Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Jul 1972, p. 4

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12 rst cotter etobealo uamuhdmlmd Ind rertdeeeeeltnlna uncommon aw 255 it Mited hitter tretiiche were the cottntye two cities would con rouie by way The lttdle iload thorouware haa lio oiiiarrt irae at this road rlyatit to ex teodcdeaeu cried pme toBeraiItilahnown ae Dlmcoailiotdeto endtalnotuded the Delete more road minor in norboone eitrot0riliia Ilaohu rote moon to iniereeted in the progloted development Indthia aspect can be exploredxturtherby the county roedr rteomtrriiiae it la delete realized that prioritiet in road pro rnttotb iron on the brain at urgency iiteprporernmeot rwrranttytia table care at one oi the rmaleat traitich eeoclre in the count with thewtderdnpoi inreyt le diner attention to tratilc rtudtesot the arero Further development oitho plct erque Old Ridge rotate la certain to be come neceaetrlr within tow yeara and aleotull me la all attention mm 11 with some DOWNMEMORYLANE Itlveaae are lit TOWN litarrie builder Joint idol Barrtea mwutnrlnm do it laraedot dl muidltd tier in WWWaIwollaa Ortlha ta now in record phee lo tbird viildiand tth Not Town one eltct Mantle oi Acorn bleedoatailed tor Cadets elite team won Georgian in ma mum Noahoerryinuhenaitona itidolipetnlh aloe otrin Pronltoo rnlthllitlieu mtiod ilencia ltavell en Bev Rowe Don iloh Arnltro DWI Heron Canadar celebrated tau arlel at luwdlo denoeei tretiteonr aeraaBeadr Don Sltepherd with apiece bend and vocals by Penna at Cedar Harbour ilcaeh pav on They termeriy played at oarrtoa lit Pioneer itolhwoll of South Sirocco celebrated their artery It Word with some in new con preaent tit ye Pointydance coil met ahierr preaonied weetfatilarchrepa Flt iiret woman to Be at Church in Canadr Pat ddled rrttaiortut bell to Allan ola Pryoona ITHE laaeeieotlnaartweldt tartan cert teaeeiatee iron the Tenetleewa rma at initiator ryce itaclr ti the to mil both Mt to Caneda aml mover on de ae ot nec contribution and lunch aturetlna othcrr tot he new consider the in eluted When or to madam tinted rroaaee the area not to tile tonne will iltbtr fugdniv ea ld not rid ed MN Intuit leteyr reatodurtee ear obtained ilt per cent et the aeetar the lirdon Netioneio ll ah unnoticed ynrlt ppm dil end ltetodyvitew played nightly It hit Wilton with bob ocean tonner en ply poster at senior roitbell LeniObeppel and diet Strnnernan were leadinp hillera tor ralri roedera Barrie Show with too entrier acclaimed by ea or Best in Ontario lari Cox war matter oi eere WI moniea blayortlrent itayor ottlctai opened chow lion itevCenon onto and runner rerident oi dedicated meenorial mirror at Trinity An ltcenChtrdt Lakeview Dairy iorrner ltoteiawn owner in Guelph iir ated with air chm iloonI At rearede ornrn cottons vuw aner Peter CANADA COMPUillt NltWDitltS Canada ahould begin immediately to devet appredetinyc tho rowtit and he art oi the compuer in entry in Cant ita Bolt Powella been prentlnc rniitlonr oi dollars to Item erlcnn inns in aet up iaciliiiea in Can on trumpets Toronto ltevue 0n lieviiur million in icdcrai build Canadlen computer commerch ordained lions rptne acroaa Canadaarwotlerthe Grill d1 in people will he aerloua indeed ired Norrie Willard 11nd capltalayvyitzl Nudityde with the bureaucracy mntlmnmmm rm tomnto liter throu iterateeedrouth to oronto do routealeola receiving Plciced ly rooster rarnraerou Ottawa emu 0i The Headliner Perha there hae deter been time our blatory when pub Cody Ollertcellor Univerrtt oi Tor dflthudh unit rrte on the Shani or note redid with mmludperaonel turbine and war Ira today in tho peat tba aerrlre war let iro aretorenyonamdatdothana rite inner to the public view rec in the part law Pr rne bilntater Trude thcr than recounting and linenetop Car artlall co nu eitorta to nadten computer development it bee in wedlaiea tn partldp tory democracy and the core atant viaila oi lewdtnp political ede end exploit the market Some dilly note wont to the Width rguechwdlglaeroto USowncd NationalK Caah hepieter Co tho attentiono thoavrreaaCaa oi Censdn thla year Iienetlhetailure lo Idlli Commune committee re cehtly decided most on re lick oi opportunities tor Canadian pro cremmera technologist and aervtce tleld at external Iiialrr to ap pear hetero it to explain aovtrn mi poltctea it warm action prime re in th would never hay been cont templaiod law nd deeervodly drew itr ltudeaur condemnation in the thmmona All thla lenda up to more com mentr about recent lecture do liverrd by one at Canedna moat Ottawa to ecetlna to read luet its intent ration policy in contormlty wth contemporary remittententa duai recently hit hiarliaary ordered acn erIl rctiaion