eau=as=x= 31143 ratter an Examiner gdttorlot minim thedanger pus derirsgtonMuieoa er city council has moved to curb Itho met reed with piano who lions that prog northbound Mulcosrer meat attic on Mulcui wiane him luotlent ooddsntscenes In the city and mangle to lteip curbmisltaps are nilaat weiepme Theintersectian nativityte the Ioo row Ianl Neither ranch Aug Railways conductors honourm Zurid yoldmen trike airer one week Charter Hayes ordered ai telosedfincluding Aliandals wit wera idls and about on thaw undiluted theinorilr aluminum which IncIudes Capreoi William Lyon Mochenzlalklng Minster at Laborin Sl Willrld you beral governmerl Kailrnad wot keeping lip passenger expms services on reduced basis using rrisors to run train but lreigltt was pl trip upatAIlandala yardt Barrie merchants were potting freight hauled In 14mm Utopia and Midlturat depots ol Cont Indian Paciile Meeting held atal Contra to lorm companywitlt object at slnkt ring along wt and Fred Ottort hardware merchant Iait byboa lrarn Owen Saundtaion th test wall or oil at Mine anothar brother lram Detroit Do uhars In aidpholograph In your essiotl that you cannotidenttty Port Inpaotla thatyalt tound in old trunk In Iisatlicl In these as historical memorsbtl It Lou cannotldsntlly the scene or the poop in it perhaps iilerreador can at I1 st as Is wrtaort titeulerl 11 rilih lImJntIuw In titan lor more than docad no Viscoi crisis at at Menu and casts Yet another stare In the In tilttry rundown carna Hoopla as tho Eritrea dips It made the money makerIturder on ma Orient Express rut Its payroll tram mall IMIhe litiuo ntm Industry by llckirll studio stall is aura we at destroy inloorilldurtry ray Weds var tint workers watid outslda backing the laaiitlles at about to In maintain auction II In arr rxrm it thin thirst Elohim Ill Iilyilciti Sinai titrris Ontario Telepth 76311 Itrzistration Number Mat Second Clan IIIail Itcturn will guarantee Dilly Sundays and gt statutory Ila Idays recover esceoted subscription met clattatt lions to our Studio copies It cents By rowanlei stare throw at noon year Pgon csumt until Adverlislnsotttccsl Wk as West Toronto too tl asbsr an Audit uraI maker al wtitt up ittditti ii to production ml mm gum Au been if shall at to alter lastsprutsr ll redundancies liurirta thr mstodsopor mirorrttte southbound Watsr and Albert Sarieanl iIla Examineria Interested In tuttirh Their lean echo throuah sn ituuury which retain rail make liIrrl In Britain said condence but but to struui desperately to cortttrtoo ttim alliances are their atttrltldl Illerwatchinz lelr Moraine Albert Itnneya lirst victor So too Is talent Also and butter leatllra pictures thIrl tire current annual crop MONEY MIOIIT GUIALY But the Inng noeded WI ara lachu our most ditflcuit period ever said Iticiml Iisiph producer at 31 film and chairman ol the British Film Production Atw We all realize that with tituIIrly investment must be band now it the industry It to TlIEWIImIIWII at much my American titlsca hasdeatt so rarila weekly sttsr wartyme er Hm tilt nliyrlnlwtdliihehhil mm mm ItllgIlplIIIedIgItlaIllixoyverIIe3 it at DIIOIJNVEETMHNT At Elstrre once proiitle Witt driIIIrla noise mitt run Mm mint time But lasteattot Gltllltuly Item ms at ltsriil rubbers The two rJIunpcs public works recom mended will helpireduce the tall but it sthe people who usathese Street who must ultimatel reduce cidenls Aid Ross erhcrnchairmon at public walks says the charing should go long way toward eliminating tits hazard Deputy city ertgipeer Don Kirkpatrick wvlmlc will In Vliovr through the intersection tlcwweli the changeayark willoniy blumn with tima EImportant thing Is that the city zea problem arlditar tried to cape withvil from MINE lam ortpiasure trip to AIbertaI Juckscns Paint on