Ont ERMA Bo BECK IIns Deav Nae IYon nru rini irrcog its nurligtoriiu win was to eizve um in pa Ioaal nod pruote nropcdy CHRISTMAS COMES TO CllTVYHALLj city swarmin ptbllc utilities eh Whirlpool and ne the morn tin AND uns atrium HARKER Tier it Fritz oiliclzted at pink sweetheart roses add hIhyI tha Iitcrnoan eervtce whcn to breath Anne Elizabeth Dawson and lllJ chard Nelson ilorkcr eaciiauncd vow It Colllcr street United Church The bride is be second oldest dauzhtcryoi air and tin Lloyd Davrron or Dorrie and the groom the son or iir and AIM John Harper Brantlorri Escorted to the altar by her lather Ute bride wore lull length gm oi Swiss eyelet 11y ed with an empire Mill and ilcrv ed bodice with lritcnvoreri pink velvet ribbon iier nylun elbow longih mi wns caught to luitcn and trimmedruith eyelet dairies to match the down She carried bouquet oi deep Ink and white roses Indbabys breath JonetjchemiliIIro oi llIrrle was therriald Iii honor and tho bridesmaids were Ada Dawson oi DIrrIi Ilaier oi the bride Gail iiIrkcr oi Brnnttoro rirter oiihe mom The attendants mm gowns or pink and whilecheclred gingham with puilod Iieaveo trimmed In white eyelet Mc Their outts vrero oompletld with white Horny ilItI Indplnkm unitesbowie ed gingham Itreornereeiid they carriedbaIkeII oi white daisies the 1113th Iial on little mat chats with Ray and JI Mtrne Brian liarkkhs hoe unriabola to La ILD employ banduot Pat Hawkins who ed in the dens departmm works to toe clerka depart ItutyhaiL lmmioer Photo ILaiziy pacifist swaps signs fqriypewriter msrva 1cm Goldie mapped heroiceet sign or iyperrrlier to aoucezo ilyeara pound proteet between the boo my because on Joe lazy to or It meant oi the PM nwv merit herejor to your the 51yeuroid Lori donboro pactilstegltator raid in In interview The llrst drriit oIher auto blomphlcai history book tied with green ribbon loll Irom inst Christrnna ilcs on card table in her housc her ick Iigns muluuuuaa undry has ket in tile bathmumnbooiir oi poetry about human rights stallele the cofncr rbirdeil loll ol letterl mind lull oiv memorier ftiryon bdi Ia peace you only need turn people and you ve got peace moirmc so she said to explain heninn izlliiirlwind of Activities oltvn one MOVING TO TORONTO Goldie wIe roong to lbronto to nish her boo Ind elm new Ille leaving this ity uhere ehe premixed demonstrations on PartlImcutlitIl bald uni outside lorelan embasslrl eouldnt handle 15 mi hndle involves mote than lzwefvcb Im mmwwiu Lillyth CPI are iiorooords oi howl 1d my and And We lied um The myiumihum nllsgtland itll noelEH itseli incTE dmwwmm iii iteruthaiprvndietomahme hhm chainnonhuman ulbey aremrcooholiuetboivhne oi Ind him therein anything could do choice he made Ooe olmtiodzignilm oi Intetd hmi Ib lhldm lio Iboutrnak TEElt NW3 ininsirlon mm our runner that drlmIIildIrI log somepopoornl be oiled with in common mica lint suanaeromio parlru the beach iiosbInd rmtled lurch isizomtartm cloth Iteilrlnnit Ir might galmagp Do 00 mm email will ml nger become Ipan oi the lash my wizyi as initial ed ddt loniredc Mtbtydomxgoout coovneroial the er Mi my oldrtev Nd demand oblrltalna took the riarlr ground oftbe Black which lt iimwrmuurbrrip id nor ion re use ixDLbl PW In My =nm liselrir es je way out oi pair robe married You mixtd me iotirtd Iresitnx plate in sun WW Eummm gloves ringing ive been met drink in the glass the kids use lend To him Iddrduglm red and Ive been good lve ind the hethoom liartheh and wimkamvangosah lesbim can um hhvmw qr Viiilllcihmmrm Ito diffitohriil nihiwm 95 rcd ite $13393 dnglegl chains no can be rennsened their bedroom here Iii rod doesnt have the Partridge In lnmm the Torbegun elule wtgemA adjustable ptnS imitating Plfimewru F733 nth gzuc In Fonlishirian 11 2m Shirtmiiar dioklra and mat thI lit Avilnce run your uh on me can WPT Sim II mi T35 he rI thin in PM rm you in pam ly the stunted he mriomxea iildmgdy mfg 23 ufrij lute to change mm mum the kitchen Eligiflokm ghtwn hlacicodi oi Skye ldlow thei yidMF that handy their con eslxn we eoorrho has studied their hia tm jilbe cut variety cl deslrns in the With indtdItca In early link will mainland the limo pm Perched pmw rope tutor in In intervivn tively on the Inn elixir hair The lrgidi have developed laid hrnktiy tleii me about and mu litemylor generations It and yet by more trick evolu this gtIsu illst Aviance IIiETllTTUl GP Vito llomauo oi Brantiord won best man and