Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Jul 1972, p. 4

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tn= continnein the ontrlleg erectiouPQedIIWitx M5 in otter coming oi go in growing preconc potion with eerie thneeenthe second yennoelliuroreeh FortiinT oi the Arts nnd Grotto edeedt tiledpior the Civic liolidey weekend In Au ill lbeIinrrieArtClubnndtbeXb wnnle 0th oi lierrio eluted the ierttrol vtuit one our ego none could here enti clpeted Iucceee it would Illllll prgentrlre oi the ieotlrel beveeheedy received to eppllutlonr ior we end morenre coming in It up tor dey Qneol the heertenlng signs is thel ep flireilo ormr herobeen epplied to remit Ir eweyee Cogolon Frence llllnl rte 1nd vruorti liC eocceeeiul ieetlvet egeln thin yeer should amourego even more uuloipro vinceertlete to ptienrl oiecoorrwrniiye wise decision wu nude when the tendon wee moved irontho Iornrorn Brewery grouode to Centennial Perk The setting on the drone oi lie elt Bey ie most pleeilog one elite only it the heel wevo continue it or be the oily button that will Ittrecl cmds lberewlllbernoree erieoo ob lily It thte yeero ierliveL It year ert by the mile wee one oi the cetobwold it her been Ietd it is better to ptrrcheu pelndng llnlrorte little morebe ceure It to better be vnrletion on the menim You it It Upgrading the ethnic werer rhould irIct better work The Art ind itlwnois clubs Ire obviously ldoklngebend liore totereei in Irt In Berrie would bevvelcvnted by the Bertie Art Club which hoe ior yeers been looking to the dry when the city her In In geliery Down MEMORY es vneni eoo ruroww Bertie hemlner July it till tel edition reduced to Inerk Cenede Diamond In llee do your oi Coniedcrv etlon end Progrerr Some ieeluree were ortoi Bernie Council lldl when ten re wnr iowert It roe mills Gremmnr Schooi greet won but will more then re werd ior dog potsoner Strey pigs were tn Ind thelrdelwesnsven Inecrepn or rnp Quecn Perk Slmcoe Count COMP iniddi ed loini levy oi only 20533 onenw pl VIII oi onlltetwrr iooeeteeterred mun pellt lindiordweseetbig er JLCotterltChed been yeerr CrownrAitorooy ior dint coo County unequelled record ior 0n terio Itlil ectle It ego or Berrlee old est nrttve reeldenl wee lrenk Moberly b2 who with brother Welter meed trenrconltneolel line ior Cent ilolteilwey pWee new tore irominli overc ne mm Meek iionrd oi lrrde mwruenic motor drive oi townlierdyHitt Pidlrector for Albert Colic oidclleville engeged by Bernie Klwen Clubne llillllm pleyground Inn rwimnting tnitructo other priorionsxvnws spoolwosuveNrLr Itcowottce Oludremlleliy Nowrl Alcoholloeere rtel borrtlt1ey rileder ullrey ere mhdoth ptrentr Ind role liver who ilk nil not neceererily homeconeldering In occulonol drink by their son or deughtor re port oi their educeilon Ind oi grooving up ihereyoung people Ire nurtured on such nyin II lie to rent men who cIn hold drink or He Is reguler gt twoboio men end meny nlmlllr ex preerlonr Which hive become pert oi our curve nAddlothlr dubiour compenlonr little elreer in every dey liie Ind ou have the melting It beet oi prob om dilutionmworri oi on elcohoilc lhs helr oi the do dreary le else In lndirpeneible Id unol to drinking ro blern the more up hungover Iccor ing to the betroom iewyore le beet cured by MM Clones are iirri rlcwe in Berrlo irelnloed oi Shrinereerrived item To deter llemeser Temple Dr Alired little elected predldenl Simeon Coum ty hiedicel Itesom with Dr rewisp BITTIIJWIQIIIYU bionlrmene drug store window hId intereeiingdtrplny showing preet charges in phermecy over Boyeere Liquor Controllioerdoi Onlerio looked over downtown dies to George Ilkend Hie Obickr eyed ior dInclng elbig Beglolntlre lion Thero were live Indeendmrmerourdecoreted iiqu in lierrlee lllemond Jubilee per ede July in eporte Bremen Howell Pertridge outdielenced ig entry to will vemile rIce Petriolic pI cent on Don Idn rte edtntinrrlelown byCooke town omene institute Slrocoe lorestere held rummer comp ll Owen Sound Town oi llerrtebrotd out over Toronto rtellon plcired tidy redlo inns irorn Florldn to Pet erd lrlend recording to letters received by Hot tlreewicke Booedoi tredo iecre tery Merry commented on encolie mu rlc oi George of tierrtee