Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Jul 1972, p. 8

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the int 13 lt ii of 155 ii if 31 =51 Straig II tter WWW nm homeroom om oIrllor lost Duo homo Ylym IN bu WWW tryloooororothotr IhollIcltIII stigma so 1m to It tho hood ot tho Ilroro nhon III In In thor turn to Bordon loo um Ilium Imuoonrox 23 E3 EEE ton to In cut Ionnon so unttho ono maul ro mnou IlrchtltthlI NI nought lrlootlo CluwthttMNut Ihlo oo llhtvtuhl totol mot no mo tlool EM Nonm Inform tEIorolnor Photo Eng 55 35 ga it En Bj 4t Brant r1th kWh not 61th ooIv no am oouo In 15115 DIle Conunlctlon Codrlnrtono McEIrhrrn Ind dr Eonoln wotcorno too oolnlo Pbnn turn hoot Come to out ad of or Johooon were ltovln ltl Woolworth cudtt otIyrd too ot will an lrlo McConnell lluuoll tho dlvlolon nlth two who lntoro up mm stovonr Ind Itohtn Chomhoro Ilrhtr Hrtrtoryovoraloronnl TORONTO ICtl CInIdII at and much ocorod lorthovbttnro an on lIoItdIy III II who too thuoyonrold colt hId to mm he ltlllcmt tum In Rotphl am stout uh on mm outmunrlo lonlnhnt It Wood mm 31er Shop colorI Ill rnIltlnl In ItrCuIlo fut Wool hlno roottrtrh Itnndny to win their mum known Inothor an Ihun hut Ilor rrtort tho tum Dominion my mm vtttory tohlnl them to tour In hwlnz ploy moldan Ilt nnIIt Stohon llIndlunr Indllnvlpot nlltlllllftd tonmt root to GlonhrII Kmng Mal mm by Ilth undrlnrton out It hIIlItmr rnlo Curnrrn toll Mlhthllmt InII Ind Prto htorrtnn nut tho ttltycitn tho Ihloh or too hot to rllo FITS algalfhcrl Inn hutro llrlorttc Ind cool AI thelllrngvlono Ilongolrh mm mm MI MMVM Moon lnI tlirnllo rIoo Pagan Stroll DIvn Ind Don Tho clIIIy Ionryrorotd Imhnlh mm GIthn IoorlnI Irr tho leltorI PEZWEY ononrd III lrId only In tho Ind Tln chumrator stun mono Chrrnnlono GlonhrIo llclhllllwelttdtn IlIohonoII gmlly Ltd wore formula to but It tho hrId oI tho Itroloh Ind Mlsmx mm hlrrlou Dryyult tl oronthouh lltlIrtlcnnIod notnthnllznto mm Hh hon Mouonoldo EIrrteoo Corpoth lootlo llurv mIny 151mm unmhtemud Th dd l0 Quinnl Plllt honourshot onto Inn IcortnI tho trm zoIl momma to Wi Brlortlc onto tooo Ind 15 MW mm otthoIIrno mm 11 mi gum Ind Coolhloon Ildtuo Whmmm trurrntotuotn nttho not Chnrnbn rhnI wnd tho homo Tm dollr onhlo lot the MM munxnienmwtu tour Eruolrrlomohoro to ohm hI tfgtwfdt3vgl may 1turn hung ltono rota mow1 woo hytna III 11 not turn you turn In tho mm Motto40 or In loto IrturolonlDun throthrd hotornoh lott ac tIChIrII0tttr mmH Elm nor wtthoperttttyrhotonomn unmommk ohotco golng Th Kennedy ltnnd Iwohonorl Clt It Wm mm CWT nolhoro rontro ltrtrnr onou WM MtHallo not ntornotlonll Itdo run rotchoro It Put It dortolonott 11 Ill tut Ilnl Sonrrro Ior lluronln ororo orcrabysrtvf lrorn hlt lolhouy by tho Iurldon mmnmuomm Ind WM mm Innooronoo ot tompttlllnn Inn Antl no trhero Ind Htt rhonon lttnnooo too not humor mm mm 5mm Grtmttl dolnmlvo woll Ind Iltlddrd olt TIT trut or of Iron IITII duollod Inothor IIleoyI whlonlnr com on other mornhorl lnclutlo wrltor BIltlnlnro TJI mfglfmfttmm lllgvgjgrramnmm ange Inollo Itoh lrrnrhlnt perttonooooonnouronon Mtthfttm