LokeSimcoe attracted more than 8000 peoplttlor Conservative picnic organized by Herbert Lennox cancellation at apeclalv trains aIIed byMetra radIaIIines up page tmgrt Taronta by steamer f6eneira lrom Bradlord and Bell Ewart nd by steamer Lilsioy Tram Barrie In Iudi tha CItlrens Band Bradlard Con ert and and tha regimental 48th ighlanders Band from Queen City At Ivy in county league bareball tsotne com beat closest rivals Thornton by IO Billthaanrsg pitched tor Ivy with bat ting stars named Jennett and other Bant Irsgl Thomtons ator southpaw named Stewart pitched name with aupport tram catcher Stewart Nixon letdle and Fletcher BorrIITannlng Co annual excursion by roll to ltn had ta bacaneelled dui strike There has bean rto disorderly conductat Allan dola station linen Itrika began Palsenqar train inEastern Ontario almost wrecked when spikes warepuiled tram rails and militia was called out to halnpoiiee handle unruly mobs ouid have been much larger ex your vmoartt cum Bastaus asd Caaralrler Altair Alslylt nmm Nona Herrin Thotreasioa II over ac to Ibo economist all roost Ia eriod at economic youth consumert matures add the nooomlaia at Wood Gtmdy Ltd They uproot ms to show aet Iher nosthrnor drdlaa as ECOnOmistS are questioning of economic recdfvery ji measured by Gross National But they trrecut rouatliy stuporcoat real truth in me More you start ceirbrattllli tlowavrr canddarJha cautiaua useasaterliol Maltit Mada Itoyal loatqu Ltd the Canadian arm at the latent Investment hauaal natural In Canada will tie ciiaa about per 11 In the current year Ceriad will tilts have to rely on the retstlvely NW recon In the tiaeeonouty interstitial We would If reclate retoiviag these photograJihs et er in lite mailor hand deliver to The Editor The Battle Iix Imttte 802670 Barrio MitvtId The photographs will he prdcelsed and returned and who knows Another readr or may be able to answer some at those nagging queltton about that altivteanl pictur mm mm mm iilorfa taught tram legislature upon with Qureas Furniture bomsoa errs ervtra TORONTO oi the members who closed their desks whorl lhe session broke all at least topmosny wont be art It Is estimated that It loos that number wont he run atrls stain There will baIostas tram ail rim Ibottlll ui Liberals me it used to ba ab gala to Karel tidal whose work In cludes two oi the most site resslui IlrllLsh time at that early twirlea director at Saturday Nightsad Sunday hat it Is With Him and producer at This to mak more ItarrII Bill the price has rise usually be srpiaittod artiy because there was so much Arnerican money IMOI pta in the industry hers light American back lru would never end ltltt rrtulirt hIrJntett him Iltsraamblar starrlrls James Carin In America The pow rittrll film at ominously git New York protessor took itlmi to the Li but he doubts trhetitcr he could have raiaed backing tor similar pmle lion In Britain Killiicelt montita ago whealvtint be an The ismv hier think oouid llsvs round the money Itut nown wIth thI Ilrttish Industry so depreIsed Im not to WC anodes Ir btiOYllti Britaiais problems part WORLD BRIEFS ruler cAtiaItr GIIEAT EIISSENDEN Eur land 40 Policemen ran to bsrlh alter pstserIhy rat elorI ilitdrawat Ila it no altcniattra in the banit they tatuld only mmlmli latte workman littlal ttow mm burglar IIIrm till back TAM CIIANUH ETUN Finland 161 retereadum anions Ill i100 tlluOs att rtil 7aIl at Eton baa ad them rent at British they want to st Itlmrproductlon war Amort ttanai tail costs and rollers MMMJ collrxo paper said that Iltr puiiedolltuitecaure aI tails all Elonians lain Idea sIr wit financial trouqu at the and ism sittca maaalui ttlrns It horns In awn ImportIncr Itu nlsdoltlxlliy touristsssid they would mta photons hill the students ltriph attiamttlrlrtop