iiaintiiiitithDoRoll Ir Nathalie IPi1ihtltdh Murmur CANADA pneltaiier Intention to inherent Don AI niuhiiilhieoiiianyle pooiin tiotrprourldl thin Trim tieoidi tolrr Iqued unit in Toronto illieeley niphtAt ier tell to VIIan Gordon were ohvlotuly euro oi the thrent the proximity Cuhrnan rent on it the err it Stir ibti iz cl til 00 ditto lit NOT Stir Sincere Squad Increases Its World Cup Chances OWitiUiltlteSOid gels header btiornloilnl the let and 74 end itinIiI my tiny eii deteeted hillwIiIhee Brew utter etioo lritm mfmee tree in realm oi toolnorm BALTIMORE OMPI cInIdi inweiaed tie ehInee ot tint the tint round ti Woe Orv aooter ouy title by title the United stiles er in army action ltieednr Billet Ceilidh earlier deteeted tlte United Stile in St initiei Nltd ltexleo deieited Cathode to earlier ihie month Jdt twain with one let in the pitta in give home lindeidioti Tia Mickey drilled My mime hi it Intel home mviuhui umd lune Hutton Univ it their in Mllhyhikvdiiourvhih er end tho Carotene hit two in width In teed nonunion Jim troll attention tooth to Gatliehi liunier nod Dnrold Ceiliornli Aneela Knrretee romhlned on three ltti Weetriee we in lean hitter to were OIkIIodI MrlIio Iiier1ieediy nlehte triienoh Ietion ChieIIoI leer dropped The Venice won their tint thein Into Ietoorl plm end fame as Johnny Culilson drove Oehtinti Athletlce reuined tiret the winnin run within hit hIilIrne inu heatinl innlrg IiilliO Ted Iorde eveiantt Iodine 10 bee no homer touched oil New York Yankee bent tourrun liorlolno in the seventh Iem Rinxera 10 in 11 looinu tooth to give lexee theteeood BASEBALL pontoon hy fill CANADIAN PRhSh Goveiend tierry let it Oehlind Odom 1iti Detroit Ptylm Hi it Celi iornli Wrizht ltIi Baltimore Moon 1519 It momenta thtyieven 101i ItIuIa city Spitttoret loloi It hillyeoitoe itiyereoo eat it uloxna tstnnhouee Hi It Now Void Gardner iii Chiuro Wood mil It lioe ton tiictilothen Ht time Thursday Dotrolt Ii Coiltomle Tom It Now Vorir Es 33 Rita 25 5er sLagsgs =n==l raaszs saszsr think we hetl it Irrepon ttehoe the US hill throeoh 0rth lien ieti iron to rerda rut to open the aeorirtl early in the time tor union NUS tied ii iii Irllriuiee lIter ie Vlltilo It hinted home noel on eed irorn on mower Peel TIM Find the liPIn hm ezu Ole Mile Yeornin Wm Ttov NInI Cornet Tolhurtt lJiretlntO Annenid GeilIni hlilty Livoon Strrtiru Bomber holler other loan Derby ll Sheeiit Rowdende tidy or Brooke Dent River Roll At We Caper Clutiehle Served here It lrot Porno it Ono ltllta lCIutioue George Norrie Blue Apein Ward Deir worthy Vtni Troy ICIndye lilarnrrt tlirltoo III in Dum Alrhdoltin Jat Polterd TSpeedier Spinner Rovulrd titer Day 0xhrene IE Who Dinner Nikon Third Rate It Pete Pom said One little 0m $1000 iiitwi Born Born 1000 Given Htnberry loo Mile Sidney line 1000 Win Troy tGrand Byrd 1000 Roost COUiItIROod Dtlko LOGO lie Adam Lou Barrett Iron Chimp Pick 1000 into ion Lenewee ltruo 1000 Avery AB Mr Attorney 1000 McClure Fourth tilt Hi Peter him too One Mile Oulieiii TorontohrgbnauttosingSIleatr Doesnt Seem To OTTAWA Ci Rested and reeoy 011m ttotnh ltidore lite on their trIdItlonII toes lrorri Toronto in Eutern Foot oeii coolereoea notion today oiltt to diet yet another blow to the willie Argooeute Sen Phandieo St tulle limit tithihi II on their eat It tied mat John 11 It tieretiue tlrttll hut W0 touch the hiootrul tilcNIliy ettitet mm mm mm Atlante 1Nieho ttIhi leenle toxin itroih her not mm ohowinitTitoyvatnotiiliour autonomiqu or it Potiidtiohte Carlton not It Ni Item tomes lrrl not prrpered tn nit ii mm Cihiii told new coherence theatre Therm Ante my Iieellnieedeynlld And Im detlniioly not Phllede it llotiaoil mum American nine lie told repute entity illIl III there were fnothlox Iron Ill PeLOIIlV with tho Argon IIide tiorn the It to roll tent thnt they toot 10 player 01 do 69 iroro lIIt yeere meter an ill tii lint wth hie itir