nrl pt thelrvIaloueramiiici cite andooiieiderbow inn likely aided theirowmtutuiei there instruction not in their attended android re intone tentlen at the roconitaryA one hilltophwm ow Yearly We liare denominatediii rnode moiety that theyare cora fcrrned inrnaii were They will be the ilrrt to recog that to cut batlotr to teltigentiy they rhouid acquaint themselv ea more 1tu with thagoremnienta tin nodal rtruciure like other votera they rhonid have knowledge at the drudger ernrnent debta and bow thin inry eet them an taxpayerr now and in tiie luttire Attvoterelnchrdin the youn aduila rhotatd know some ngabotrt carryr Ing charger on there futile debts how the money irraiied or the payments and how this IIINU their trier and the atandrrd oi tiring They rborida be madaiully enrre oi how the aying public haeto bear theburdenr all typea oi grants and indgeior ihemrelvee nhldi ere inrtiiled irom the public puree and which they 25 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner SeptB 1947 Arthur iotaroton won erorebay ewlrn third time in regattarponrored by Jayeeee tire Holden donated memorial riiv er cup ior annual competition Barrie Horticultural Society thedltun worth Bell Telephone etatter end merrier er liount Catrery Preceplo Barrie el WJPrertodaizttrrnd or TDlatrletrhiaeonic Order lioniorintoxicrtlon drt rig made In hatrtrpiitcecour ary medalr ilo aiColtege oi England awe ed to DrWiiileiri tie nativr oi Birrte retired recently Dean oi tiedlctne Untveretty oi Toronto Sim Am Illetiltlied in 1902 only 10 medicairnen have received title honor Tomclerk Ernert ttnrton attended Wo Municipal convention atlinnt ohn Partridge ot Barrie cele brate Mitt birthday liarrie Country lrdier taking with Simon Corin ctirin oneiilp lay at Drillir tnclud reE at lich iret yearr winner re Jack Currie lire Vera liecKenrie rr Harold Priterron ere Flora ll egorttre George Dan eriieid tech Silver minaging rector ltrrrle iilll Dyment oi Barrie won county mens with plumber oi Commerce delivered cooree DENTIITI RING NIW AIRVICI KitchenerWaterlooliecord Declrieii oi the WateriooWeitington Dental Society to open ite oiilce tor low tort denture rervlce June in Kitchener im more then direot reaction to the etulettng denturtrt eontroveriy r5 cnninns STORY in more el and the considerate deputian ironr but pried the beat government tor ireedoriri democracytr the least government nrtdit be eppraired in the tan oi modern economienoodittonrt leaner ruchu Hlbgulani tor the un iorcirll rervlce at Ottawa and how this will riieet other provinces than Quebec also might be considered Everything iroenioreiipi policy to ment and drug rddicttou lawr are apt to be given campaign altentiondependliig largely on what aspiring miliht interest votere But tor intelligent votr the iinand aspect in it ritecte tra epending and rte ing pricer in well in the people who are led to pry ior It all etiouid be giren me concern of lecturer during summer at hlcbiriler Univereliy Pierre made to erect iriemv orirl at Beach to mark lliil ocean ilight Canadr to iirltain by Ayling and ttetd mt Subscriber rert sale tor Barrie iTyerr iunlor hockey matcher nedrtLAEnnmtlecirlc art Houre opened at cornerlilrke and Vancouver Sir tor dining piue erbina Ind lodge roomy Flnrl atatlilici uric reniorreitbritvahowed PetPeIand op hunter and Murray Richnrdaoil hilt ngelirmplo Othertoppitoherr were iiarry Corrie Cookrtowntjlrkr Cone able lirrdiord IAlke lirntrtrtt iiarrir Iliotorr Othertton betterarwere Fred Norrieleo bitter Steve MEMO Strrnantan rui Megan Herb Thompron Earl Mrrehril ereon Creed beat Jimmy Willie in mena goli ilnrl at Bar rie Crnadlnn in ion building cempei ii tniuli rwing ruce Frazer bonore by Trinity Church beiore leaving to teach at Anglican Indian School Moore Factory Alderman Charles Crit tln war general chairman tor Bitrte dumber oi Commerce recond rnnurl Farmerr Dry Colonel Garry Lee 03E lC elected honorary preild eni Barrie Branch Canadian Legion golt championship lor 10th time 10min EDITORS vnws Plane tor inch loweoit when in var loua her or centre in the province were rever ilr montha ago by Dr Nyte Dieienbneher president oi the Royal Coir life oi Dental Surgeonr oi Ontrrlo along in plans for training oi new crtegory et dental runillrrter ouritiled to leg neie make and ruppiy denturri Indians fDetermivned 0n MI the riory wee told her Gen Montcalm tried to not ere ni er Inn on tte rnrreh irom Fort mm lithium Henry to Fort Emmi battle tied heart 1757 Hi would to la