Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Dec 1975, p. 16

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VW Hominy mitt mnSpedaL gt At sermljmnnnus IL And SULULZIES PIT nnummsr znm1 111 um mrimsnm Schuh mt Merry Christmas in New Year DIAL ozonolz Ll DUNLDP IV rrIen Nev64 ENGLISH TACK SHOP ltddds tartan mum mu new Blanket DjJrLJmmu we Masada ROBINSON HARDWARE DUNLDP ST DALIIE 7252431 THIS CHRISTMAS lee lasting gilt or the home VISIT DAMIES QUALITY LIGHTING STUDIO lb AGIch an elegant uxhliol llxlun to hlnhllzht your home dear THE HOUSE OF TOMMOROW st humor 51 tEI LIAIlllIE 7263100 WW MAKE THIS IIEIL ILAPPIISL CIIILISILLAS Give her hrantilul clothes from SIMMONS co Seawnl helmt Fun Leather Coal Whlte Start at Juketr Goth Coat New MugMoguls Gown Gilt Certicate 39 DUNLOI ST 7234023 mmgmouw nrnterl him plots ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES WANTED um In our wmtunl hootII emu nIrlumI dorkI and ml use mu mam TF mllo wttlvln Iplllm and mutt mm Pnll swn nulrvI slwltt com It Buy me la urn doll nvI mum wmvln Iml Eumlmv mm air In lmie Eumlm will out out my Emu nununu tum hm ln nndllton bung Intn II In Emqu munnwru ov pro nng EARMERSL MRKT FARM MACHINER BROWN AND BELL FumDIlry Equipment Drum HALIJS AND SERVICE mmplclr Line Dally Firm Equipment and Suppllu Enni IIoIII Hwy 27 mom or mLm lIerlTF EFEED 5EED GRAIN WW IUILINA Il It cnows mlllr produce lung lnlltln 11 runth rrltll nnd tmlrr plo CALL Imam mm try Ill JIM TAIIITIIIIGLL SIII ma gmm Uhlmnl um its so nut 9on sound Invnstmcnt nr high rot SALE Em hr huntiAi winks no an COPPERWORLD st Ilth 5111 nunun 726MB out not nnn JEWELULY By RAFAEL CANADA am Cerllllrnlel NORMAN FAMILY SIIOES utnnnuLsnn lununwv mm to denmm on NATURE TAN anrEn 55 65 snowman 5w 52195 curt MANY rtmoxs Ilnstrutlonelocluded rm TANDYLEATHER CO Stdo You JOHN stunsr Emma Plotp III 7286501 LLAKEVIEW DAIRY WWII RETAILRANT 185 motor 27255151 ISTUDIO ONE For Wm MAKE lTA STEREO Fine Selection at CHRISTMAS SEE TILE5E FAMOUS MAKES Elm lar the Lab on Your list In our mm mm mm Wm Iaolt mu menu Lotto mm India 51PM K055 ScottII STUDIO ONE Dual plut mow othtn WWI LonVlc AUDIOSYSTEBIS LTD Dule 14th ohm WW2 Dalmatia Pound mums Onlunen ARI itlornl nrrnngetnunu FENDLEYS FLOWERS 74 BLAKE STI 72o5975 on CHRISTMAS DINNERS Wonderful gt NEW YEARLs EVE PARTY nest Deal In hhltn Cal Innkeeper IOILN CLARKE 7130191 HOLIDAY INN AGIFT THAT am LASIS AIL YEAR 5011 my to remember you lriendl Ind relnllvts this Girlst mas to mid all nulr chIpIIDM lit the Barrie ExamIMrI my are easy to order They list an year and the WA ls small compan ed to the pleasure given Each urllo Ammo llua gilt all he announctd In your mm name beaulllul cud In lull nth colors mailed to unite at Just the right time belorl DURING TILE FETIVE ulnarmu SEASON OF JOY Older howl D0 11 hlalle your good timeh Inst Illl lrtt your LlItMLt It Writing to the SIIIOOE LLOTEI FIVE TOINIS For rm to he rnrnmtherhd REEVES JEWELme Diwali Wlldt Jewelry LDottltm AROUND THE WORLD GILL SHOP TBDUNLOP En 7234748 D24 BEAUTIFUL GIFTS FOIL LLEIL dim lLlId pow uoDahIe prices SALLY SHOPS LTD 2i DUNK ST mm eteI IL rt on ultnuumm on naloyrlautrn hlorl when MOM DADS tLlrmlshe your lutey hollday mltt breads Millet cakes OTLDEIL NOLV At Circulation Dual at The Examiner or DIII mam TOEle FARMERS MRKT POULTRVI AND CHICKS urov to In IUIIeII Alto lmn mom mu Eco SAIE uoml mm in HM rm Inlw rm Illli even lwnnaI invariable In sum 45 kiww Auollmov mum lnuL Your lelMuI In dull IMII nun Cl LOST FOUN mm Elm nuw 5NDNV VIN LO