Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Jul 1972, p. 5

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his all tor Pr did am aura in re it lb ltll loo ltralt av hind your idiom meow threat habituation daynonuaaetpnortm tern till lt hntwnt premier tea on the iamdtloa were Fri no movrrrleni tater place ar in iii Eng 35 it it it sit lie wasnt entirely euro we could teach it out responta ta brloa relied opera in tor launch their Iitll lialrat iLlnchil9 Freighter this didnt eneacure 000 Pbtlr udwdtdnoiiutur northern tntimeor rea oa er orowa tbittotardr iluilt climbodtothaiepet wheat there ohtpa Iro hence to elect that nothlu wee launcnodrldewoya into the water leorr to audo around mm ttta thatorupia lna rpcctacular veoteaopoletroleet abovato epbah that looks like the birth tall It had panoramic view oi tidal wave oi the blue water and detailed tierina covered trunnion aluminum cared cnuuleotom Inowtt AillrloColllniwoodOnllealalr in rlaeauaaorldoaaNo Band Irrtlrt in red and white down tcrneibina law landtub untiemaJedtbarhrlatenlnapuw here have done or probahir iy to the bow oi the pro the would care to do laat anuttled elatger olihr mama alcdaoawlndea ralyloa crow died array held hat to id at nihlli Iaatee llllrd with Orderorreroeivonwlrnob ehlpwrlaht btelltobleaoo who lot etindlna on retold me me up up our plug under the protection oi tower lna crane tor the men to men mywa hbomtiw the dean that hold the butter hunched by htmlnooyeareaa WWIv11 111th and ahorea werevlroocted mm llundreda oi vlsltorl morili rda iho hlamuhibulll by Cen rceldentr oi Coillnpaood poured adl at site and locate lntotiha yard to are another oi errlnp lth tor Allloma Central their beloved ablpa launched Even theuah all this aremed hallway rent will carry will uoobrrbelroltrrlowrdltr remote andunrelatodioeur ltoblnroo 10 mi ltlon idldtoolaiow hutte ea wtllhavralonrtlto othtl tool in yw end rrrin tech breadtth it told me that on bin that uoch iaet depth oi ill trachea and walattt ot mt tone rprlntt tn thaeteai elder oi the print rbotr it idiocbrlatenlnpcoremoomilcooo in to dill tithtllliih it or as irll drivr itsI role Mr debt at Ataornr steel this ud atlt tnllea an boiurlbo cum 0701le God ld nd teen who aell to Wlihthlt rho Ilammod lbs rtbboodocoretcd and traditional bottle or champaana eaeinrt the bow oi the Alml rand or ltodrorn wlaldlna Ilcdar hammera were drtvlea tbourenda oi wedata urv ear the rhl Only abrlil whittle bleatc be heard above the poundlni el Illtnl periodic belts and ar no movie alone the ohi lrompowtn riorn itr tallied that thin waa rallth ablp tilt in and tranrarrlna the wot better tdriloblnaon hurt bold in white elrnel ilaa called it to man ihrelx tootoe hxf dra ctaeba Meanwhile it other men took their poritlona in trout oi lo trl ltnea which they would rover wtb one alam oi their ot the able item the heel bloc mm upon ehlchthe ablp was built on mrpm annoyerpuuny be to theatldtn warn canto oulct uihr man pulmoro The alldinf were rare trench and more prcaauro on the douseuurra Imbtmlootnadotn draulic lackeTenaton mount tn the whim edit Tl Thir who the critical moment hllillt Fill Tea aaemrn relied their area plenlra celled butler belldl and aired their attention on bir laced too run Robinace who earlier had told to bottom at the able Iblorttd me that once the ehtp had been at thit when tho imp movrd halt totbreetueriera 16 ll 119 ill oi an inch the tripllnea oouldbe launch channel ltort ottbe were concerned with leunchlna thin it done in to week ceiling int nhex tan nio lgatitdtay iherroceduro ta rally to chip or re cut he dropped the trap rtilccn axee aiammcd down and the trlpllnea went limp Thll time we did not move not acrtoul problem The men were called cm mth bachettd lacklna waa recent blocln and WNWJVNW about went up deer that hold bulierboarda on WI tupon which rule the maid