iiahrrtna duties were carried out by Larry Daw son at Barrie brotheroi thI ilorigo Ind tinndy Alnnao oi Brant or reception and dance wIII held loitooing the rarvlce It 111 tin Pointrdlarloo Thu brides mother received her guest wetrrn oral gown ulth matching or Thogroom molth wistederlng long guviu oihlue polyester with yellow Ind rod satin roer Their corsagea Were oi yellow Ind red rores ior travelling in the that Cotel the brirlu chose Ilang red halter dress with matcan shorty locket accented with uhltc acccisorlts The groom were red unit also accented wrth white vluceseoriu Each IIiuzil while revel lioo couple Will reside in Dar OnionMn cueiti nilhood irorri Toronto Bruntlord Kitch ener Hamilton Waterloo Dra malea Ind Bank Alberta iror lo the helium ride was honored It too showerl one in Iinrrie given by her aistere and mother Indone intimat Lorrd given by the groorna moth raiirfsPOINiios DY POLLYr Cit trill 11 Milk harutun pet pouv One is boring to my for ITIDPViMDI thul hire the horn Idverrisemcnt on It The other in when im about to coilirouzh door having Iomcone IIIin It In my luceli only taken mud to look and Ice it more behindMu meted In the bottom and not Ieody to throw it away Iiut hid rcrric sealing wax ell Irom canning no lew itiIvr than in the In torn oi lilllln loo mdteditwnt In the lioilr II 33 swirled the piuoto the mm This worirri like cum or courne only cool water tor Viltlliilimy planil not the amine Ioliderl if Bier rally lound that sew Inn mIchIne oil removed tar that hurl gotten in the wide oi nly washing machine 1lyhuIqud hadJroublo with the handle at his Ileo ham mer braking otter So ie at Dear Polly hiy wotrrinu can I1nrh piece olivine Ir in Ill our the birdie oi the hammer hen iinudioiflu bur loiiy tlloo lo lint No more bro when menis trying to cheer one Iri irotq hundrch letters to newspaper edl ainbborniy lobbied politic Ind urged curious observers to campaign for world peace and human ht with her eloquent licry she arrited In Canada ic helped oreoie Ilia cono mlttce ior new immigrantl loudly called The Old Country Club name hEmIY giggles C9111 vud nanny drourr oi gliIh immigrants Kcrouching together In their various base nther opt About too oom Ick members vaiieudcd their Christmas party in 1051 ml iour years later someor tirtrn still were here to lulu the Canadian Camr nairn to Nuclear Disi armomenl NFED MOTIVATIDN Since then In meant turning out hriel alter brret vigil alter vigil demonstration Iitcr dem onstratlon tile IayI You need nthVItlon You operate on beilelI You dont need an ol Ilcn with paid ninth Goldie keeps under locir uod key the minutes ii the tirst meetlngn In root at the Ottawa Committee or Control at nadir Itioniinaurdo scribbled In hartcovered notebook With it is her that pamphlet icace ia 011 Onlv Shelter maceration mine yigna were below ported and bomb abelieis here being built at the lime This tends to lull us into willingness to accent the mash bllity orrnurieur Mr toler ahle Thiy tcmols or ii Ivold dealing realistically nlth the present Illuetlo Goldie wrote In the lca he only dcicnre against nuclearuar ti page rid helo Pour onelull cup wa ter Into email piled hag III Ihui very ttyritty with rubber band IMi lay out In the Inner This makes hand Ire Ivan lor burns ruta Ind bnilrea louud It iii aoirr iierl burned nryieii In the hitchcn The cold comprcu brings rrlri and Anita beter than cold WI ter or tea cubreA II curt cint 11 rating It began It 1010 prn Satu imr to Led with ceni Ipprvacbtd dldul run busth and IeInrdaod theresucbazu mum sluirAndIctlhe uiorlng over to two all TV set pm lliuband boiltd rt n1 said lDidel ulntlie Iir hopped on It p111 baked husband he noticed anything Baby needs pguceiond quiet right fromriiomeni of ibirth 1111 311 Youre go to ihoie garbage dLrposer Do mine the In to lick ell pectinM ii wasnt anyiiiln COULDNT handler Janis munno Von sDrIncI In its hen unlarniiiar needs aolt lightr peace and irortd quiet more than baby II the moment it Is born Bahira have bctierhtan iiie they are born in dimly lit delivery room where all harsh noises voided and the child IIeIs serenely Ind calmly into the world So says pe hologisi who studied the beheiicr patterns oi children delivered by French obstetrician Frederick oyer whoao method at ldhirtii without violence reunion in Ihemedicai proieo lion So bright Iighienre cut out In thI delivery room and silence relenras the baby