TM LIV VLIIIL alb 4lll VA Inn nu nlpIIm mull rum to HELP NAMED light you um um me lme REAL ESTATE OPPORTUNITY JuIn In Attire NlIlA tetm In stall PrIiIJIISIIttI protu Rlnnol ml mlule olllcer Call DIII hltCrrary Illl Ill lldmlinl ItIILrlLIeu 72626 unnom pm INNL RN LIA nowuuwm tum Dl MIMI lmlv IVIAII 71H III mt llADINDnvnullna lY Ind no in Iopclntment onlII nn lulu ml he alum Mllvllla Wmtotll 4me may mm Demmh ll dlkwlol Man In ilth Lnllmn lmn Mt ivmmwalronq You Pml PM uvmol loolluI In low moor ml SIILI AVAIMB tEvIIAL lloLlnAY um tllll nvtluoln lo Dawnr lam Cumunlll cum all mman o1 Ieuullon 1mm lav triglLl snow rimum Apply in mm HI tun us er In Mtnllel lu mun IM mud in lr EXAIII WANT ADS Hm EH ILLUer LIDHELP WAmmI HAS STAYNER MINEING COOKSNWN PIEnSe fill out theepnllcalion helow ehdllrewrn itll TlIE BARRIE EXAMINER Circulation Dem 16 anlield Sl Barrie OR PHONE7266539 Namo Acldres commons nurvALE noan Telephone IO HELP To mu otllce work moot Barrie Lamar EXCELLENT To perform trolleth endbendls Ontario TRA BENEFICIAL Ilawlm mm mm mu nm Der or Llnu IzIIlrlI my or me It um Income In bu turiulluolu MOM blindly It whom FCDUNLIIYG POSITIONS Pt mm brllnlv NY In nll nn ls Irx tn dYI Vntudtv lIllI to 1th lTorLoDxilio mum MI more Tltlhl Ya In mm no he rcspunllhln the llrrt dry at puhllcntlnn nl Advertlrnment IIIY 0F EILILOIIS DAV SHOULD ulltd lo the tlutllled dtpmrntnl thltOtllil To Advertise ALL NEXT 7mm run lmmollllly mum in am on he tell stealer tarelm MANAGEMENT Itith Icth graduates leckID yuhstentlzl career lull company harm mm have own ctr Telephone tlr Glilespie For Appointment 1235499 73 BAYEIELD STREET ttlluot nu emu uoulne tor Alma will mm tnv tlnlulm MIIOIY REASONS WILY you wlll mr me In an LlaI rnlnmllnoI urn lo 00 TN pm cm Vol ewnllrlI tlu mlvtlt no rnlulhlv rnnv vmlro lav one ulr on nm EMRLoEil7vvAN1sn hrmu EmnaYmgnl CHECK YOUR IADs FOR ERRORS ON FlRST DAY tll llrrrle Etlmlnir ulllnot 7252414 WANTED OLIVETTICANADA LTD Requires SALES PERSON ol SlnmCotI1y nod Mushotu with the person would and small ohms lloe ynmwmnox Telephone 723342 Requlru JUNIOR ACCOUNTANT rwtlne chilled In KOLMAR OF CANADA mouthed motto Forward mm to HELP WANTED LEGAL INEE OF SEKDE and FINANCE volition lulu An ul lnanATr Cllln ntl DIII lttldlrll It holl Lynn steel nm on WILDCAT LIr met lmwlrnl no umw not would hllv NVrlnutlel nut or emu or IL rwmnlnllm lot ItlLDCtT II llvilw all TELL TITO Emlc NI nI mum to nllllck an texpulvllluI LTTIL IIl Di ton than sum arm EII II nrlmk Fvldlw in an In Illnon ham 1mm DAMAII ngnl rnllnun nI nn mull own not Ian Fume um Id IIIIVMM onlwr rrd lwitet In Itltl tilt rIo Illl no It melhtn MlItll IllnlvtlntrllI JHMI Ru noron tllnll or nnln slyn Imt tr and CASII ill Ellne pout II ol lust IIIIIIIILN ullhlll lllllblltd lull hldrprll tor more Ilttr NOTICE ON TILE LIIISTl Intmttllllrly hr Illentlan nl lltn MOIINING nu Ayn moan atrntsns cost who area htlut will he IvnnIta gpphanu norm Eudlmt eatery to 159 Vidal Street Barrie SHERIFFS SALE By ertlleot wrlte of Fleet Fada Issued out at the OMITT TY COURT OF TILE WWW Swill ol the My od Emcee Igalnst the and Ilell oI ARNOLD VANLIEELIOUI II the suit ol BRUCE hLOAILIHUIL have sdnd end talent IOIISON tmnnn 123A 21 mm cmznrt mom mum moan AND shun Lat OONIKOL smnno mnmtcmg cmzm DIN lElt AND sounwu mN IILOL 515nm No CITIZEN BAND IlADIO lE IEIL AND SQCELCH Of IIIOL SELLth NO 301130 cmznx ntxn RADIO acumen co SERIAL No no an LIvnnCAT ll mum melt mutton DC mm 5TH Itll lllc purchaser lrilI ll Al trntlmr nnlv It lulutrn 72524l1 