Jnhttlonhtnml utdrdonrnol cdbyHIrerounoInlntlngu uffmm mm ltd toroidal7h othwm nMcLain Starts With Atlanta hterlnu hot nlnrlono rhnnro to draw level Irnln whrn tho ooh no on drtonrrnron Into HOUSTON APo Benny tar hIII tho 1W Iuronh Corn hlclnlrr twlco Cy Younx mlnlonzr howto Kuhn Inry IIlor Awnnl wlnnnr holoro holrrn roto odly oIrrytn non norm on nu mm gantrgtvgmh lnvtlll IlInthImndPuonttthnlhllo nl daft thlrtatthoboltlotvrtho TIIIIT huchononlodtho moth out mom turn In tho omn lnr rnnl Pornoll hIld 3m mom gllmidtmwdwmnt Wlnnlnhottchzermlhlldollot rnnoenm Ihn Ilnnlnl on wt rhrrwtthrtlnootrtlteotrtoc1ort WM Iron won Ilorttng lror Wollondon mm mm truth out lhroo Borden hIttoro pm mum gallon bola rollorodv by Bob will mmhwm on In Inothrr rootoy Bunion IIANDINOI nlohthorooooutod Clortoon Mo ll ol ltdxovlloctlnrolotnlot Wytovo II to llmulo ooonnnsrowrt NY In polnlorl todotormlno thoorlrln rtrovtnrnorodthotlyorooll Bordon hrtholtrlhuoholtooo at to hot noontodlomt IMO In TWh It In WW Ion huh Ind tho vuotlon thot orhonto lor ploylt Itondtono Klfloltldl moon to thonooroo ot Inr Icoordtno to tho Blkhlmohrtlllblld LIHY TIMI Iportn III Ind tourlotr Atroorn but ohtIlnIhto to toto lthto lotto ret II hott mood who run mourn Jonathon NIVMIllvtlt mum Ws It drca mot WM Pr Wmmohntttt rollln ltrlortlc hy throoouortrro at Illorh woo uloclod II tho may Wt It Wm runnor tn lhoIImoo hlotory Tno Worn lnmot Inn1W IIIP who on him on Wt tttttttrh rootrmnrtonil mu dhen Iottoy rlrn Kotly no holtoto null Ooorrolton mm It Itor nluo Wm 1le on IBM Ruth unwoth Mum Drover Nuts lonl Irolnot tho olnnor Itolly If lluohotlov ltjo Itorohnrroolut uorr John Auctlllllhnyl tton mm mm scholnhlumlttltllhuztult ttthtl It on our rotor gun on Iot run rolorrod to II tho Irootutol Ilt to than Nth no on rou rorIn lyotoln Mk III at 65191 tor Parry thhll who tocorrlorl rnoo Itrlttooutotw ttoyhorry KO Ilntt It IgorInn moo noon llhd ohutoutollnIhon my other ohrhor to motor louno not tutt ttvnro rtrtnot mot loom hlIt ornoruIIrltlIthwn0Ilt lhhro now 0th0 to oI tho out at Tonto lnclutllhl umytncuhnoonon Alton Chlrlno It nuotltlor hut nortod In and boromrn Infiltortrtopo Anunootteo In It htlrn Iold Konnody ttood titted In tho Itroteh Ind lnIerlorod wlth hlo mount Stowom otter rovIowInI lllm ol tho mo dtoolrood Ind lot tho mutt ItInd Konnody hood roturnod om mo Ind onto Tho horn on olorr It two then onto whom ttmthontltoul Itovrro mrnllo lodI when olt tho Itltrurlolt olmIIt roruo Ion hand to moohonlcot loll uro ntoh tn ttlh ntoo tlrot hooonron Iovon Ion urnnlroo hInoholI tvmnrl oro Ind prooldonlo of both tho ltrnortronond NItlonIt louuro rm JthlLlN nnconn 03m thtl tlovlot votoron Tho Irror ol oxhlhtto In tho muooumcovrrI tho ornul pt lIrruI Lnolo rooordod hIoIhIlt momorohlIIholr norldr tonlottrlovolln throw lhoyoll wlnnlor tho event hotll Ilovoo unIIormr Inn tmtl t6ohloorlowrlry nolnt tntrrnotlonol ttltk Ind moot nlth Ihrovo Inn Nllfllthl locltm Inn thnhtrlttltrthttt tttmuuv lllnllnthtlhlnndoynlolrt ano nthNt ethanol torn utond In Cov root nun notI log ntlloI out lIol th lull Team Mat He WI ntnnn tooth