new liquor Itore will loceled next door to Americon liotei onColiier ill with lertridge oi town II ilrel vendor doseol thoboore thel reused in over And Io thechein is continued nt lhehebltlonnrleei Addiction heterrch Foundriion end the with it rt time the use oigetcohol on Ibout eemn level or tint oi inert All there habits nre nchtllredby ere rmpie Ind could eerily be eradicated it they were nipped in the bud lll other worde ii the hrbit ot drinking or using drugs wee pieyed down In the home it mottrer or lother rerorll to plile end teblote to eneble them to into cer tetn Iiturtionr they leech their olilldtdll pill culture which might eventually IlIo include booze ASA Ind other painkillers Ire enten Iively need by men and women they ere outed loudly 1n the rest onredio Ind telovleion Yet medcel Iutlrorltlee are re concerned Ibout their Ibuee thel they ere ngitIting to the there pain killers pieced under the control oi pro ectiptlon MCI boeeerrrnd who keep the lltlll in the le will Ind tmtutltlv tnnnrncnnc nucleus SOviel TIOOp ill Expulsion AnOIherllFuse liAltOlJl imitation lie on preperlng the Middle toel bottle with leveel some at CIIodlen rter run Writer eelern world see wlthltbo no lo Inilllnry tb rill no rollol the Soviet breet be underlyan Dolled the Wot Ael er the ltuneierrshed their humon the vlgyptlon trigger Kremlin undoubt odlr domiciled Emilie lnlrully good more tired hi on oi dWIMdlMldiolmt liter the tinder tool wer the Wertorn world toured the itrem neurone on vllewlolindlan In Joining Canada by HM BOWMAN it idol Newtoundlendrre long lime to rnele up their minds to Join Cenede Serious coneideretlorr becnn ln not end Newtoundlend enni driepnlee in the Quebec colercnce In root The delegetee reported more bly but the dectelon wee dole until when the Conledere tlon Perty min poor Ihowlng in generel election Newlotrodv lend wee rellllvely prosperous tithe time There wee enothcr rcriour et tempt to loin Clltldl in tree when NewioundlInd Iulieretl lrorn depreeelon owing to benk inllure thle limo denede reiseted the oposel Another epreselen In the tilde reused Newioundlend to lose its sister er the oldeet ltrllt Tile Tension Has Abaled But Differences Remain NltDdlA LpruI tctt with the tile the United NI liortelimnien peecekeeplng lorce here extended by the he euriiy Cornell untll Decem her the plum humour in 3pm remelee study It III Instobility Tensions between the liedb terreneen trlend re bllee WM Christine llree end rioooo hloetem 1lrle lteve tlmmered down ellhough the beeic diltrreocer remeln However there ir elrong looting here thel the oldrl veley between the Gross Illd thrOrercent will meet likel retired to thel it wil either be set through nego iiellonr or It ieost be etlowod not The UN three men truth the lho enclevee tween the two entries pence IuI rs rod to third tteieoiibureble rtrele JIMNM Cypriots coll tlolelo live lllelnly In re elmuuoereted irocn tireelr not or more eion beet to loop It be well In United Netlone pereon ment ti million melnteln ever end re the rnene register pey lollowihg revue lighting be three yeerr oiler the triend beceme independent oi Brltleh rule in low lite cortelitullon peimlnklllgly drown up to ween the two iectlene woe ded end her not been The UN voted in tree to send In internellerrol lorce Interview there Its to to to minor tncldenle every dry often the Job involves me dletlng petty dlepules between the two rides liltirleh lermer mey ehut rti wetor down the drum ior iireeh lenner So out goee one oi over boyI Ind shuttles between the two iermore end eetlire the mutter hot the tireeke end Cyp rloto well Irmed tying the rountry one ol the gheet retlne oi grille per cepile Meet oi whet thei here In itrllnnelcl oi dhllo inn op erotlonl oillter oi one ol the Conedten unite llui lte enorrh to Itnrt trouble And irolbo idiot in the meantime Arch hIIhop lleterlor president rlneettdo hII been oulelly Vihcluden soo Cenedten unit which govern err in were creeled rldre berely nerd herrrteny Iy observer mle the two sides trnlo othis tootllhe lheAuoc third Wu imhtlheheucorulouee to was nounnib gnu octtoru octettoe delto pet to redirects ls drdntelylotdo eoitoep copier Mom ren irerlerted by