Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jul 1972, p. 4

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ieaturlng modern housewares broee tlivrtt seeretsrytreasurer and elected aursnt and Ice cream and Cloa nodDagger t3 tgotttnginto aboutiitevsotrosio Go Newspapers are oiten criticised be arouse they print the much bad news to livery editothse beard peoplessr In stesd oi writing all that stui about kids trouble why dont you is rity who don no amount oi Merton will persuade them that newspaperswouid nther tea lure the bright side oi things Now comes use to or the press in its desire to emphasise good news is accused oi doing more hsrm than good the Multiple sclerosis Sodetyoi Canada hes diarged the news media With csusln serere emotional distress to victims an their iamtilea by running stories oi sn alted breakthrough casein point is rrorninence iven recently to the toes led Shubtadre aenim which was deveior initharkor tn the USSR The rocety says this drug was iirst publicised about 1955 has been tested irequently on this continent and iouud to produce severe resctlon and no proven cisresxhiuitlpie sclerosis victims ire in that cure will be round and the so ety says when their hopes are sslsed then dashed on lurilser investigation severe depression routes the condition tihe sistemord ends on diaritabie tlaybe editors were just gtulty oi some wlsbiol Iisiuhlngb 0th niutions tn the health held or orgs taste made similar complaints Reports oi ears About rowu herrle Examiner July it itMnOrgsno irhroi ilrrt Wert Sinicoet Womens ln Ietttote it year EWebeter present to tmtaliitlon do oi 11g tIlli tour tor roeo the Be lhetripl sy luncheon werei ite ittohordson mshager tor sp snreaAllan Byers works superlnten em Barrie Robert Jen nin tot Toronto numger iraiiie ior app sneer John ititehlnson works mun sgerp Barrie laett ittohardson works engineer it thanking works so countantBsrrIe itoy Ihlneon oi hir and litrel writ histltingrsduoted voids degeoehaohe oi Pedagogy verslty oi Toronto tie is tumor principal Atlistonbl schooiand serum nilby tlna by localdealers In Barrieltrem snnust outing otStmcoeCourdy Council smother Am sItSprin stergiart George tho mtblmeg Sir Alec Dooelss selves In Mdllustan oliice manager Barrie Examiner Grind Knight by Knights oi Columbia Victoria Hospital 0n ilispto Avenue with other oiiieors Rev James loeWheionJou sa Curtis eartniottn Smit iioren isAiItttltMIt isntoa Msloney lsnl ONeiltitoberi Bibby Antonio Decarie Johnl Veri Moiiahan itemorlat Fund oi Cansdian Arthritis and Whippor Bitty Watson deieried Fred ttlns oi Aurtrstis tor British Empr hesvyweight wrestling ilurel named Dean aneritur Ontarl College at Phnrmsey Dean iiurst is na Pslnswletr He served drug sppren Itobertr Last at Fastivsl oi ituslc in Barrie Arena ityeot iieeshlp in Barrie sl Pattersons sons and itonitmons stores It And hiargtt or edgedware cell son Albert Iirn lini er Kerrilasonle ind halite ostrrla man tor earest tag at rdor oibioose staged exhtbl ismesw artiteeye Booth Dr It Dennis hael Murphy rtrtton itiurphy Barrie ieaoiters Counrlt sponsored In aid tlheumrlsm Soolety At Bsrrle Arena Torontos At guests oi Isrmera at Mtdhurst Gordon Necdham snd John Giadstmra Currie as title it cancer breakthrough are common but still titers Is no positive answer Nor is there sny guaranteeeyetthal rabies treatment will work tnevery are stars it good editors in be in tune with their dera the at out recognirlngadeep wiiiybeiouodior these wish that sures killer diseases lidilori are also humsn le may tell you do lta anything poop in hope springs eternst in the breast oi man But editors would helstlty at even worse wishiul thinking they slant their news columns to suggest there was no drug problem or racist rtriie or vio tents in oujr etmtgmunhttes