giIII who are Itdtltt protection paid me an id to rot the attention node trot ene who rltiere were romewhrt rim IMv Th tor tncidere In the tune area 56th lilo it wee during Iiiitei tornntnln captuan Canada om rance to me the ttrltiah mourn It We on to hiriertiartdh wnunda treated nil ymindrd and hie tndianimlo0eo Anhant out oi glint and rlcatp ill were IE ritimimzmwmlttm and Dleetru rm itingrton tit pr roller Sti W1ltemlohnronnitn wu umpatgn to have ttrttirh Co To Obinin Sccilps on noniiiri tuition ordered the lndlrnaraitedidinronhtirt in iodiani not to do any ecatplng until the rcreamlng rrd lehnaon won ying that lied To lien you ey God they twirl kill to men tor the or you and rmoke you in their time it took toacaip one oi pee in Freon tor three or our chit that were killed Huh Johneon addedr ttieyer Wt piulrylel tear you ihrll be onto with tile went to lever oi in Canadian or the they ahelt kill In both aimlhe ilre irorn oitleera lttd orunn rmhrrr alert in la N111 vs litannotate leitwlth oldimmrrit notiontorture troquola ritewoman urnettttetrtl lmPerltament met It tutGm thieerara began 1M Dluhli WI loin Canada triow olinon iiew air beiora he itliI he built It Victoria IC tartcalityadr timed In treat Imminent 01 Montreal hoet to reorerontrtivu to takertetrom Trenchopening univer It WM re aideatroro many peril at world It have tarreading ceneeqoaoe DonninMonYiinr world mettle iron Nautical were being on torwird not with All for Canadian neroetori Writer The mime at the Olympic armor In tlunieh ia ruin to WAWA Blithmill the tederatrgarhclicureica it to the WI verr partleuirrtyttelreln lb names the limit greenrt oreroirere rim than lllllillVlm vonoi rteroi whom he tutuW1liltltih not ITihiie aborti ln countrier by lnrianteneoiu tetc in widetyeepiirared part oi the lilil retry oi Inch dlraeierr Derpita the entail oi imme it whim it ve me dtenceatten overwhelmed by ruii bro lit radiant Iirrelemnrler of mite will the in to II it IacapehleoioiiniInleenieeIIn biootbnihr In Ileineni and imm tiurtbem llfIAM nullity trite lg Mu1n roan unreal betirrernrrebered mm with Momtutti en yorgrat morony to ini leter rueh oi trlavteed borrorr Ml cm mung But with the tiunieh hiltinge of mm mm in the Iliumhf ii it Be neuron and or tea meenvtcn nrei Wu WWW druplfbonrn an experimental VAndbecaueetthecourra ten are trolnlng program given on air unreer bar ht ycnre end one million ell intent can devote their hill mittm whittent 0thminerrniiuo Deane director oi attention to their woiLideelty litanonmhrloor irnguarebro policeman attendat prerlic teardrooltutltirne tor itin till tile cornea iiom peode on many cannot more then too teacherr thII veyed rhorir on mesa but nice one oi ntrrhly comma 1qu iii rare onrer moi Ilie oithe next 0iyrnpier the mnirnrre may at least menu the need tor veetiy lncrenaed reourlty Irrange mcnle in tile hm WILM rnta will ett II ranting termterritory cIlI cra nr tr Wt uoouoootonmraoce artere tor carotene eboti oizriie Oliwitri toruvlneiancgl rthgw eervr aw ng aor magaxtnaln tardon raid in In editorial Aug ti so tdghty merited and ne nlpninted are the Olympic Gamer now and an at variance in their ctrarrctrr irom any thing thatrrn be celled apart that nothing room them tr worth preserving and maintain trig niddt militia wlthvllll llttnldi Winnipeg iiootr at dty Ind italitax in eddliioti other 5000 rheknta the Ru adlen Force will be twain ho tonnage bureau triatiuctorr ttir yeai APECIAL CURRICULUM arrrlculiun called developed ear to the reality and decency into the conduct oi nation toward one The lenru the mint liter innit interline tenth heldmet Telephone moon Second Clara liteii ileglrtrrttin Norther tilt nature portage giiaratile Deity Suede Atatu tieidir axe ted carrier It weekly tit yearn Wm WY ly Single cipleitie By niatt tlrrrle mitt SW atommnetdn plai ot Canidr ritno yearly All other cruniner yearly tiotor throw oiimeo yeery National Adrertlaing oitireri ttentrerl Crnadlanl la mine titllzenlutiogtmlmr iorrg cortrcvolutlon to organized heron ornate thdeluettopltor Wm mm Prerrnriteuter and also thatocrt nm ptIhIIaIt edlhrreln The Brrrte Erandnerelrtmr Wighttn eit ortgtnalrdyeo lie or and editorial niatarirt err Ileithr itr lmnlmu not re Whitidiltw it eg on her reiteration aodurtran guerrilla tlrlt irti eternity expert taye tlomengrngrttel are truthleu or men nlhlere then their male Wv paite Peter liainllton told lit nternrtiooai coolerenm oi veto iietectiira at gluon minimum llrniiltoo recurlty Item board II