AMARGAIIIIII WIIIZN VISITING OUR DELICATESSBN DEPARTMENT HOWE ABOUT OUR CATERING SERVICE PREPARE PARTY TILAYS TOR ALL OCCASIONS CHICIEKN LOAF MAC AND CITIES DR OLIVELOAF 65 lb POLISH IRINGSAUSAGE IIcIl well WHIIIIII II II IHIIUSANDSNIIW IIIIOMEIINS 323 cmurmousuusIIc noun no omen coollrs IV we place common SCHNEIDERS SIZZLER Slllslll GEM Km Dr Idem Heel we or CDILAPI OLTIII 23I DOG FOOD hI IIIam Illl Cooking OIL IIIIIIM DOGgtFOOD 353 rooo DI IIIIIMI MEATIES 05mm Mu CAT CHOW Page VIIIeIIu CA FOOD SI SUI IKRAPT PARKAY COLORED Do we Ml RASPBERRY JAM YellIr III SI Blll Popor Plum IIIlmIre Good elm IMARMALADE ENEANED HONEY In mnur Iurren BISI HUI IIIIIIUT Iurrerl Invmenw DIIerganI JUNIOR MEATS IMIII 19 mmnmnmmo BURN BREAKPAST lllkslusn HA 69 noun I8 II on Tl LI Pig on no Toman Kelehup 29 II OI 51 Hz The 235e II on CIaL Feede SoIIenIr $133 Pm Ill Int In lIel If Th 18 III III 49 leeem Sarita Willi Ir Izhel I99 Hl 64 Dr con 88 run In 62 re em Powdered II In 99e 01 $Il9 01 Im JUNIOR IAIYFOOD 245e we nuem In Vallequ Ill 0qu Or 9mm READY TO IAT COL Itlceo BOLOGNA SCHNEIDERS COOKED MEATS 60L VIIPII IV OI HAIRSPRAY ImeI leper Dr DEODORANT Gillette Super EIIILIIII STEEL BLADES Duddd HrInd noonch LYSOL SPRAY Nun sour SIII TOOTHPASTE HubMm INererI Illerllnn Ir TIddlerI DISPOSABLE DIAPERS III FRUIT SALT Ieellne PETROLEUM JELLY OTIpI COTTON SWAIIS Neueau SPRAY DEODORANT one no Mien SHAMPOO mouruwm HAIRSPRAY Mr Bubble Powdered rum BATH CREME RINSE ozorlot lilrMINI 13 lll urnInores l5 AdenRenlIrerIllrdleTIIlIS0ITI 589 on We Pk II II 89c III OI In BAYER ASPIRIN 61c el ml ADHESIVE BANDAGES 91 II 05 SIIZ9 on me 99 II II SI um ltl 89 noun 19 IM II III 99 so no 69 MM hurled lint $l39y hm IIOLIIII $l29 In Lid men we In 57 PII 51c PIIeIIII All Irleleol an oe on an ISI mrm 59 EEFEE 55 is 5E 593 oi EB ES 123 E533 $3 IE 55 SE mum to Ibe Inked lILeIloa IIIIIend re The NDP Itonewelltn me Ier Ibo weekend when by the 0mm New Demomtlc Way oI ILI utlonellst RIIIII demoed by WIIIII In Idrorm more mm but II III In memee In dell rlIb Intel be plus lo II nu InreelmenI In CInlOI tbn bIll durtn reedlnz Itmendnunoemdrlodn Io IIIeIdIy SIPI moved there Io Ille hm tug MIL Inn debele Ilnled one romeo then ll III land that upon ltPI wereIlId upetemeetlnxdlbe Common mlarllun commit Ie Attenuon turned out In In lIbor Nll end the Home ol the balnm ol It rmler IeIId rlle wreaxllnx over one at nine uen emendrnontr dont um IDII In hell heroen from here uld oal empmled comment rookamen when the Home ed lwrned or III dIy Iba III ol the Impaled Irl dny Idlmrmnent named to blnze on Ibelher norty lender could come In Iome ureemerll 15 on nblch bill to pan b1 mom Tom poured to be lan ml In menl IIII reek to fun III Imlly allowance and orelln eoltrI blILI but ND In Tba lubseqn mm New Democrat II In bee owed by name Mme In effort In marten WIIIII Ino Men IIIII IIInbllsbrnwl ND memberI Illl IIIan up for lhllr rlm on lately Investment Ind oppoee lhe moment hill Since Ibederelopment rm ulntlon Lu centred