meirhaugg mentisnt us repo Vs ap tnrtonaybutroo whetshs nin to gamma day will aiioct tomorrow So clip not mmhmm pat error isnt tint they give too much Hm rm an race linhostiille words and acts iggtmthhel mummy ansdan ens or esampe the didnt reoortonihelr deep disratls pram my Writemm wk techno sooner gr roll up aesclsedthstthe beioouto emandisruieopm its do in tsclIls hard In this chsnglug world sit the pie bee sy aothoyrnty to be sure whet ts good andwhat is es taxes thaipretlos tIInInIyware units bad news in the case oi the wonders timber whtrh drugastory the good news turned out to be it or victims at the disease Since in solving problem is to th bad or manner ailuiri Itshod stoitairom Grsostt Inviting peoplsto trash til then thin are hfttlltop over outed by hit Mater an WtwmhtnvaJrsau THE WORLD TODAY Isin btssloessea the rim Hutu that the are beneitttlne recognise there is one mrybe way out or proportion to air news you read in the papers may turn out to be good II it leads to cheaper Guelph Dilly iierrury Down moon Lilith Intel moulded er soars nortaeou ant to Inte rench Boitrbon they donot get herein Ailalrs Analyst the Roots into the United iiingt es nsaaaaa News Bentee demhhsdu lama 3th Kine Engineers honored retiring members at gird tmltlmthemtitlm In $013ch 15mCfhg spur aiar rrotru Ia its estinstruments in nuns it miy part oi the Ihcrilrtrpedtlll the Spanish the commend an iiepimmtn it We sutssdlh tree press end mood tormmatli rot euros its tenants oi the idiots savttnwhewsoia Whig Im dmmtlrh III with rsotured ksete elior new hous an thorraay IigdtviatonoItI9hIiInov1rioohitigba lrt ed thIItggnm wwrd Eamon II Islet Srrlilldrwrdfirndduid roiwp running east oii Peneisng osd mm gummfpwourmw ecohomle poucy IthiheMrbmoitsrehdelas mugmmrm mm W33 truetion begsn or new rinlr tor my My mum over the controvorlihi spur method to dornlnatelurope oirt Mm mudth mimg lm Curling Club in ialr grounds oil the Roch era determined to muwuornoersusswsttasne vdllremein tooigemih pubtlcst President tilled pain illntlllr not ugtts The tact ts nlsbrio not want his randldata on the Bedhead Professor Charles meintsth wotaldbe shoola pvcr Seos cooven IIIW thespanisheertalttlywili empire instant It smile are srrrr rionr ior moat outstan lng contribution to mm aI thcresreetimlorcaso the Mr It tilbraltarlans tars certainly not aespowor trarteoepanlsb WI WW tithe considersbleconcern mth But ill can be leaders Canadian history In current yarnDr mmmgm turnerare the ileum tinting their two vaateo my all Ida mm meatermttnr orchestrating titr blame me retired irom eaeliirt increased the eaauraa oh the our reeleettoocampelzn attestch the Dimitri Itisinglitor Alired gtihmhxumwm test their candldsie end er be as class oi nurses graduated irom old illozsl Victortr Hospth trainln school lss Patricia Gill was gold the stiiat Blvo ision one Brotherhood oi locomotive armysnd navi dishware aiton idiatrslheaeh stirs iii haves thduhrIIIshdorst throne In tisdrid then the slssons native oi Barrie awarded Dr To do inshoretn mm mm 93 Im Iyrreii hledal by no at Society oi Canada the British the hut iilbratter was the icy nasal tioct uuiiltnow when it in mmnm uninterutd nonporous 11 awl lemmpmu mm not likely to be bi problem III minim bermaddod between ML ungulmlum mm stiltsorm psrtyoltlrlah snex MM gang matuerde mum omt WNW 59th notlngiish but the Andsiti rlsttna aa statocsatve British mm mu For ell the till oi til wnm um Gsamlhthmhwl deleting Term Bosh governments places much oi its xmzvgkmlmhmglhm world summit Ineetlrttle plBirtI Wm on mum dull the enthusiasm oi vottintear Milt Wtphtlt th British For brsltarIasseJohe among them It should have been returned at tilt Mr WIW about the the poses treaty to till Vthlta Democrats are still as ehippin away at not earn ains iorsint