Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Dec 1975, p. 17

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CANADLA new rd ml min luv III maths mild twp mandarininux patina washer lamuteri all immanent Cloid laid mi mm the Gd at Her Leo and the name tem pentm rhea mad lmln earthen WW Rm Ll It pr Md In nhBeyamrdnLC men deneel hizhcr Lanna mun in lacs not rinsed tem In Lauthml 0323 tempera Inns Itll be LilliI to late twin and be Lwmxtnrd by brisk lindl In lleodl 0L ena beginrm tutLint In northern rtziom lindj Il he wuthtro my run panrrs IiII beltm ml Dies suddenly mrwxm rm Bu more LURE rrtimi Innsl unnam el the Royal Axrtcultttnl wnnu run that suddenly in nunm Sunnit Ite In the Lairs genera nunqu tmm 1m to mdnurd as director until his death Appointed tr the Onutio run In Commtnlun in mt he served us the mmmmiuns ioeprcsidtnt lot number yrus helm Ell retirement tn I971 graduate to the Universty Toronto and Osmotic ILIIII I2 school BriK tr Dra tised law in Tomato until In ML the Send World War he was partner In the brokeran rm to Grill Ind Co Doing the rst World War he served with the Royal Field suits IM are SPORTS BRIEFS DMYHIS WINS VALENCIA Spain IAII hlanud 01mm Spain in his earlier this pm hi the Cu nndino and 15 Opera non the mens singles to the SpanlSIt WM bcalln reuntryrmn Antoni in the nal Sunday It truly hunt the Venn In the Vzmne crew we entirety Staten Island scrapynrd Innd Inm this prelim and Cnpttin purchased her Mostly think Kohltr said he pluscd that he Intrd her Line uid Cap le that dny Lurind the di rector end his successor have Kenterle Insistttl on having Non Sco the tassel to the at Gem tin crew with Lew New logiul Observatory Ind three luundlutdus included Ior bal mnthe III the observatory lace bought her The ship unit sailing The Vent has repulntioo crew Iod orient tum tar surpnssinz All records or Is students ttchoicim ml occnnogrnphie slllpt she will it protesters rid mulch sci pass her millicrtth mile at enlist ocennugrnphic work ths yur lhe Verna explore all the At the tlme at her perch worlds mhIor dreads spendinx rt lust dnys yen IL on Ind umetimts 35 ds Iler resemh ls mtr eldmeyl mbsrninh groph peci In It not clash In desrgns In studies at ocean sediments Much of the information is NIAGARA0NTIIEIAht2 nut nluo to oil companies Ont lCIl Some introth Caplain Kohlrrrald In last the they are concernngi LlO trd Verne aid the origin susmic rm Rommme omit for survey or the we Island ores pos nice rm WILL clash he mm in Am Truth the lotion Isthmlury co we in my Inndoulllm Illdnl ted ce pmen town munctl this week with plum lol urnmomme hnet struttttn that would cost In Dsthttd mm John IIITIILOIL dcsluzr with the latent dcmtmt uhlic ulorkn uh the new din still be modem hut hlnrlll with the towns historic rmlmnment mm tlelhulsh president at group unlimitdto prescnirix the motere ol the town turn has no doentodou null dchtcryqald It Input to be out rharddu with other hllildill in the Town Net stem mtuallon rhilccl llaId tut mnlntnlnlns the origin two Itchtledlm In drhtl Dotlid be too costly lb cowlLament will exit the puhllc utth tlml sign plum lor the tumor earlytmt mt um the new RETALNS TITLE BANGKOK AP Sims Ithrtgsurin ol Thailand the World Liming Council juniorn weltmtiht rhinrion stoppui EJyms ol the Philippines in In sixth uid untitle lith Saturday night SIG Cnvrnnct OTTAWA lCIt George Small has signed the yer rontmt mu conh oi the Ottawa Rough him sue Riders xtncral manager Prank air Tom Dimitm and Gentile Hmhts will he luck IS Brmuto mat ronvhm Terms ntlhe to tsunru not made public nruto Ms hired on thrwmtr contract to replete Jack Gotta attu the rm reveal llc hall who tmrm his mnlrad when he um Inprwdlcd hy the toolbatl duh with the new 61 Chpllln Ihe hlstorlnns rst problem rludinz one on hhcklnynltsjs Wu my Us my Ecoomvlsfttcheap iits lusttwine butting lvhen buying lcalhet gar ment the buyer should chncll labels to mate mre It Is non ulne lllnny IiathurIlke vlnyh and cotton suede In my db reptile 0thtr tlpr leather gtrmcxt should it snueg hut mmlornhly and have some use ol llt This ulll prevnnt strclohln Ind rlppln SCOTT thn buying Jacxetl toe ulnslusun sum lIth zlpoul or dulllcrl linings arc Rood Luluc hcu buying lcuthrr nar mcnt ask tho stint person It It In htrl tnulllrhlly lrcuinl in wpel soil and oily Iuhstentes It not it omlcctlte spray should he ltmtlinll tlt wart around when lrtln on and will rtrmcntt Thll Irro rule will by nkln otter luv tnr thy llcnllou on uhirh II In be until Dellctlo Grnt Candi pm Boot tdlted by Gents dimwrtlomlslowlvcd wllh ran an Gerald lament In tho wowton or distribution at mu mo mumu nd heer rod that one bottle one Stewart Sllghl difference 15 noted mun ml mice sum THREE MILLION DOLLAR EXPANSION PROPOSED FOR CLUB putts slduub nu ttstup to thee mutton dollars pansim ulstinc clubhouse the club met the nest at It mountnin willvrermin um tu mun up About Willem mum plus or mom into the dub uptntldn in the themtnxtion at na Innilllr kind in commitment rvund the plhllc in the past Wu malpnctioe mu mm In Indiheutlnrxement Lt mm loan or mung equip ladudinx m0 minin Iclintlu tar In turned mm lher pummnx cm Peak hmMmmlgmldmmemmh thalliumnlmnr bushivmpril=tesli elhhhmwupmlorstiiu sen wswlllllm Dingo Llnlllex note monies tut In Canndn poollmpmrmts to mile will minute and the any at tit Lower they hm loosht It In court ltlr lttlnm lot motto Homer they tell the doctor tun Nova aw Mellle society was not it null imam1 mmwgWR uld malpuctlce suite In he rand wtlh tto Cumin WM mm mm to Us in ly ll 31Lqu may endml chic pradi where much IL ultim ol the cm In Icllce nuts us damage In fw maa 233 Islmllwnlythk 13mg mcwnduhl slag nmnmcumwum to pl oy to celebrate tnde endence date Wt ML by mam Mk mi mum home to hammer 195 Emmy pomqu to muolcnllon between doctor and mam Laura IndL It In Win Wt mxnolr Retltu the daily Invited Brltnln to are rm nod It Inn mm on Lulu one AmcrL hm 3m my dttncult to one than wt runs Sumo patent um um mm man and 6m and mm an with Mum All pad launched aside In Canada evennnen ital no mus mt the sures celchnte the mo mnr Pullmeal replied bywrdtox pint attract rdlttnl in the Bicen medmow mm mm vtrseryol It weptItem tn wmlnzlan the last our Britains and home In tennill mhigmm QUEBEC at 1hr Pam Aury they an he Idlustcd by enlly Lhtplie pallean mm mm copies ol the usa ctru in to Itrwr um 1mm WM Innate New worm tot Insulin 0min nun vow the bum talcum Amuletl new wanna rm no drzles IEL WMNMI 5w and lllrltinn salt 1mm hour lnventtn Amman mum Jehnto mum on two um Nmuut In my Low or the gnu WWW WELD mitt Mm nda yould never let Itolet Such rults ere pressed utth mung menu mm pm my northeast mind the home ol mm or us small um 151m um mm mm puke the kind of mm which tenant term are mm in honor at the v5 Gaolto warmers neuter mg hm mmcmlhmtmmr mm comma expressed cou unmade lo the us puUent goes lmm Ilwyer to Murmur Wu rm until ms 11 be Lu mumn mm It dim My be timed Dr mm dent pl buyer until he one one Itllio President Nixon kicde than mu open two to holders us wk 10 htrhqzestmlsln hurl