rhIntylonthIth IIIltIr ol Chan lotto tnrtoId Ilurnhlod Ind Illowod Tn on not lromhlny to recover II tho hIll Loom hoI zttlnlnlo TN now hyttm TlregmllhlomtlnknThk Ole lemtulN NT ttttr Ton mm on on or In hroo wont Ill tho my dorm Iltld ho born lllroovrr donwwl month ltuo own tho THIth nonl Ind hItl noted to tho mlnnr lounoo lhlI ltunhlor hooton Morlmu torword hId only to NEW YORK AP ltlr Im Inothor rollolo you motto hlr llrIt Illit Int Altonto llrnvor Irnlnot mom toth tho hIlI oror tho llno but loommnloo rIll hlrn IIII Counto hII hI Iy Ind hon hoe an tonlrht Ind tho lorrnor lmvlholtlnl lorword to It thoroIrro douht Ihout thnt Iold ltnLIln who uh uqulrod by ttlooto tram Oohlnnd Athlet Iu IIII ThurIdI flm ready but you con ItllT volnnly loo Ingtlgztowhhot In to at VI thorn twoon tho um holtnl It monotoo lot tho mod rlth Illh mellor ol lllttmorl OrTolu tn ml hut ipped to record In two In mltoWIrh hld 1011 ntor ltormorto WIIhln on honoloro rent hlnr to II nddurlnr Irrlnl lroln llt In tho hthlrttoohlopod ln rtho WWMW Itotnlnrtnoot to worn to wnslomo mm sonny oormanl tho tr WW who ttd Toronto Hunghria 10Ron CF Toronto ltIlII Ihut out Toronto ltuanrtn Itome mm and mowed Into III for thlrd olIro Irnm tllth nooltlon In tho NItlnnII Socczr mun CorloI Alvor Icorod two Ioolr wllh tho othorI Iolnr to hllllon OlII Ind Front Coottrn munno WRIST ITINNEATDUI AP htlno nuoto lwlno loomed Mnndoy lhnt ollchrr llm Knot Injured hlI lolt who to Sundoyn llml It ChIcIIo Inrl meho loot to tho remInter ot tho ourontlt tho lrIIt ll lruturod nook nun told tho Iouthoow Inturodt tho wrlotrlhllo rlldtn out Moo dnttnl tho TI ht Ittndlyl dnuhlohood ooottnuoo oltrhtnlfl untll lht on rolls t0 tttttthtto not nxornrrnn nohn to Iran on rnnvo lrnm horry Dusorno Ind llm Eturrup Irr Iunnco onl NEXT 101 TAMIII nrudny NO Atom Dlvlrlon Ilolnhr llIrhor Shoo vr Cod rlnntnn It hIInlo Grove School ITuoodny mo hlorqulto Dlvl Inn Iluronlo VI lohruon II Alton dnlo Ilol Mo School Than II 010 Equltt DIVI It Monlo tlrovo thlutlotl nth Prom Dle Ion lnnrno Chomno Otonhro ltd VI mull IAqu Honry Von Itroton lruuronco It lohnoon it oussrs sIMIDIY tom 00 Ill In no lllo lull nomo II hlbort WIltor Lyle Ilro nlrtn ndr Sporty Ind ho ho horn ono ol tho lent brht Inoto In tho Yooltuo nlI mo ItIrt lloulr hII wovod tor hII lolti hooded Ito 21 tlmor thlr mall toro Ind tho nook hlttoro ilnco no othorlrollovor tn1tho molm hoo Inoro ton to noon lotto to would hlo olIooln at tho orl IIVr In tho toIrnI ll lrIurnnhI not Ipllltll cornedrun lll oronooltmt totnnl So Ill hohll II onyonI lto ovorrm Ilwk who Irrlvod out too Icono tormtlvihon GUARANTEED TllUST CEIITITIITNTtS Hum ljltult My In trtlt yltorl Ilttrtltrt In Itlt mourn4t umrrnulumtmrh mu lIlIll Irtlmh urlmr truthnuvutlrttllrr Mmmmmltwtwt ttlt tirrll ltttrtt mttl to union STERHNG TRUSTS whom Illltt arm III or Hm Itrlllltll It no not pronoun ytotoIIItnnot nu modol drtvm llltt to Month twoodlvtolooo otlloto trodol otoclt om tattoo to then no ntlnlmtod It homoMomma ttro rooo orotnd tho TlfollVIIH nItItI my mmnl rt MA

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