oi tier the eerie tlAlNd htttidilNTUhi mumwlumw Smooth eafrllt without at many men the laeira cut the larcleat uh vibration tho Itlao Int Kai richly beaan id creep an yr olamhrrcdun atoot lxiectribowortd tEel dililoldlttp ledv aeemcd triad away tram us or rter hlala at hve atoroybulldj eherepldly gained momentum in and nodlltatew men who ilitoee huar cbalna totalllnh would at the Alaowgydowurya husdredl mipladuoutilm hta rot col lnptlmberelothelrbundreda and ihouenndr rent up creabln rat the lotion were awuna arnv rllto lmmddmhww tlin abundllto an entire oreat ce to take the pluorr Min were very cunrldernto tellna downa and inatth me where to etand ton tha ort aide ol the chip near the term and tour at me to be prepared in beer on with an undcrrr table lhunderlna roar and water eaplodod in white oheet backup the timber atomach One can lover bovaoauro he had lelt bla tlo hotel ibownoalnw rover thaloud ill atrrirn Mega lerglnla go in on Idwzunlaln oi water retard ltrelt out oi the launch channel and annulled the doth it tell to us or ii the bottom had talirn out oi the worlle The Alaoway bucked and plun aed the beetle bronco The depart tide oi the ant war or rapidly eh aetilod down lull Ioteven beeoanr aceetct Now the roar ol muddy water the awuh et water could be heard abtoot ladder ruaoonewun upiharidoottho Ibip and wlt allaitlly abaiy Ineee made any way down to eolld leod it iblatlrnrtnoa peopo leitytho udr toe noon hour One rmpoyee war mailer hla way ibrouph the chaotic ten to oi timbers employ the cove ed ttitlitdiil lctad up rid aoctlon at trio line my pond luet memento three cheers tor Golllnyweod and Good luck in the MN Alloweyt NY by rows rennetr atulations to Heather chiseled are who pradueted irnrn cterlaJtrclonol rcbeol oi iiuralna berth in June it Alter attendtea tba Graduation Exercleea at Barrie Dlrlrtct Cen lral Colirattla and tore onber fueete returned to her bionic in vyi Saleddupoer thou trome diataece wcror itr lira iiuaael Kempatrr hallo title it Lucille ttrnntnabam tron lli andltet Kilt iiclienel and tteya and Ellen lichen barrio and tune lien yer Toronto Talto notice he booth at Tara Cennteelal Part la new open every day and all weekends were or insert ltErncei Goodwin apent couple oidaye up north tut week bite rtEdtth Molded itr and hire Jamel Ca th and leiiery nil week end with itr lira Lorna Cerruthere Mr and tire tiurray itrVan rl and litter Toronto itr ilreilarnet Campbell and tin tber barrio lir arai lira lioltb icharael larrtr idler vent Way with ttrure plie acct ltlaa buaan Harper and tire tactile ainnlnahetn Toronto nt thlweetend with itr and re Elwood transit and alter ded lloatldra meditation lira Allen err barrio aprnt dtuvday with garcotr itr and hire Earl itel itr and ultra tact tilrene and lrla apent tho weetend with re irate lilronl Chrla bentam Toronto out the weetend with itr and trr lion Coyote rrnirtt lllhllC Ahgood crowd attended the Far would in lean Coo tannlal art on Sunder tune it ttticn Smith layed the hymn on her nubile alt loin ed in tier Damned are In lrnprraalve aermontn her Then the ehlruhlt the water teat truly in plenteoua but the trlendr leborera are low All let down to tonic lunch ice cream and her even provided The dat to our In her been lire tattle tarto tanner more than ever beiorr tool they mun aot oraeniaod nadir rout also an to there when where eiioat merino have blouabi this liill raid the Federation had proved lie abilities la term ert eraantaetlort We have won olnltlcani victorlea the lemon cheaper truck liccnaea expand ed that erantr Mlmd preo orty tar burdened were are are In medicine thin but we atlll have wad in an lilll admitted he Feder ation Iaeda more members We Eh Warden Outlines Task force lob NEW Ioweu Stall The inter InSlmcoe County becomoehlcd to advice oer tam ear accordion an dan Lloyd irldbant Under the tarmayret