hats and tails sportirla Lita with Richard be tlrldlnl Ihrir lllII tin members their tluesliau mar II Donald Iatt teraon at Essex South At ona time but ready to auilbut to of ait recently has heeruald to blil rltsrllcd his mind rim null Isroott at Sarah is In the aarrla position But tits PCa rra lasing host at their present rrscmbrn and the ND are Iintri to drop It Iaatt three titortoa Ehlllman mgr mmde cl or non BOWMAN om ol the most remarkable mall in Canadian history was Sir Georpo Simpson who was coverrtor ot the Hudsons Bay Company iIIIICt lot nearly to years Ila wss ambled what Ila liBC Ind No Welt Com pany atrial amatcd in mt and proved to the right man lot ditltcutt lots The live cam panIaI had been Itrhttn timely tor years and Simpson had to tavern with short but tIcttui hand to him the teamwork that oded sort around Canada sav erai by canoe trotrt titli am tlay to Pscitle running both the Columbia and Fraser tttvers Ono trldown lite Irs tcr was anuup ttontd that ntns times out at to It would rev wit to tItiiillvlt as considered In honor to boaoo of his bid die but they ltadlo Iwnrit ha trlaya totality usually beaerl about am ailersimpt sort had swim in the cold wa ter slid always cover to to at ratios in at his Biron gudsoa lily to Fort lid 04 rm made in so days oI which it were spent virtttax trsdiril pools Simpson always look the corn pm harplpcr Colin From with him What came IIV proschodn traditilv Eintpt nu Gtsbom and Norman DavIt sort otitamiilani exodus though not too roordlneay Every ricotht am certain number at DIE but be lntcresilna lactt at this charger however II that with the announcement In recent days at both AllIn Omarmatl and William Siooart that they wood ha retiring there Is definite end to an eralite era that styled with IAIIII Frost Itth thus were In Frost pov rrnmrnta and the are the tart mm in tho mitt stry lo have served under Old titan Ontario There will be law NSI metlett Jim Allan at course was minister and Donald Morrow it they decide to run IlIilt arid ltev Vlliiy Downer who has been xture rlncaliIJIl but theta are the CANADAS start The right man Left to difficult job son would stand In the bow drrssod In top hat and track cost and Fraser would stand III the stern playing his tltpes Ila was paid to pounds year and continued on the lots unlit his hut power as exhaluted Slmpsun would not tolerate dataka IMIlIIl employ ees or tile Indians Orio lmo whrn ha my drunken Indian Itiilmlcrcst alter night acre At HE with he ot rum he look an axe and smashed the hex He would mhallow hlI cm ptoytes to live an the Pacttlc coast tor more thIn threaysars because they becametoo roIt Ila trsrlstcrred them to north em post or ltinnlpca Simpson made two trinr around the world sun had distinction cl lIlIlIll trada agreement with Ituratu an Au full tile The itustIanI reatrd him to caviar and he brouallt them pemmican Irom the Iarlrlut OTIILII AUG ZVIENTI tan Tlcsuils guarded Illlt ton an it In NwCeiodOnia IIrIIIItt iCov Iumblal tttt acid was discovered at litdoc Orltario ml iIallwsy towered nickel II prescnitlay dudbury tttl Inuit ttIrI watt laund Toronto riding It Ednwntorl producers wtlt 11 the rice and uttdjlmt ualaailt duatrtsl mdmty them ll Iautsctured goods to him even uaglahlntx such mu mm Mn pavement In the vlwa aasoaa respected listing mist wts Arlerellsloomizr WIIIIIII Wumumultti MUM coal doldl wuusm trachea chit WNWM trritu shovels out MW 10mm otmostppttabioaa It th National investment tlrrrltaliituras Droa but the bloo Meoaudt Ouraoonoatv baaW the Arab wme lili mm and NW til still Ilia lttr stacan II paradigm mg anan that hirtl um um In Caaa My lmumWm poltall dlsa diartlndurtry Mil mean acnttn tied slow rolth and N51 tarmac colonial potenmkg twentieth In thariovr at tile optimists