ROUTEOPENINGS Inlh4llotlulur II ALLAREASD mm DLI LTD DLT Wtathe In ex CIIANNELn RADIO hill CHANNEL CIIANN L2 mm tLlll he snlrl ln Pzlllr tl LOW ImRu Irt DI Hrmri shell mm It dot to rtLlrazt hit thn IIIII cnt cl wIm ltIlII ll than lit Its The Season um Writh Ind hmdulter who died on or about roman day at Novamhcr 1715 herohy noth to send pILILuIen ol name to tho understand at or More the 5th day ol Janunv lice ml the undersigned wih Ell ANNDUNCEMENTS SPECMLNOTICESICASH RATES Motuhlvnitn Wmlmuper it inLaIstnm rmnt inll Ill 7M tumm MI teach 331 it WV we Ian tn mlm hr mu norm on ICOMLNO EVENTS BINGO Slirohn vnnmy Hall TUESDAY DECEMBER maternal ml nn manual II no Intrm Ilrrh unit cm mm IAleullc uwlu unit he me Im mum st ant weak ol rr Me an ms Vllll Marylin Al mum manl mmn an luDemllr mm in TV now VII 10 It urmtwwmmatm Im AIL mum in mm mm alum W1 out htTg IW Muttnllr W1 VMliH TI manlan our sluqu hum NWT $1339 ta cihsklw CW GI tofu Ing msgvlslhhll AUCTION SALE It mutton Wednesday nec ms At 1030 mm Sharp Instan HALL 536 BLAKE SLr BAN Snle ol the old tmllurc mn utthues lerjze tautitty Io unv buss tlemure collatm my until mull Al on Virtqu Mound Emir at Mum Drum Iu ms snedll him In am pm raw termnun Luulrl slurew our tunr ers but torrent Jim mm LEGAL Norton rm ominous AND 01113115 ma ESTATE or EARL COX Deceased Lu ransom haying chime Iphst the ma ornunl nmumxlitaolthecbot 3mlnthe0ountyot5imoe 1975 It HHS date the Esute KILL beth with regard only to th nlmtntphidtthl undetsluod that then have mtbelinbletoenypemnol whose cIIIm they not hove notice mm It outrt this and day tilDecember ms HELEN VICTORIA cox EXECIITLLLX By her soticltor BOYS SEAGRAII ROWE AND MIT 13 Owen Strut BALLTHE Ontario IALL In DH BOX REPLIES While etolyerldbetor wlll be nude to lnwud replles to box numberI to the tdverllser as soon to pustlhle we accept no Liability In mspoct ol Lost Il damage altered to arise through either Inllure or dclty In Ion wordlh ouch replies hollLeYcr olherwlse DIS nm Ln enrol II wetter at thIIle VI mum mu Moth Mkliletth lent Lgvfwmfgmg him 0191 on Mm an porcn gt 33 mm or approved musculan BILL BARR Aumwm Hummus WAN or lull lot DecDig HARRIS rmwnns 14 PUBLIC NOTICE o9 Dunlap Street Em PUBLIC NOTICE yanks TH m5 IIURIELSL FLOWERS 71 Biyfttld sum TRANSPORT BOAR now ACT cm marl mum lzLENDERS in mm mm pcr cent FF mm In all It whit mute mmmmm team DEFENCE odtuthmthe mammal CONSTRUCTION MunOshawa rind wsnLanEO mu ctan orluutuvtllrohit Notice To Mderem exit at the ticket win anymagnmu mutant unmetr mum to mutton the Dortmx mm 151 Blot Inna crn Border Datum sum wetlJoth Hoot torthe File nNmolo convutlcnmot tho made closing due for the the Board will hear henid above ntemnced has been must at Its mm Lented mun on Boston om Street West 1nd Floor RH 33 ultlaat Rm RWnmnm mm WI MT mm 5mm Setrctmyl plann mmum lmn ymxymum lo 130m hthnnn linihfimn 0ITAtVADnlarioI udditidml pram war may mm Luann unwnnmyotmtnnnnw At this timeof Velilill is especially important to lot friends know how much they rballv mean to cash other The Barrie Examiner for only $400 tutu van unique way to lot friends encl relatives know youre thinking about them this Christmas For our personaliied Christmas Greeting phone The Dorrie Examiner 72824 or fill ln coupon below with cheque of monev order Mail to Christmas Greetings Tllo Barrie Examiner l6 Bovilelcl Sl Barrie Ont Print your message here not moral The Etuminer han 24 words IR TOILDIIEITAIILEIIRLI rfltnlllwyzlllnlmnl

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