out in the report on the month centred ro piee those were The epfroprl ato dava oirateay area the capacity oi the area try It Ibyeeiold assistant inroa ot IconPb rt University Conrad lieldtm Ontarioa mater hia iory prtae tor an uhllilli eludy ot lluronla deride the Sainte Marie Award Is Won By Professor barwen leek lrniettctpal her new prortncla or the loodatoarepldpmtb tn lenandeccnornic activ ity and the implication oi ouch bier oi natural reeoirree Ira prnwth tor municipal auvein muncedlndaythalihepmlill merit and the that world beat Irhiara dove kinda oi lndurirr cannotcleirn tore reaeni allibn nnrnent oblocilvee oi the Torch ugh tarto tarmere on all iarmera have lotned the iedaratterl Evans Announces Ib committee advisory committee no economic to pollry bir livena elated on economic pot to brief ber the tale to caper bee and research capacities oi buel Davie baseppolntad commie note labor and government war alon to rtudy the function oi the commented on Arthur the lealslatlvo uremny and the role oi the private The alter cornmlarlooera In Tbe bradiord resident who her elude Dalton Camp oi tbrorlte been Centre Simone member tor chairman Douala Fisher at 0t almort it yeare drew attention to tire tormer NDP member oi the announcement at Premier the ioderal house tor Fort Arth William Davis whnaald this war or and Further Oliver oi done in an rtiort to develop Pridevtlte termer leader oi the more cohcalve and coordinated tintarte liberal party ANNUAL twenn The Selnleitarlo price In wedod annually tor errellcnee in oriainat riscerch or lnterpro tetlon ei titlr century Canadian or international events direct lnilurtwlna the course oi Canadian history during the too Ina MP in latest report trorn weena Peri aet oi onicter Ind proarams to marlmiro the arowth and am thr lolnteommlltea will con alat oi the oconuidc aiudler steer Peddisonlleunihn Held iltMidhursl ttlDitUtlsl retail lira Seth Paddlsnn oi tittel end tiarvay Paddteon ot Be ivere the otdui lady and eotlaroan toattcndtboiitbr implant lly reunion lltnldoi Sprinlwater There were in membera oi the lemllyroeanit the picnic lunch etarnllytree boolrwaa completed and made available to number itobert Peddleon ot herrio war electedlrealdcntei the tanuly errant onwttbtanetiaddtaoo otherrievlcenrcaidcot Terry Paddlaon oi barrio aecre and diet Allaopp oi it trounce Dlrectore Petorirtan ilarvoy Pa eon iterol ute lhe board were liuriel lode ttaciteealo on liolth Paddlu er and Peter bury Leo Anderaon oi tilde land waa the lyouoacrt child at tho Picnic at linen and tom lly oi Steyner cerrtod the term ocl load and Keith llolmca oi Kitchener attended item the tan tbaat diatanco wee beautlhai Afternoon rude and amea completed pond on loyeba picnic ICEHWN illID later crowd attended the reception in lvy Orenir Hall on Saturday git tor Robert Bald fibo amine vao tpend in danctna Conaralutationr tn illann Arch er and tteb italn who waro mar ried in narrie on tune it bnCliJANWUI MOWER ll larar crowd aatberod at the horn oi titlcbard haleeoo llonda nlna to preanni Nancy Patton la lune brtdotov bat with mtecel ehower She received many lovely and who vary praetni near dollrlr our lunch yen acrvcd by the line lore and can Davie and caution and collimat incontre corironrnr it No Ilae oooorttilll on GRANT APPROVED AidJSlDN Siaitt rrant oi itoo to the Ailirion ard Dis trict iterilculturel Society bu been approvrd by Alliaion town council DEN DUNEDIN decoration dav eervlco will be held at Dunedin union cemetery on Sunday iidaar aueat ALLISNN MEETING dblInt meeth oi Alllaton rurllna club will be held nlna July ed by ii on eivcn certain ronriralrlla Am made ennouroed Premier trderery lhe titers history year period The prize wls calablishrd It and named in Selnloilaris mm the liuroru at biiiil palnetoilna and exert recreation oi the tlrrt European common ity in the interior