CosopBlasCldrlteoni SondYCove Ynnehtle egg log gr Reg til it it 5E llotelmen Bomb RobsonLand Inllecreational League Game Mlleteihunhedlm lIthIthlrdtnnieItalhnle lInI In My riot In In rent Bill IirAtrer Duntr htthe Beerutlrrul Yuthell Dec uid in Bob Itoreer ctton heron the toothy no em or toothy Ron Gull remolete the hirnden rootten Ki are 51 get 533 EEEE 3322 All AtlIIOItA United Item in white terrey Ind ntetnh Ir oi the Bertie titty Bluer hrttIe tor th hIIl In Sutur dIII rune It the herrle the nude on soccer Cluh downed the Drowne thirttet in Iimnerttt Ind Dittrttt ttrIIue iIrrt dtrieton IIIII Set urdIyIt the Berrle Irouodr metronome denwhore centerlny our wer ed the the Inltlod rrlt in theulmewrlter IIreIirornItIrttorInIIh It Newmrrtel IIIIoe rtel nod dlrtItnn metqh rltn Settndty It the lettuce DerrtI hirer were II ed to by Aurore United IerroI to the tlntIdIvtrton tout the city club built It to helorr Botrnr Ihtr Ir eInte heel with yttr oI oenIltyttth tired the reorlnr nearer reg wood rooted trout mm tIte 5$r25 It tron eon th Itemulna Dtriritt in ne mood dtrlrlon eontert Id In lint dlrittooyune It the drnmonthIrpotlotnocttn the rehound olIIlu errhot tItI In the hell nest hart in the turtle drienrtve nttrtrte tin the hIit no In hurt Wm mm Ithrle II no teem eotton next rhrturdey Ploy returner July Irnovinl the hell to Motrin Fll red Ilt onlthe threerert end not the thIrtlee em ended ntlty itch eltrr the hell III tooled hy ntrrte nteyer min IoIImouth round the Ihot III recom itll WE tn the lntnrneol Itrheltet NW taunt module the Inert hen tIrn teem deloIted NewmIrhet Hriter IrIdInItdet helltlme unmet otttdnir me IrteI record thoudntr out In ination to the Berrie demotion Whitehow werd tee Scoot Ind wln lirlryrotndo the Bertie City Sorter Cluh triumphed over Browne Ihietler ter tween the Bhrer Ind Aurore detenIIve ntlrlete telt thI Auro torerd open tor end he mode no we more or Ilrrrt Pool Chrrnieolr It the towel prieee were by Perl Merton end In Athinooo Torr riIlInr oi the Bertie err tor Barrie In sure Itin thelrlruueyrnteeln Ootintlot hither Sorter Anette eIrd It Itrndy tint when horte to tame Iron Itorrey Brdeley Newnurtrt itmttlrhel BetutdIy The Bet rte uleet tIIItI eon Ill tour dntyreend thenerrhrture th BIrrIe Atom helped ntIIntIIn IoeIl domIIItlon hy winning It with three min The motorltoee hue Ilrohern trout Glen them Ind one inrtted to Inter the Select IAII udt tor Grey White Ind IlItt or Ind with the homer will Grrlepy Barrie Bugger II Tryounce OldBoys Ihe Bertie Bothy FoothIlI IIImIn converted one It the Seooodr rolled to In my Ito trtee while It hIlt tId Itrndy win one the Toronto Did hoyr titted two more convutr BelordIy It North collulIte Ihe Burleehrh Ihleh on play Intro Toronto no Dirtrtct ltintemedlsltrhtzd dielritnntn lllpllt ob wrrd omen good tomline mm olulrr Ihout the error my end Bolt in In erhlhltton rnItrh qued In em HM mm IhI tout ruuer club it now amnion tor Itr InnuIl Inrttr onII rererrIeldI rumr tour Iroundr end the houre on the Bottom Nation Brewery mg the uncle termroored retro um um 01 trler In the true with III dit ierent nlIyrrt otny over the tine centres Drlznennlt Ouhr irorn iorotrto tendon Two Ind Ilrn Ilrndy mend row Windsor otIIwI Ind hlonl iorwerd IIrrt Whiteld hluntrerl eryeeted to hrttII hIIi Ilenry IlerrnIo wlnI ion the the FormosI Brewery Ind Jinn llrrnllton ereh lured try The Butte eluh wrr IIro Iurd ed oeuelty try when wt lomrd Laurie Caldwell thIed down trout hehiod while Ietnr tor loose but Atlanta Chiels in Pro Soccer League Contest AtlIntI enter took rdrentIIe oi home urrwndlnp Drudny Bllltt to Ihtrt out New Ytth One mor In North Amerirrn Soccer terIue note the coe ntoI Ireln recond pinto In the Northern Dlvlrtou white the Chlolrrhotd third piece In the Southern DlleIon In Belmdur lttldtt ht louln Muncoy Powers Why To Gold Cup DETROIT AP till looted no hhtnoey powered my tohir illth ttoid 0th plonrhln on the Detroit litter DutdIy In In reddeni pteyund IIt helore In eetlu mted wItcherI the etyeenotdbotrolter the winnerelthehrrttvomtetron tutti Ierntidettthreetn Imu ewonItlthrIIothtI hair with Allen VII um rod th the onIhl ltnIl without hetny ml ehnh legged utters hId won Iotn Gold door In three nrtlonII chI eorhloe in hlr 29 were on me circuit the hint hydmlrnr rrctrlI ctr hell LIhrvth Driry hophlol in the championship Ind Io rolellon rounds the torrent nuhtlo tr Invited to tlnt View the tenement whleh wltt IeItue her under There it no Idrntrtton chem Blank Cosmos steer hlentrd noeherter tro eere to Ind hltrrnl Grtoe trimmed DIIIII Ihrnedo to Ilrnry lJIlle Ind Perl Guild etch kered Ior Atlente The thtelr led to hIIItInte on tntldr III Ilrtooh turner heh Item Art Ieh rod herded thI hIII into the net erIIe Idded thI recood Ioel with 62m dotted the store hId everytth rotor tor thorn Seturdry In the content heteeen the dlvttloo Ierdere hot couldnt null oil 1th were on home Ire with Bureh ttrdturrt cmd oi root rootln lot thent hut not he Irtt rtto It It It ire tlrrt hell I1 lit the broom needed the stern otnrhot hocherter mt An IP grxent III to toe IIIlr oi the Ill celled heel or In otlutde It too In the record WImn Arehlhrtd reoeed trite tor the Grtoe Ind eet dour third hr Leroy Deleon tn Inttr hlmot reorinI output oi the Iron helore 1300 tent The win over rorerdo hrotr htirrnt IIIIrrne drou Ihrooto lletrot Id on the werhend will he boot to the GItoe Wtdrteedry nlyht Smile nlllilo Arrow lllllill RENTALS IPIekUprmrnelilllthVrnr with noon rues other oumuo It ltr one 25g $55 if 335 re 93 13 859 325 it hitl Til mm Al the Innlsill lth Line wt to periorntIneu by surly Com DIre lee Ind YInehr lithe IIIley Ind John Chum YIoeh exerted lrnrlnx tn the are III III lte menu In the rreond hoot end In error Irored PIuI Ore ehuh In the third to tire truth IeId lili In Restrained LAS VEGAS New AP Former heavyweight horln themnlon hluhIrnntId leaped out oi the run to con Iront hecklrr BIturdIy It hit erorrout but we ruttIlrted hy rettntty police In Ierloun todry ernt nlIylnI raid All Iner thI workout LIrt hIondIy In to Auxrler AIu out on helihIddln Ihow Irnlnrt eritldrtnI Inn Iil rnerttherr oi hlI rIroo deelrred the ammo ere reriour thin All meet Jerry cum to the convention centre here Iueedry night the note errd thlnI Stuff brother tilde In IlleoII tor the IIIhtheIryI weight titlI Ilrlmt ehemo Bob DRUM outlaw Hmmnbuw arrIv Iveer muteIII noonnun DISC RELINE Wehalerwrthrrtt hemedonned butlerd atriummu ht LWMM Illnerrrehtitrrtm 51thth MINDYMIIMIIM tenetnu ranrm r4emww munmom nu MWIMIIIMI emuon mmhmemu Mnrwmmuume monumentmurmur hetwenlltewewlm Muniemvmmen notionammo modeln lIan Benny DIn rooted It the him the hush limit whenle IIImum MM run Ahlusdcnrrrortntheninth tnnlnIIIreAInthhItII in nun the run in the Ilrth Inlet yrre htldhurrt their to wt Kennedy Contrrrtorr Kennedy with III rum in the third inntnL held 101 run into the lourth Summary led Kennedy wlth nee root In tour time It het hey end torperriere Iloo trend trio rurtr tor the Oontrldorr IhI Irrdloy hItter lor hi3 three honthILBrrmt the rm Both ol the other recrertlentt ieIIue Irtner hot night here or urnu one Moreno II In HII eon ntrro another tum rune elem In torI hotted with Ittdhurrt Con not PeoII Ililo um lettered tlnenlleh umm opIned the rroetn ururutr hIrI Ill tour timer It hItr In three men Dixon Indg Buruu hoth hit home runr in tildhurrt in layer Irtlon tonli wrenn Ilotel hortr Kennedy otntrrotnrr It Steele 931 Lumberjacks Take Alltstort Cunucksgg We twohlt Ihttthtll coupled with Ted thornI htt Himmcuunm too much yerterdoy Indy Iho recently mud to Mom node would down lot the tense Emma rlnIIed In the third tor hIr tint hit Ind eventurtty with Int Ilolo chuck when rIdy ruched her InInIrrorinthIItIthEntrnr hit Imun homer over the Mt Ileld ienre his ltrtt oi the xenon thlI tltntIIed three run oulhtrret which Ilno In Hot oahueh Ind Bord Irehron Iron erireh Itrrt two runs were Ieored in the record IechrIn Ind Bredr SutherIIndI rounder went threth the Mod Ihnrt Wingy IheBIrrle melded Ill eunuch Min the pull DIrt Boner Ind rt elder gum the only all trehr Brrdy who ed hlI third Ihutout in Both better look the leer tor AlIlItoo Barrie Lurnherirctr ner Iron in In Beeton union the Beehive IhteIdIy one llmn rune the rite re herd otter Ihot Ind Ittor trite VrIte nice Ilertnyr tront rtleh VII err retnteoll Ior en inhrctlon walk teeowenen thrther AIorlwlthrnottnutetlItteI Jive ntnnteehter hilt titlin the note III the dItlIreeee he rInnIr 1266535 lnnnlnn nonhdutuut treatment WA Irrhotorer reunionr oerIt utttonlnn II HAYTIRSOARAOI one 34