min awidng tourists Including Too much htator as well who mum gmmlwm lit the IEtil Mort titVD is proud ones tram Britain the lots at psrtisnIhntary rlphis paint em or men then tendi dledz will meet in loaded to discern the malts SpehIsIt csse tor at It the Rock were returned to too the Republicans are ssld to it oys again the More oi Gibraltar bratier lttta the British Ir Spain underlies the determina hsvantore then that amount at In the recent crisis til based on history in slot Enf lion oI Britain to it It ibui to in pocket and expect to oi the mood msybe nonunion on the mumwopg dun upyutmlofgr hrslter thsBrllish hate made tune in alliance wtthAuslra not integrate iti an our MmV mom by pm Wm it clear as they did with Malls was lighting the War ot the spantshtedobotb campaign Andwhiiethelieotorrata lot proceeded New transiormer Mu CANADAS STORY tirniitrihitirti torn The French QIIelped British Recruiting teetton tor customers In Georgian ay mate to trio Region Don iiicMartln oi Barrie Air tII high tiy BOR ttttllitthti srcn In North Anterior to that French Csnsda msde eai um WNW my Cadets won tying scholarship Mom rem dropped to DJ iromsis per sliort to subdue the iroouoa in MI the suns operator is thatwa tvthsstruttu bers Bsrrlev iwents Club were dinner til Iteottsi tits sdvsntsrer or the lsborloree Whlbsbearte eulngli still dohlliI1iil mde ore II rnnrsslost tstttlrd and dirsp My In my eectton rolls Ittilttill new ppmptu mgr 1m WWI tttttt it With WW hdilItsidtotlrlttlhotl0odver Also NI1MI administration rnocirtw lei as list so resteeai crow shot andsonwetotto with star hsnha unis tied ts Wm BMW ttill ollleiostalrrncn it from liltiditthlstirirnrllntlsm dthersuramorl ramptrod 0t Idid IrIanImdrquthlgius re it ttt to dIrKIIyIthBd ior dellter creutngatsn annual christian Indians to ho remit the ltrench and tool It ilay irom as lot all IMI the tndlans homes to the the Mississipp tie tItttttsttt tenure and destroyed the rrops irench rcgunrs end lndlsns host lot beioretthe British captured it in behind the tourists backs the GI ltocits rapture in it says tent areas and the Dermot can be eqsottedto them it rouldvbe thatdespite Ito contetn over the ttitetoam war arid interest in suchhead iineersbbtng events asotha lomatlc hreahtiaroulhrln in lions with Chinstee eieettnlt reeuita will More on hreadandbutler Issues as employment sndtoilsllott In that context he Mirrored ministration poet seine news and bad news on th atomic atone last week Unamploy in Barrie ior many years newest members gsve impromptuvtelitr on Whyliotned Ktwsnls Llewella itselnncs elected president Spropilmlsi Club Bsrrla Collegiate Band end ttCAF Training Commend Band plsyed sum the heavier Lamentations ettt WHY rerotts an MW it ttt tine oi the error problems with pregnant will beon tithe limit intuition The Seneess trept great rnsny RM thoeiou Agttinsi tEIIiiAN tClv tranr rurrenl strugsla with itarx IAIIAIIIIiiII urhan guerrillas Is something oi Itioshenddll see their with little oi what is going on being allowed to ap pear on the rurinrc except when the guerrillas matte big hour by bombing aonsltits epotaln town or staging banlr robbery ttnllka Iurttey where the authoritiesqdramattsed tits rrsetteown on leittsi erri habit doctrineml at law one it manhuni the their rtty ore ban out either Inside or outside the Urban lrrrortrte trials were open In the press thsi Iii members oi hlr grou alone had been killed as others arrested IN EMAIL GROUP guerrillas opersis In closeknit groups but 117 how my group there ere Is not certain iior Is it generally ttnown whether the unions groups are all no ordtneted In one central body rouhtry SAVAIS irom time in time basis an aiileiat to holds press conieranca usually alter It has taken whole group or yrnuns Into custodt In the