rI lIIIITIII nlnyn rollkked Ilonl Il unIImIIIIIImII1IIIII mol III Imlo lodILPIIn IIIQIIIIIIL IF If II WIIuloo IIIIIIIIn UnIImII IIII InIIIlorI our ln IodI work odd Ibo unLIoIlll bI open noon In InldnlIII tor III IIIII III noon nlerIIIy JIIIIII mlo Ind Infill bool E5 iii 25 RE olnooiolou lrnrnlIInI AnoIIII BuommmAII RII IIIIIII Item 1qu in $23 Il Guelph AI dnllIr Inject IIIII olIl IIIIHI 300 Ian II mum Ind Moor laban gelling Ill ml on Ibo Im In III pIInIIln Iluu III III Imnl yun IlIh man III III been III mm Dr IIII holy III III Minnow Idvloor Ind Jnuph II Hum Icon II III Hon II under IIIIIIIIIIIuaIIIrlIIIndIoIInuIIwI Innoth IIIIIIIIbImlII Hello ollhmlnlslr In IAmdooInI noun um mm mm Wilma om In own IIIInna Innrob Wm vm Wm HIM lloIlIh Imman In Iomo our IIIIIIIICIII PoIIIo DopImml om ol Bib ll mm Ion ullI IIIIIInoII mu wwwmorom IIIIII BIIIII SoIIIl PlInIIIII Comdl IIII Indomd III In mm Ind plodnon IIIIIIIncI II Immmlhommomlbmlunlnmum IMIII WI IM II IodIyI runnlox II III II II who III Ioll IlIy IIIII Ihooo IouII OIIIrleI wIIIIIIIIIIIIm II III III any qun MI III gtllr Kollh pom III III III noon will In IpInl oubllo 1th III omch II InnI In to IE lI IroIoIrIlIIrIIIo II IPoInIIyIpInplI III III II III or III whlch Io IIII dn dlroclly on Io IIlth II III dIml lhoInIo ma InIIIoour dIoIIII III In Ital ol IldI lI IIIIIIIII InIl IIIou III IIIII oo Moo II IMId Jlm Wood III Huldonllnd com IIInnIoN um cInlInIInolIIolAInonmn loll Am Ind land KIIII dlrognt will be modlnnllu III III IIIIIII IIIII IIIIII ln BIIIII MIL Mom In holy BorIIII IIIIIII IIIII Im Dr mum III II InduoIInInII Inc lam number MM unemury mh IMI am on In RIILPIIIIIIIIIIIIIMoIgi Ilon llIIIIIoI MIMI DIII WIlIIto Mot oI III SIIncoI My oubIIc IIIIII IIIIIII our III anIIIl II dnll IIIoIIorlonlod pro lllm IIII mIIII Illl unlll low mm III II nporIlod III IIIII IIIIII Icon mm II III Onlllon Ind V111 bob IroIn In In mldnlthll mlnor lIoIn OIIlhd Plavhoue Series jMIIst For EIIteItainment ny IIUIIIIL all IlncoIII IIIII IIIcoulomb ImlIIoo II III Iudlenoo III Somo Evenlnl moo IdeI Id Irom Slnnnnlnleoclo Sun IIIIII SIIIIIII II IIlJIllo lnII Ind olbo my opened loo Iummormlon dlllllhybhl OIIIIII PlIonqu II III 0er ow In OrllllI nldoy nlIbl III Ihroo plIyI choun III III IIIIIrIInIr uIIoI Inelnno III DrlInlnIdI IIIMII by VlllllInI ll SmlllHnd ml Stow SIIIII by Ilollcro Tho nrm IorlII II proIonl II III llIlaIlIy oI llnIAm York WWII IIIIclIeI IIan cloveIl IdeIId lrom III III IIIIIII InmoIIIII wrlllno IIo NIIIIIII Rnnlld Mlod owl Id IInm III IIIII II III wrllor II III Actor Elllaul l1 Mm retellyllhelllmlhtrw III we IrlIIIIrIl IIIII own IIIIIIII IIIIIIII 11in IIIII IkIIclI IIII SIIIIII nl III IIIIIIIII IIIIII VIII lyp IIIl Onllrlo Ind Iory Ibo Ila III Icllon lIcIanII ll nooIIoolyIIIouIIInI nlIIlly In ploy III llllod IIII IIII IIII pom IIIIII oIl worn pIrIlIulIy Iood III III IoIIInI wulhroonll II II on eooIlIupoduIrlII II Tho III II OIIIrII roIldInuIIomId II III lIly InovoInIl II IIlIll III doc Ind IIIIIId bank II III dock III Ixcurolonorn nun lb mm by unit1 31 umuluclm 013 Bow mom will harloy III III IrInIIr porlormor lIlI III only III II IIInn mull lwn Onlqu III dInI Iocordod by III EnIlIIII born In Danton whoch II In younn boy II on upper Cldl who no UnlvonIIIy nl IIIIoIIlo Ind IeIldu III Iorloun wIllInII lan In our my oI III III Icon rnlnd Ind IIIIp III may II III lIlonnoIIIlooloI III MOIIIIIJIIM WI II but loIIIbIII 1y III III llIII ol tumor In IIII II lInII II wroolvoII IIIIIIIII Iro coo II lIrln Tho IIIILIIIII III 0m IIIIIIoIIbIouIII IleIqu IIIII Iowlwl us IIIoInIolyoo