IV Poiawlett vruldant at the moraine So rietumpinatha0rder tot Iain raa Oibaa Pronto casino DECORAIED Fidel Carin inlraday The tried at Iaarriad at ceremony In the Kremlin AP Photo Ideis Threatens gratiiiockiteiinery OTTAWA CF DWIM meot blintrtrr JukDailt has threatened to block completion of Naltoinadiaiida Comatiy ary irritate It antipotlotleo iiari leataiincrrt roilyeuniroronlnt yearn in Davie told reportarl Iitaaday that the more ILICII ritual to other darelopera that thaydeuaenot cope the tederet to one The Nevteunriianri Retirith Co ltd vritt have to rhnnra Its piano to antipollution nen rum by July to ho aonwiicrde or he will etop construction July to under poem arantcd hy the FLihertea Act Althouxh estimated coat ot the additlena would be at lent million Narrtoundiaotl Premier mob Itoorea raid In teta pbone totarrlerr later that the companynominally Conan corporation that the premier controlled by New York ithueautett Id motor broiler and federal otllrlair reached lirherhualalasreemcgt tart Inert an try one Inna When tried however7 Mr Minister Save Water Is Sale evaaee rear Victor Coidbloom Quebec minister re apoiutbla tor the quality at the enVIronmcnt eold Iliasday the ta water In western Quebec to newrpaoer report from 0t nder John shaheenivlit nomatdiiliculiyrriert bloom did not try how the extra would be reload ill atria raid in inoptha at tatta with the coronary tailed to produce evidence that tho Tim had the plane or the money to deal with pollution lie estimated the rail oI re mill that bu been tunnint Ier ouirrd rhanrea In Inciiitlca at it million itIr itoorea lalii he no In meat company olIIrIala today to dilate Ita regulate Ior more money Ier po ution abatement and other unexpected erpenau Conservative Mt Walter Carter rsr lohna ieeti when Mtg Include the protect ae cur btrDayIaandthatederai leaernirrent in In Interview at deliberately rtnilinx annormrr meat at the lie In to avoid embarmelna to liberal aor emnieat ot the SinaIirrood deteated by itr earn and the Conumttvea Iart tall In hie anthuatum tor develop meet at Newtoinidimi Mr adulthood arroiiaed with lite Shaheen In tied to Mt up the retlnexy under Iha Naaound Reilnery Do ltr Shabeen rrpmeolad In the trnnrartloar by President Nixonthen New York lawyer Emit im$beln on the coin more Mr HUD am ovum MAMA ICE Solicitor Gena leanPierre cover an noun hiesday that perma nent ayatern ut overtime pity will he aetahlIabed tor membera ot the RCMP iii layer told the Oemmooa eupptementary pay ayatrm under otudy and meantime an amount of money ha been eet ulda tor an In terim ryrtem ot overtime He was replyinii to iiniiaca Neabitt tawa Saturday raid that tap 1W water In at Icnit ti wcetem Quebee rmnmunltier Ir until to drlnktnl Except tor the loan at Bry ion and Teri Coulongr the entity oi tho water cam elttelv oottatecterv htr Gout bloom raid In itatement iIa raid that In Erma the chlorination oi the water has not been done properly end that umpiea oi the water had not been lent to orovInelat were met laboratorier lit Goidhloorii raid that Part Ooutoiige has been told In In crease the minute at chlorine In Ila water lt iiiiiiic Rogerio Variety Adult Booka Fishing Tackle Clearance Sale 20 30 Oil Seii lube tester Open arn para 22 TIIIIn St Corner at Em Rd NOTICE The City at Barrie has approved an Increase in the tees tor Committee at Adjustment Applications to be etiective July 1972 The Increases are re toltowa All apptleaiioiu will be 000 inppiicanu will be changed Capital Con tributloii tea oi 320000 In every new lot created In reverence apphcatton An auenmont they he charged tor an amouot not exceeding 15 ot the vetueot thaiand torpublic purpoaee other than reads The value oi the land to considered to be too pereq tt Denniaolaaeear gives you more than just LOW PRICES CHRISTILS oIIEil aiscuiis eif43 BAKERY FEATURES Iiiiiiiir 45 DEMPSTLRIS KAISER noiis Tenant FROZEN FOOD FEATURES oiiocotAiE on Fourth seen lEE caves diliriviiuiiiiriiaez3339 agm RED GRADE 39 Chickens PRIDE OI CANADA IIMDY IO SERVE our SALTAVIMECA on aim rLtyeer SIIIIDKED HAIIIIS iiiliildiiis 95c VOIXCUYRREEN 0R WAX IEFL39 CHOICE DEANS its Fgssrmeano amid 41 siiiiirlssbiiiis CANNES ctoyteLaarmz riiv seriowviiawiii 58c IIIIIIINLUNNUUDIE sour on own not it 24 RASPBERRYJJR STRAWBERRV NI arenveoxriiiisieit 2129 UNICO SALAD DIL Itd CORONATIONNFL OI JAR swear MIXED PICKLES 51 MOTHER PARKERS INSTANT COFFEE tinIAII PRICES EFFECTIVE MON THRU SAT JUNE 26THJULY IST THE MEATIER ONES BEEF STEAKETTES militia to55c SHOPSY POTATO SALAD on COLE smw sill Licensernico inll SPECIAL euncrrasss IDSTON certain area lOAF new EMILE MATE 5245 CORONATION swear RELISH itin39 MONARCN TEA BISK in4915 oeweenrooritnarNTeeeuroe ARCTIC rowan iat 159 rirrnrxrasseerrocotonsi PAPERTIIWELS tutti mtPERSPIRAIIII REGULAR 0R UNSCEIITED RDC4 SDFT DRI mouth or man HOLD tut ADDRN HAIRSPRAN DAIRY FEAT LA minihires 53 INNITAIININDKNWIM riii35 EWINNIIIINSTALNEIN 83 if sAIco iiiiieAiiiiieiriiieranIi GOLDEN AREASMAINE CR SLICES FANCY PEACHES itll RERSREViLIIJIN INSTANT CHDCDLATE NICE Silt DUTCH CLEANSER ALCANMZ WIDIN ALUMINUM FDIL nit lihiiiiihriis mitt WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES