35 is rig WW6 Weed Bead Ito here modem the rink ready intheneariuture lheditee oi Barrie and 3rd PW jeeeond artificial tee rinka all oi d1 rltbwt WK Show County la oiled nee to early iootedu rtwi envyiorlte recreation netotned in at in er Down MEMORYiiNE portanee oi athletier in blitdlnp charact er Fl top to em hie ilieitieaftaialwmur alter wer Sco ieh tamer at Berton killed had been declared on line erprtvii battle identity in wide proportions rtncetirat oi year re believed to rordiup to report you to Klwanla club to be aiter tdiio nhittliiodpe received wot Barrie Dr iiiiatn little code that day ior arle oi cattle hint to teet mittee ammonium oi ed neatly hour Barrie Coeglatea were or to Davie mum been htorra eiiice air monthe tin teh Lemma ilevte outt hit meee reorganization which earr only three oi it roiotaterl mmpw ittt their oldptrtlclioa nirereneeded in chem ton ru by iootbait team coached rim niea Dr Gillie oi Toronto by ex Cock urn had aa piayere Al to with hd ting with iiiwaiilene in arrenp glen Scott tea Jack Kennedy Albert dammitMimi ior hoapital treatment oi rinerip stepnemn ed Dymnnl lien Monoxide mine edehiidren oi town it boyr wore rent Cheater Carton Arthnrtiioiienrie Sand oCamp mmkdnl6901fh Blyior Near Fred Baugtrinen iieroid twoweehaiionorroii or barrio in GeogeWardiePeterSinolrirJerooh centred into in man Nortl1 some high echooi entrroce ex er areoce Puliortl Jeelr lliclilnnon Mannheim wheowu mm mutton If enil tnrtructor had narrow old Meredith Frank Herpreavea Elliott cmin crewmath Ex afgwmfm iyhariiie Coii lite seniortiter eniiteelaver an Tm iiarion iiori Nan 0rd Margaret tire log Donald Cameron iieroldosdprottiio kw ward Guest Arthur Girdwo bouiae liuribnrt Gordon SerirthiWllllam lied 0mm EDITORS more wellinwn athlete and turned likely tom em 0m in edeaieall men navel WM crdrlna in more Jeynoide Marlon Molten William Gird 1906 Jack craiy Coulee Jacobi Preataytertane trnetitedmentorlaitahiet at Guthrie kirk iiev Dr Grant Toronto aaaieied iiev Neil Oempliell At Capitol Theatre Monte Blue in The tidute At New Dreamland Torn Mir rln Canyon o1 unite Leighton amingo donated iine nuraer rertd Zerire to yet Victoria iioepttai at mem orial to his lather Dr McCarthyl oi Barrie Building contract let to Ba Planing Mill in Albert iioiirii ior plumb ing and heating to Frank Carpenter ior eiectricai work Jamar ihoniroll Toronto inatlvo oi lnnirtti will be architect Jay dilator honored lieu Thoma Dew Anpiiean rector prior to departure ior tiradiord tir Dew airo played clarinet 4dr ivy Bend and infield ior harebiii iciub Barrie eoitbili team won north some mm Pnhbw on com itillitilifliildi imlllrl Dominor illitott Coiea Horace Coler George Coin led Comdnmn Mo mummy mm mm Kirkul my mind or oi iniien eoldleie bill now it it it ler Ciliiord Banner Jamca it me been We tomldm my be in bdnf abused Obscene language tree heertfgwugmn WM rcra titled on the memorialitreathr have mm lilttmiigninvdylij been deitroyed and toued on extended 355 appeared and new la Vol lnt1ntnm 11mm 5mm error and heade oi the atetue hubbieii thaemwmnotlir rt do to in 1mm ptvmeoy gym Conmy my in the areaiarconriant eyeeore Mike iivrwiriutit mm Canad to it iouaiyiii in hospital ioiiowinp operation One canrpecuinte on nitotrreapontt moment who tied admatna hi llmambo Progrerrbeing made on raining ble tor the demo and vandaliam but nurturenether were eerenper lltlcel la Nancy in Nottnwnlaga River Homer haa invited hit it ie dittltuit to determine an motive mailed iothoI Paut liritirh verrei war runir duriuf war 1811 There doinp the damage are yobviouriy mud mm mm Jack Boyr oi Earrie lenn Club won own my two aubtor here to ioliow ault but in the do 25 hreritei oun ereone Northern Ontario chrmplonrhip at Big it Will It iuddn by their reaction lo inn iiardv iill iiiwania piay ale oiiorta made by aoidiera to keep Ce mm um die aetiatumyt my lt war tamed Wendiltebemlnoi udoo rrairnahllut begin on balance iortaht attack onuhaet eolir builder mmmih mam menu on iteration item in oil hanntmedahtmea popularhtttinuyln 110 in PM haebeendolrlpt niiehae amt rim it it Wiitl lbdliedlhrouah tlpll and re public worn or mm thallium reor collation which hee em mmad lie haa etarted orchard my la too anon torete onptiicy willitiiitltlltlif in moment it Nearly 27 yeara ago World War iyto retaliation View it ended perpetuattnyaCanadaalireedumlvmmr fuvub djamnw itwaaaroatiy wariinanctellyar weiiae my in the number oi men iiiiied 111 and we impeded oi Canadiant gave up it make this country whet emu leader ot iederel dirnatlaaa minoritlea millet the eanrevor cmdonoeaparetlano title wueid end the totem 11 you my ml um ct me oi them Trudeau cahluot eetd hia dect mm aim wee made alter ante oi torture or re vend conettitetlen with idr Etantleid it would he more accurate Title ii Irkltoa elati tori entrant toplee out enerera to ioreetay to aeyit eei hraatup wee made alter he tineliy re hate an id ililtn modeler ea ogre Irxolltfton allied hieornamuna trailo roaruteri ln ml therealumitlrwg neraiie ratarredto it eionoitnoortareiedauirat doom yea baton wamtdmtdniraad arty hlliioe tor example nent itdrrai election Hyena wouldheeliall to rota to attain and dateceaarmny leavlnl the eandlduea mmotthouimaricieu lienlllhrrrtrorillaa shunned gudddtguthe cam the alrrtaveeniiha iteoe no rapeeuot participate in talevleed do me at BIBLE THOUGHT MM ed Awmmummm weraialowliowtoappearat onot recopn to an app wraityteetroreriheilermen tare aranotroadyiorrucli my their beat and how to away mllmocortm motile reghterr hutn toM But iiiWW eaunuamnrnmaeteaa ound director addretrrd club on ten natia her country Diver tloldtn notan linonsrnn remained normed lcdtoWerhln tn lda ymydthahoerlti ed cover until ltai the auto return none in Warhtnpton on adaelr planet ootanula Colinttr other countnee tile 11 honoree iopr airelraaii euo1erle ielaphona norm decondcieneueli Redirection tinniher our nature peaiue ruarrntaed Delinde and Minor holhayy excepted dubirrtption retee daily in carrier the weekly ergo yeerv my i1 oi Care error yearly Mot yearly lioior throw ell mot yearn Netlonei tdrartletnp Diilmt in Queen St Wrett Toronto lot17li rte oatoearr St iiontreaL ldetnber oi the Canadian Praia and Audit llureao oi Creole done The Cenedlan Pra le exeiuev int entitled to toe rod publcellon oi ei ire diapeieb ea In thle aper credited to it or rlhe Iltr reed Frru or neuter then eeomm Mini entei true to interinch ar rnrr to the hot roothand rainwater Photol and aiao the total newa publish ed therein the llerrie Enlmlnet etetme yrlytit in all orlelrtai adren to part editorial material ere eted hy tte employee and re produced In titlr oewrpaper Copyrlaht iiraietralloo Nurt her ttdttt reatater ll preocen ed drIe limit tiara euloet the Trudeau pov tia hee never all tied tin stanlloide politice etende and hee the Cooaerltatlle really chanted to much warrant hii iieityera eteletnedt that the Morin time are the party wherein he We the therei Canada Dollhtleel the drunk truth ta Mr iieliyefa dial mere at not platinr awn te notalt ionettlate Certainly eornniand oi the French tan ruaaa would work in Mr Can tnnrueyr later but even that monumental problem the initiation aiao vaitm mh time ior tech to up enviniorrllliion and valia tca iir iiuoroe ehiec tiona Iotlle idea eeem to etam hopertrtevlemtlae lltlcal Apr tie eednot ior te hir tirodoeu ior deieatlna him at the till llherel teederehlp renoenttod and later the Lib eral cabinete reluent to lotion iiide on hie rouelnr pdlcy iaa it aeeme Mr iietiyer cannot tolerate anyone in poiitlcr who eran price retiree to be arrayed by hie ideeariiow he ia alone without aupport ard honored to in litter in VI no one think her chance at winning the next election Wouldnt it have been better it Mr liellyee had not quit the Liberala in the ilret plecei Maybe that ie what he lay elit inr himwii row and wilh ree mltolanttolna July ntnnlml ta Devoirl red etitr eheoetenather elitlellda Itlth the people lieu ta retry the ein tor truce tiitm The pleaeurea oirin eoneiiy ahort but no the load will end iorret them at ytvenera to Jeane remember their line Coolie Mayor oi the Corporation cttyoi barrio by virtue oi renotution Council oi the City oi Barrie do hereby Monday Itupuettitit tent at civic holiday cooxe hone withaevereeonaeotlm