or IIIIII Ihoy In Tho OIIlllI Plutoqu IIIIII lo IIIIIII lnr your Iurnmor onIorlIInrnInI New Manager lived In Barrio CIIIIII IL MIIlnnII Imp ol BIIrlo IIINMIJ op 01 llIIIIon III LII II OIIIlllo lhlI IIpIcIy lnnnol Illl IIIIIIIII III IIIIII ollleo Iuncllono Ind bI moon IIIlo Ior IoornInIIlnI III llnIn IIII IlIoII Ind IIIIIII MNVII ol lluIlInIleIloro wIlIIII III orIntlI IrIII llooIIon IIIIlIllI II In IIIrn ooIIprmnI IIIoIIIool NoIIb AInorIII um PrInI In IIIqu Inrlu anmu Iorvod In IdInInIIIrIllvo IonlIlonI Io com II In lionlo InHoIoIlo II who nI llIlIIII Ind IIIIIIIlo oI SI MIryI Unl Iorolly Ilr MIIlnnoI nnn IlI lomllI M19 now III In RIIIIIII ln MIL Ibo mulllnx III WI MIN pooplolIBIrrloInIlIIoI Mo on IoblIInI Inc IIIIIIly my olIIrInI Ibelr ban on my gin Hill In Io lm mm bztm norm 31mm II III 1mg IIMAII In II on milk IIII III III III In or II on III boloII III IInoIInII Muhvo IInounIId Io mmvllh III momIII Ill $1111111 No Illonhlo opIrIunuoIII III up IVE TI MM Ind IIIIIIIIIIII mlol monnd Io IIoIIl HM II II uIIlllnl pIrInIcnI oluzlph Vollgtolly lmlzd on Iollln lInIl IMcI Ilmdy III mm mm bun Ind Iwmpy IIII II wlll Ih IoII moIo lbIn Io dlllor col Man II woody IIIInll bWIImnIIT Ioul In lm SWIM on man III Ith muomlc IIIIII luludodvlllbolhlllnldo IIII dIIoIIn Io Inoclu oIlIcIon III IIlI IoloI Momma Ind In nIIor IIIIJIII Impbnlu III moonInlmn loml IIII III IIIqu In Iouon IIIIIIIIIIII IIboIquIn orn nnm In Ian mom II III noon 30 lolewl olth um 19 III conned Io lm lbelr IIIIlvo mnmnd My man IlIllod III no men boom ol Ben VIlIulI In Dun III and IIIIlly III Hon GIIIII II IlnclIIIn no Ibdelyo nInI IIIII III b0 lo III union II Soulb Pool on My Inseamahry Cool Wether forecast For Next Few Days lIanIIIIIII lnIlhI IIIIIII Yul Idll cool Inn 30 II III mm 3M 35 on III IWJHMMI IIIIo II IlII poulblIlIy ol In IIolIlon rIIIlI omInl llIo our lot will III III MIMI Bxan Int Ibo IoolIlId IImr In Me pIIIly Iloody Ikloo will IIII Ivor III onlln provlnco odIy Huh IIIII IIIIII loom noIlrh 00 mm llhlun III loo In or In III III WW III III onIIIIIIurI IIIIII II on pIIIon lot IIIIIIIrn locolIIIII IIIIII IIIluIl Iumlnl mad Ill bolln LI NW Onllrlo IIIro Ilm IIIl rqum to moro IIIIIIIIII IIIIII Inland Mm period loony IIInoIIlI molly lunny IonIlnuln coo Hllho loony III oodIy rboroulh don IIImIlIon LIII SI CIIIr uh EIII LIII Ilqun IIIIIIII orn Gomlon III uh 0nI IIIIo IIIIxIII Sunny VIM loud MIMI Ind Iona II In Mom named Ihownr lodIyu Wednes dIy rnoIIly IIme Ind IouIInIII In tool In IodIy Ind mom 61 lo II Ion loI old In IIII ochnI no no In IoIIIIIIII mo GIIr IcllonIoIMIrnoImlnlv Norm Boy Sudbury normn Gooulu Bu Alum HIM Ion lleoIlI ounny om conunn III cool Iodoy Ind Wodnoodoy llllhlbolhdmtolnulou IoolIII noon I0 WIIII Elva lIInIIInIlI mm In In mwnwn Ion lonlIlII IIII I0 Illa Wodnoodny 63 In 70 OIIIIII Honlronl IIInIy Ind cool III May It vx III new may Inn IomoIIII ernIor III Hm III lllllll om Wlndsor SunlI Won KIIIIInor Ilounl ForIIl WlnIII OIIn Sound mum llImlIInn SI CIIIIIIIIII lnrnnlo mnlon Klnnlon Polubolollyh lllllnloo NorIlI BIy EIIIIIII WEI rm on VIIIII lllvor GIIIIIIIon 28$88883333a888233a3 sasssssssaaabaassssaaaz azagyaaassagsasaaaaaesaas WIIIIII IoIoIIIIl brounhl lo you dolly by STHL llLllb RADIAL SPECIAL lolly WI 40 MllMMWIM IllMW hum WlWlIllIIIITIIACII IIIORlIMIINKAW Ian III II on Mu II EACH mm III III mmnu Inna III now III mm PARKIAND TIRE VI MulIIIIIISI mIIZDEI mm dun ll coIIIIIIIIIIo sI lo 5100 In hard cold cash ngSE oanmrporag P0BonIIllIBDnnlopBIIEIIIBIIIlI0n mum oIIluIlIIle noncomm IIIIIIIII CANADA nnIoIII IIIIIIIIIcn