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uothis wth thugs so out to snsssh strikes sud destrov collective bersuinirs PM CAL FDR NUDE std David Amber on oislsummust brius press the rcport said the teuis ot the media carersse oi Nude sunbathian ParltliiiSoene OnDanish Beaches ThisStumner cornerstone AP so the modest sudtheshr vIsrnedd public bash you leet audisus lieil thevdlstsrie sister sources Ari she chem at isltlus in intorm the oursrto visonnsent ministry in llld it with the sup Loyd GIWPIW We rt oi the Itilrsrnsittee on Pollution Ind Sudourv breach st Lew Aseoclstion wide Greenspsujchsrsed thst Wt Will theer sftrsstureul issoeu were toe maintenance sort be to Danish umssstr lI palmtop on oi the Environ ntver so putliet then Elis seid propellant who arouses asked to to possible lessl action the use limited to Isoieled ieucedoit whether you pop to crowded scooter nmida be Copenhsses or to the dunes sip hetblus in In ibis summer pr siiy everywhere tho bus or the idlenessl oet popular shite inDeamsrs in unclij heeu daciercdopcu to nude bothers and everywhere else norm es Nude bothers sre still in the minority but quick tour oi ithis couple or hours drivettromoopeuhsseu rindirstsd esceiui Miriam het ecu use who doutieci rises up the those who suitises into inunyll the tint time do It It is herd dcct implanted in comerNe she operstloa eliihiii mi Is also reieilvelr simple sun usiuor surncsiproeedore it is inconvenient vhiie seistivety Inexpeuilvecoetlo Mto the tar esch periodic replacement Cancer Test to Developed NEON lCI blood test lor abdominal under dewet oped by liontresi reeeerch teem holds out the hope oi db the last one deveiopsd by Dr Phil Gold and his sseodetee et shortest General Hospital to detect substance relied certi uoeushryouie sotisea present In stieuts with meet otths sre end colors The subatsoce hu slurs been detected in ps tients with other Linda oi cen cer teoyesr study st centres in Censds end the United Sister was sponsored ioiutly by the Netionsl Center institute oi hounds end the American Cea cer nodttr to determine whether the bioniceel test could be dupiiestcd in other lsbosetoa ice end to was the esters oi the test as Idiomatic std tor scorer oi the colon sud the sec itsm The results published in the current Issue at the Causdlsn Medical Association tumult show the test to be less then tutpeneeut eccesrsts but so sure Mr or as it Baby Abducted Bylhseo Men mucous his ten soother told police mine that three men matched sn dew deroid baby trons her snns shd drove ewe from the our sra let in Llnier sslet mm Borers us threeoitbshtustlMW hellldiillundarcou reins murmurnonmem toloriereimderthedshrle 99 es seid Ailwece leer deed ieu other worler outside the building esespsd with sushi eludes end one wss rescued tronsqu the ruthis Police are loveetlsstius dioceses oi mishap iiDI SLEEPER MILAN AP Durslsrl brute into the home oi Casut Cssioliorrorneodltdds nitride Idlisd Ihusdsruisht hurt msos oil villh peiotluse sudsutlgure he vetoed st ewe then moor walled unitedon Dcsoh north others but sites the iirst time you lust WWW rout told P0 be we steeple nothing uuur regtsirsdtora ream why you and EXAMINER should get togellses 19 Simcoe County News 30 Whats on at the Thacher 3i County Sports by Bill Curran 32 Storm Nature Notes by John Wisensan 35 Special interest articles has risers 34 News oi area business appointmentearsd omits 35 Sporting Scene by KerrWalIs 36 Ann Lenders 31 Cartoons by Den Wicks 38 Automotive newt and photos 59 Editorial comment on local concern 40 Wedding and engagement announcements Becker ass Bridge 42 Coveragd of cultural events 43 Photo and news coverage of local sports 44 Issdsptll weather coverage 45 rs rim Column by was 46 The Stars Say Popular Horoscope Feature 41 Photo and hailirds iron the world of art 48 College newsabout area students 491iictosiai Bridal Section 50 Daily calehdar of coming events St The best comics in town 52 Assigsimentsporte by Jim Herbert 53 Patternsby Ailcs Brooks 54 Weekly Entertainment Guide 55 Bible Thought of the Day 56 IllustratedSunday School iesears 51Simeoe County Market place Our Economy by Frank Fiahsrty Teen Talk Coverage of local news events Iniossnution and money saving announce mente Health by Dr George Thomson an indepth Istisdiee bi geneial interest Public service onnouncesssente Readers Opinions Lotion to the Editor Social and service club noses to News at government matters 11 Appstising Recipes DonOHearns Queens Park Report 13 Iirth and anniversary announcements l4 Annual Spring and Fall Fashion Selections IS Outstanding Real Estate section 16 Person ti Person market place want ads i1 Skiing on At Raine ll Complete DistrictTV Listings I9 Complete Hockey Scoreboard 10 Daily Crossword Puzzle 21 Drama rovlews 21 Legal notices ot importance to the area 13 Annual baclr to school section 24 Ideapacked Christmas Gift Guide 15 Complcts area Church news 16 Canadas Story by Bob lawman 21 Capitol Comment with Former Tissington 2B it happened in Canada For 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