oi Cansda The amount oi the cash awartHth commemorates lha date oi Selntoidartre destruction balnieilarlr was tounilcd to tote by Jesuit priests and their lay helpers II the centre oi the Jcatdi mlerion to the itutoe Oohtedarecy lit its peek it horas liMON DAT lStIlit Annual ly with Bruce apealrer tStIitt Annual on Wednead it area cliullen pmlde llSOLUTE MOWE fL qu an widenilea contribu tied to Innatedae ol early On tarto history the lands tribes nalture prpanlxallon and econ omth oi the liuron lodlan Con orb MIDLANDLeo brrnler mire analor price in hiilory bu been awarded to your Toronto aw Dc Conrad tieldtnrelcb Io ehtani proleaaor ot roarapny It Yecb Untrerrity won the Saintebierie Priro lor beusilvo rtudy entitled the ills tnrirnl tieearoobt oi tiuronta in the that ball oi the 11th cen tury The print in addition to citalhnr blr ea ocrarn our bill iudact oi the price were unanimous In ihcl choice oi Dr ileldcnrrlcha pepcr nd high in their prelrc it is little that the llrat hel rice in awarded or web out atandlna work it acts atonderile tor the aubrnlselona oi the lut then Merle mutated ea DUNLOP IT We IAIIII 0N1 lite meepllcdln her Duo yer Gretap ioaTlrurIH Frlt boti dy workliaotlaiectory domain we PETERS restrosost early part oi the nench re rtme The prlro include earn award or auto and publtrhtna promm and la ali en annually tor erreileneo in ed one ot every title European in Canada and em accoald only to Quebec City Predation the ioundina oi blontreal by three yeara it was rnaior centre oi irencb culture and commerce isolated come one wildarneaa iotlee truth the parent common ity It liebcc Salntehiario thrived toe to years but it was doomed Is it was built The iturone victtnar oi white rulral diseases and arewithin minnow me to by its builders year later the much with aortic tottrurrtvln iiuronr lclt the land ealent In ernpt behind them and tour ney to Quebec ity Detrcnd ants oi the Iluronr Itllt lire ncnr the Qucbc IpilII idhliLAlN SOCIETY Dr itclilrnrclch it it the liullllhdson cl Sir Edmund Weller the tounter ot the them plain Society News born In itrrlln and moved to Canada when he were it lie was educat cd in public and htah arMola at Leaaidc and took hlr BA and MA It the University olTor onto tilt ih In aenaraphy was contrrrcd by ilcitester Unl vcrelty at liaravllion lie lclnrd York tlnl shy at Toronto our years Ipo 0n the wall oi Dr ileldrn relcha rtudy hanr two iron trade Ixeheeds cr rible In some measure tor ha career at aeoarapbcr alien to tonapentiuerda one boat trip or trierrd orirhral reecaer or let iniiui oi 11th mitt history no peiIe award Ina nentrd alter Saletoiiarie moon the tturonr in me by an uchacoloalat when was boy lie used to let and vvarh pieces ot pottery at an en rhaeotopicei eilr Icar our aurn marbomibiriahowlbza remodelereeiad tntba lhraonx Dr itetdcnrsteh couldazod eereern in archaeoieay and hiey tony bolero rattltna on NIB phy rboaa aeorrapby boceur oi my interest in number the ngtrraiuend atulence The In no can menial out narrator on problem be ataicd in oi archaeoloay aooioay ara economics bleiory and sociopolltlrel behaviour oi trl at teclrtlea waa menus Jadd4 adiha award winner Itlloitbeae disciplines and othera are apt plied to epcrlilc area at apa ctlle period In little and what ameracr hopetully la detail ed picture oi the way mop oi pee to interact with each oth rr Iodine natural environment The llnel result oi eucba atudy ehould be the description and mint ot an area as it lr uttlircd trenxiorrnrd by turn into reection oi bio on lure The tilt Seinloilarle prlta is the ilrat awarded Competition it open to pcnons oi any nation ality outline in either naptlrh or French Competition tor the 1m prtao closes on December ll lYli TEN EXAMINER WANT AD iltDNEIMrlli some BuntithT branches will III olive

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