unrtrrboti or it 520 Joe Theleminn out Yer another odl In We lotteries Gitllt it it tilt mm sum Wilt OR DOPE NEWTON Edwinamile may Irne iion Ienouneed Friday IhIt be linhine imntedtetely urine lino pier would he taken irorrr III II vorliea who were beaten in run The announcement romeo iii the veto o1 ehIrm thIl litre the Iavnrlta in the 110M830 delimit Invitational needed It ill Untitled totirth it or tlt loll mall it lirtniie Teeth New York it Tom II Boston dunno Irma any hilltletltee itiiliniore eliiineeoiat outlind lCieveIIndo criterion be oltt Prehehle Pile Mar Worry Cahitt rice about the tornddahio Rldtr triathlon which hot nirendi beaten the Arm twlro this year more in protoaeon play by wutlopinx Jii GOTTA NOT GROWING Ottawe tr undelealed lnthroo ilirti this year but Conch Jack Gotta ie not rnaktrix over continent ttoteto about proa peeti today lle rays hee cemented that iiliiers may be it little It alter their today hreak end that they they hive trouhle looping tho rrlonieriurn that put them at the too otiho TiiV EXAMINER lVANT ADS ltiONE Milli Joroo Dentin utter haetiian le We Ilownrtl allwed nod thTS POST Canada hatl rhonre to go Into the load with it minutes tell in the liret hell but none tmllhrnd ehoi hit the ristt ltny not up the eoehend tIIIy tor the Us with that under it minutes tell to the first it min titer oi play on In exist to Gene Geirner Ivlnz the US it lend until Draining tyioI tilt in tho Ilnel minutes at PM the US pinned my all void CInidn conch Prone title it we had tool we would have heen tn tr to We did very title until hack and gaining the tie mo oi m1 wine lane and 1000 underprivlteyod hit Susie Coin it Given eonnr lnuoehin Wm Perr amino Dillon rt Redpiite Ill Thouxhliul iteleet Jr Motto IIr Wain hleiUghi SperlII ll Stood Tlith linen It Peru Puree M00 One Mile trill 01500 div Watson Frisco 1500 Duck Itil 1hr Charlie 151 Crone till At 1500 Dixon little Joo Joni 1500 ti Croue SSetert irrllhi 1500 Unit man IiSenIi lint 1500 hi Schiller ilorihy Asset 1500 Lawson mini tiotlney l500 it Carroll AB Aritytl Itoynl 1500 It Norrie siren Rate it rm lune use One little Overdue Lou Aiirhiaorl ellnrrlmnne Ave LtirIwn hits tiuoia li tipsotl Jetty Parker Geisol Jr slit Joiner line Lawson Date iinyno 1Chartoye Papoose ll Verooo hWoe Chette win Troy AU Jeannie Cnper thine Seventh Rero tit Trot Puree 200 One little Trei Uulnrlln iiooreiands Jenn Gorhrene hlmberly Uluo it Iloiintt ItnyI Choice it Wohh Protector Donlrdo Lotion motor tlenn Aee Liltrewn ii Iteiii Coin Given tillhth like st Pin thine W0 One little Ettnl 000 ii Steady Netty mu ll iitr Noll 2010 Skipper vice torn Zepyr Dilly 2000 Runnymede Deacon 1M 11 Strait Bee stile loo him it 11ml Abel Porter 2000 Oirrlo VII bur Culhy iI00 Nickle All Queen tttiirlxur 2001 Lowwn Ninth IlIrr ttdi iIee thine VIM Otto tillo Prrlrmvt Noneiero It inh Pitile in title Pet Prologue til Keriuke Sir Martin Tbihurst lion Porter Somervillo hoeoliio Eoinlr Geleel Jr Steel Damn It iirllwooti Tenth Rhee tit Tle lurtr use One little Exeeior Region Votes 11 iteilwootl lr tDeelliond Diree it Davidson Pink Lottie Lawson Croceoe Atiioi ttill Shadyhltt Ann Stiiitee htlerhorte Boy ilm Troy Flrtawey Avery Cipn llno Dunedin ti ttorioori Al Ancient It litrtierdeolt NO MATTER WHAT YOUR TIMETABLE WE PIT lTFOR HARNESS RACING THURSDAY merit AT aoeii PLUS suuoev Arreiliiooris er PM hi ORANGEVILLE RACEWAY Enjoy an attrrooon or evening ol tuntime hIrneee ratio uhere the leeilitiee Ire hie in modernind the Itmeaphera tr muniry llrlne eeey NP llDRd Pill DRIVEN level TOPNMCU FUN in to the game or Met Mir the Iteiitrmra James III on ere AN HONOR hand tor the ItLiOtL Sat Sept PARENTS TEACHERS CHILDREN COME one UNIQUE lNhlALl snow Thudet Noun 10 mm Presented by the Barrie lolhe boot AN INTEREET tNte RACKTO SCIIOOL ROAD SAFETY SHOW Featuring Sniety Expert Cpl Dob Tillmpwil ol the Barrie loliui Do