Estella Inn mm mm llrdlcal melee losue on ur July rm tumour man Emma rm out mm st uborcrmmcdbylltonnt nmww $110151 by mmm to my Rn 9mm plan as dung the nlvluuonlry rm at and eelehrltlu formed and semi mu when trar Manama PM will hu ulbnlzd um smitten dunS mm Whiledupd bell foundry Mrs Mom and In mm mm II 15 In lor meme minty to send tmb the NW here utter rest tn edlioal mothrrtlESPmtlw lox hrttlnh parlorma mist to elsot horath moms r==h may 1m bu tied alumni win And cheese Lu gt theDdltedStIlu mink NIKE mm or the Imepudeme Pmim was $212M q3fgm new vm WWW mm mwnwibsonul out glmwiknomh Mari he mm mm In in Queen Ellubeth not visit the St ms na WStmlnsttr Ab Wsotmmterlvr the IM mun llnitnd State Jutyjlt hey at pinnan spedll cum 5er on uh mm mm 311 NM Lwmgw tummymug pungent walkgm 3m momm gmrte n1 RN Ilrllnlid WIn my my Ignorant we 32513 gut hililnzmhmd II msantaln sorunoe essor Soc kw HIE 3W 7A mlmsnnmw SIMmo tours to towns healthy who use 33$ asalrrlavttxle htnr mm umpnnwlth Lolomu the suon tom llloel ol Wasnogtan ulnar with that Books on the must ll lie on come up with rrd mutual Womens Imltilule 1mm don on whom who moulan us wouldnt know oh must sands oi othor Raw cheated New the American Indrpcodcnch uhitr nod bio crention more wilth the trauma Church mm mm mm loyal to Britain during the wasllwo methlm on no empty his mind WWR mm 11 mm my New struggle in the wits and stripes crossing the hlue sun basement on nlesdny neolo hm ed Wonk 1130 mgreehfinn Mn the is new Jmn mndon University has to tutor zest slrrs Dec Is at oclock gm gewmmwgsvrg dflntteglbmwmt mm If 01$ 23155 nusmm be WM umberde um stn rcntennul hy tethering end utmorollhe Iretltlte nl USr1ctory so they could return cnluoguing 1mm names And slang rtndlho Innimstt gh0l Etta the Interim Qmk fsfWJJgf 1p Ioum aenoro one an es Il exclus noners peclarpnetnelglnx nth pt the remhltlon mesa whim on to Canada mo stills that annu mnum it CLIL mm out the slate at lnnd Ind the rut elsewhere Those who ed to Guide Jm tn nu the losers those the re rmny to the West Indies when It hecemo evident they dmmmm New mi N5 CPI mauled loyal ta lnclrt mum mumm mm LINN FIG omszo INIIEPFMIENCE mm Km mm an Al Lil years at the in Plul Smith of the 115 LL in mm mm mm Thingame de Venn is on the oldest Insclmtint untold Ms Mae rasnrmoranenmctn mm 5M5 moatth dryuntold In the us malotv Tm bI WillW5 IN Ida lor lemtttre the guild mm her cootnln sun the Is turn 1mm Americans are slikittb Ian hue their meestryheck to the huwnmm Va Lip vessel now thnn when she ember by the lotus nun WIN 3315 MIME layelm to write 6111 as mm smd mm the amp heap 27 alImlonIsts who signportcd tht them From this Ivan Empire Ayalistl utter mp Mimwago nrs not null has tile wrung slde Cm 20 thntr mmu mu nNyl expectancy of In yurt Not all the 1mm wm swim mm 0mm mum echelon Dewm To Venn hu becouscd hluehloodlxl hummernu lndcomome my ahead In loyIIlsls studies mm mi gm no mmerphI ship em lophllu Some ol the more hl But denitions In Motion Itaour Melon said one Cr since the Lemontvboherty Geo turd xtotlen being gothrmt tro Gnnrlee Washhlxton ya nndru prdcsor ln landmi mint Observatory at autumhlt nl Amorlcon Lndhls and black lotah curly the war in that and wlll he hrlng out sewn MANY naqumn pituin ht New York por onal to King George III hu drank It nightly tom to NM olumhs on the sub sour In In 3mm ex chnscd her In 1951 NTFSI Wm lheyhnte done nothing hen wu nceivin requlsls up bottom In your hy lrom tonmull om Rttuin ash ur end today they have derel inz lor the button ot similarly oped