It restedon the mother stimuli Irnnw dlatciy alter birth The doctor gently moietier its back and then letathe mother tIIc overt Dangling no child by its no Iiid Iaitlri lor the ilrst yell oi Itie II lorblddeo Corrrrrumo amruuv The umblctl rorrl ls out only when it atop pulaatiog and then the child given both In bloodheat Villll to give It reus TODAYSVRECIPE forum llerb Siuiitng in Turkey cup chopped crlcry 23 Thleps butte cum cubed dried bread tinniy packed ti cup Tliei large cooking angle corrrl ml chopped 1s isps Ialt two poorer It too roacmeryiearer it no tarragon tr lspl moriorom It run chicken broth or water tott pound surrey Saute onlonand color in butter until onion in transnn Mi for Mill rni Mil mining etuiling Ingredients and combine well To profaro turkey lor atulling remove as iron truis Revise athlete and nerk lreni cavllIeI film and dry ladder or bird Stuli th dressing ltetrurs Iran and secure body entity with rte wer Anchor vlnl tire turd bird to out neck iIIp midi will ii LeBoyerI request pay chologist Diuiriie ltrpoport took ro scctiou oi 12101 the 1000 children delivered by him in Paris ciiuii For the 5th they were Ivbdlvided in groups oi childron aged and liapoporta coaciusions to he puhtuhed to psychologylre vie in January over oheirnlngly support Lechere method sol oi the 15 couples interviewed only eight bId dil mm diyiucuuuuiuv rchiidleil The That was 1737 The adoption of xed pat majority deieivped very well and had no touting rizep or skin problems Thehahirs very dil ierrut slut in liie as do the mothers Indlathere in their method scenia to have trans lormcd them and given them lIutIstic reassurance GET llllliEil STATIT She added ili Nenmi they eel boiler start in lite Ob viously childbirth without vio lence does not protect the baby Irom Ill problems but it avoids Your contract isbeing negotiated novv Iomo One hundred and twelve couples told me they were Iuckv and had an ideal baby The Id Jectives thIt kept croppinguu uhcrr the parents described tnrlr children were morveiuus intellieenl observant gt ht mm most durlnn my conversations with parenirv was the total absence oi re quests innpsychoinclczl Idvtrc That it in sharp entrust to my earlier lnverllzations Wm Studio tons nbaenrsou ru In outnrro TDJiTZFW Martins Aridrcsil till uAniur ctsmrr rune nunrenre TMIAHON it Convolution Iy ale signa relatlonship with the child The tie started by building roads and hrilgr so lthai he timid ei in ammo look she ihat has called the Highland LinH line that ieparnte the lid country oCihe Iii hds irom Lte ruldrated how andstic rr cruilcd lorco oi mill nec Iaid lierrlsvn ivm Scottish trorpa divided into six mmpaniu each on manned by colonel oi known ioraily to Use govrmmeotl The rolnnots among other duller had to clothe their own men andrnaiuraiiy theychose their own tartars For tcvr years the mmnaniee um thus dad but it roonbecnme rim that thesemen In their varied tartona were not distinctive enough So Wade sent out In or dcr thIt the must all near der tmUIitd mid all he clothed in the same colors In this way the Idea oi unilorms war introduced The dark deSlgn doneculor the soldierveuoinecra rapidly earned them the Itlme oi the Titans chnot llcss com 1111me the Black Guard luo lor these guards set precedent tor the whole oi the amiy in Scotland with com parties ndoptlorthelr on do tincircnrie design with vrllov he Chi olCaruigt whiirrhut ladls the la iheBiarir Which in ii icr colors So although these tartIns me not ancient they are cer Iliuiy genuine said Harrison lnyme may adopt any design or coiorinn he liku and these tnrtIM arc neither more nor loss gcmiloo than the new tar ions that have been desipied Tor let us say the provinces oi Canada He added that brownish Scottish lurtnns or exreptloriai amou European winnie cloths nvos oi which are used only narrouly Ior national and partkulariy tor coir iumu Inddo not touch the iashioti trade the world The tattoos ore emotional 31 to umniy tor III In only Slvl l5 Ii his raid Curiously Ii youre NEW IN TOWN enddalrrknuw which wayta rum call the horror norm 4240515 Valli be glad you out OniorioEublio Service Employees Union Members The Trudeau controls uiiect you corn hovvihocoutrolsuiiocr your poycheiiue Ohtoinuiullraportouyourcuiegorysburgoininoy iielpmop unidnstrotey to combat the control rWednesday Decenibrl7 Howard ioh Attend the meeting in your urea 730 pm nson5 Hotel Drillid Ont