in the prontn ion at it metlingo wwtd ltttleier no lrnnragi the iuttttmeremalrermntr lba Ianfrefa bureau tin Deano ariatenMetotieepdiem eeilexible to meet the individii at oljaidente th lheoiticiairehno year inerrSeptemhc June rice rtndrrie mining It the mtwlittt Outline in Aunt the Inimuaho operatei reboot Jean Darlene was working with lotu your noyri Crna dtan itomted Police rooiuha who an volunteere in new RCMP bit Mounted Police reernltr who are volunteers in new RCMP btlingnrllrm progrrm will rtudy special rim on Canadr the an the langurga bur oi ll outwith ererv on heed lor tntrodttclne rationalityl NM of mm themmthdmlii Their aint viii eervan evocr arr en ti coir oiwrrlt time it licetrgintng at tleglna bapnated to bureau develop he raid be nee other uiahiirhod trenth otirrea puttoo trench empharti in Fartrlrn trench and were ionrdtobcirrelevrnttoCangtreoch netin oi pittitrea tallied on WAWMM the clareroom ecreen atco pitted try teoa roe encoureitcd to repeat the pbree er en they hear them withoat lorleiral terion to bet entr develop In eertant docrnl reel Iy need to know how to talk in ralrl on an Alp hlr Derne intend the mom lime to teach the piniilc eervent live to do Irlaiob In French Iiom helping people till out tormr tn Dirioene Crneda ntiliier and iovtmllonrhln aide diaeue WW Imrte not lie image acreI ltd Donne am it tr an unique inn gnagr teaclilm nteihod rhietty rier lhit rtowI down league bread oi When my leadetr wanta Mechelle Tor llnlted tirliooaJa on la tea or note eonnoi tate Mmihle oi the eoiirtea Itiii highway oi the aindent Ila tnooa elaermln tarnher mother with the on will eventually French arear pnblle undid placer tnowedgu lenhiagamtera tr iterationtea tt latter between pobltc iervantr will hiaka ioorod 1300 mic titetnicilan AI Wmduimn WM towel nore lie pertant the time depend and moan endiula in chiey on the attitude and on meringue irrltinr In vi lele the rntttteirr apent on the language program and no eoimaiiriog research ie not WW the eilecttveoeu oi the trainine no Mt WW era allittdeord with the roar mmg mine andnnirtpaeianexrm Inatinn At the end but there in no ryeienr oi checking how it their tangiiage training to mum roe young people who dearloycd thrurtiout goremrnen eel to help gnome oi the Iieatlon held to look likened ten micmed home noon rbortion on aid Pathnder minim tnat entrein iorinilltare drill director oi the Ottawa in age evade on edre wad Ceriirc capricitoce til gualand ete medinter to do anethtna but thv can make theirireIVet avail rblrtn belothenr ore and re triiingifvlr hleomI eac or nerve anti asaecond tangurgelwllt not fThra cdrn the lantern that owner mule ahail aeeaa iiiy ehiei between Canrdaa want alrc INJAMCII oi cQoVernr pledge ttnhrtit It Itd int htl hi taderrnei to kao crpitatire onthernA number oi antila borlegtriatira propoeala that tredittenalle are part oi the lie poblirrn partyr plaliorin were notably Iheent ryear Nixona theme huerrobaalrrd Irma hint tut in ltrolrnrdlirlal er in we bra etruck Nipolillbllllibtd rnany btuecoltrr work Ar the they rturri tntlier eauhardaveioped ltorwryatem utlltdnr tor Wanton ngulot Mandutlhtja Cil aid oi tItIngtbanever hcio they tend to tail into hiidiile Americt clueil Melitta lbelrrhldtovrrnsj rug we in iiiiiinintlneii lltl rare Litre and winner but it can make tpeerible to deliver eminent aervtcu to citlrenTotn the oiiieirl language oi thair choice Are on md tor will not he Imooi there who will Mn W1 mm sitar titaniumgo bureau ci he tell on Berra ateoready titliudv int phrreea irornmpI er the midentr are thinldng about what they air eating llr Dertue rriorer Imong them roaring encouraging der manning repetition oi the word until the Itihithll anrnethin that eotinde like traction At will point he laid he in trying in break down the lrrnrlrtien hrr hint towatrdlfttzBritishseouriiy ExpertSaysdid adttit ttilftthi Women Gang Leaders New Breed romeo noioiri retentive eald women crmd out leading role tirtiainr underworld rod in euerrlttr crganiiattonr tn tiritetn the United Stein and Germany Thera it no em oi crinl nrt violence today in which women eranot involvednot or camp tottorerrbut ea eratorr ptannere and cone nienricreitainliton raid Front ttir recirin point oi View in can no longer ar ItilM that ponteo are the gentler err lane to reroiva thr proht air it into to cried ter in rich In hour at ya thin not the ion at man cometh irnirrrniniic with it Iii It mmiirrirrmrosmwton erri anchorwoman mmm all mwwnim MY rig in