vessel that is versztlle named America town In etery manner and extremely Ratepayers fear Scores ol Britta mum sesuorthy Captain Ilenry en Merlot hicwtennintre ltnhlerl hcr hamburghorn land uhlhlls lad all by lhrsttpper since 155 said durlng BTWTh mm WMMMIY recent visit hue Shes th the short on Creature ton Itorldoltrmtiln undl man to PM WM tom dell rltherini And this MINT Balm really hhy we exist mm WW st was built In ms at Cos pcohnxen tor the Ilutton family at Woolworth lame uslnz turh road materllls that alter more thanhlll century the Verne Is lust sound as when the us hult ntuty more sound due to the we end my tth has hecnput Into her SDLLI ln ILUTNNS The atoot tlttl displatid 900 tunnwu wlll hy the Ilul too In m2 hccriuse the was too mltll tor the limllyn social tlillles She Il purchnsod by an Amcrlcnn who named her by rdmhIhIo his Ilrsl twp Inl tlnln wltlt hile llrsl the Initial to Nmo up nth the Rome Vtml Liter the boom Unlled Sltlu mrdunt marloe train ltke be denoted to Arotrlonnlnt Ihlp end in IN rhe II oulllr no totcrleu art Ilnvrs sold to wrap dealer prrsldentt photomuts 1th to tea Crpuln Inuit lirn Lenthskln Ind pastel colon cant he expected to stand up to rough unto II It Is wet tlry It mm temperlltm non lrcm direct heat which will trust It to stll Ten lien on padded or chI lhnptd hence to prevent Ills shoulders from lostnt thrlr shape Flex the mutant with your linger often thIe drying Ind hrush with rubber po or oolt hrlstle brthh II it sucdn LIorst smooth and gruincd lcathcr may he easily corel tor bylwipln wlln mild soup sud lnot drteryrntl tolullou us log wnmt water then drying utd bullion nlth dean dry rIoth rnlller rut hu prrstrll by lltlu heavy Lttyttll urnnpinr between the Iron Ind the rlht due at the garment upri lnx quickly end mating the Iron constantly TORONTO CPL Spottth ot latrer grantlent Is on In vestmcnt ls misleadlng says iElittbcth Hammond dlrcrtor ot the Luther Bureau ccenorlo The pfodrm has to routrol ochr the core and trollmcnt pl leather garmcnt once It Is In the hands at an Indltldual she sold Ono Nll say um leather cunt will wear Lor years or more but will ll be scrvlccnhle or thol long In terms olcumnl union and nntlcnrnmct Miss Ilumlltollll salt the lutLl Into mmmy It in quality nntl lcnlhzr lnllt Into that cutcnory In othtr words to save money Damn must went Inuh she can nllurtl no nxhlct Ihclmumy InnI rhruliI IIr In our till nll llalhtr wll rlu Inst Ioddlnllrly provided It It Inn rruonnhle we Ftlllny lenlhrr It rlnsolr llhlrll In lltrll umlongt III scrvlrrnhllily ttulled bLtonI Next sumoLet 1h Times Is sponsoring no uhlhit at the dual Maritime Mmem eo lititd stnwly ml Ind altering the Drltishxelde at the Ameri can of dependence rut Ions ermtr IndL eltemuhI seen thwth the people who pnrtlripatcu to elion or this rhow lhl Nat nil Gallery neatly dcaood Ind 5an III Josh Itth portrntt olcavtlry Coir Illner hrlctoo better know In the rolonlu Bloody Itrleton um he on dcrtd his men to bayonet the Amulcno wounded In South Clrvllnl battle AMERICAN tmluuml other nhlhlu lesa tun AN ANNOUNCEMENT ALLANDALE VETERINARY CLINIC Dr HoNEYWoon Dr SCHOPPEL Dr MORLEY WISHES TO ANNOUNCE CHANGE OF LOCATION 10 Hlphwly 17 South of Barrie Va Mlle pm the Burl TV Tower TELEPHONE 7181422 MIDI Maren nu ma Mott ml CLINIC nouns mutt Allnul nppalnlnunl teen Mam an unannrlrt Ht LostId In mm htnrdu and MBILIM IN urn SUNDAY AND HOLIDAYS ENGINES ONLY coats llttl at in Artileryandtnmtmlotou the lth time that CRIMES had

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