one II ll clot mnlnlin All odllul oiled tell Dominion end liritnln op pointed comlltllsion to be the government This continued until the See Wu litre Kerrie Eremlorr ll dnyiield Street lierrlo onterto telephonenorm Second blushed itezietrntitor tberoidi itrurn poetege puerentoed Deity duedeyrend stetutory linlideye excepted dubrorlpitou retee detly by cerrier lite weehly tom yeer ly lingle copies tic dy meil Berrle tithe yeerly Elmcoe rroi Illllli County ycry cleiN oi Cone tseno ye other dounlrlcr ted yeerlr liolor throp oil moo yeery Notional Advertising litllchi on Queen St Wert Toronto 11W dill Celhcert El iiootreel Ilenther oi the Creedien Preee Ind Audltllureeu oi circulw The Conedlnn iretr llrlncitls lvet entitled to the so tor re pub cotton ot Ill nowe dleetcb es in lhle credited to It or end tied the iotll newn eel therein no Berrte liuminer eleiIru Willi Viol Inilltotypower int Eeei ice globol Ihowdowo oredueliy over the your opinion chenged er the hueelrrrs thonuolvon dropped hints to their Areb Idem thit iher whether the mind no third world wer Un thie even doubiedly the Kremllhleltsll wee on edvrntegn to es dlejeet not only to contein them ecenwd Inxloue to It tempt to beleece the boote end it possible crush the lereelle Qunelione were relsed wllh thesop dz worm uni remain inept Tnitorinl wan yionnnert non Foreign Alinlro genteel Thomson None lervtee lcelend ie in the news bro could ho lo do lteyilele her cepilel iI indented sent ol the worlds lnternntloeet ones erd rodetl llurrie Prov chers meet stymied It the Ilert were oueetlonlng whether the tdrlieporte cirruietodle the by thelecredlhle nitltudo ol biid Areb worldthei the Ilursieru Americril contender loelendwtll be in the rim lerulbut to Intel to thoslrel Igypllln Iotdlere end Ilrrnen llnloon prim when one ethnic meter lth mod mnm mammoth egy oitcnclrcllngttho North At lenttcjehlence countries nnvnnotl retloo ol Egyptlon milll pleodereidedly beoten ln ml tery notice my It tho organ timibeveiocroued it errrteme Added to1 Mlcdllonl orttutso irlctlon were reports thel mltitery elites weretrot homo etty toilette wee cntt lrlhuiln to Eoyptlentlruetre on it eopeered evident under such widening Ipectllellen ihol pepuierlly emong hie country no kl and World dod end New toundlend wee in much better Ihepe economically inlets er renged netlonel convention in root In whichdelegetol voted tor the intern iornt olgovern merit The lrouewee their own reepopelble govecnment or union with Conede There wee little lniereet end only to per cent oi the people voted Jorcph Smellwood ond others then got Into operellon end two rcloreodumr were held in toll idy this time there wee ier more interest end neerly on cent oi the people voted he lirel rrlerrndum ellrnineted cootn uItion oi the commirrion gov ornment the mend reieren rlwn Jul 22 ml resulted in tictory or conirderetlon with Conede llowover the vote wee clor it lor contednetion end tor lndepende with responsible government For the moot port the people nl st Johns were oeed to lolnhrg ConodI but to people at the outporie were to lever Deterice went to Ottewn end lerrno ior icining Cnnede were egroed on Doe II tote New loundlend become CInedIe loth province llerch it no oith lnoeplt Smellwnod In pre senior VI position which he held until recently OTIIII JULY ll EVENTII lottChompleln held con lerenco with lndl It Quebec tinGovernor lerr nemed Nnve Scotle loyellet settlement shelhurne hleclenele lirel mento creel ordt Amerlcen continent by In iliilirlinln gIve Cnoede cunllnlolllxetldll tuiiirlihh Privy Council dellned bounde oi Ont tinhi Jo ne do rtro ed by iire with drmego oer llm tcd el lid million rttlPemler Simon meet Tolmie opened Veocouter inter nellonsl Airport litillillilI petrol vessel st Roch loll tielller Ind mind It Arctic litre died lilonemere it ed on Imaging in menwee Ibndow cemperod with the lite Gsmel Abdul Nee rer wee iIdng lucreeeod rnlll lory mum to Insert Erroh len lovereignly never terns oven Whether Sedrt eter hoped to get llueelen olieneloe weepqu tr ountlorreble the re tied ilurelenroiecllon oi site de rnende mey hero been the or cuse Ired to expel the hue elen ml tery iorce thereby glv lg Egyplien mlille