on Ibo poul Iillly ol gellln New Demwnl to yield on the IIIIorIrI bill In relurn or leerel pledge Io Ioeed nor on Ille lIbor bIIL Ich bu drown ND Iuyoort DONT LIKE LAIOB BILL llanrer Cmerlllllel mIda elelIr tamdabet MsdIy III In es an wllb lbe labor III The poIIlbIllIy also romalru Illal while new laterpuny may be Inrhd Mr IIelIyor or Roth IJSIIII Iolleltel mlILI Mlle In coop enle boldlnx bdeln lean for Ilme The term mdlt blll IIII be Iha rst measure delIIIed when lloIII resume ark todny Tax Collctors Reinforce Law omwrl or IoderII ux collector Ire morlnx to rein Iquln lore ederIl In ayplrlnLII III Quebec Ir Onhrlo Vanuatu nmno ent lnleh prolellorr Mlle eompenlm nblrb receive lnx Inltbnaluealtbelrplentln men Irrm lerb darted Ilan charm an be allow Eidvfalb 3393433 other when em on WMWWM Tbs revenue demand In benet Mn $1M or OnIIrln Ielrrl Im the Quebec lax redne must Idllhl reIl Iarme to Id them elr federal III Ilon for mnnlllntlurlnz Indus trler Ind The Outbec provlodal gov cent In Ontlrlo Illrper menl rrdlt lull ernmenl Illowe commie In under the eodlru oI other no Ibo manulettluln and In lnduslrlea Io wrlle so to roeeee elelnncn The Quebec In reductlnn or 100 per cent ol thelr upendl manulIeIurerx bu been In el tum on eInIIIl lnreIIInenls lecl Ilnce Isl Ind the OnIIrlo dopendlnl on when my Ire lo lu rdIII look tiled Aprll 20 rated In the prollnoeunlnst 1m tbelr net revenue IIIWIWII II Quebec mrparlllnn quI pntuln Illowr Ill mmomres In dedueI llll per em or upon Eedrrll law In this mm not channel In the general revleon ol the Income Tax III which came Inln elleet 1151 Jen dllllru on new mchInery end ulprnenl from the In other Ilu revenue department me In pulble Io IIuI Drollnte It will not go back and muses Boll oltbese the tedonl gov comm to reIlIrn orlor Io erament now an mmI be 1711 but In ruob Iu rellrl en men No amount when Webec MN by Quebec Ind Onterlo Onurlo oomolnlee tomouII Iompenlea In the out Ill have deprodIIIoo on their oepltnl 15 In be reected to 1m Ind Inb Ietr lor lrderel lIx ourporre morn III return the Ille Federal lIw rm that In llal with the federal treullry WORLD BRIEFS Legislation To Remove Tax Paid 0n Passenger vehicles mom CPI bunIon tlon that would reoeel the rent comment ll lren IllII reodlnzIn Illa renlly pe mile tax geld by ooerntm ollouu and Manager leIIlrleI Ions Iceuetruellnz The slew mun Izod to lllllllDITI moo money Meta leda but byrurcnedn b1523 OntIrIo lelelaIure nlesdny It wlll ensure order koala Gordon Cuton mlnleler eIInd development Ier Ironsportntlon Ind communlee sold AIIorneyGenml DIl Mane uld llu unwu mel HeleIIInlntrodualnr tiered In unit In burden Io Murmur eblele operators rm cm norm modmonu Io Ihe lloue PLTNAYISIT TORONTO ICP bill IAII mm LAKE CPI would crack down on IrIIIle III More the III too Ito zlven Ilnt madln Ontulo SAULTI or II on elm wAtlEe bolld Premler Wllllnnn tom Im not IblIelty or two day Poll Inm lar Cundlen Fomhy Med Senlee ooenhoaa ElovtnI Own Ml II III Gll IleIeIrelr Centre