oi nlea oi candl detea tor lmmlprailon to the county with thaooloctive at so on the rcrpllrenwtttat the tie part Quebec ehouid alan revive lta policy on the auhloit it ahouid erpecielty are about diaelyelln learn which threaten to toe rumrre rat preaurneblt rtald eulo tic pollenJean ieliarle lJuno 11 power to party which had obtainedlitwer voter then its rloaeat rival Aaiona Ia there we large erurim conceneur our roclely clca did not bother the eclertca very much iimver the April Md election that peat mice had me their couree ileraino it was aware it embodied radically new route oi oi Quebece policy and ertiny the iartl Quebo eele comp stood with mean shoot the in uatlcn oi no tern which them win it per cent oi the vote but rare them only at pct cent oi the area identical to lievelrr Durtna numema hearlnaa intt tell no eatud oi votlnp methoda the legislature committee on elec toral rotorm rotted or oi eaperta to submit re ar aoon ea poulhlo The cancluaiona drawn from the aiutly indicatorevco it the committee dam not eey it clearly that it la time to con elder chancel before the next election chry larrioueiy Frum toll in titlo there waa reall only the lord elec tion whtr termed icplata tura unite reprorontetlvo oi the real Ilate ot ealttlna terror The liberal party that neat clodloiu come without tern where ioltutlcea are ex ploaltt multiplied at the tenure et ea possible tree the ctntral tutored tar percent at helped per cent oi the one per cent oi the the biherelortlona on Mother bend there were re ourvdlarre ancier The elec one valid lm in thin title oueeilon Ia antlalty ethical and politch iln tha the reply ievere repreaenta tlvaneae the corolleryol lt expert clans llclreraplll ttrtdei llta turpicea oi the Clerk groomerlal lecture eerlea eneod bureaucratpoint to heydold street Barre Ontario Telephone tieton Second Clear itrll lleaiairatlm ttunrberoiu ltaturn peatapa mrarantred llaiiyz bundaye and Statutory Itoldaya excepted dubaerlpilon retea daily bi carrier tic weekly linen year tr Sittd cooler lie Bg mail man will ll balance ol ratatouille riy nu hrlnpln ln betorehand lrn other rnunirree tent inlrmyymrpu up liotor throw oil too year lmcoe yearlyr Natlontl Advertlalny otneear is queen tit Welt Toronto itaihar than beina HIV lllll lid Cathcart Eh proceed by teciuitrat problem limited liemhcr oi the Canadian lreai the limit aroupn mun and Audit Bureau oi outrun ture manner meat ea men it our The Canadian Pleas in urine ueetioeraludb the report ltel entitled to lhouaoior doodle the the method ruhll maloiy eonrretha rrpr onta eelnthla tlvenraa oi the aaumbr or illMeet aied Preaaer Renter ehouid it leadaaoprtortiy to and also the local newr militateY eiablo aovtai ed therein ration oi all news dispatch peoer crele to it or the Barrie Earmlncr clatma rtrt in all orlatnal advert hlrhcat senor oi the term it mm and editorlaimatertal or ated by lta omployoea and had Ina ant there atanltnlcorrecilontlntheiot 86 thurdllm Canad to method murt be aocepted bar and raddtdr let mm by particularly rio dnndoltree limit rod Iluou la mm Month raau rpubllc public rerrenta them on thaireet paaeao the nerve more then once in way at cilen weakened their wldarpread publicity yearate and control what the Science Cou calla the iraerauada Comb well itrntenoc baa alerted ier Commutation Network The pore pie to the tact thet civil eerv anta are hurt bcln ernment has been lamenteny slow in to MIDI ml emplo eca trl the private it In Spotlight ororeeted tho rniiltur et etnaed mm Public Aurthururn oi one and promotion mnge Ida itr Piedmde untitled hie tblrd Iecrot tn the lecturoburaaucreta and Potttt ment oi edireyrnai alteng deer ardutra are in Canal atarrd only two montha beior dlana better oualiiled to discuss beln aumtroord tore tor bothaapoetiottba orernmeoa clothe ulrelrriachloery at iodarei donhnmnhghia mm hirPlct ll tiotolned ibepnblicrarvteoin ladnaverinno tbmtuntam all ldtotildldi me till it till rate are cornrniaetoniie um talreap ate the tact thath onto the petite rotlice obea lla turntd will next orrrni mornln but it war another amuobdla month ore methionine Govt Deileloping Historical Records rcreerciurr rnIhI to too cover list at aenia cote tltlar Plane now are belna inade to publlah thla Meier bloarepltiee oi tour pro mlare tttewet Whitney hereu rno and bury have In Iianod ea weh aa boot oi on proConlodcratlon nr nouoneanrt Queene Peri llraaa 0i The Eaanaieer One ot the political ahnrtcenv lnaa ot Ontario haa been creel tacit oi written hletorical record Thoudh probably not the ep parent to tha peneral nubile this bar been very evident to anyone who her been cioae to our political Irene Try to lookup anythlna that happened even it yeera are and aside trom newspaper ilter there are practically no rotrcor Except perbape tor annaa academic papora done ior doctoral deareee there ta hardly anythlna on it naant oi the provlnc And elodier ero help me erodon turthrr artlcoe or he on the vtncea develop mom dell tlva hiatory rt 0n iaurto and an Ontario hlaioricel ea pool yeara work tor aov eminent body There are three we oi note worthy tntereat the pro till to ii boar retreasln no peraonalltioa that have dumb raphy ilrtt It Iood mode idi nation iurtory to meet will turn ihla emitalon new it to ho pretod tbrmh ltrperaoealltlu corrected it ta atreaalna that the bit more than year an worir be written in lbtereltina the pavement launched In On style the all may not be tarlobirtorlcetatudleearrter achieved tor alortana that can board oi tntatcer wra rot up write internatioily are ten com to adminietcr thia aerlca and lit moo then ptichere who can hit ilrat report haa been circulated but the aim is need one And tram thia lilrat elicit the ll iebfolnc to ceitbe llvinI board and lie protect hold rear record to it can To ina ana aurloa premier aiena are to be held wl Grotto bblloarephyt oi erticlea Drew laalia Front and John mu tum auteur hia itebralrte oer three ionncr livloa en com ore ere rtanort plelid Itnd aonrchnw or other tront thorn mum Connors STORY llmericens Part In Our History dolorato at the Peace oi Perla in nor Ind raid that Americana atlll loved dear old Enatand Why rlek another war by hevtna ttrttleh territoy oniho northern border oi the uni Thla dancer could be avoided li itrlteln tum evor bier tltoithtmcrlcan lllli aot away with ll Al the eiaolna oi the Declara llorl oi We on July tire to iancorlr oi itaaaar rhuaelia war tba ttret to rim lie wrote hie name in tarps ltlna which herald lilna wrltlnp which he raid lttnl iteoraeyttl would be able to read without apecllciee itren Hancock turned to the oibora end aald We must all hell torco oi Intro to Ttutn irlod to do it by no tlation Ilewaatbalradlna in eon nownsw or title day when United Staiea elilrrna celobreio their independence it la internilna to reect on the part played by decree Weahlnaton and lienlao rote Pianlrlin in Canadian bla tor Naehinpton helped the ttrttleh rapture Canada trnrn hence Then he tried to capture Canedn tor the thit and lot the french to hair him dlenamln itranhlln wu Idea ilret poetmaator lie or united the lat eervlca In Montreal Que er and lialllau lawn alto tntcreaiod in Nova la la tent emulation oral tilted to untitled to tile Yee or bena arteratelyi lh melonwuatllloolniol and ewttblohawrreibe ctr or one Iona 1an vorut AP item no elm murder to on the nwromoniortraman thotntonrtty on him have weathered at deal oi tbie world it youre toeti be it and remember when Pocket ootnbe were eitvn in ammable and oueouldaei them ailro wit ltphted match lrnblbera chewed den see to plate the odor ot llctter oil their on th but even chil dren tea to how that whrnJe home entail lnp Sen robebly had atop oil let one too men at ocornerulootl lit ltwood Ilodst aonilooi ltr more pet were ahoclrod when hiatth idol Wally Reid died In int and It war roreeiod be had been victim or hemlch addiction Any boy who didnt have his lenp hair cut by the time he BIBLE THOUGHT And be raid do la the blea dtei oi led or it rear ehonld eeat teed let the mound and abreid ate tire aim and day and seed ebould eortaa and crew Ir be heard not ItnI liar it 21 AI in the phyelc an it tnuti be with the aplrltuai We do not underatand the tnyttery oi growth our obllpetlon and privil ope la to aim ly row the reed the pond we ot tlod lie will brlna the hervert entered tlndrrae bet rotarcolot theme to tether wYou eouldhtra mald one clean tt up without complete linemen manwouldeuttbe motored cen chem noith oatin all th ii mammal overteed it didnt rot ei mired water it hbolt each lm peg loud morn Deeded utdntlt liven thou the to eiari gr not over and role it hand mu until you were red in the it Wold attiilod to die atrotea then titan new You could uauall while abtri to the yolildelw deya in roar ti hedlarched iotlarthig arer oi the tirfindr New and then lowly wort ot local tame would by bartna diamonde two trout upper teeth About the only other way to aain notorlot cu buy trifle and tie it it hit illdll Idlltlll were atlll alive lhe miniat didnt charae much elite cauro there elwatl poralbllliy that hed pol picture in the newapaper iJia wea an hard in that people were perhapt eentlally tinder in one then they are today Those were the dareao memberi trumpeter IN current Intimwlilmtlilt Ill WWI WW5 tout nvnnnirtw JIMlollile Will lidIII WWW man enaloua in win tome nttniatcr preached

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