leIdcrI whet they wenttut control over the Sovlclbuilt Ireenei The tcmptetlon to use these wupons me become too tentne lirlg to Ignore In terms oi Inpower the lsreolls Iro Istly outnumbered From echnlcsl viewpoint the Egypt lenn may iind ll eosle mete tue oi their weepone now then to try in mnlnlnln them end mtlto them over long period The htgheri reslreinlng letter In the rtek oi enolher deleei Should the irreelie egeln de stroy Egyptiemorrnemente it would be dilllcull lorCeiro to no hot in hood to the Kremlin IIklng lot will more Iophlsll oted weepons liorn tempting lor dedet II to tmeko wider use at polillcel rerpite For the moment It ieeIl my heve rellelted hir own ntllitery commenderr He now lets secretly turn to the United hteler end nrguo in levor ol eome compeneetlng concessione it may be President Nlrnne turn to see whet he cen do Getting the invite to give up some oi the old Areb lend my be the clincher needed to co ment SedIle borne populerity Men Spend omi mice It her dwindlingth It rooutt oi the units oceenewoepoiloriteh other roeI teetory lrewterr lcelendlc nrhore ilehlng is dengerously down to country which relies on rich ior ll per cent ol lte reports lcrleod like other tiny nount trice in the world it golng to pin very lerge role in inter nnl one Iilelre The ttmile ltmlte hove become the oc ccptod hetlonel territortel limit inside oi which llrhlnc veerlr oiher netlone me not open Ie lihen Cenedn unllelerIlly ex teoded hdrt territorlel weiere limit lo 11 ndlen trom three to me the United stiles ortlctelly piutllidd Ottowe did not budge minimum the tilleet end Eeel Europeen countrth which opcrele blg itehlng resorts in weiere noon to become lcelirldie In not the British eey they will oppose Ice lictng at her new low tide meter the toll might oi the iloyel Nevy could be brought to beer egilnsl lce Ionde mtnlecule gunbeot ilcel Thrt wont stir the lcelendio governman which her that longed the iloyel Novy belore WILL IE Tildl CASE tlon promised ior dept will become the letesi test use in lnternetlonol nee lIw on how ier rny llehing power con extend ile lerrltorlel weiere Feterel Leiln Amerlcen to ubllcs notebly Peru Chile Ind cuedor ellimelor ilrhlng he tione lungngn declared termite ieet lu putcr mlndcd be hliherder then behell oi the low oi tho on beeth hrduetryotberx1 wise smelt nod leeiirctlvp cotte trlee beve been Iteodln to internal idle ll petrol be bored their declereilone be ierrltotiel were to to lilllbl no orbt use oi lte ortgine upon Norwegien uriony end on north restorin tooltddto notien colonlnerr bee louhd even more icrtile roll in iend to oiher lltlllzgdlllwalllddll cooperelon ice on so It eiuoedllelly ln lnternn tionIl Ilr trovel lceiehiir liner is the onl one in the cretlte North lenllc nlr lrev tredo phldl does nos long lATA the inlerneilon retweei tingrevlrtion orgentsdtlon II mull thIt rhino rorrstnntly olierrd bigeln rutrole prices belwten Nortli hmerlre Ind Europeilcelendle Airlines rerely iileo hienee ore not booked rolldbrdo have wetting list llowerer mntters Io emoothly ior lie deiying ilrhlng Iielrewlih tomlle leqltorlol weiere declnf retlon What In needcd perhnps Ire more ireouenl mdetlrlfeo next Iuch conierehce notetdrodi tiled tlnlll next yell INVITE lilTlIllS TO TIII EDITOR lcclInde unllolerel dreiIrI lhe Inemieer tnvtlr iributlooe to tie lieth the editor renen ere ltortel me When eelble iettere eholdd be reetrlcted its to too neede end tested Writes pro Inlnl it they hnl in reintroduction nuwmtririoont wumutulrnonnoe To Save Hartford HARTFORD Conn lAll nonprofit orgenleetloh oi bueh ooremen horn hrI spent in mil lion on In embilloire no on plea to em llnrliord on it other towns to lie redon lrom decey end distress The plen celle ior breelrlon up ghetto error twin controlled reciet erd econ lnlegretlen oi Iuburbel erecting new suburu hen towns centrolhing delivery drilldlllltlldl Minamoonrdtw oi rociel erd economic service In re onol eounclle endchonv roll erred by tenr tor the llcuiery eltor blockend Puertn ltlren Icivil demote to Illiwenld treel It on no Mr until our Hm ll WI DI bk Ill to tern therewith otnonrr AlRllotrtN it llO

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