more at Whinwnm eat oer oi Thronto thodtlraled eighth Ieedui Peta also NW the other matda 1n menl doubler 33 mherl ol Vaeoorer Gwriel bl Montreal teated Power and tuna Bonn ol Toronto lichen Getrot and Rim 14mm oi Quebec all but PeepNI and lie salLv ol Vaxeuror IndBardiley and Emilie alontnno ol Mexico hoot Allddin hillba and Don bltonrnalek nl Vancouver 64 Nike hchquhtlnwt Toronto and Harry Brltrnln eI Am drieoted Trevor Stuhht and At Rose Vmutu 61 63 Robert Bettauar oi Vunmrer Ind 54m New oi Montreal do turd Iilll MICDudell Ind Chris Hurt it Mn Alumsen and build Bruttn at Port LYNN out ddth Niki Bolton and Peter Vlcr of Van rower Ian lumenante Indian Brady el Vnneourer beet hob Pddlcombo enl bah Ilium nl VInoourrr GLANCE livedey trill Bid nebu man lor the Canadian team aatd Thursday Car 21 Billed centre loot ball at the nlverelly oi Onto redo The Oalsrr nation ti lootvi Ind wart rte pounde STARTS EARNING NY PW AP Joe Namath New York Jett high and nuarterbert an to his WM In rural Nall Football league ealIry Thtnedey contention on re oi ll pus It In eluding one tor in In controlled practice Igainst New York Glaml Namath higherth player In pro loot bttt trlrtory hit cerium then went out orient hith the le SECOND FASTEST osw MittenJohnwmrer otNewhtlandrInlhetetond latest 1500 metre ln history when he clocked three inlntttu mule Wednesday in In Inkrnlllottal track and Yield meet The norld record American Jintlloldlnn rornnln the worldl top tutt metre hurdltr this Season with Ito tecond victory In the wometro l1 llnal Pail QIil oi Mute VIII mood in true he htnd Ebermrl lltlm ol West Gemtetty who won in aunt rtussuNs wm NEYKJAVIK neuter The Soviet Unlorr bent Iceland to In In Olyrrole tower tournament To The Rotary Club at to Box 272 TRUCK RENIING All litte el Dodge mm BarrinOnttrIo LAM An It Ton Ferret 11 Van Van it Van Puirr TIIIxalr Bllhea Nm COiIllBNClAL NATE triotN item turn Iii IAYIIILD New thinnerom Blltll ROTARY CLUB or BARRIE srunettr LOAN rune Applications Now Being Accptedl rounmomunhmmnnndauuunomnimmummdammo atrium There learn any Intended to moist lndlvlthule ltntber tholr trnlnlna In rboeon eld at an Imbtittlon mixed by the Ontario Ministry nl Motion To receive on amidAloe curricula and mail the term below Plem and me an application lernr tor the Rotary Club Student Loan ammw