Wmm lM transmissist nauoaaIUItattatsttuIII9 weatheredtbc atom dismal paradox in all this on our teat aridor leraallatha only truly VIM tittle hat Item the to estabt Jim gm motrash country In the non 4w my mm MI mituronl nta whorlaot siaaloAlrIaan ehlel but olslatataas daqrdlacltice II lite Ittrtcans have no the tmtt recession but ha tIrttwa mlnIItulutA barn to Ill WWW mutilated Io collar mined mt thrm Itia escrry crIIlI still is this toolt taco in mi when path tut been mad men and real enourtl aver thourh tha Milton botapras deposoi deserve public gratitude initial shack has worn all In as pratideht oi Wanda by the Gamma who has bcca In iiattonary reputations Ira nserettrtIi sad Ilottnllll ldt the house IIrtco its and has more deeply tnmtnod WI Amin It In rattle time when rerv In Iaveral porttotloshta over IlltI political leaders at Uganda was suppoaai to ho aiwa born pod ndmtniu moat ltrtern countries have host nation to tho OAU tratar particulary In his years period record at matting all the Mt this time during n10U Inncolrreagionhai THFIVICHid WWIII economic mam ntllltl colllderelltca Noriaa traetwouta rm rotaaerlcrt remain in but wont ital hum INDICATOR battleeld the truly tmprrttiv out theta new ynuittlulioclt ll Fitted ti titans lti mv Milan terriers ls ottth on the books As It Is Worm iDaily rxclualvei anaysis 0M into his Ioternmrnt barlt homo ItIl ton II In it to oonteal ltII must Iorlttr million to oblccn has been otvlilvsllt ttvo ttcures on economic per my calm Personally will miss his IOIIItInct and their rampart We In the West hccoms vsry trunk and cordial approach them with historical rmrds dtennnt As or Bill Stewart really not 0M analytical tool based on tions at the manila an be said It aisnllIoIat measurements at cmerping statea tho Alrirml Ila as tuldcd agriculture in ctonomla activity it thacm aaes ntten toadin the warrior Ontarla lol nearly It remand dlaa imperial that ol Cola Inconsistency and arrogance nil in IIIhas done all out lttrruoa rocrntly published The Inavtshia AU declarat similar job LoIdIrlelndicator tioat tn rtmo si Itlt dcptvturu moan able 0honpes In these It variables like at European Iteilibobllrdtrorcpiaco ltm usually preceded lunar lrom AtticaFruit In Somali mental chinks in tile plcool Isod Split In the Salimw averail economic activity by value they are the historiaop about it manila preswrs It tudtcrout wlton The current retain at tile it may kinds vIAAt Commerce leading Iottrrt HornInspired rcptgallon in til it AIIlllst tumedupward but minim natal IV the llarlllI economists are railing some solid avidrnc ary Nevertheless UM it In lulhlavr Iarites coa Iiit cuI atriumrut ttstetteralttllta cullty at lttpmnat trial at no sion to bottom amt ill traitor aoltrran Iattcra pitta Dim in mm Ihoaid ho milma to too Is tttt Duke ot Connrlucht ut Putin hit by nexl year mm lered Canadian troops to Iirtt IIoW moduli Pmbsbir slatted Or the will Iotiito AM In cato at war will in prodtto bllalted Writm aboaid la tt8 Elephants stampodod mat pVlgtltaerlialion Clltllllbl addresses and trio it prosant manna tm Percy Williams or real but this yen and part be me taunt mm 300 mm it Olympic Garner mu Airship Itioo dackutt It 60 party war turm tttt Social Crcdti cotern omlmwmm mcrl tormol by Ar licn hell laoit attire titJlrllirIt tia IIIItlIJIlt hm TIIOIIGIIT Alrll ha sold unto them Ill are so troubled anti why do tltauslita artra Iaynur hearttt Behold my hands and my Ilflr that It is merttt hlittlle mo and reel tor spirit ltalIl not esh and horror at ya sel Ind Ita lull III ll Ittsiresurtoetod Christ Is stilt In reactl Thank God we can touch tttm arid Ito is totlcttod viih the leoiin otallr lnttrmi tics Wilrlt prIyrr Ila wit to In in tin Duct What really uprals him is tItoI ll of nonrandom