partnrent him Giteownre FREE REFLECTIVE TAPEI PLUS LIVI WATER MEETV DEMON hTRATlON live ulna dlv lite and eoortellin ylnzdpoolIil oil to 30$ ihgie E= or ee EE Minnesota North Star Players surprised They Were Selected rommtcrw monumental North on waited little time Gottimrthy idritiited mu dnhilradirkplnvereiwh Iiterhtegoalendedtheomrine Murmndtinxiatertrvrobe to Team Cinndie lioii loin in the it12 Niiitml Iqiid elm horn thie not iiodey ieIIue moon rotted prior to deoirturo Ior hlhotreil oration that at the world and the cocaine nuclei the Rocky Aiwditlou in neighbor uric Similar uteri in in he Purl lateral Hauler mi tour to em tor you wort Wren Diniriodzonohiaoie my WWI ahdeerod none otter helix clipped to Ierlrnm by Jeen lioteltee Iilet Iii Iilti eporlin the remnants ill bruise ind etiiohee round his rim eye iiilt dont inner how it teamed hi Invited edition It really ihaok me Roth Gnldeworthy Ind Perioe were eppronohed by St PIIIJ lighting Saint oi the MIR early in that Retiinl leema orraniratlonni period They Ist PIult were more our Iilh their oil Golder worthy Idrntttrd hilt there wit oothlnI in the tray oi resh no little lnthehenktoeuoporttheoiier pond to their mortotehte ole A1 reeult ol the early 1th late pinyer lo the rivet Will And two ttirutesotiltvllitl totith end Pnriee hitd edited reason not to regret milieu to ierrne The veteran winners were ee ed by item Sinden to try old with Team Cilild tor the lortheominz rlzhtxime eerie with Rule Ihirh Ihoutd drier mitte OfKO ind ior all the Sir YOU GET BETTER BACKTO SCHOOl VALUES AT BAYFIElD MAti AND THE SHOPPING IS MORE CONVENIENT Where in BootMeltdol hm everyday shopping or special occasions BayIleld iteii ottort you the best telnet In tour and there it lriendiy Itores under one root to true you in climate unimUed tuliiort Youll find the talent Iruhionl in childrens unisex irons and laditoirtd needs wear with every wide selection to choose no end urmendotu ehtx rotors and mm tor the whole lam err nro leurilery and tile tor all OCCIBiOM tilde mar nrlnee rind the honest ecuityoursotl thirties Vtolo lust odied hobbiel and orin store tool Boytield hlaii also otters hartlosehont toiletries end Sinitoo tountye lirxost hoot retention driller indweittoike photo ronhic equynment iriti itnbhlni AI Bayiieid llail too youU itrei hnlrdroseine and MI hairstyling hankltu and dentin miter there re tasty meets Ind hatred zoode oil the best iood hone in tow nd to top oil truly eoloyahie rhoppinl experience you to wit to delicious meal or quick snack Vest Hayfield Hill to the 0th to ohon tor Bockrtqsdioot nrvd everyday need heroine yen rt letter innei more convenient and retention mo in 27 FRIENDLY STORES TO SERVE YOU Inelvdlrlo Seyvet and MIriIiI Food Mill lilnieJiIrOhiu And Clliis Milli Centre Billirttt Smoke and tin ProoteI CrvdliJewritrrI lrrtlhtrriil Itehrieo liloontlngditen LIdleo Imtrire mm ltrltnlenr Lid Ceinenmi Lid Itrurd Sheen huprrhire Drill hterl Suki lit htutihiiiil TmCm Slim Trike htitlnirry ind Itll Tombtlorninke Huh not or eroeiitei tteIiIirini Vteiorl Pirhrr rune Eheer lack irIIrrI Didi time at retiter time It Bellini ttelr tilel Iruo hteee Titer ilml rnleeedtheeeeoodpinevlthe my Iitna DRYDEN PIKE Diem and Bill Goldetrorthy Koriii tor the itede on at Jetth Iho rr pineal lien Dryden InIany the who with the Rhltu lending re The Great thpertrneni had Lpmiln mlnrinl Seen ttittid with lliiiin Imitlll into Boo opot between Wayne Cashmnnnnii Pulse Nobody noted to tile in Ihoie edeinied moo oi the tIIooriinhErooeito yer trio they ire three great other but theyd 1in payi the inlet than shoot it even Iith Ioiria mt Korihe oworr iuniiia Ii itil wouldnt hole in wt them lorethrr anin Izalnet the Retention raid Sinden then tithite plant on both lt vi hUNDAV RIPE Forum Shrine trend Prix Criterion tilted Rm tor the Octoheo ehernjtmt orhhoi eiii 32 road am COMING EVENTS AT MUFIELD MALT