Iaitsuchbrlritnyhetdtnisnu reverted It is ed down members oi rate movement In Movement atsnComrnsn Ytidmmonismor any mural arrisl tniat theeountr amourtheretu IttIt empt would uerrillds nrtstngly thereiore these Varlotil groupi ere tentrad mosli outlldeirln The Iran Fri om Movement or Free lIsn Movement It is some mes reliedtta tor instants retired to Paris where it was loundad and led by Ituiaatt tsiahsnt By IAVAK ciells tlnna its members receiving training In emong the Balartlnisn guer rlltss in Lebanon llAii IIOIJDIIV Attertatin advanced irstntng wit the Psratln Isns at least one grounot it till the training asmpe abou tithe oi the nth centenary talebratlons in inn with the lsthttit tuntn lions loaCsnadtaatsesstsssstuasj ante tor holiday iust boiore the celebratona the lrsots began expelling irsrtisn residents tronr Iraq on msasa snd security met here immev steivsusoected lhst en mrde lo irate tellwag gurrrttas geesAn tenalva screening other was theretors sat up menu men Mutter didrsveathew man lI rtttasthad thus Intel to tisyItotd Street hurts onlerto Itreobone inhibit Second Ciasstiaii rtlsgistrutlun tits iber oats iteturn poatage guarsntrrd Dstttthuuusysand statutory iioldsya excepted subscription rates deity hr esrrlar weekly tslso year ly hinrle copies tic By mall Barrie new County tiiito yearly Batsnea oi Canada srano yearly All other countries elem yearly ttotor throw ott mot year Notional Advoriismp 0iilccss eta Queen is West ftoronte rot it it Cslhtsri BL iiootror Member oi the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau ot ctretdo ital entlttedtntheusaiorrw uhIlcetloo ot sit arws dispatch es in this paper credited to It or the Assoc sted Press or tteutat end else the local news puttiab odtheroln niagsrrla elalrns It or ten and editorial nutrial cre ated by Its emptuyeeataro re produced in thirtae spapsr new Litegtrtraton itunt her resistor ti esrlyt Simeoa ta irom Quebec and ilontrcsi and tits combined torus numbered more than 3000 It was an amsalna assortment all itrhilhgrnuhiiha French reruiars wore altlntnr steel breastplslos and plumes white meny oi the lndlsns wore nolho Ing except war paint they tell their centres at tran doouotsnd set all through the on lulyttiihe weather hot and the Frenchman suitered in their atrct armor Gov nononvllls took all his coat and wstted In his shirt sleeves men became ill irom satin otrsund they were caught and roasted ilany oi Donortdlloa so much port in the hot sea or According to some accounts the Christian lndlsns had diiier rnl menu the dash Senecasi Although the virtnry blur the Screens was complete they were not subdued end neither were the other lroquola tribes they beesmo more determined than ever to iiaht tor the British and drive the French irom North Amerits TOtItISIS Invade The Sinai IIentIICameliiow Available NUWIilBA Occupied Sinai tAPt Tourists are Inttidlng the Sinai Peninsula occupied try the Israelis since the list ttentrleamel service It lrthto hut lsrsrtt visitors arrte Interact totpt piouss anti rlth to scbti the geared lunar tand arape where ioaha received the Ten Commandments and where the snrient ilebrew tribes wan dered tor than Some ol is modern ntmsds atttndits along the total test oil the rariern coast litters scale mountains to the northern Sinai Foreign tourists hsva trod In Armed with mutant cnts rstttlrnrsspIttg geor some are by plsslng Mediterranean resorts in tire outdoors anti to brown iitrmaclval on IIil stnslaunpot itderl hearhsa it youre tootlne tor piste in ct away irom it all the Brno is it said hheuatttller orotr bisrttet Armrest miner BEAIttaliiEiiDRD MWIIILlirit 1i oi tendon its lite the end oi the world Width git ARRIVED til NEWFONU til IWI hEiiALFOF AL lnossrsumlso MW MIKEHIM swarm

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